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Roshni Sab Kay Liye | Topic: Musalman Ka Dusre Musalman Par Haq

Host: Sumair Ahmed

Guest: Allama Liaquat Hussain Azhari, Mufti Khurram Iqbal Rehmani

#RoshniSabKayLiye #islamicinformation #ARYQtv

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00:00Light for all.
00:09All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
00:10All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
00:12Who is our Creator, our Master, our Sustainer.
00:15Countless blessings and peace be upon the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
00:20May Allah bless our Master, our Master, our Master, our Master,
00:28and our Master, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
00:30Peace and blessings be upon you.
00:32I am your host, Sumair Ahmed, and we are presenting the program,
00:36Light for All.
00:38I would like to start this special program
00:42with these special verses of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal.
00:46A person is connected to his community.
00:48He is not alone.
00:50There is a wave in the sea, and there is nothing outside the sea.
00:54As we see, the status of a wave, its status,
00:59it is permanent as long as it is in the sea.
01:03And we can observe its course.
01:08But as soon as a wave, a wave separates from the sea,
01:13it becomes a shore, then that wave is no longer a wave.
01:16It is likened to that person
01:20who connects himself to his community through his connection to his community,
01:27then that person remains.
01:29But if any person is separated from his community,
01:33if he is separated from his community, then he loses his status.
01:38So, today's topic is related to this.
01:41We will talk in this context.
01:43And I hope that this topic is equally important for each and every Muslim.
01:49The right of one Muslim to another Muslim.
01:52How will this be maintained?
01:54How will he keep himself connected to his community?
01:57Certainly, if the requirements are met.
02:01And in fact, when we see that when a person separates himself from the community,
02:07he cannot maintain his status.
02:09That is, it is a blessing to be connected in the community
02:12that his status remains.
02:16So, what are the requirements and where will they come from?
02:18So, without any doubt, there is only one concept in the whole universe
02:23to maintain this connection to the community.
02:25And that concept has been given to us by Islam.
02:28Because you know, it is a perfect religion.
02:32And its teachings are perfect.
02:33So, any society, its establishment, any community, its establishment,
02:38to give all these guarantees,
02:40if we get the light of the teachings from somewhere, then it is the religion of Islam.
02:43To discuss this beautiful topic,
02:46we do not need any introduction to the great personalities of the Islamic world.
02:50Both of you are the permanent, permanent and distinguished faces of ARYQ TV.
02:54The first personality is Hazrat Allama Liaqat Hussain Azari.
02:57Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
02:58Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
02:59How are you, Allama sahib?
03:00Alhamdulillah, I am fine.
03:01JazakAllah Khaira.
03:02And with you is the second personality.
03:03You also do not need any introduction.
03:05Hazrat Allama Mufti Muhammad Khurram Iqbal Rahmani.
03:08Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
03:09Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
03:11JazakAllah, sir.
03:12Sir, the topic of one Muslim's right over another Muslim,
03:16if we get the foundation of this to our viewers,
03:20that in the Hadith, the connection with the community,
03:23it was given a likeness, from a wall, from a body.
03:27So, in the light of this likeness, what are its requirements?
03:30In the name of Allah.
03:31In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
03:32Thank you very much, Dr. Sahib.
03:33JazakAllah Khair.
03:34See, Allah the Almighty has said in the Holy Qur'an,
03:36that the believers are brothers.
03:39Muslims are brothers.
03:42In the Holy Qur'an, it is said,
03:44that a Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.
03:50It is said that a Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.
03:52He does not oppress him, nor does he humiliate him,
03:55nor does he leave him without friends and helpers.
03:59It is said that a Muslim has a relationship with another Muslim,
04:03as if it is a body.
04:07If a part of the body is hurt,
04:11if the head is in pain, it is not only the head that is in pain,
04:14the whole body is disturbed.
04:16All parts of the body are disturbed.
04:18If a tooth is pulled out,
04:20it is not only that part, but it disturbs the whole body.
04:24It is said that this is the example of the Ummah-e-Muslimah.
04:27This is the example of the society of Muslims,
04:30and the brotherhood of Muslims.
04:33It is said that if a Muslim is in need,
04:35do not leave him alone.
04:41You will fulfill the needs of a Muslim brother.
04:44Allah will fulfill your needs.
04:52He will remove the problems of a Muslim.
04:57These are the problems of the world.
04:58The problems of the Day of Judgement.
05:01The problems of the Day of Judgement,
05:03will be solved in a day.
05:06The problems of the Day of Judgement,
05:09will be solved in a day.
05:11This is the help of your Muslim brother
05:14in the field of society.
05:17In that difficult time,
05:19Allah gives change in the world.
05:22If you do good to someone,
05:24Allah will give you a return.
05:26In your children, in your health, in your wealth.
05:30But the problems of the Hereafter,
05:32Allah will solve them for you.
