• 2 months ago
Bristol house prices have risen the most for the south west which from 2023 to 2024 rose by 3.2 percent where the south west average over the same period was 2.7 percent. Let’s find out if locals are concerned.


00:00Bristol house prices have risen the most for the South West, which from 2023 to 2024 rose
00:08by 3.2%, where the South West average over the same period was 2.7%. Let's find out if
00:15locals are concerned.
00:18Property prices, they're very high in Bristol. Is this something that worries you? Do you
00:22think the prices are-
00:23Well, I suppose because I own my home, I haven't got to worry, but I do worry for the young
00:29youngsters trying to get on the property ladder. I do feel for them.
00:34No, don't worry me, but I just think, like in our day when we were buying our first house,
00:41it was just the same. Do you know what I mean? I know the price was a lot lower, but we're
00:45a lot lower. Do you know what I mean? So it's probably, it balances out just about the same,
00:51I should think.
00:52No, it's not.
00:53No, you've got to have such a lot of deposit nowadays, whereas we didn't have to have a
00:57big deposit like that. So I do feel sorry for the young ones.
01:00Well, property prices in Bristol, they're extortionate at the moment. What is your opinion
01:05on that? Is it accessible for people?
01:07No, no. I've got a daughter who's, she has got a house. She really struggled. I mean,
01:13she and her husband are professional people, but they really struggled to buy a house in
01:17Bristol and they bought a very lonely abode. They're dreadful, just dreadful, yes.
01:26The average price paid by first-time buyers was £329,000 in October 24, which was 3.5%
01:33higher than the years before.
01:35Probably, probably not really. I mean, I think you need to have a bit of help maybe from
01:41family or whatever. I think it's hard. Yeah, it is.
01:44Well, at the moment I live with my mum, but in the future I am hoping to move into supported
01:50Yeah, it's because I feel that they should be able to buy a decent home, you know, to
01:54live in, and they can't really. No, they can't.
