• last month
Copenhagen hosted the Fastelavn Bun Run, a 21.1 km half marathon where participants stopped at ten bakeries to sample traditional fastelavnsboller.


00:00Everybody from abroad knows the Copenhagen bakery scene, and fast food is a big thing
00:24in Copenhagen.
00:25We were doing a selection of 10 bakeries that we really, really like, and that are doing
00:2910 fast lunches a month, and we really think that everybody should try.
00:33By coincidence, we did the route between the different bakeries, and the route was exactly
00:3721.1 kilometers, which is the exact distance of a half marathon.
00:42So it was basically just written in the sky that this has to go into a half marathon.
00:56It's the most ridiculous event in Copenhagen, so of course we're in for it.
01:03We've never had so many pastries in two hours.
01:06It was a marathon in a different sense as well, but we got there in the end anyways.
01:20You know, the feeling of, okay, how is it going to be the next one?
01:23You had the motivation to run between every pastry shop and pastry shop.
01:26That was really nice.
01:28And the whipped cream is amazing.
01:29Yeah, marmalade, and then chocolate, all the varieties.
