• 2 months ago
Asr e Hazir aur Ahkam e Deen

Speaker: Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi

#AsreHaziraurAhkameDeen #muftiahsannaveedniazi #aryqtv

This program is based on the statement of jurisprudence and Shariah orders, in which the questions raised by the viewers through live calls will be answered and they will be guided in Shariah according to the requirements of the modern age.

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00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:29In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:36Respected viewers, once again we are at your service with Masr-e-Hadir and Ahkam-e-Deen.
00:43As you know, we discuss a topic in this program
00:46and during this time, your queries are also included,
00:49your live calls are also entertained
00:52and your questions are answered directly in the light of the book of Sunnah.
00:58And we have also told you that this program is officially uploaded
01:02on the official YouTube channel of ARYQ TV
01:04with the name of Masr-e-Hadir and Ahkam-e-Deen.
01:09If you miss this program and want to watch it later, you can watch it.
01:14And if you want to understand it later,
01:17if you want to note it down, you can refer to the playlist.
01:21Watch it yourself and share it with others with the intention of good deeds.
01:26Today, we will discuss a specific topic.
01:29As we have accumulated a lot of queries,
01:32we wanted to answer all of them.
01:35Today, it is not a specific topic, it is not selected.
01:39Today, it is about different issues.
01:40We will answer the queries that we have collected
01:44and during this time, we will also include your calls.
01:48We will also answer your calls and we will also answer the queries that we have collected.
01:54We have collected a query.
01:56Someone has asked us whether it is permissible to buy and sell Zamzam water.
02:01If someone wants to sell Zamzam water, can he sell it or not?
02:05The answer to this is that it is permissible to buy and sell Zamzam water
02:10because Zamzam water is water.
02:12And water is Sharaan Mal-e-Mutaqawwim.
02:16Mal-e-Mutaqawwim means that which the Shariah has declared as wealth
02:20and it is permissible for the Shariah to take profit from it.
02:23Mal-e-Mutaqawwim means that which the Shariah has declared as wealth
02:27and it is permissible for the Shariah to take profit from it.
02:30So, water is also Mal-e-Mutaqawwim in the eyes of the Shariah.
02:34If the water is in the milk of the person and the person has the power to supply it,
02:39then in this case, water is Mal-e-Mutaqawwim
02:41and if other conditions are met, then the person can sell the water.
02:44Common water also.
02:46Yes, the water that is not allowed to be discussed is the water of the well,
02:50or the water of the river, or the water of the lake.
02:54The water that is not in the milk of the person.
02:57It is flowing and the person has not yet taken possession of it.
03:01So, the flow of that water is not correct.
03:03But that water also, if someone fills it,
03:05then it is in the milk of the person and he has also taken possession of it.
03:08And now that thing is his number,
03:10as it usually happens that if someone fills water from the river,
03:15then that water is his.
03:16So, now that thing is his, he has taken possession of it,
03:18it has come into his milk and he has the power to supply it.
03:23So, if he wants to sell that water, then he can sell it.
03:26Similarly, if someone's water is in the milk of the person,
03:29he has filled it from the well, now it is in his milk,
03:31he has taken possession of it and he has the power to supply it to others.
03:36So, if someone sells it, then it is permissible to do so.
03:40And water used to be sold.
03:42Earlier, water used to be sold.
03:44Earlier, those who used to supply water were called Sakka.
03:48Those who were travelers, especially those who used to travel,
03:51they used to bring water there.
03:53Water used to be sold, water used to be supplied.
03:57And even today, bottles of water are sold.
04:00So, it is permissible to buy and sell water from Zamzam.
04:03It should be seen that there is no legal complication in this.
04:06If there is a legal agreement, then it will not be allowed.
04:10Because those things which are Sharan Muba,
04:12which are permissible, not compulsory or Sunnah,
04:15but only permissible,
04:16if the state or the government bans it for some reason,
04:21makes a law in which there is a legal violation,
04:25and it is prohibited because of that,
04:26then it is also necessary to ban such a country's law
04:30in that state, in that government.