05:39He will hide the faults of a Muslim.
05:43Allah will hide the faults of the Day of Judgement.
05:47When everything will be revealed,
05:49nothing will be left empty.
05:51Allah will hide your faults.
05:56This is why the Prophet of Allah said,
05:58that a Muslim has a relationship with another Muslim.
06:01Allah says,
06:03His wealth, his blood, his honour,
06:06is forbidden to another Muslim.
06:08He should not eat his wealth,
06:10nor should he abuse his honour.
06:12He should not kill him.
06:16In fact, the Prophet of Allah was looking at the Ka'bah.
06:18He said, O house of Allah,
06:20you have great honour.
06:22You have great status.
06:24But the honour of a believer
06:27is greater than your honour.
06:29His respect is greater than your respect.
06:32So, he said that a Muslim has a relationship with another Muslim.
06:35He should not abuse his wealth,
06:38nor should he abuse his honour,
06:40nor should he kill him.
06:42Today, what happens in our society is that
06:44you take away someone's honour,
06:47you humiliate someone,
06:49you insult someone,
06:50you eat someone's wealth.
06:52After that, the month of Sha'ban will come.
06:54Make one message
06:55and press the button in your mobile.
06:57You don't know who has what number.
07:00He said, please forgive me.
07:02Although the Fakir is a very generous man.
07:05Mufti Sahab is sitting here.
07:08You can never repent with the word, if, but.
07:12Neither with Allah, nor with people.
07:14For repentance, you have to surrender first.
07:17But here, the word, if, but,
07:20doesn't mean that I am like that.
07:22But if the Fakir has made a mistake,
07:26then forgive him.
07:27You ate someone's wealth,
07:30you humiliated someone,
07:31you abused someone,
07:33whom the Prophet has declared as Haram.
07:36And you are doing this.
07:38He said, this is not forgiveness.
07:39If you really want forgiveness in the court of Allah,
07:43then if you have given wealth, then return it.
07:46You have humiliated him.
07:48He said, go and apologize to him properly.
07:52Without any formalities.
07:53And he said, you should have remorse in you.
07:57You should be ashamed that you have done wrong.
07:59I have abused someone.
08:01He said, then Allah will forgive you.
08:04And this is very good.
08:05Today is the month of Sha'ban.
08:08The Prophet of Allah said,
08:10Allah says,
08:13but if you have abused a brother,
08:17if you have enmity, hatred, and enmity in your heart,
08:23and you go to the mosque in a white cap and white clothes,
08:27and you sit with a zikr and a tasbih,
08:29and you say, Maulana Sahib, please pray for me.
08:32Allah says,
08:33Allah will not keep you in the prayers of the righteous.
08:37Until you clear your heart for those Muslims.
08:42Until you clear your heart of enmity and hatred,
08:45for your Muslims.
08:46This is such a big issue, Doctor Sahib.
08:49It is mentioned in the Hadith,
08:50that the angels of Allah,
08:52take people's deeds into the court of Allah.
08:55Allah says,
08:56that there is no enmity, hatred, or enmity between them.
09:01He says, leave it.
09:02He says, leave their deeds.
09:04He says, pick up their deeds, I will not even look at them.
09:07Until they clear their hearts.
09:11This is such a big issue of the rights of the people.
09:14We have put it on the back burner.
09:17We are Salafis, we do Hajj,
09:20we go to the Ka'bah every year.
09:22We say, it is done, it is done.
09:24We have taken it upon ourselves.
09:25No, no, no.
09:27Until they are not satisfied,
09:29Allah will not be satisfied.
09:31Allahu Akbar, this is such a big demand.
09:33And what values do we see in the religion of Islam?
09:38The Hadith of the Prophet,
09:40which Allama Sahib has given reference to,
09:42he says, it should be enough to open our eyes.
09:45Every believer, every Muslim,
09:47is certainly very holy, has a lot of respect for the Ka'bah,
09:50and the Ka'bah,
09:52we feel so much sanctity in our hearts.
09:54But this is such a big message, such a big message,
09:57that we take care of the sanctity of the Ka'bah,
09:59and feel a lot of sanctity and respect,
10:01but we do not think even for a minute,
10:04or even for a moment,
10:07that the one we are hurting,
10:10what did the Prophet say for it, for its respect?
10:13So, may Allah make us understand these values,
10:16include these values in our lives.
10:19The second question, relating to this,
10:22Allama Sahib says,
10:24in the Qur'an and Hadith,
10:25one Muslim is called the brother of another Muslim.
10:28That is, there is a relationship, a relation, an association,
10:33and Islam has made it clear.
10:35So, certainly,
10:36because one Muslim is the brother of another Muslim,
10:38there are some requirements for this.
10:40And what are those requirements,
10:41our viewers should know.
