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00:00This is Leo Odoi, working there, our journalist team,
00:04truly devastated by this storm.
00:08314 millimeters in 4 hours and 45 minutes.
00:12That was the waterfall.
00:13Leo, good morning.
00:15What kind of situation did you find yourself in at this time of the morning?
00:19How are you, Leo? Good morning.
00:22Yes, after a journey that started yesterday,
00:25I tell you, a very difficult night,
00:28because a night in the middle of the city,
00:33in the middle of what you see,
00:35an impressive amount of water in all the neighborhoods of this area.
00:40It has started to drain little by little,
00:44but you will see, at least here in this neighborhood,
00:47there is still a lot of accumulated water.
00:50In fact, all the families in this area were evacuated.
00:55You will see that there is no movement.
00:57A little while ago we saw, well, now it was withdrawn,
01:00but a fire truck was trying to enter the area,
01:05but it was very difficult, so it had to go back.
01:10You will see the amount of water.
01:11And this has started to drain, because you see,
01:14the current is moving part of the water that is draining,
01:18but it is still very difficult.
01:22I tell you, look, the amount of mud, of water that there is,
01:25and it is very difficult for us to walk, very slow.
01:30And you will see, there the houses were left in some cases,
01:34like the one in front, the toys of the boys in the courtyard.
01:39Water up to the middle of the house.
01:42There it starts to get a little more difficult.
01:45Well, very, very difficult, I tell you.
01:48This area is totally evacuated,
01:51the water reached half of the houses.
01:57Look, there we are showing you, look,
01:59still in the state that this house is,
02:03where at this time there is no one,
02:05because here they were rescued by the firefighters.
02:08This was a river, Eduardo.
02:11Imagine that now, what some of the neighbors told us,
02:14here is the fire department,
02:17that comes to try to provide some help,
02:23because it is very difficult to enter.
02:26They were on one side, they could not.
02:29Now they are trying to enter this side,
02:32where we are.
02:35Well, let's see if we can talk to some of them.
02:41Hello, how are you?
02:44Well, very difficult to access yet, right?
02:47In some places.
02:50You can't talk?
02:52Well, no, no problem, no problem.
02:55We understand, they are working.
02:58Here, well, look, the fire department,
03:01who are now preparing to be able to enter this area.
03:07We understand, to try to corroborate that people are well.
03:13We try.
03:15Look, I tell you that you will see,
03:18advance a little, but the level of the water,
03:21so that you can see it,
03:23a measure that is entering.
03:25Look, I'm wearing boots,
03:27and already four or five steps,
03:30I'm starting to get to the level where ...
03:33Yes, the boot covers you.
03:35I ask you to be careful.
03:38I ask you to be careful because ...
03:40We can't move forward.
03:43Because water is already starting to get into the boot.
03:48So here the fire team will be the one who will try to enter.
03:54Let's see if someone asked for help,
03:58they can't inform us,
04:00but what we do see is that ...
04:02Yes, at least, I mean,
04:04I know they may not be able to make statements,
04:06at least if they went to help,
04:10to provide help to someone who requested,
04:12who made a request for help to the firefighters,
04:15or what are they going to do in particular?
04:17Let's see if they can tell you.
04:19There it goes.
04:20At this moment,
04:22Eduardo begins to enter this fire team,
04:28of sinister security.
04:30Look, look at the level of water,
04:34how far does it get at this moment?
04:36And I tell you,
04:37now the water has dropped a lot,
04:39but how far does it get?
04:41Above the knee,
04:43in fact, the boots are useless,
04:46because they have to move along this street.
04:50We don't know if ...
04:51Did someone call to ask for some kind of help?
04:55We don't know.
04:56Yes, I've been here all night.
04:57All night.
04:58Now the water level has gone down.
05:00A little, yes.
05:01A little down, yes.
05:02But no, everything is flooded, the houses.
05:04Everything is flooded.
05:05Did you have to evacuate here?
05:06Yes, yes, yesterday at 6 in the morning.
05:07I live there and I was here.
05:09Tell me a little about the situation.
05:11How did you live it?
05:12How was it?
05:13Because, well,
05:14we come from Buenos Aires,
05:16and over there,
05:17so that ...
05:18How did it start?
05:19Did you feel that it started ...
05:20At three thirty in the morning I got up,
05:22and water was coming in,
05:23water and water,
05:24and at six I started the truck,
05:26I had a truck,
05:27and I left with the family.
05:29Did you leave with the truck?
05:30I left, yes.
05:31Did you leave anything?
05:35Everything is there,
05:36now everything is flooded.
05:37And well,
05:38to wait,
05:39now to see if someone comes,
05:40because no one comes here,
05:41that's the issue.
05:42That's the issue.
05:43Do you feel that ...
05:44It's hard to work here.
05:45That they are abandoned.
05:47Yes, five years calling a machine,
05:49no one comes.
05:50Now we met a boy and he came,
05:52and well,
05:53he brought us the machine.