04:32Because in the case of not banning it,
04:35it is necessary to face humiliation.
04:37And the Shariah itself has forbidden humiliation.
04:41It has forbidden to face humiliation.
04:43It is also necessary to face humiliation.
04:46You will be punished.
04:46And if a person goes to save his life,
04:48he will either lie or bribe, and it is not allowed.
04:52So, the Shariah forbids this, if there is such a law.
04:55So, if there is such a law,
04:57that the purchase and sale of water from Zamzam is prohibited,
05:02then the ban of the law will be necessary
05:03and there will be no need to purchase and sell it.
05:05But if there is no such law,
05:08then in normal circumstances,
05:09the purchase and sale of Zamzam water is permissible.
05:11There is no harm in it.
05:14Then he asked us a question,
05:16that toys, sometimes toys are compared to animals.
05:23So, toys that are compared to animals,
05:26how is it to buy and sell them?
05:29And how is it for children to play with them?
05:30See, toys like this,
05:32the purchase and sale of these toys is also permissible
05:35and it is also permissible for children to play with them.
05:37And this is also proven from the Hadith.
05:38And the mention of dolls is also present in the Baghada tradition,
05:41that even then, the girls used to play with dolls.
05:45So, in the time of the Prophet Muhammad,
05:47this was also a custom.
05:49So, if children play with toys that are similar to animals,
05:53then it is also correct for children to play with them.
05:55And to sell and buy and sell them for the sake of playing with children,
06:00this is also correct in its place.
06:01There is no harm in it.
06:04Then a brother asked a question,
06:07that if gold is taken on loan,
06:10then in this case, is it necessary to return the gold
06:13or can we also pay the price of gold?
06:15And if you will pay the price,
06:17then from which perspective will you pay the price?
06:19Will you pay the current rate or will you pay the previous rate?
06:23I will answer this,
06:24I will include a caller here, I will give him after the call.
06:27Assalamu Alaikum.
06:29Wa Alaikum Assalam.
06:31Increase his voice a little.
06:35Assalamu Alaikum.
06:36Wa Alaikum Assalam.
06:37Yes, please go ahead.
06:40My question is that men are not allowed to go to the mosque after eating onions.
06:45And if women are standing to offer Salat,
06:48then what will happen to them if they have eaten onions at that time?
06:58Yes, Nazim, I was requesting you
07:00that a brother asked a question,
07:02that if gold is given on loan to someone,
07:05then in this case, when the loan will be returned,
07:08then is it necessary to return the loan in the form of gold
07:11or can we also pay the price of gold?
07:12And if you will pay the price,
07:13then the price will be according to the current rate
07:16or will be according to the rate at that time when the loan was taken.
07:19See, the answer to this is that gold is included in miscellaneous things
07:23and the law about miscellaneous things is that
07:26when you have taken it on loan,
07:29then you have to give the same thing,
07:31in that there is no trust in the price.
07:34So, if you had taken a loan of gold,
07:36then you will return the same gold
07:38and if it is not gold,
07:40then it is necessary to give the same gold
07:43and there is no trust in the rate or price,
07:45only the quality of gold will be seen and its weight will be seen.
07:49When you had taken a loan,
07:50then the amount of gold you had to take on loan
07:53and the quality of gold,
07:55the same quality and the same weight of gold
07:58is necessary to be returned and you will return it,
08:01its price will not be given and the rate,
08:04when the price is not given,
08:05then the question of the rate becomes meaningless,
08:09it becomes baseless that when the price is not to be given,
08:11it is to be given,
08:12either give the same gold or its miscellaneous gold,
08:15the price cannot be given.
08:17Then one brother asked this question
08:20that gold jewellery is made on order,
08:24so if gold jewellery is made on order
08:26and in this case, some amount is given in advance
08:30and the rest is given later,
08:31so is it right to do this or not?
08:34So, doing this is permissible
08:36and it is called in our Fikhi terminology,
08:40Istisnaal means to make something on order.
08:43I will tell you the details of this,
08:44I will include the caller in it.
