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La ex mujer de Jorge relató episodios de la infancia de la joven.

Cc #LAM en América TV 📺 @elejercitodelam @AngeldebritoOk


00:00Where Silvia Dauro, many years ago, I think one of the last notes was precisely with Fernanda Iglesias,
00:05who brought you a problem with Jorge, because today Fernanda told it in the program where she is working,
00:11because it was precisely good that she blamed her, well, these things that happen in the couple, right?
00:16In the end, no one is to blame, but the other is.
00:18But let's remember that audio where Silvia talked about the behavior of the girls,
00:25I think in general it was, I don't know if in particular, of Morena.
00:28Shall we listen to it?
00:58The before and the after.
00:59That was from home, saying that I was the best mother in the world,
01:04that I was the best businesswoman, that I was fantastic, divine,
01:07and suddenly I find myself becoming the worst of all.
01:12There is a phrase that I will never forget, which was,
01:15the only thing I ask you is that you do not put me against the girls.
01:20And I told her, I could never do it, because I am the daughter of separated parents,
01:26and I know how it hurts and how it feels.
01:29At one point I had to go to sleep with the door closed from my room,
01:33so as not to be hurt.
01:35I had to put a key in the closet because Morena was stealing my clothes.
01:38Adoptive boys have a story that, as they think they were stolen,
01:43which has to do a little with the issue of missing children and everything,
01:48as they think they were stolen, they have a tendency to steal.
01:52Stealing money, stealing things, hiding things,
01:55because they feel that it was what they did with them.
01:59Well, it's a barbarity from the point of view of any criterion that you want to apply,
02:07apart from generalizations, we already know what happens with generalizations,
02:10everything goes into the same jar, and nothing has to do with an adopted child stealing.
02:16There are boys who are adopted and do not steal,
02:19and there are boys who are adopted and do not steal,
02:21and there are boys who are not even biological parents,
02:24they are with their father and steal.
02:26In truth, that has absolutely nothing to do with it.
02:28It's pure ignorance.
02:29Now, I wonder, this that is published so openly about the character of the girls,
02:37or about the girls in particular, being the adoptive mother,
02:40how does it fall?
02:41I don't see my mother making a statement of that kind, and for me...
02:46But I think it goes in consonance with what Dauro was.
02:48If the girls have already declared it, it was a mother...
02:50In fact, in Rial's book, many situations are narrated like that,
02:54very violent, I read it, and it's clear.
02:56Today I heard a lot of people saying,
02:58ah, well, then in the end Silvia was right.
03:00It seems ridiculous to me to raise that when Morena was very young,
03:03when she made these statements, and besides,
03:05she did not stop being an indefensible creature to a violent mother.
03:09No, yes, apart from a violent...
03:11No one forced her to adopt them, apart from that.
03:14Because it's a very important situation.
03:16Let's remember that they adopted two people.
03:18Yes, exactly.
03:19Of course, here the topic was never revealed,
03:21and in fact today Fernanda also talked about this,
03:24because she talked about it in the note.
03:26According to the file,
03:28there would be a prohibition from Jorge that she saw them.
03:32I don't know if this is true, because I didn't see the file.
03:35Those are the words of Dauro in that famous note, right?
03:38I really don't know.
03:40But she refused to see them.
03:42The only thing I know is that Jorge got something that is very difficult,
03:45which is the tenancy, that a man gets the tenancy of his children,
03:49it really is almost impossible.
03:50But there was a maternal abandonment, I think there was no other option, right?
03:53Yes, but no, although they abandon many times,
03:56just for a matter of gender, they think...
03:58Well, Lucia, yes.
03:59Well, remember what we were talking about.
04:01Look, at the age they are,
04:03at the age of 13, they can already decide with whom they want to live from the parents.
04:07It is not easy for them to give him the tenancy.
04:10Yes, but the tenancy of the eldest son, the maternal son, the father has it.
04:13No, but I was going to say, because he doesn't have the tenancy.
04:16The custody.
