Deepak Chopra, an Indian-American author and alternative medicine advocate, who is a leading guest at the ongoing Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF), has a principle he never abandons.
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#UAEnews #DeepakChopra #Indian
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#UAEnews #DeepakChopra #Indian
00:00You cannot change somebody's mindset unless they are aware that they have a problem.
00:07So the first thing is self-awareness.
00:12I'm speaking at the Sharjah Book Fair on the future of well-being.
00:19And the way we are now understanding well-being is
00:28it's a biological expression of how we experience everyday existence.
00:34Every experience, every sensation, every perception, every image, every thought
00:40can now be mapped out biologically.
00:42It has neural correlates, biological correlates, metabolic correlates,
00:49and also genetic activity correlates.
00:53This is actually leading to a new era of well-being,
00:58which is very precise, which is very personal, which is very predictable,
01:03which is participatory, of course.
01:06It needs your participation, which is also process.
01:10Less than 5% of disease-related gene mutations are fully penitent
01:16in that they guarantee the disease.
01:18Even for that, now, there are new technologies coming up, like gene editing.
01:23But the rest of our well-being depends on things like sleep, managing stress,
01:28exercise, mind-body coordination, emotional resilience,
01:33relationships, and biological rhythms.
01:36Pay attention to this. The future of well-being is very bright.
01:40You cannot change somebody's mindset unless they are aware that they have a problem.
01:47So the first thing is self-awareness.
01:50And then you realize that all stress is actually a rush to conform.
01:56And it's resistance to what's happening right now.
01:59It's a perception of threat, physical threat, biological threat,
02:03financial threat, emotional threat.
02:06Essentially, it's, I would say, resistance to existence.
02:11The opposite of stress, the extreme opposite, is flow.
02:14It's creativity.
02:16It's going beyond fight, flight, or reactivity into more expanded modes of awareness,
02:25such as restful awareness, intuition, insight, creativity, imagination.
02:32The worst use of imagination is stress.
02:35The best use of imagination is creativity.
02:38The seven spiritual laws of success was written through an insight
02:42on how our biology and our cells behave.
02:47The cells in our body come from a field of pure potentiality,
02:54which means when you were a fertilized egg,
02:57one cell divided itself 50 times, and now you have a body,
03:01which created that.
03:03This original stem cell was a field of potential.
03:08So the first spiritual law is awareness has infinite possibilities,
03:15infinite creativity.
03:17The second spiritual law, and that's how you were created.
03:21The second law is what we call giving and receiving, which allows circulation.
03:27The third law is called karma, but it's actually conscious choice-making.
03:32The fourth law is intention.
03:35Without intention, you can't do anything.
03:38The fifth law is the law of least effort.
03:41Biology operates with least effort of energy and expenditure of energy,
03:50In biological systems, in nature, there's no effort.
03:55And then the sixth law is detachment.
03:57If you really want something, you have to detach from it.
04:01And the final law is called dharma, which is purpose in life,
04:06meaning and purpose.
04:08These are natural laws that operate in consciousness
04:14as it moves from the unmanifest into the manifest.
04:18Is it relevant?
04:19This is wisdom, perennial philosophy.
04:23It's relevant throughout all times.
04:27I wake up around 4 or 5.
04:30I practice meditation and inquiry and yoga and breathing for about 2 hours.
04:36I work from 9 to 5, or actually no, 11 to 5, sometimes 9 to 5.
04:44I do not work after 5.
04:46I go to sleep around 10 o'clock, and I don't take myself seriously.
04:51On weekends, I don't work at all except when I'm on a tour or something like that.
04:57The most important thing in life is laughter and play,
05:01and everything else is a human story.