10:43In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
10:44Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah,
10:47the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
10:48Qibla Allama Sahib,
10:50the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith,
10:52which he has presented,
10:53in reality,
10:54he has summarized this whole topic.
10:56But at this time, in this question,
10:58it is very important to understand that
11:00one Muslim is the brother of another Muslim.
11:03That is, there are many relations,
11:04but the relation, the word that is used,
11:06is the word for brother, that brother.
11:09And in the Holy Qur'an,
11:10in Surah Al-Furqan,
11:11the verse of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
11:13Surely, the believers are brothers.
11:14Surah Al-Hujurat,
11:15that certainly, the believers are brothers.
11:18And there, the mention of brothers,
11:19says that when there are brothers,
11:21then there is discord among the brothers.
11:22If there is disagreement over something,
11:24then disagreement and discord do not mean
11:26that they keep the discord in their hearts
11:27and keep increasing the distances.
11:29It says that the work of other brothers is that
11:31if there is discord among two brothers,
11:32then immediately try to end the discord.
11:35Surely, the believers are brothers.
11:37So, make peace between your brothers.
11:40Try to make peace.
11:41So, the brotherhood among brothers,
11:43the first requirement of Muslims is this,
11:46that when there are brothers,
11:47then there is no need to keep discord in the heart.
11:50If there is discord over something,
11:51then the second requirement of brothers is that
11:52make peace between your brothers.
11:56Try to end their discord.
11:58But unfortunately,
11:59we see a different situation.
12:01If there is discord among two people,
12:03then try to increase their distances.
12:05If it is the same again,
12:06then maybe there won't be any problems for us.
12:08It seems that the Prophet was waiting for this to happen
12:11and then we should enjoy and have fun.
12:13Yes, absolutely.
12:14There is a need to increase the discord.
12:15There is a need to increase the discord.
12:16Although, what is the command in the Quran?
12:18And make peace between your brothers.
12:20Because you are brothers,
12:21so, just like a real brother has gone to his mother,
12:24they live in the same house,
12:25and if there is any discord between them,
12:28then they do not leave the house
12:30and do not increase the discord,
12:31but try to live together.
12:33And what do the elders do?
12:34They try to make peace between them.
12:35Mr. Allama, this is an important answer.
12:37I want the whole thing to reach our viewers with great satisfaction.
12:40With your permission, there is a brief break.
12:42There is a break, viewers,
12:43and from here, Mr. Allama will continue.
12:46I hope that you and I will stay together.
12:47We will meet again after this break.
12:50Yes, viewers, welcome back.
12:51After the break, your best wishes.
12:52Today's topic is the right of one Muslim to another Muslim.
12:56And certainly, it is a very important topic for every individual
12:59because as Muslims, we are all brothers to each other.
13:04So, there are certainly requirements for this,
13:05and we are discussing this.
13:07Alhamdulillah, we had a wonderful conversation.
13:09Mr. Allama Liaquat Hussain Azari,
13:11Mufti Muhammad Khurram Iqbal Rahmani,
13:14and before the break, there was a question
13:15that one Muslim was called the brother of another Muslim,
13:18and the answer was given by Mufti Khurram Iqbal Rahmani.
13:21Sir, what would you like to say?
13:22Okay, the second thing is that
13:24what is the basis of this relationship of brotherhood?
13:27Because when we form a relationship with someone,
13:29there is a basis to it.
13:32Why is that? And what is the reason behind it?
13:36On what basis is this relationship formed?
13:38So, the basis of this relationship of brotherhood is Islam.
13:41That is, you and I may be related by family,
13:45nationality, language, language,
13:47no matter where we are from,
13:49but our relationship is based on Islam.
13:53And this Islam is such a thing
13:55that exists in this world,
13:57that exists even after death,
13:58and when we are in the presence of Allah,
14:01even then the relationship of brotherhood will exist.
14:03Why? Because Islam exists.
14:04So, this is such a universal brotherhood
14:10that will exist in every era.
14:13Allah says in the Holy Qur'an,
14:16If kuntum a'ada'an fa'allafa bayna quloobikum
14:19fa'asbahtum bini'matihi ikhwana
14:21Remember that time when you were not brothers,
14:23you were enemies.
14:25You belonged to the same community,
14:26you belonged to the same family,
14:28you were thirsty for each other's blood.
14:30You lived in the same community,
14:31but you were in a state of conflict.
14:34At that time, Allah said,
14:35We have bestowed upon you the blessing of Islam.
14:38We have bestowed upon you the blessing of the Beloved of Muhammad,
14:40peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
14:41So, what happened was that
14:42those who were eager to hug each other,
14:45they began to be eager to hug each other.
14:47fa'asbahtum bini'matihi ikhwana
14:49Because of that blessing, we made you brothers.
14:52Those who were thirsty for each other's blood,
14:54they sacrificed their lives for each other's thirst.
