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PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk (PJAA) melaporkan pendapatan dan laba bersih yang kurang mengesankan di 2024. Di periode ini emiten milik Pemprov Jakarta tersebut membukukan pendapatan Rp1,26 triliun. Angka ini turun tipis 0,62% jika dibandingkan posisi tahun 2023 yang sempat mencapai Rp1,27 triliun.


00:00Thank you again with us, Pomirsa, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, TBK, reporting on income and clean waste that have been less noticeable throughout 2024.
00:14In this trial, the emitter owned by Prof. Jay Karta reported an income of 1.26 trillion rupiah. This figure fell by 0.62% compared to the position in 2023, which had reached 1.27 trillion rupiah.
00:31PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol reported an income and clean waste that have been less noticeable throughout 2024. PJAA successfully recorded an income of 1.26 trillion rupiah.
00:45PJAA's income throughout 2024 came from the real estate business segment of 5.67 billion rupiah, with a ticket income of 907.18 billion rupiah, down from 911.66 billion rupiah.
01:00Meanwhile, the hotel and restaurant income was 76.84 billion rupiah, down from 88.99 billion rupiah in 2023. Meanwhile, PJAA's other business income in 2024 reached 277.59 billion rupiah, up from 275.21 billion rupiah in 2023.
01:24As with the decrease in PJAA's clean waste revenue in 2024, it also contracted 24.4% annually, to 177.79 billion rupiah. PJAA's total revenue was 3.59 trillion rupiah, down from 3.74 trillion rupiah in 2023.
01:47Next, the company's total equity in 2024 was 1.71 trillion rupiah, up from 1.64 trillion rupiah in 2023. Ancol also reported a total of 292.78 billion rupiah, down from 411.44 billion rupiah in 2023.
02:17Thank you for watching!