05:54But no,
05:55if not, nobody does anything.
05:56Nobody does anything.
05:58And tell me,
05:59how many kids do you have?
06:00I imagine the scare when ...
06:02You started to see that
06:03water was entering your house.
06:04Yes, yes.
06:05Did it happen to you already?
06:06Yes, here,
06:07it floods out there,
06:08but I already tell you,
06:09no one ever comes to do a work,
06:12So this ...
06:14the level,
06:15of the level that happened ...
06:16Yes, but we have been coming for a while,
06:17with the issue of this,
06:1840 millimeters fall
06:19and the water gets into you,
06:20that is,
06:21down here and ...
06:22And how far did it go?
06:23Up to the windows,
06:24the water reached.
06:25Up to the windows.
06:26That is, he lost everything.
06:28that is,
06:29he lost everything.
06:31he lost everything,
06:34let's see what we do now.
06:35That is,
06:36how do you fix it for the kids?
06:38that a machine comes
06:39just to do something.
06:40The issue is that,
06:41that it ends up draining
06:42to see who you meet
06:43when you return to your house.
06:44Did you enter or did you not return?
06:47I came here,
06:48just to be and ...
06:50I saw the firefighters
06:55and what does it feel?
06:56I say,
06:58we are going to see
06:59what it feels
07:00to see this image,
07:01I do not know,
07:02they do not make you want to follow,
07:03in reality,
07:05no one gives you solutions,
07:06it is like you talk
07:07and no one,
07:08no one listens to anything.
07:09Let's see,
07:10you can put a little
07:11in the headphones
07:12and you can talk to Eduardo.
07:14what is your name?
07:17who is listening to you.
07:20the truth is that
07:21I do not know
07:22what you are doing,
07:23but I can assure you
07:24that you are doing
07:25very well.
07:27It's true that I admire you, because you are taking a really dramatic, difficult situation, you lost everything in your house, and it's recurring, right?
07:37Perhaps there were minor floods, but they also caused multiple inconveniences. I mean, how do you plan to recover from this adversity?
07:50Nothing, we have to keep working, there is no other way. Wait for this and see what we find.
07:56Do you have any estimate of when you will be able to return to your house?
08:03No, no, there is a lack of machinery here. Machines should come, nothing else.
08:09Machines, not to make work, but to make it drain faster?
08:16Of course, so that they make ditches, so that it goes out to the fields that are here, and see where it goes.
08:22Where did you spend the night?
08:24In the truck.
08:26And your family?
08:30In the parents' house.
08:32Good, and how are they? What do the boys say? Because there is also that issue, right? The questions of the boys.
08:39You can say, I'm tired already, I don't want to continue. What do the boys say?
08:46Nothing, they want to go back home and be with their things.
08:50Of course, of course. And I think there are credits from the National Bank, there is also a line of national credit that will accompany you in the face of this adversity.
09:02What do you do for a living, Nicolás?
09:06I would like to be given to believe it.
09:10Yes, right?
09:13I have transportation.
09:16And at this time, all activities are canceled, right?
09:20Yes, everything is suspended.
09:24In the last flood, how long did it take to normalize everything?
09:33No, it takes a week. With 200 millimeters that fell in the flood, I think it was in 2022.
09:44No, it took a week to go to the water.
09:46And this was worse, this was more than 300 millimeters.
09:49Yes, almost 400 millimeters, 370 millimeters.
09:52Nicolás, tell me, you said that at three o'clock in the morning you already saw that the water was rising and that you had to leave the house.
10:02Yes, yes, we left at six.
10:04And what did you do? Tell me how it was. Did you take any documents? How did you get to the family? Did you manage to take any clothes?
10:13Yes, yes, we carried the children, my wife and something, and we left.
10:18And how did you go? Walking around there? Or with a mobile phone?
10:22No, no, I have a truck and I went in the truck.
10:27And the water there began to grow unmanageably.
10:32Yes, I was already covering the truck wheel.
10:34And what happened in the rest of the city? Because this was a flood, right?
10:39Yes, yes, the water was a disaster.
10:43A disaster.
10:44Where your family is now, was that area also flooded?
10:47No, no, not there. There they escaped.
10:51In other words, there are sectors of the city that tolerated this water fall, or did it rain less?
10:59No, no, it rained the same, but it didn't cause so much destruction.
11:04No, no, it rained the same, but it didn't cause so much destruction.
11:08Of course, of course.
11:11In other words, you're going to have to ...
11:13General Cerri's town was under the water.
11:16Under the water. What other locations are close to Bahía Blanca that were also not so affected, but with inconveniences?
11:24And Pringle.
11:26Colonel Pringle.
11:29What else?
11:30Cabildo does nothing, but surely also.
11:34Of course, with the truck you crossed those routes and so on.
11:38Now the routes, how are they? Are they cut?
11:43From what I understand, there were several cuts, yes.