14:56No doubt, no doubt.
14:57So, the relationship that we got,
14:59I mean, we are talking about the contradictions of the relationship of brotherhood,
15:01that those who were enemies of each other,
15:04now they are becoming guardians of each other.
15:06So, the second contradiction of this relationship of brotherhood is that
15:09family animosity,
15:10linguistic animosity,
15:11national animosity,
15:12political animosity,
15:14any animosity,
15:15which puts you in a division,
15:17separates you from each other,
15:19makes you enemies of each other,
15:20this blessing of Islam gives such a relationship of brotherhood
15:23that all animosity is suppressed under it.
15:26All of that is over.
15:27So, the contradiction of this relationship of brotherhood is that
15:29we may belong to any area,
15:32we may belong to any nation or tribe,
15:34but we are brothers among each other.
15:36All those relationships, all those identities are at the bottom.
15:38The relationship of Islam is at the top.
15:40Then in the Holy Qur'an, in Surah Al-Furqan,
15:42the contradiction of brotherhood is mentioned,
15:45for the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him.
15:48We will strengthen your arms.
15:51We will strengthen your arms.
15:52Through whom? Through your brother.
15:54So, the job of a brother is to strengthen the other brother.
15:58In every field.
15:59In the field where the need of a brother is present,
16:01the other brother is always ready.
16:03Whether it is a religious matter,
16:05a matter of religion,
16:07a matter of the world,
16:08a matter of society,
16:09a matter of livelihood,
16:11wherever it is possible,
16:12a moral support of a brother should always be there for the other brother.
16:16The blessing of Islam is because of the brotherhood of Islam.
16:19For example, Qibla Allamah Sahib had included a hadith in the programme.
16:21We see the same hadith expressing this belief.
16:24The Prophet said,
16:26A Muslim is a Muslim's brother.
16:27What is this belief?
16:28He said, La Yazlimu'hu.
16:30Now the brother will not oppress the other brother.
16:32When the brother becomes a brother, then what is the oppression for?
16:34The second saying is that he will not humiliate his brother.
16:37When a brother humiliates his brother,
16:39then who is he humiliating? He is humiliating himself.
16:41He is my brother,
16:42and if I show my brother down, I will go down myself.
16:44The Prophet said that he will not humiliate his brother.
16:47Secondly, he will not leave him in the clutches of the oppressors.
16:49He will help him as much as possible.
16:52And then, as Allamah Sahib has said,
16:53that along with the excellence of help,
16:55Allah will also reward him.
16:56There will be rewards in this world,
16:58but when you solve someone's problem here,
17:00Allah will solve the problems of the hereafter.
17:02So, this belief of love and brotherhood is that
17:05we should reconcile with each other,
17:07forget all the iniquities,
17:09and wherever a Muslim brother is in need,
17:12we should stand by him.
17:13Yes, we should stand by him.
17:14And this is the demand of reasonableness.
17:16If today a Muslim is trying to solve the problem of another Muslim,
17:20and someone is trying to remove his pain from him,
17:22then that pain, that problem, that problem
17:25will be very small compared to that problem or problem
17:28which the scholars of the hereafter have given us.
17:32So, it is such a big reward,
17:35that if a Muslim brother,
17:37in order to remove the problems, to remove the pain,
17:40we support him morally,
17:41we stand by him in every way,
17:43then this reward will be found in this world, Inshallah.
17:45In the hereafter too,
17:46those big problems,
17:47from which it is very difficult for a person to escape,
17:52but the one who has gone on helping others in this world,
17:55has gone on helping others,
17:56Inshallah, in the hereafter,
17:57Allah will help him.
18:00The demands of one Muslim on another Muslim,
18:04in terms of reconciliation, in terms of brotherhood,
18:07in order to establish this relationship,
18:09all the demands that Islam has made,
18:11one more such demand,
18:12which motivates and surprises the world,
18:15that what kind of religion is Islam,
18:17that it is being said that
18:19the one who likes a Muslim for himself,
18:21it is necessary for him to like the same for his other Muslim brother.
18:26Sir, what kind of a religious relationship is this,
18:28of a Muslim to another Muslim?
18:30Look, Allama sahib has used very beautiful verses of the Holy Quran
18:33and the Hadiths of the Holy Quran,
18:36which are the Islamic brotherhood and brotherhood,
18:40and has specifically indicated that,
18:41where the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
18:43established a brotherhood between the Muhajireen and the Ansar,
18:48who were enemies of each other,
18:50the tribes of Aus and Khazraj,
18:52but it so happened that they are presenting their homes,
18:55their lands, their properties.
18:58The scene has changed.
18:59The scene has changed completely.
19:00It has become a surprising thing.
19:01Look at the beauty of Islam,
19:03that it is not just a theory, it is not just a philosophy,
19:06but the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
19:09has proven it on the ground,
19:11that it is not just a concept, it is not just an imaginary religion.
