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(Adnkronos) - “Mi auguro che la mia canzone possa emozionare, smuovere delle corde profonde, in chi la ascolta”. Così Simone Cristicchi racconta all’AdnKronos il brano ‘Quando sarai piccola’ con il quale è in gara al prossimo Festival di Sanremo. Un brano che racconta la fragilità della malattia di sua madre. “Credo sia una canzone trasversale – sottolinea il cantautore romano -. Mi auguro di porre un piccolo riflettore su un enorme problema, la tematica dell’anzianità, non solo legata all’Alzheimer o alla demenza senile ma alla cura, la cura dell’altro, del fragile e delle persone che vivono una situazione del genere”. Per Cristicchi, “è una vittoria poter parlare di una cosa così importante” e , aggiunge, “spero che la canzone possa durare e rimanere dopo il Festival: sarebbe un grande regalo”.


00:00The song was stuck in a drawer for five years, and I wrote it together with Amara and Nicola Brunialti who suggested the title to me during the first phase of quarantine.
00:12So that moment when we found ourselves having to recatalog a little our lives, right?
00:18And having to go to the essential, to those few things that count, I say in another song of the album, to understand also, if we want, the meaning of everything that was happening.
00:34And when Sarai Piccola was born, with the urgency, the need, the need to tell a private pain and make it universal.
00:45It was a challenge to be able to write it, because it was a completely nude, telling what my story is, about the disability of my mother Luciana.
01:03But I didn't want to focus only on her, but also on the theme of the cyclicity of our lives, this undulating movement.
01:16First of all, I hope that the song can excite, can move deep strings in those who listen to it, of any age, because I think it's a song that is still transversal.
01:28I hope to put a little reflector on a huge problem, a huge theme, which is that of old age.
01:42Not only of Alzheimer's or senile dementia, but in general of the cure, the cure of the other, the cure of the fragile, and of the people who somehow live such a situation.
02:00And already this for me is a victory, to be able to talk about such an important thing.
02:06And finally, I hope that this song can last, that it can remain, even after the festival. This would be a great gift.