11:46And how do you see the assistance? Because there are federal forces working in the place.
11:50Is there any recommendation that comes to you via cell phone?
11:53Of what to do and what not to do?
11:56No, let's try not to circulate.
12:09Yes, yes, I'll be here.
12:10Yes, I'll be here.
12:12Yes, I'll be here.
12:18In 100 meters it will be.
12:28Where will the water level be now?
12:33Uh ...
12:36You still have to see water.
12:37Now you have 40 centimeters of water.
12:3840, 50 centimeters.
12:40Yes, yes, inside the house there is water.
12:42How cool.
12:43If you want to go, the firemen let you go?
12:45Can you pass? Or is there a prohibition or an impediment?
12:50No, no, no.
12:52Now the fireman came.
12:53There was no one, there is no one.
12:55Do you observe police patrol?
12:58How is the movement of the city?
13:01Yes, at night, yes.
13:02Yes, there is a lot of security.
13:05Ah, they took care of that aspect.
13:09Yes, yes.
13:10That's good, that's good.
13:11Yes, I think so.
13:13He walked a lot at night.
13:14The route was seen.
13:15A lot of ambulances, police.
13:16How old are your children, Nicolas?
13:18So ...
13:20Uh ...
13:2115, 11 and 5.
13:2211 and 5.
13:2315, 11 and 5.
13:25And are they going to a nearby school?
13:29Not so much, no, no, no.
13:32So, for now, in the next few days, I don't think they're going to have classes, right?
13:39No, no, I don't think so.
13:40This is going to be a long time.
13:43I mean, it's going to take at least ...
13:44It's going to be ...
13:46A week, 10 days, to normalize everything.
13:52Yes, or maybe until the same.
13:55Nicolas, I greet you, Paula Wilberger.
13:57I wanted to ask you, you said that there are restrictions or that they told you not to circulate along Route 3.
14:02Is that section cut at this time?
14:08In this ... I wouldn't know how to tell you now.
14:11I ask you, above all, about the traffic of trucks, because it is the route that unites the whole country.
14:15Of course, of course.
14:16And that carries all the goods, food, drinks, to the south, right?
14:19To Patagonia.
14:20So, it is the route, par excellence, of traffic, of merchandise.
14:24That's why I was asking you.
14:25And the neighboring routes, I imagine that being smaller, will also be affected.
14:32Paula, last night we tried to go to Colonel Dorrego.
14:40And, no, we found Route 3 totally collapsed.
14:43In fact, there was part of the place there that had been run over by the water.
14:49And that prevented us from passing.
14:51From there we had to decide to go to another city to be able to find a place.
14:55Because, I tell you, the city was in complete darkness.
14:58There was no place to stay.
15:00It was impossible.
15:01There were cars that had been dragged by the current throughout the city of Bahía Blanca.
15:07And that made it very difficult.
15:10But what you asked about Route 3, it was cut in several sections.
15:16And, therefore, there was none.
15:18In fact, in the area in front of us, there is a service station that is at the entrance.
15:24And Route 51 is this one.
15:28And it is full of trucks.
15:30And, in fact, there is a very long line of at least 100 meters of people trying to get some fuel.
15:37Because the rest were not operational.
15:41So, the service stations.
15:43And this is the only one where people can try to come and get some fuel.
15:47And the trucks, some protection until Route 3 is enabled again.
15:54So, well, the situation in that sense was also very complicated that night.
15:57Leo, the entire area of ​​the Bahía Circumvalación, which is still with a paralyzed work there in the X Centenary and others.
16:04I imagine very, very complicated.
16:06Already in itself, without water and without rain, it is very complicated because of the works that are stopped.
16:12Imagine with this level of water.
16:14With this level of water.
16:17No, with this level of water it gets even more complicated.
16:20Well, now surely the tasks will be focused on trying to get this amount of water that is in this neighborhood.
16:28Here we saw Nicolás moving from one side to the other, trying to see and wait.
16:33Yes, he was going to do the hold there.
16:34And the water leaves to be able to get to his house, I tell you.
16:38We just saw a truck that, well, also in desperation to try to see how they were inside.
16:44Because many, like Nicolás, Edu, had to pick up the things.
16:48It started to rain at 4.
16:50And around that, an hour later, they began to see that the system began to collapse.
16:56They began to pick up their children and with what they had, they left their houses.
17:01They left.
17:02That's what happened and that's how they stayed here.
17:05We are now going to see if we can get to Cerri, which is the most complicated area, the most complicated locality.
17:12To also try to show you how the situation is there and how the operation is being carried out.
17:20To try to see, there are still 10 dead, but the list is not closed yet.
17:29Because there are many places where it was still very difficult to get.
17:32Yes, unfortunately that list may be even greater.
17:37I hope we are not wrong.
17:39What was your first impression, Leo, when you arrived in the city?
17:43Because we just saw images of the cars that were taken by the current.
17:47The water took everything that found its way.