08:55Mufti Sahib, I have a question,
08:58if you go to the Darbar and ask for prayers,
09:02then which side of the face do you have to face?
09:04Do you have to face the Kaaba or the Darbar?
09:08Because the mosque is a holy place.
09:13I will tell you.
09:16Yes, I was requesting that
09:17it is called in our Fikhi terminology,
09:21Istisnaal means to make something on order.
09:24So, Ba-istisnaal,
09:26the things in which it has Ta'amul,
09:28Ta'amul means it has a custom.
09:32So, the things in which there is a custom of Ba-istisnaal,
09:35in those things, the Shariah allows for Ba-istisnaal.
09:38So, here too, since we have a custom,
09:41like this, gold jewellery is made on order
09:44and the jurists have also made declarations
09:46regarding the gold jewellery
09:48and the order of gold and silver is the same.
09:50So, if gold is made on order like this,
09:53then if the amount is given in advance,
09:55if it is given in full advance, then it is okay.
09:57If it is not given in advance,
09:58if it is given in some advance,
09:59if it is given later, then it is okay.
10:01And if nothing is given first,
10:02if it is given later, then it is okay.
10:04This is Ba-istisnaal and it is permissible.
10:06Although, in this, the position of Imam Abu Hanifa Rai Maula is that
10:10if there is a gap of more than a month,
10:12then it is converted into Ba-is-salam
10:15and the conditions of Ba-is-salam are necessary.
10:18But the position of the Sahaba is that
10:20Ba-istisnaal is Ba-istisnaal only.
10:23It is not converted like this.
10:25And at this time, because of the severe gap,
10:28the fatwa is on the sayings of the Sahaba
10:30and many Imams, many scholars,
10:32many jurists at this time give fatwa on this
10:34and we also give fatwa on this
10:35that there is a gap in this.
10:37And anyway, this is the law of Shariah.
10:39Al-mashakatu tajlibut ta'iseer.
10:42Al-mashakatu tajlibut ta'iseer.
10:44The gap brings ease.
10:46Because of this, the aspect of permission is created.
10:49The arguments of Shariah are absolute arguments
10:53and some are fixed arguments.
10:55In the fixed arguments, there are such things
10:57in which there is a gap.
10:58So, the gap is also a permanent argument.
11:01It is a valid argument.
11:02It is a valid argument.
11:03It is a valid argument.
11:04These are arguments themselves,
11:05although they are fixed arguments.
11:07So, because of these,
11:08the aspect of permission is created in the commandments.
11:10So, in this case,
11:11because it is the statement of Sahabaain,
11:13giving fatwa on it is according to the requirements of the time
11:17and many Muslims are being saved from sin
11:21in the statement of Sahabaain.
11:22Otherwise, if we take the statement of Imam-e-Adam in this case too,
11:25then many Muslims are bound to be involved in sin
11:28and the possibility is that Muslims have to be saved from sin.
11:31And the issue is also the issue of Ijtihadi.
11:33So, in the issue of Ijtihadi,
11:34in the issue of Zanni,
11:35anyway, there is a gap
11:37where such a thing happens.
11:38So, in this case, it is a fatwa on the statement of Sahabaain.
11:41There will be exceptions.
11:42Even if you are more than a month tenured,
11:45it is a fatwa on the statement of Sahabaain.
11:47Now, let's include the recorder.
11:48Assalamu alaikum.
11:54Assalamu alaikum.
11:55Wa alaikumussalam.
11:56Yes, please go ahead.
11:58Yes, I have a question for you.
12:00That, if a woman dies in her husband's death,
12:05and if she has no one, no children, no brothers and sisters with her,
12:09and her family tells her to vacate the house,
12:12in such a case, how can a woman fulfill her respect?
12:15Can she go out and sell the things of her need by wearing a niqab?
12:20Okay, I will tell you.
12:24Let's include one more caller.
12:25Assalamu alaikum.
12:27The line has been dropped.
12:28You can join us again.
12:30Assalamu alaikum.
12:32Yes, so I was requesting that the gold jewelry should be made on order.
12:36This is called bai'a istisna, and this bai'a is correct.
