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(Adnkronos) - “Dopo aver superato la soglia dei 3 milioni di turisti in transito nel porto di Civitavecchia, l’anno scorso, traguardo mai raggiunto da nessun porto in Italia, oggi celebriamo il risultato di 3.459.000, straordinario non solo su base nazionale, ma europeo e mondiale, visto che siamo secondi solo a Barcellona, e contiamo di superarla in un paio d’anni, posizionandoci ormai tra i primi sei porti crocieristici al mondo”. Ha detto Pino Musolino, Commissario Straordinario dell’AdSP del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale, durante la conferenza stampa per illustrare i dati delle crociere del 2024 e le prospettive di sviluppo del traffico crocieristico, presso la Sala Comitato dell’AdSP a Civitavecchia.


00:00After having broken the ideal threshold of 3 million last year, let's remember that no
00:09port in the history of Italy has been able to do it, this year not only do we confirm ourselves
00:12but we reach 3.459 million, unfortunately very close to the 3.5 million that I liked
00:21as a round number, it will be the aspiration for 2025, but jokes aside it is a very important
00:26result because it consolidates a position, numbers that are not only relevant here but
00:32are relevant on a European and global basis, let's not forget that the first European port
00:37Barcelona is now a blow to us and if it goes as I hope we will be able to overcome it
00:44and to overcome it definitively in a couple of years and we position ourselves widely and
00:50quietly among the first six cruise ports in the world, so these are results that I would not
00:57easily eliminate, the most important local fact is that the cruises and above all
01:03having brought fundamentally a balance between transit cruises and turnaround cruises,
01:08that is, departures and arrivals in old age, have made sure that our vast majority
01:13when we lead together at the end of the cruise every year a survey on receptivity services
01:1979% of bed and breakfast operators or hotels declare that without the
01:25cruises they would not exist, restaurants in good part have an important remunerative activity
01:32thanks to the cruises, the parking lots also those outside the port that would not exist if there were not
01:38services related to the cruises, it is an industry that gives to work to a lot of sectors,
01:46we also have in mind to develop a local hotelry academy on the territory in
01:54collaboration with the region, to develop other activities through the ETS and the
01:59European schools with which we collaborate and to develop activities also with the entire
02:07region to be able to diversify, in short, the accessibility to the various places, taking into account
02:13that, in any case, let's say Rome is the great magnet but not necessarily the only place because
02:20another of the important elements that is often underestimated is that most of the
02:25cruisers are so called repeaters, that is, they are people who come two, three, even five
02:32times and that maybe, I've seen the big dome before, maybe even the second time, with an offer on
02:38the right territory that can be interesting, they can take other territories into consideration,
02:43I think of the fact that in recent years we have been able to send more than 20,000 people to Viterbo
02:52rather than to Bomarzo, in short, it is not immediately at the top of the list of the American
02:58of Wisconsin, therefore, with a job that can be done and improved more and more with the
03:02Regional Tourism Advisory Board and with a policy made with the territories, these are
03:08certainly encouraging and important signals, in short, it is the second year in a row with more than three
03:13million and sailing more and more, it can do us good, not so much in a self-referential way
03:20for us, but to be the driving force of the growth and development of an entire territory.