17:50What was the first image with which you found yourself in Bahía Blanca?
17:54The first image, Edu, was of total desolation.
17:58We started to walk around the city and we found a city.
18:03We went to the hospital, to the hospital Pena.
18:06And I tell you that the image was, so to speak, of a disaster movie.
18:12It was that, an image of catastrophe.
18:14Because it was full of mud.
18:16A dark hospital.
18:18I, at least, never on the tours I did, saw a hospital with the lights off.
18:24In the basement of that place there were 7 ambulances that had been covered by the water with what was necessary.
18:30And mud everywhere.
18:32Some nurses and doctors who came to try to see if something was needed.
18:37But totally dark.
18:39From there we started to walk around the rest of the city that still had, in several places,
18:44cars that had been dragged by the current.
18:46It was like a tsunami that had advanced over the city and had destroyed everything.
18:53Because there were cars, as I tell you, scattered everywhere.
18:57Without light.
18:58People lighting up with the few cell phones they had left.
19:01Because obviously, as there was no energy, there was the impossibility of being able to recharge them.
19:08So there was no communication.
19:10The truth was, it was a disaster movie in which we were involved.
19:14But hey, it was all reality.
19:16What was happening in the midst of all that situation.
19:19And we saw the cars that came in and out.
19:21We tried to find a place to go.
19:23We couldn't because the route was totally cut off.
19:27It had advanced like the river and had broken up to the Guarra.
19:30And, I tell you, it had collapsed with a mountain of grass, of branches that had remained in the middle of the street.
19:36The truth is that it was very impressive to tour the entire city of Bahía Blanca.
19:41Well, and this morning, there are still firefighters working, trying to see if someone stayed inside one of the houses.
19:51To be able to provide some kind of help.
19:55But still with the water above the knee.
19:59In this area where Nicolas' house is, which he just told us about.
20:03Look, back here is our truck.
20:06The truck where he was able to park, take out his work tool.
20:12And it also allowed him to go out with his family.
20:15And that's where he spent the whole night.
20:17There, a little guard.
20:19Also trying to take care of his things.
20:23And maybe with some sadness and desolation.
20:28Trying to see if the water would leave his house.
20:31Yes, you just defined it very well.
20:33Desolation, which is the first impression you got.
20:36And the sadness that this is generating.
20:40And it is not possible to dimension what this storm has generated.
20:47You just told us, Leo, about the ambulances.
20:50Covered by water.
20:51So imagine how many things we will continue to discover.
20:54And you will continue to discover there with your journalistic work.
20:57From now on, when the water starts to go down.
21:00Fortunately, we look at the sky and we find some celestial sections.
21:05That is seen with relief.
21:07A first person who tries to get out of his house.
21:12Look, there he goes out with boots.
21:18But I tell you that it has almost no result.
21:21Because the water is above.
21:24He has to go out very carefully.
21:26There, look, he found a well.
21:29What a danger that is.
21:31It is true that it is not seen.
21:33You don't know where you are stepping.
21:35You are stepping and ...
21:37Look, someone who came on the motorcycle came to help him.
21:42Surely he stayed trying to take care of his things.
21:46But hey.
21:48I tell you that it is the decision that sometimes some people make in these situations.
21:53Someone has to take care of what is left.
21:57But hey.
21:58There he is trying to move forward.
22:00I tell you, in the middle of a very complicated situation.
22:03Because, well, you can find a well.
22:06In fact, he goes very carefully.
22:07And that is someone who lives here in the area.
22:10Look, there he reaches a gate.
22:12There is a sidewalk.
22:16Well, there he is also trying to see.
22:18There he enters a neighbor's house.
22:21He is calling.
22:23In this case.
22:25Well, and the people who reach the shore.
22:27Look, on the other side, separated by the water.
22:31There are other families who arrive.
22:34We try to provide some help to those who stayed.
22:38But they get there.
22:40You can't cross.
22:41You can't go further than that.
22:44As we just tried.
22:46Because you can't go through the level of the water yet.
22:54Although you can see the grass.
22:56But it exceeds at least 50 or 60 centimeters.
23:00The level of the water.
23:02And lower areas like this.
23:04More punished.
23:06There we saw a side road.
23:08To your left.
23:09To the left of the camera.
23:12Which is higher.
23:14The vehicles go through that route without difficulty.
23:18Right, Leo?
23:21This is Route 51.
23:23Which is one of the entry routes to the city of Bahia Blanca.
23:29Look, there is also on the side of the route.
23:33You will see people walking.
23:35There are a lot of people who walk from one side to the other.
23:39Last night, with the few cell phone batteries that were left.
23:44And here, look.
23:47Here is Nicolás talking right now.
23:50With part of machinery that came to the area to try to work.
23:56And see if they can make the water drain.
24:00Well, there is an excavator.
24:03Let's see what they told Nicolás.
24:05Or if there is someone who can give you an idea of what tasks they are going to do there.