12:39It is permissible to buy and sell it.
12:41This matter is correct.
12:42There is no problem in this.
12:44Here, there was a short break.
12:46I hope you will stay with us.
12:49Yes, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
12:50So, today we were requesting you that there are answers to various questions.
12:54Today is not a special topic.
12:55We have collected a lot of queries.
12:57We are talking about their answers today.
13:00So, let's include one caller first, and then we will move on to the next question.
13:03Assalamu alaikum.
13:05Wa alaikum salam.
13:06I am calling from Pindi.
13:07Yes, please go ahead.
13:08I want to ask whether it is true that the Dhrood of the fish is mentioned as Dhrood or not?
13:13That a fish...
13:16Okay, I will tell you.
13:18There is one more caller.
13:18Assalamu alaikum.
13:23Assalamu alaikum.
13:26Assalamu alaikum.
13:28The line has been dropped.
13:30Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there was a question in one of the queries as to how to over-bill?
13:35Some people buy things from someone, and while buying, they get a higher rate.
13:44They give less money and get more money written.
13:47For example, if the thing is worth Rs. 500,
13:51and the thing is worth Rs. 450, they bought it for Rs. 450, but got a bill of Rs. 500.
13:57They took Rs. 500 from the owner, and kept the remaining Rs. 50 with them.
14:04The owner does not know about it.
14:07This is over-billing.
14:08I gave an example of a small amount.
14:10Whether the amount is small or large, the rule is the same.
14:13It is not permissible to over-bill like this.
14:17Firstly, it is a direct lie.
14:19Secondly, it is a direct deception.
14:21The Shariah has forbidden lying and deception.
14:24The Qur'an states that lying is a curse from Allah.
14:30The Hadeeth also clearly mentions deception.
14:33In fact, it is mentioned in the signs of a hypocrite.
14:36The signs of a hypocrite are that when he speaks, he speaks a lie.
14:44When he speaks, he speaks a lie.
14:47This is a sign of a hypocrite.
14:48Similarly, this is also a sign of a hypocrite, that if he promises, he will not keep his promise.
14:53This is also a sign of a hypocrite, that when he promises, he will not keep his promise.
15:00This is also a sign of a hypocrite.
15:02This is also a sign of a hypocrite.
15:04And here, there is also a sign of a hypocrite.
15:06The owner is trusting you, and you are breaking his trust.
15:09This is also not permissible.
15:10Similarly, you are deceiving.
15:12Deception is forbidden.
15:13The one who deceives is not from me.
15:16This is mentioned in the Hadeeth.
15:17Therefore, this is not permissible.
15:19Let's include the caller, and then I will explain further.
15:22Peace be upon you.
15:24Peace be upon you.
15:25Yes, please go ahead.
15:27My question is that my mother had a water bag in her stomach.
15:31She had an operation, and she had 36 stitches.
15:34She cannot bend at all.
15:35She has a lot of pain and pain.
15:37So, I wanted to ask how to offer Salat.
15:40Should I read the Fard, or should I read it sitting down, or should I read half of it?
15:46Let's include one more caller.
15:48Peace be upon you.
15:50Peace be upon you.
15:52Yes, please go ahead.
15:54I wanted to ask, we had given some land for the mosque, a canal.
16:01It's been 3-4 years, and the mosque people are not getting any work done there.
16:08So, I wanted to ask, can we pay for this on the other side, for some other work?
16:15Or, can we pay for this land on the other side of the mosque?
16:21Did you sell this land to them, or did you give them the land?
16:25It was our own land.
16:27We told them to build a mosque here.
16:30They said, okay, we will build it.
16:31If they didn't build it, then you want to take this land from them and give it to some other institution?
16:36Yes, yes.
16:38I will read one more.
16:41Yes, Nazim, I wanted to ask a question about overbilling.
16:46I was telling about overbilling, that it is not permissible to overbill like this.
16:50There is a lie in it.
16:52Lying is also forbidden.
16:53It is a sin.
16:55Secondly, there is also treachery in it.