19:16And the Holy Quran says,
19:16And I am like a self-willed person,
19:18and those are the ones who are successful.
19:21In our world, even today, there is a war going on,
19:24that if people come to a particular country,
19:28they will eat our livelihood,
19:30they will take our livelihood.
19:32These Muhajireen said,
19:33O my brothers, you have found,
19:35Now, the Holy Prophet has made us brothers.
19:37And those who have remained in their homes and believed before them,
19:40they love those who have emigrated to them,
19:42and they do not find in their hearts the need for what they have been given.
19:46They did not have any tension in their hearts.
19:48They said, how is this possible?
19:50When the Holy Prophet made us brothers,
19:51Allah is the Greatest.
19:52It is surprising, as Iqbal has said,
19:54that you break the bonds of your parents and get lost in the nation.
19:58You will not remain a Turan, nor an Iranian, nor an Afghan.
20:01He said, these titles and names are for later.
20:06Your most basic name is Muslim.
20:09You are a believer.
20:10You are a Muslim.
20:11Iqbal, a Muslim, is the brother of a Muslim.
20:14When a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim,
20:15the Holy Prophet of Allah said,
20:17I do not believe in anyone,
20:19until he loves his brother as much as he loves himself.
20:23He said, you cannot be a believer until that time.
20:27Your faith cannot be complete
20:29until you love your brother as much as you love yourself.
20:34When I go to the market, I do not want anyone to cheat me.
20:39I do not want anyone to deceive me.
20:42Wherever I go, I want my neighbour to behave well with me.
20:47But we should think about how we behave with our neighbours.
20:52When we have opened a shop,
20:54we are not doing anything out of the ordinary.
20:57We have not opened a shop from A to Z.
21:01We want no one to do bad to us.
21:04But first, you should do it.
21:06Islam started from here,
21:08that you should start with yourself.
21:09First, change yourself.
21:12Then see where you will change.
21:15Society will change.
21:18This is such a beautiful statement of the Holy Prophet of Allah.
21:21Every statement of the Holy Prophet of Allah is beautiful.
21:23This is from Jawami-ul-Kalim.
21:25I think he has included all the bad and good things of society in this.
21:30He said, do not do anything
21:33that you like for yourself, for your children, for your daughters,
21:39for your family.
21:41If you do not do it, do not do it for others.
21:44I think if a person takes a step towards evil
21:47and if he wants to harm his Muslim brother,
21:51if he wants to humiliate him,
21:54he should bring this statement of the Holy Prophet of Allah in front of his eyes.
21:56And see how big the statement of the Holy Prophet of Allah is.
21:58He said, no matter how many claims you make,
22:01that a Fakir recites so many Tasbeeh,
22:02a Fakir performs so many Nafl,
22:04a Fakir performs so many Hajj,
22:05He said,
22:07He said, not only with these acts of worship,
22:09Allah has also made the rights of Allah and the rights of worship.
22:13He said, these are both commands of Allah.
22:16He said, if you do not perform them along with these,
22:19then the Tasbeeh you have recited is not acceptable.
22:22I have read the Hadees-e-Pakh.
22:23Allah says, pick them up and take them away.
22:26See what is inside them.
22:28Our jurists say,
22:30if a dog falls into a well,
22:32then remove as many stones as you can.
22:34If a goat falls into the well,
22:35then remove as many stones as you can.
22:37He said, remove the dog.
22:38He said, no, I did not remove the dog.
22:40He said, remove the dog.
22:42We are saying that I have recited so many Tasbeeh,
22:44I have performed so many Nafl,
22:45I have performed so many Hajj,
22:47but if you remove the dog inside,
22:50then all of this will be accepted.
22:53So, until you clear your mind, your intentions,
22:56for your Muslim brothers,
22:59I swear to God,
22:59all of these Tasbeeh that you have recited will not be accepted.
23:02Allah will not accept them.
23:05I am saying this because
23:06the way of Imam Ali Sunnah
23:09was that on the night of Shaban-ul-Muazzam,
23:11he would write a letter to his followers,
23:14that a very big night is coming,
23:16a lot of Allah's blessings will fall,
23:18but remember that some people will be deprived.
23:21There are people among them
23:23who have cut ties with the Muslims in any way,
23:26they have caused harm, they have done anything.
23:28And for a new generation of youth,
23:31if you have done injustice to your parents,
23:35and you come and say,
23:36Murana Sahib, please pray for us.
23:38Allama Sahib, please pray for us.
23:39He said, no one's prayer will be accepted.
23:42If they are content, then God is also content.
23:45Similarly, you have done injustice to the creation of God.
23:48Now, no matter how many times you sit in the corner,
23:51God will not accept you
23:53until you do justice to the creation of God.