24:10To make it work faster.
24:13Yes, I tell you that it is difficult.
24:16Where to enter.
24:22Sure, where is the stopper?
24:24They ask him.
24:25Where is the place where they should go?
24:28Let's see.
24:33I'm going to try to be careful.
24:39There with Diego.
24:47Let's see, Leo.
24:48Are you there?
24:49The street.
24:50In this case, what they think is that the street should work as drainage.
24:57But it is not enough.
24:58That's what we're hearing from the conversation.
25:01Look at that house in front.
25:02Look, I'm going to ask Diego.
25:03Where is the gas cabin?
25:06It is covered up to half.
25:09The house just in front.
25:12And the other one over there too.
25:14Totally in the middle of the water.
25:17And the level has already dropped.
25:21So imagine how far the water was.
25:24And it has dropped.
25:25Yesterday it exceeded the level of the window.
25:27Yesterday it exceeded the level of those windows.
25:30That's why they had to go there.
25:32The house of Nicolás looks a little clearer.
25:34A little more in the background.
25:36But, well, they are looking for some way to see how to accelerate the drainage of the water.
25:48There you are going to see.
25:49This is already seen in the background.
25:51Another mechanical shovel that passes.
25:57On the route.
26:03Hello. How are you?
26:04There are people who went to their relatives' house.
26:06But there is also some evacuation center.
26:09The situation is difficult.
26:11They have to find places so that the water can drain.
26:13And there we are looking.
26:15We are looking for where to start working.
26:20Because with the machine too.
26:21I imagine with the level of water that is at the height, it is also difficult to enter.
26:25Yes, it is difficult.
26:26Yes, it is difficult.
26:27So, well, we are still working.
26:30No, please.
26:31Well, there, looking for alternatives together with the neighbors,
26:35who are the ones who know the area, Edu,
26:38to be able to work, enter and achieve that the water can drain.
26:46Well, let's go.
26:47I tell you that it is difficult.
26:52There it is.
26:53Look, let's see.
26:54There is still the family I told you about.
26:57I was trying to find some way to get to their house.
27:01They still can't find a way to connect one side with the other.
27:09Notice that there is still one on one side,
27:13another on the other, observing.
27:16I don't know if we will be able to get to one of them.
27:20Yes, do it very slowly and carefully.
27:23With great care.
27:24Edu, the Route 51, the one in the back,
27:27yesterday had partial cuts, yesterday there were no people circulating.
27:31Well, that's an advance.
27:32What has lowered the water now.
27:34What has lowered.
27:35We already have another panorama.
27:36Where were you going, Leo?
27:39Yes, look, let's go.
27:41You tell me when we leave, how we are signaling.
27:44For now, fine.
27:47Very good.
27:48Look, let's go.
27:49This is another of the houses and here are the families.
27:54Well, an ambulance that also passes through there on the route.
28:00Ah, and here they have made a channel to also try to drain the water.
28:09You go, let's see, there we could cross.
28:12I don't know, Diego, if you can.
28:14Let's see, with the camera.
28:19Of course, they made that channel so that the water can look for a course through that channel, right?
28:28A course.
28:29But I tell you that in this part, at least, it is very stagnant.
28:39Apart from what is the front of this house, look.
28:44This one that has the reeds.
28:47Here in front also the level of water that still has.
28:54And there, look, another person who, already without boots, also very carefully tries to cross and get into this neighborhood.
29:09The issue is that yesterday they had to leave the house with the opposite.
29:13So many today try to go back and see what they found.
29:19Yes, well, we would ask for forgiveness.
29:22Diego showed us that image, a young man with a camper and barefoot.
29:26What is the desperation, right?
29:29Maybe to save something or to see how your house is after what happened yesterday.
29:35Yes, this is also the most difficult moment.
29:39Look, well, in front of the army road.
29:44This is also constantly seen throughout Bahia.
29:48They go and come from one side or the other.
29:53And here is what I was telling you, Edu.
29:55One of the difficult moments after it happened.
29:59Well, come back and see what you find in your house.
30:03In this case, there is still no one in this house.
30:10There is no one in the house.
30:13Still, look at the level of the reeds, how far the water reaches.
30:17And these families, with the motorcycle, who came to try to cross.
30:22But hey, they have decided to go back because it cannot be passed from the other side.
30:29In fact, the firefighters, as we showed you, crossed.
30:32Well, deciding to get on top of the boots and get wet to try to see if they found someone who needed help.
30:42Sure, sure.
30:43Well, that motorcycle that had stopped there to, we believe, to assist someone, has just left.
30:51Sure, the panorama is still desolate.
30:56Yes, yes, it is still very desolate.
31:00Especially in this area, the lower areas.
31:03We are very close, for those who do not understand the geography, we are very close to Sierra de la Ventana.
31:08It is an area of ​​waves.
31:10There are areas that are a little high and others a little lower.
31:15Well, this is one of the low areas.