16:57Treachery has been declared a sign of hypocrisy.
16:59Lying has also been declared a sign of hypocrisy.
17:02And there is also deception in it.
17:03And there are strict warnings about deception.
17:05In fact, it has even been said that the one who deceives is not one of us.
17:09So, deception is also being found.
17:11Deception is that thing about whom?
17:14So, it has even been said that deception cannot be given even to non-Muslims in general.
17:19Deception can only be given in war.
17:22Al-harbu Khuda.
17:23Because war is the name of deception.
17:25So, non-Muslims can be deceived in war.
17:28Otherwise, non-Muslims are also not allowed to be deceived in general, in routine.
17:34It is not permissible to deceive any Muslim.
17:36So, there is also deception in over-billing.
17:40And there is also lying and treachery.
17:43So, it is a sin because of these things.
17:45And it should not be done in such a way.
17:47And those who are followers of this,
17:49they should think that by doing this, we are doing something forbidden.
17:52And the money that we are taking, we are taking it as forbidden.
17:55So, beware of forbidden things.
17:56And pay attention to the prohibitions of forbidden things.
17:58And ask Allah for forgiveness if you have done something like this.
18:01And ask forgiveness from the one for whom you have done this.
18:06And if he forgives that much money,
18:08then if he does not forgive well and good,
18:09then it will be necessary to return his money.
18:12It is not right to over-bill in this way.
18:14There is one more caller here, let's include him.
18:15Assalamu Alaikum.
18:20Assalamu Alaikum.
18:22Waalaikum Assalam, Sir.
18:24Yes, please.
18:25Okay, Sir, the thing is...
18:28Yes, please.
18:30The thing is that what they say,
18:32the thing is that what they say is right.
18:40And another thing, Sir,
18:42is this word mercy or compassion?
18:44And what is this mercy?
18:46Okay, I will tell you.
18:49There is one more caller here, Assalamu Alaikum.
18:52Waalaikum Assalam, Sir.
18:54Assalamu Alaikum.
18:56Waalaikum Assalam.
18:58Yes, please.
18:59Assalamu Alaikum.
19:00Waalaikum Assalam, Sir.
19:02Yes, please.
19:04Sir, Mr. Maham is offering Zuhr prayer.
19:11Sir, Mr. Maham is offering Zuhr prayer.
19:13You can turn off the volume of your TV set.
19:15Yes, he is offering Zuhr prayer.
19:16He is not giving the dosis today.
19:20He is not giving the dosis today.
19:22You can turn off the volume of your TV set
19:25so that your voice is heard equally
19:27and there is no disturbance in between.
19:30You can call us again.
19:32The line has been dropped.
19:34I was requesting you that it is not right to over-bill like this.
19:38Then we were asked a question,
19:41that if someone reads Surah An-Nas in the first rak'ah by mistake,
19:48then in the second rak'ah also he will read Surah An-Nas
19:50or he can also read any other Surah.
19:52But if it has been done by mistake,
19:54then in the second rak'ah some other Surah can also be read.
19:57And it is forbidden that you will not read the Qur'an in the opposite order
20:03or you will not read the Qur'an in the reverse order.
20:05It is forbidden when the person is doing it intentionally.
20:08If the person is doing it intentionally,
20:11then it is forbidden.
20:13And if it has been done in this way,
20:15then it is better that you read Surah An-Nas in the second rak'ah
20:17but if you read any other Surah,
20:19then since it has been done by mistake,
20:21then it is permissible.
20:23Then a brother asked us a question,
20:27that Salat-e-Tasbih is the arrangement of the congregation,
20:31so how is it to arrange the congregation of Salat-e-Tasbih?
20:35Because Salat-e-Tasbih is also Nafl,
20:37and the congregation of Nafl is correct or not,
20:39is it permissible or not?
20:41See, the explanations of the jurists about this are that
20:45the congregation of Nafl has been prohibited from the beginning.
20:49The meaning of the beginning is that
20:51the congregation of Nafl is arranged with care,
20:55and is established as a duty.