24:02Until then, you will not be a true member of the community.
24:05Allah is Great.
24:06Love for the killer and compassion for the dead.
24:09Tell us, who will you ask for the reward of love?
24:12Who will you ask for the reward of faith
24:15from the Creator, from Iblis, and from Hashr?
24:17We will see you right after this short break.
24:19Welcome back, viewers.
24:20A very important, a very fruitful, a very informative topic
24:25we have been discussing about.
24:27One Muslim's right to another Muslim.
24:29And the conversation that Allama Sahib completed before the break,
24:32it is certainly a message that we should not just listen to this conversation,
24:41but we should make a commitment.
24:43Allama Sahib gave a reference to Shaban 15 Shaban,
24:45and of course, Ramadan Mubarak is approaching.
24:48Cleanse our hearts.
24:49And just as we should make arrangements for our worship,
24:52we should also make arrangements for the fact that
24:53if someone is hurt by our attitude,
24:55then with an open heart, without any if, or but,
24:58without any if or but,
24:59we should make an open heart and true repentance in the presence of Allah.
25:03And we should do that with our Muslim brother.
25:05So, the way, I mean, the purpose of saying this is
25:08that the message that I understood from Allama Sahib's conversation
25:11is that the arrangements that we make for the rights of Allah,
25:14for the worship of Allah,
25:16we should make the same arrangements for the rights of worship as well.
25:20Because that is also being requested from Allah.
25:23And the enlightened teachings that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
25:26left for us, they are a guide for us.
25:28And by following them, we can enlighten our world and the hereafter.
25:33The absence of the Muslim brother,
25:37that is, he is not present in front of you right now.
25:38There is a trend in the society to pray for each other,
25:42to greet each other, it is akin to sending a greeting.
25:44But right now, that Muslim brother is not present in front of you or where you are present.
25:49Allama Sahib, in his absence,
25:52to pray for that Muslim brother,
25:54Sir, what would you say in this regard?
25:56What is the importance and significance of this?
25:59First of all, there are many elements of love that are there.
26:05One of them is the element of goodness.
26:07When we become a well-wisher for someone,
26:11then whether he is present in front of us or not, we think well of him.
26:16And as in the previous question, there was a Hadith Sharif,
26:19that you should choose for yourself or for your believer brother.
26:22So, in reality, the Beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
26:25has given such an emotion under it
26:27that the first good that is distributed is the distribution of the blessings of faith.
26:31Allahu Akbar!
26:31Because I have become a Muslim,
26:33now I want my brother to become a Muslim as well.
26:36Alhamdulillah, I have become a follower of the Messenger of Allah,
26:38now I want to make him a follower of the Messenger of Allah as well.
26:41What happened with this is that the distribution of the good has become more intense.
26:46Now, there are some situations where I have given you the message of goodness
26:50and you have accepted it.
26:51Sometimes it happens that there is opposition in front of you.
26:55You don't get acceptance immediately.
26:56In fact, anger and irritation starts.
26:59In fact, the opposition is very intense.
27:02So, in such a situation, the second Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
27:05is to ask for prayers.
27:07For those who are not present, ask for prayers of goodness.
27:09May Allah grant him guidance as well.
27:11Allahu Akbar!
27:11May Allah grant him goodness as well.
27:12May Allah grant him the blessings of faith as well.
27:14We can see the manifestation of the prayers of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
27:18Sayyiduna Umar-e-Farooq, may Allah be pleased with him,
27:20asked for prayers of goodness and Allah granted him the blessings of faith.
27:25No doubt.
27:25Then, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
27:28instructed the people who are asking for prayers for themselves,
27:34for their Muslim brothers who are not present.
27:37When a person asks for prayers,
27:38usually our Muslim brothers are with us to say Ameen.
27:43We are the only ones to say Ameen.
27:46But when you have the passion to ask for goodness for a Muslim brother,
27:51you ask for goodness in prayers.
27:52When you have the passion to ask for goodness,
27:55and when you have asked for goodness for your brother,
27:57even the angels say Ameen to that prayer.
28:00Not only do they say Ameen,
28:02but the angels start praying for you.
28:05The one who has love in his heart and is asking for goodness for his Muslim brother,
28:09he is not asking for his own brother, he is asking for his own brother.
28:12O Allah, we pray that may this goodness be destined for him as well.
28:16So, the angels of light start praying for that Muslim brother.
28:20Similarly, when we look at the Holy Qur'an,
28:22we are taught this way of prayer.
28:25Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who have preceded us in faith.
28:29And do not make our hearts bitter for those who have believed.
28:32Our Lord, You are the Most Merciful.
28:34It is not just a desire for forgiveness.
28:36O Allah, forgive my sins as well.
28:38And forgive the sins of all my Muslim brothers
28:40who are present in this world, who have passed away,
28:42and who will come to the Day of Judgment.