31:18Yes, and there, look, Nicolas is still turning around his truck.
31:25Yes, we are going to go back to that area.
31:35That has been his place where he spent the night, where he spent guarding his things in some way.
31:42Here they write to me that in Sierra de la Ventana yesterday it was very complicated and today it is much better.
31:47A person who is watching us says that yesterday we had problems in Sierra de la Ventana and today it is better.
31:52Yes, yes, we were there, Victor.
31:56Look, yesterday when we were passing Tapalqué and Azul, more or less that area.
32:03Look, look at this image.
32:06There is someone who is trying to save his motorcycle, to get out with the motorcycle, which was this man that we showed a while ago.
32:17And that he has decided to leave his things.
32:21There he takes out his backpack and goes to a distant place.
32:28And also because it must be his work tools and he is taking care of it to be able to get out.
32:37But there he goes in the middle of the water, trying to get out, as we showed you, the motorcycle with his backpack.
32:45But it is difficult.
32:50Look how far the level of the boots has gone.
32:56Well, there ...
33:01Well, it could happen.
33:03There he was getting to an area that has lowered the water level a little more.
33:09Finally, luckily, he will be able to get out.
33:13Of course.
33:15You will not be able to hear it, Edu, but you can also hear the howling of some pets,
33:23who also obviously stayed in some of the houses, in some shelters in the high areas.
33:30But now, while the families are trying to get out ...
33:34Well, there it is.
33:37Let's see if you can get on your motorcycle and get out.
33:42Well, they do what they can with what they have, trying to protect some of the things.
33:49Well, there he tried to get on the motorcycle, but it was impossible.
33:53It is the only vehicle that can take you to your house, a motorcycle.
33:58Why? Because if you cross that area with a truck or a truck, well, more water enters the houses.
34:05They are uninhabited, so they cannot even protect it with some containment and so on.
34:11But of course, they are isolated movements of people who decide to go to see how their house is,
34:17or go to remove something in particular.
34:22Let's see, Leo.
34:25Yes, there it is.
34:26Well, he was able to get out, he was able to start the motorcycle.
34:29The truth is that he was noble in this regard, to be able to take some things in his backpack.
34:38He was able to rescue from a house that is still under water.
34:43There, in the background, there is also another neighbor who appears.
34:47Well, some who are trying to return to see what they find.
34:53What is this person?
34:55Some already tied short, decided to leave their boots behind.
35:00There the firefighters come again.
35:03Let's go to that area.
35:05Look at the level of how far it reaches above the knee.
35:12We are going to get closer little by little.
35:16They told us that they cannot speak, but at least a word to know how the situation is.
35:22But look at the level of the water above the knee, still in this area,
35:30where it is still impossible for the children, for the community, for the people to enter.
35:37This is the house that was just told us, the address where Nicolas' house is.
35:44Well, look, very above the boots, above the knees even,
35:52the water here with the firefighters, which must also be highlighted,
35:57the decision, the work they carry out,
36:00leaving behind the danger that also for them entails having to get into these circumstances.
36:10Just a word, how is the situation? Is there anyone left in the houses?
36:14No, they were all evacuated.
36:16Very good. Well, all evacuated.
36:21Look, here as ...
36:26Well, totally wet and rescued.
36:30And we also congratulate the whole body of firefighters.
36:35Leo, speaking of evacuated, is there a center where they have been received?
36:42Or people have mostly gone to the house of family members and so on?
36:46Yes, no, no. Yesterday there were at least three evacuation centers
36:51distributed in different areas of the city,
36:54and also in some neighboring towns where there was no difficulty,
36:58because the chaos was such that it was very difficult to find a place where there is no water.
37:04So it was very difficult.
37:07But in some neighboring towns and also in Bahía Blanca,
37:13there were at least three evacuation centers.
37:17There were around ...
37:19It was growing with the passage of time,
37:22but about 300 families had been evacuated.
37:28Well, little by little, I tell you that the landscape changed a lot with the passage of time,
37:32because the city exhausted the center a lot.
37:36Well, there were some neighborhoods left and they tell us that Serri,
37:39for example, a town near Bahía Blanca,
37:42is one of the most complicated at the moment,
37:45and this neighborhood where we are,
37:47that still the people who were evacuated could not return home.
37:52Leo, I'm watching, we're watching part of your coverage.
37:55Last night was a difficult scenario, right?
38:01I mean, the services are cut off.
38:05We saw some cars there.
38:07Yes, yes, Edu.
38:08They were damaged because the water reached the ceiling.
38:13A situation, I tell you,
38:15a catastrophe image,
38:18where a city in complete darkness,
38:24with what I was telling you,
38:26cars dragged by the current of water everywhere,
38:30all over the city,
38:31trucks, all kinds of vehicles.
38:35The only thing you could see coming and going
38:38were police or army trucks
38:41with the beacons on,
38:43which also gave you that feeling of being in the middle of this catastrophe.
