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Walsall residents have talked about the fly-tipping issues in their area.
00:00So we're here with Linda asking about fly-tipping water at the moment, so what do you think of fly-tipping water?
00:06It's horrendous, it really is, and the council are charged to take things away.
00:12So people can't afford that these days, so they're just dumping it anywhere.
00:17Round by me, Mill Laneway, it's full of mattresses and all sorts.
00:23They said they were going to put cameras up, but they're still not stopping them.
00:27They're throwing it over the wrong-way lines, everywhere.
00:30Obviously, cameras are quite hard to catch, aren't they?
00:32Because most of the time they're losing them in a place, they balaclava themselves up.
00:35They're very smart, these criminals are.
00:37Do you reckon the council needs to do more to fight the issue?
00:40Do you reckon they should be tighter?
00:41Well, I think they should be tighter.
00:43I think there should be people propped for trolling.
00:45Every now and again, to try and cop them.
00:49I mean, do you reckon the whole...
00:51Or even if they just brought the price down of removing goods.
00:55Or making it so that, you know, you can have a lot more for your money sort of thing.
01:00At the moment, I think it's three items for, I think it used to be £10, I don't know what it is now.
01:05But three items, if you've got a family, three items is nothing, is it?
01:11We've walked down from the Manor Hospital this morning, just further along, by the food garage.
01:20And the rubbish lying around is absolutely terrible.
01:24I mean, it's all sorts, it's paper, it's bottles, it's cans.
01:28It's, well, yeah.
01:30It's like mass bought waste.
01:32Oh yeah, it's awful.
01:33What do you reckon the council can do to alleviate the issue?
01:36Do you reckon it should be tighter fines?
01:38There should be very much tighter fines, definitely.
01:41I mean, we live, we sort of live in the Walsall Boundaries.
01:45I don't know whether you know it, St Margaret's.
01:48The fly tipping across there is absolutely dreadful.
01:50A friend of mine reported it to Walsall Council.
01:52You've got the person's name, because there was envelopes and stuff.
01:56They didn't do a thing.
01:58Not a thing.
01:59But it's getting worse.
02:01It really is.
02:02I think, to be honest, it depends on the particular area that you pass through.
02:06As I say, certainly around areas like, sort of, Karma, and areas like Backstreet, things like that.
02:13There's a lot more, obviously, rubbish being dropped as well.
02:17And also in the quiet areas as well, down lanes and places like that.
02:21You know, you see a lot more rubbish, really.