28:45This is a prayer for everyone in the presence of Adam.
28:47It is a prayer for everyone.
28:48It is a prayer for those who are present in this universe.
28:52When you pray for their forgiveness,
28:54then pray for those who have not yet come.
28:57Similarly, in every prayer, we pray after the Durood Sharif.
29:09O Allah, forgive my sins as well.
29:11And forgive the sins of my parents as well.
29:12And forgive the sins of all the believers.
29:14This prayer is for everyone until the Day of Judgment.
29:16And when everyone gathers on the Day of Judgment,
29:17forgive their sins as well.
29:19I will have to worry about my own affairs.
29:24I will have to worry about my own affairs.
29:25But no, a believer will not go to heaven alone.
29:28What will he do by going to heaven alone?
29:30He will go to heaven with all his Muslim brothers.
29:33And if he goes to heaven with the servants of the Prophet,
29:35he will be happy there.
29:37His eyes will be happy and his heart will be happy.
29:39So, we have been taught that
29:41those who ask for goodness for themselves,
29:43they should ask for goodness for their Muslim brothers as well.
29:44And then there should be a relationship.
29:45As I said, it is universal.
29:47It is not that I am praying only for the brothers of Karachi.
29:49I am praying only for the brothers of my province of Sindh.
29:52I am praying only for the brothers of Pakistan.
29:54In fact, wherever there are Muslims.
29:56For the entire Ummah of the Prophet.
29:57For the entire Ummah of the Prophet,
29:59wherever there are Muslims,
30:01wherever they are in a state of worry,
30:02wherever they are enduring oppression,
30:04when we pray for all those Muslim brothers,
30:07that prayer is accepted in the court of Allah.
30:10In fact, the angels say Ameen to the prayers.
30:12And by returning that prayer to us,
30:14the divine angels of Allah are doing it for us.
30:16Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
30:18I am saying this to the viewers without exaggeration.
30:20This is a very big lesson,
30:21a very big, you can say,
30:23information, a very big,
30:25in a way, as we see, it is a motivation.
30:28We often pray sitting down, you and I.
30:30I am talking about an ordinary person,
30:32my own personal experiences.
30:35So, almost most of the prayer is that
30:38I ask for Allah for myself.
30:40And after that, of course,
30:41the supplications are also done.
30:43But what we have learned from this,
30:45that if we are praying for others,
30:47especially for those Muslims who are not present at that time,
30:52then how great is the glory that
30:55first of all, those who say Ameen to it are the divine angels of Allah,
30:59and then to pray for them,
31:00that O Allah, all the goodness that he is asking for his other Muslim brothers,
31:04write that goodness in his fate,
31:06grant that goodness to him.
31:08So, I think, Huzoor, you have taught us a very big lesson.
31:10May Allah enable us all to act.
31:12In the end, it is said, last but not the least.
31:17So, in that context, today's topic was
31:19the right of one Muslim to another Muslim.
31:22Huzoor, the discussion that you had,
31:24which motivated me a lot,
31:26that we ignore the matter of obligations,
31:30and just look for the rights,
31:31that we should at least get our rights,
31:33but we do not look at how to fulfill our obligations.
31:36So, in the light of the Qur'an and Hadith,
31:38the right of one Muslim to another Muslim,
31:40this light has reached our viewers in this regard.
31:43Look, in this, there is a very short excerpt
31:44from the different words of the Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim.
31:48That the Prophet of Allah said,
31:49that there are five rights, and six rights.
31:57One is that when Muslims meet,
31:59when there is a meeting,
32:00then they go forward and greet each other.
32:03And it is also said that the first greeting,
32:06we say, the child did not greet,
32:09the child did not greet.
32:11The Prophet of Allah never waited for the child to greet.
32:16It is okay that the child should greet,
32:17that is the limit of the rights.
32:19The Prophet of Allah died on the Day of Resurrection,
32:21so he greeted them.
32:24Huzoor, he passed by the children,
32:26he went forward and greeted the children.
32:29We will go forward and greet our children,
32:31and the children will gain courage.
32:33So, he said that when Muslims meet,
32:35then they should greet each other.
32:37He said that in the same way,
32:38if a Muslim falls ill,
32:40then he should go to his neighbor.
32:42He lives in the neighborhood.
32:43This is also a right.
32:43This is also a right of a Muslim to greet another Muslim.
32:47He said in the same way,
32:48that when he sneezes,
32:50then he should say, Alhamdulillah.
32:51He should say, BarakAllah.
32:52He should answer in a good way.
32:54He said in the same way,
32:54that when a Muslim is absent,
32:57then he should pray for him.
32:59Like, Allama Sahib read the Hadith-e-Pak,
33:00that Asra-ud-Da'wah,
33:02the prayer that is accepted the earliest,
33:06is the prayer of one Muslim
33:07behind the back of another Muslim.