38:50And well, with all the concern,
38:52many people walking with what I was telling you,
38:54with the little cell phone they had left.
38:56Let's see, there's a family there too,
39:01they can just start opening something from the house,
39:04they're right in front,
39:06we just saw part of the hand,
39:08there's this black gate.
39:11But well, the people who yesterday,
39:13as you were telling me,
39:16it was really tremendous,
39:19in the middle of the darkness,
39:21not knowing where to go.
39:23And luckily, at some point,
39:25the relief arrived that there would be no more storms.
39:29That, I think, brought a little more tranquility
39:32in the middle of the devastation,
39:34of the concern that was all over the city.
39:38Good, good, good.
39:40You can see that the water is moving forward, right?
39:44I mean, it takes advantage of this time
39:46in which, fortunately, there are no rains,
39:48but it's going to take, I think,
39:51several hours or days, right?
39:54In the most punished places.
39:59Yes, yes.
40:00I'm telling you that, in fact,
40:02the machine that we just saw
40:04trying to find a way
40:06for it to drain faster,
40:08it stopped there,
40:10because there is no way to enter
40:12because of the height of the water.
40:16And I'm telling you that...
40:19Yes, it's going to take a long time,
40:22because it was really very impressive
40:25how the water dragged
40:27everything with it here in the city
40:30and in these neighborhoods
40:32where the height is lower,
40:35it is very wavy.
40:37There are many waves.
40:39Well, the water is still hard to drain
40:42and the neighbors are still very worried.
40:45I'm telling you, let's see.
40:47I remember a little why.
40:49I'm seeing that some are trying
40:51to get there with their vehicles.
40:54Let's see if they are neighbors or...
41:02We saw two or three people, right?
41:04No, no, people who...
41:05And a couple of vehicles.
41:07It's personal that...
41:09The water got above the window.
41:11You have to go, you can't stay.
41:13You can't stay, of course.
41:15Did the firefighters leave already?
41:17Or are they there?
41:18No, no, they are not here working.
41:21We met with Nicolás,
41:26who is the one who tries to guide them,
41:28who is the one who knows the neighborhood a little
41:34to try to tell them
41:36what possibilities there are
41:38to do some work that allows the water to go,
41:41but it seems very complicated for now.
41:46Without a doubt.
41:48It's sad, isn't it?
41:49You think about those houses,
41:52and they will be in the same condition
41:54for several days.
41:56I imagine,
41:58the first impression they will get
42:00when they come back
42:02and find most of the things
42:04out of play,
42:08Think about the furniture,
42:10in the appliances.
42:11Furniture, appliances.
42:12That they can't recover in many cases.
42:15In many cases, the walls and the ceilings
42:17will be damaged.
42:18That's what I'm saying.
42:19Many years later,
42:20you have problems with the foundations,
42:22problems with the walls,
42:24and you have to do everything again.
42:26Everything again.
42:27That's why there are issues
42:29that have to be foreseen,
42:31especially the disaster prevention plan,
42:33and now with climate change,
42:35in many places it is already being foreseen.
42:37And you know what I was just thinking?
42:39The authorities, the firefighters,
42:41civil defense,
42:43with people saying,
42:45I want to go home,
42:46even if your house is under water.
42:48Because you want to be in your house.
42:50Beyond those who don't leave,
42:52in many places,
42:53it happened to me to be in climate disasters
42:55that evacuate you,
42:56yes or yes,
42:57the police catch you,
42:58it is not negotiable, let's say.
43:00It is mandatory,
43:01it is not mandatory,
43:02it is not an optional matter.
43:04But people want to go back.
43:08what else do you have out there?
43:10Yes, well,
43:11nothing, look,
43:12it hasn't rained yet,
43:14almost nothing,
43:15I tell you,
43:16from the time we are,
43:17up to this place,
43:18is where you can get,
43:20there they are going to retire firefighters,
43:23looking to see if they are still
43:25touring the entire part of the city
43:28to try to see where
43:31some type of aid is required.
43:33What they told us is,
43:34this neighborhood is totally evacuated,
43:38and with the impossibility of entering,
43:40at least 50 centimeters,
43:42and perhaps a little more,
43:44of the level of water
43:46in this entire area.
43:50Some have decided to stay
43:55to protect what little they have left
43:57without getting wet,
43:58because now comes the most difficult part.
44:01First, wait for the water to go,
44:03which here, in this case,
44:04has not yet gone.
44:06And then,
44:09there is another neighbor
44:10that we showed you,
44:11with a camper,
44:13without boots,
44:17This is a street,
44:18this is a street.
44:19Yes, yes, of course.
44:24you thought,
44:25when the water is removed
44:26and a relevance is made
44:27of what is left
44:28and what is not,
44:29of what is no longer useful,
44:31to take possession again
44:32of a house in those conditions,
44:34electrical installation,
44:35electrical installation,
44:37you have to check the details,
44:38you breathe humidity
44:40Of course,
44:41electrical installation.
