(Adnkronos) - Nuovo record per le crociere del porto di Civitavecchia. Nel 2024 sono stati 3.459.238 i passeggeri crocieristi sia in transito che imbarcanti e sbarcanti nel Porto di Roma. Un numero in aumento del 4,3% rispetto al record dello scorso anno (3.316.442) quando venne sfondato per la prima volta in assoluto in Italia il muro dei 3 milioni di crocieristi. E’ quanto è emerso nel corso della Conferenza Stampa tenutasi presso l'Autorità di Sistema Portuale - Molo Vespucci snc a Civitavecchia - durante la quale, Pino Musolino Commissario Straordinario dell’AdSP del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale e il Direttore Generale della Roma Cruise Terminal (RCT), John Portelli hanno illustrato i principali risultati del turismo crocieristico nell’hub di Civitavecchia.
00:00A new record for cruises in the port of Civitavecchia, in 2024 there were about 3,460,000 cruise passengers both in transit and embarking and disembarking in the port of Rome, a number increasing by 4.3% compared to the record of last year when the wall of 3 million cruisers was demolished for the first time in Italy.
00:25It is as it emerged during the press conference held at the Committee Room of the Port Authority in Civitavecchia, during which Pino Musolino, extraordinary commissioner of the ADSP of the Mar Tirreno Centro-Settentrionale and the General Director of the Rome Cruise Terminal, John Portelli, have illustrated the main results of cruise tourism in the port of Civitavecchia.
00:47The result is very important because it consolidates a position, numbers that are not only of reference here but are of reference on a European and global basis. Let's not forget that the first European port, Barcelona, is now a shot from us and if it goes as I hope, we will be able to overcome it and to overcome it definitely in a couple of years and we position ourselves widely and quietly among the first six cruise ports in the world.
01:13The highest increase is recorded with passengers in Turnaround, 5.74% more than in 2023. Overall, 49% of passengers in Turnaround passed with the main line of the cruise in Civitavecchia against 50% in traffic in 2024. In 2019, the percentage of passengers in Turnaround was attested at 42%. For the first time, more than 1.7 million passengers in Turnaround have registered.
01:40This data confirms Civitavecchia as one of the most important Turnaround hubs in the world.
02:10The result is therefore an important milestone also for the development of tourism in the territory.