04:17The custody, so it's something different.
04:19It's hell.
04:20But anyway, this is what will have been hell in that house.
04:23I don't know, there was a time when they were very happy,
04:26which was precisely the one that coincides with Loli's presence in their lives, right?
04:30Yes, but don't forget that Loli took her to Cordoba
04:32and it was also part of what was around her, right?
04:35That was a quite confusing episode.
04:37I remember, for example, being a witness when she was dancing,
04:41that Loli's daughter was participating.
04:43She was permanently in the dance.
04:45Yes, but it was also denounced that she took her to dance,
04:47I mean, there were edges that we can't say.
04:49But that was later.
04:50No, that's a lie.
04:52That started to happen when Daniel and Loli had a bad relationship.
04:56We can't tell everything we know.
04:59No, but it seems to me that you remember when she celebrated her 15th birthday,
05:05how Loli accompanied her in all that.
05:08For that it was fundamental.
05:10She did good to More.
05:12I think we are already beyond the question of bad influences.
05:14That was a few years ago when they had certain problematic behaviors.
05:18She is a person who decides to steal.
05:20I also hear today the word kleptomania.
05:22That's not kleptomania.
05:24It's very far from that.
05:25No, there was already an armed man.
05:27There is a decision.
05:28Later we can sympathize with the history of life, surely.
05:30You know what happens, boss?
05:33But is she a victim?
05:34She is a victim.
05:35She is a victim.
05:36Sorry, sorry.
05:37Those who stole are victims, of course.
05:40I don't argue with that.
05:42Laura is also a victim.
05:44She is also a victim of a bad life.
05:46Because we are going to tell the truth.
05:48I understand what she says.
05:49I understand what Laura says.
05:50Laura puts it in the context of a miserable life for her.
05:54I know her since I was 12.
05:55I mean, no kidding.
05:56She has not had a bad life.
05:58Forgive me, forgive me.
06:01They used her.
06:02They always used her.
06:03I want to tell you something.
06:04Some of us, surely people out there don't know,
06:07that we had very difficult, very critical moments.
06:10And maybe the same or similar, family-wise.
06:13And let's keep doing that and they hang us in a square.
06:16It's a total hypocrisy.
06:18Yes, yes.
06:19But you know what we were saying about Dauro.
06:21You can't generalize how each one is going to live.
06:24You can't generalize.
06:25I have...
06:26The life experience.
06:27Maybe she...
06:28Well, maybe she...
06:29Maybe each one has luck in life and each one can...
06:32But we were mixing topics and...
06:33Let's say it's legal.
06:34It's a case.
06:35We're talking about a person.
06:37It doesn't matter to the world.
06:38It's not just luck in life.
06:41It's deciding, well, okay, I had this life.
06:44I'm going to start working.
06:45I'm going to grow.
06:46I'm going to study.
06:47Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't.
06:48Well, but why can't you?
06:49But Nancy, I ask you this question.
06:50How does the click occur?
06:51The click, if you're not going to deal with it.
06:54That click doesn't occur.
06:55Well, there it is.
06:57There's no magic.
06:58We have other spaces.
06:59There's no magic.
07:00We're very counter-coached, you know.
07:01I'm not counter-coached.
07:02I've never been to therapy in my life.
07:03The girl will obviously be Jorge's daughter.
07:05But she couldn't make that click because she's not going to therapy.
07:07Do you understand the twist?
07:08No, no, no, that's an action.
07:09It's okay, but not everyone can go to therapy.
07:11It's okay, but...
07:12Shh, shh, shh.
07:13Don't piss off.
07:14The conversation is very pious.
07:15She's not innocent either for being a poor girl.
07:18No, no, no.
07:19Of course not.
07:20Of course not.
07:21I think she's a victim.
07:22She's not innocent.
07:23She's not innocent.
07:24Of course.
07:25Of course.
07:26Of course.
07:27Of course.
07:28Of course.
07:29Of course.
07:30Of course.
07:31Of course.
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