44:42Let's understand that the temperatures
44:43of Bahia are not those of here,
44:44there it is much colder,
44:46and the cold comes before.
44:49You can't reschedule
44:50electrical installation.
44:51I also suffered
44:52the flood
44:53in 2013
44:54in the city of Buenos Aires.
44:57And first,
44:58I had a week
44:59without being able
45:00to go to my home,
45:01and when I returned home,
45:02I couldn't,
45:03because the cables were all wet
45:04and I had to do
45:05electrical inspection,
45:06because the reality
45:07is worrying.
45:09When that happened to me
45:10in 2013,
45:12I have a terrace
45:13and a ground floor,
45:14everything was flooded
45:15from above,
45:16and everything fell
45:17to the ground floor.
45:18Reconstructing that
45:19took me
45:20about 8 or 10 months,
45:22it took me 8 or 10 months,
45:23because I had to
45:24start from scratch,
45:26start from scratch,
45:27and I am a privileged person.
45:28Having the resources,
45:31I am a privileged person.
45:32Many times people
45:33don't have the resources.
45:34That's why they were talking
45:35about the credits
45:36of 10 million pesos.
45:37What I also say is
45:38that there are other places
45:39where they have
45:40prevention plans
45:41for these things.
45:42For example,
45:43in the United States
45:44you have a contingency fund,
45:45in Spain you have
45:46a insurance that
45:47all insurances
45:48provide for this,
45:49because in a situation
45:50like this,
45:52then you have to see
45:53who covers you
45:54and who doesn't cover you.
45:55For example,
45:56water damage,
45:57insurance doesn't cover it.
45:58This doesn't cover it.
45:59It doesn't cover it.
46:00It covers a broken pipe,
46:01but it doesn't cover this.
46:02Let's go back to Leo,
46:04let's see what you are seeing,
46:05what you are listening to.
46:06I tell you that
46:07one more complication
46:08to all this
46:09that you relate
46:10is the issue
46:11of the temperature.
46:12The temperature
46:13began to drop a lot.
46:14As Pablo said.
46:15People left
46:16with the opposite.
46:17So it will be
46:18very important
46:19all the issue
46:20of assistance,
46:22on the night
46:23when the temperature
46:24drops a little more
46:25for the people.
46:27later also
46:28the location
46:29of the
46:31will be
46:32very important
46:34what is left
46:35is the issue
46:36of the remedies.
46:37A hospital
46:38that is
46:39the most important
46:40in the area.
46:41What they told us
46:42is that
46:43it is the central hospital
46:44of the whole area,
46:45the hospital Pena.
46:46A hospital that
46:49being totally flooded.
46:51all the rest
46:52of the health centers
46:53will have to
46:54replace all the tasks
46:55that started from there,
46:56the assistance
46:57that started from there.
47:00it is very important.
47:01At least seven ambulances
47:02under the water.
47:03Let's see.
47:05it is very important
47:06what Leo said
47:07about the issue
47:08of medicines
47:09because there are medicines
47:10that lost
47:11the refrigeration
47:13Older adults
47:14who left
47:15their homes
47:16from the opposite
47:17and are not taking
47:18the medication
47:19for chronic diseases.
47:20They cut
47:21the treatment.
47:22They cut
47:23the treatment.
47:24They lost
47:25or left
47:26their walkers,
47:27their wheelchairs.
47:28The return
47:29is very difficult.
47:31these plans
47:32of evacuation
47:33and everything,
47:34the most difficult
47:35are the vulnerable groups
47:36and within the vulnerable groups
47:37are the older people.
47:38You have the two ends.
47:39The babies
47:40that we talked about
47:41that came
47:42from Ecuador,
47:43a terrible image
47:44and the other end,
47:45the older adults.
47:46You have end
47:47and end.
47:48Those are the
47:49always vulnerable
47:50who are the ones
47:51who are at more risk today.
47:55The people
47:56who could leave
47:57with what they had
47:58in the early hours
47:59because this
48:00surprised them
48:01in the early hours.
48:02Now the wind
48:03is very intense.
48:04There is a lot of wind
48:05and I tell you
48:07I don't know,
48:08at least what I see
48:09behind me
48:10is that clouds
48:11are forming again.
48:12I don't know
48:13if that
48:14will bring
48:15any kind
48:16of inconvenience.
48:17The forecast
48:19that there
48:20wouldn't be
48:21any rain
48:24I tell you,
48:25the temperature
48:26went down a lot.
48:27There is a lot
48:28of wind
48:29and there is
48:30a lot of wind
48:31and that,
48:33the assistance
48:34will have to
48:36on that side
48:39the conditions
48:43and see
48:44when these people
48:45really go.
48:46This is a
48:48abandoned neighborhood.
48:49I say,
48:53There are
48:55who try
48:56to enter
48:57their house,
48:59who try
49:00to enter
49:01their house
49:04I say,