33:10Allah Hu Akbar.
33:11I will pray in front of you.
33:12Allama Sahib can welcome you in front of him.
33:15He can also be a part of your community.
33:17Ten things can be included in it.
33:19It is not necessary.
33:20It is not necessary to pray in front of him.
33:22But it is a possibility that he is doing it in front of you.
33:23But a person sitting alone in the darkness of the night,
33:27is saying, O my Lord,
33:29have mercy on my brother.
33:30He said, what is this?
33:32He has become sincere.
33:33What is that prayer?
33:34He said, that prayer does not stop.
33:37the prayer that is accepted the earliest,
33:40is the prayer of one Muslim behind the back of another Muslim.
33:43Allah Hu Akbar.
33:44So, it is said that in that prayer,
33:46never leave your Muslim brother alone.
33:49Similarly, if a Muslim dies,
33:52if he falls ill, then he should be released.
33:54If he dies,
33:55then he should be buried.
33:57This is also the right of a Muslim.
33:58They say, I am very busy today.
34:01It is a busy working day.
34:02Where will I go?
34:03There is traffic, travel.
34:05He said, I had a friend,
34:06so go today and attend his funeral.
34:09And pray for his forgiveness.
34:11This is the right of a Muslim for another Muslim.
34:15if he is in trouble,
34:17then help him.
34:19It is not necessary that he should come and tell you.
34:21In fact, I had read about a friend of the Prophet,
34:25who came to him and said that he needed something.
34:30He went inside and brought money for him.
34:32Then he started crying.
34:34The priest said, if you did not want to give,
34:37then you are crying.
34:38He said, no, I am not crying over this.
34:40I am crying over the fact that I am such a friend.
34:42Why did I not know that I had to do this?
34:44Allah o Akbar.
34:45Why did he have to say that?
34:46Why did he have to demand?
34:47We say that he should come to us and ask.
34:49He should knock on the door and beg.
34:51Oh man, please.
34:53If it is your love,
34:55believe me, people have a lot of wealth,
34:59but still, a friend, a neighbour, a relative,
35:03no, no, no, no, no.
35:05He said, what kind of wealth is this?
35:07What kind of wealth is this?
35:08Al ghina o ghina al qalb.
35:10Wealth is that which is the wealth of the mind and the heart.
35:14You are a beggar.
35:16That is why he said to the Jews,
35:17that they are the poorest people in the world.
35:21Allah o Akbar.
35:22He said, they are the poorest people in the world.
35:23Although they are not poor,
35:24they have money, the whole economy of the world.
35:26He said, they are the poorest people in the world.
35:29So, it should not be that we also become poor.
35:32So, he said, if a Muslim is in need,
35:34fulfill his need.
35:35Advise him.
35:36Ask for his well-being.
35:38He said, you will do good for someone,
35:40my Lord will do good for you.
35:42Allah o Akbar.
35:43He will show you the path of mercy and blessings.
35:44Allah o Akbar.
35:45Allah o Akbar.
35:46Surely, you have all the wealth in the world,
35:48all the luxuries,
35:49but if you are poor at heart,
35:51believe me, viewers,
35:52there is no one poorer than you.
35:54And if you do not have such means and means,
35:57there are no luxuries in the world.
36:00But if you are poor at heart,
36:02there is no one richer than you.
36:04I was very fond of both the scholars and the Muftis.
36:08Because it was a very important topic,
36:09the right of one Muslim to another Muslim.
36:11Jazakallah Khaira.
36:12Allama sahib, may Allah keep you happy and blessed.
36:15And may Allah accept your great services.
36:18Mufti sahib, thank you very much.
36:19Jazakallah, as always.
36:20It was a very pleasant conversation and a very good speech.
36:23Viewers, it is necessary for a Muslim.
36:26In fact, it is the need of a human being
36:30to depend on other Muslims and other people to live his life.
36:37The system created by Allah the Almighty
36:40is an imaginary state of living life.
36:43If I do not establish my mutual relationship with other people,
36:49then I cannot live my life.
36:52I have understood that to live one's life,
36:55mutual understanding is very important.
36:57And the relationship and the establishment of a community is important.
37:00So, where will we get the light of this?
37:02Where will we get the teachings of this?
37:03Love, intimacy, unity, brotherhood, brotherhood.
37:08This greenery,
37:10I did it with a lot of love and without any doubt,
37:15that if someone did this, from day one to the end of time,
37:19then it is the religion of Islam.
37:20That is why Allama said that the nation is from the religion.
37:23If there is no religion, then there is no you.
37:25If there is no passion for us, then there is no gathering.
37:28This program is brought to you by Roshani.
37:30I give permission to Somair Ahmed.
37:32Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
37:50Roshani, Roshani, Sabke liye, Roshani, Roshani, Sabke liye, Roshani