20:59Like the congregation of Faraiz,
21:01the congregation of Nafl is established
21:03if there are more than three people in it.
21:05So the jurists have declared it as Makrooh.
21:07Now, there is a difference in the jurists
21:09that the commandment of Qara'at,
21:11what Qara'at is meant by Qara'at?
21:13Qara'at-e-Tahrimiya or Qara'at-e-Tanziyya?
21:17If Qara'at-e-Tahrimiya is meant,
21:19then it is a sin.
21:21Qara'at-e-Tahrimiya is a sin.
21:23It is a small sin, but it is a sin.
21:25And if Qara'at-e-Tanziyya is meant,
21:27then Qara'at-e-Tanziyya is not a sin.
21:29It is only unlikable.
21:31It should be avoided.
21:33Now, the congregation of Nafl,
21:35is it Qara'at-e-Tahrimiya
21:37or Qara'at-e-Tanziyya?
21:39Some jurists believe that
21:41it is Qara'at-e-Tahrimiya,
21:43and some jurists believe
21:45that it is Qara'at-e-Tanziyya.
21:49According to Hazrat Imam Ali Sunnat,
21:51Imam Ahmad Azzaqa Ra'imullah,
21:53it seems that Qara'at-e-Tanziyya
21:55is only against Allah.
21:57It is not unlawful or a sin.
21:59It is only unlikable.
22:01In our view,
22:03it is only Qara'at-e-Tanziyya.
22:05But Qara'at-e-Tanziyya is a sin.
22:07So, it is better to avoid it
22:09because it is Qara'at-e-Tanziyya.
22:11But if someone makes it a sin,
22:13then making it a sin
22:15is not a sin in our view.
22:17Actually, Qara'at-e-Tanziyya is done
22:19because in mosques,
22:21when there is Shab-e-Dari,
22:23the community is formed
22:25because there are all kinds
22:27of people there.
22:29There are youngsters and young blood.
22:31So, if it is said that
22:33they are alone,
22:35then they go far away
22:37and sit in the Wudu-Khana
22:39or in the back of the Sen
22:41and start chatting
22:43without reciting Nafl.
22:45This is why Qara'at-e-Tanziyya
22:47is done.
22:49So, if someone does Qara'at-e-Tanziyya
22:51like this,
22:53then it is not a sin
22:55but it is Qara'at-e-Tanziyya.
22:57But it is better
22:59to avoid Qara'at-e-Tanziyya
23:01and read it one by one
23:03especially in mosques
23:05where there are only
23:07serious people
23:09and they believe
23:11that they should read
23:15This is not a Sunnah.
23:17It is only a permission
23:19and that permission
23:21is also in the form
23:23of Qara'at-e-Tanziyya
23:25that it is against Allah
23:27but if it is done,
23:29then it is not a sin.
23:33The line has dropped.
23:35You can join us again.
23:37I wanted to ask
23:39what is the method
23:41to do Qara'at-e-Tanziyya.
23:47I was requesting
23:49regarding Nawafil-e-Jamaat
23:51that if you want to do
23:55then the jurists have
23:57declared it as Makrooh.
23:59Some say it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi
24:01and some say it is Makrooh-e-Tanziyya
24:03and it is only unliked
24:05and it is not a sin.
24:07In our opinion,
24:09it is better to avoid it
24:11but if it is done
24:13and there is no
24:15harm in it
24:17or if someone's mind
24:19is not going from Nawafil
24:21towards Fard
24:23then there is still
24:25a possibility.
24:27If someone is doing it
24:29then there is no objection
24:31and if it is avoided
24:33then it is better.
24:39How are you?
24:43My question is
24:45that our work
24:47is to take money from people
24:49and do we get a reward for it?
24:51To take money from people?
24:55It is time for a short break
24:57I hope you will stay with us
24:59Welcome back
25:01We were answering
25:03the queries we received
25:05that if someone goes to Umrah
25:07or Hajj
25:09then should he go to Makkah
25:11or Madinah
25:15When a person has time
25:17should he go to Madinah
25:21and then to Makkah
25:23or Makkah
25:25and then to Madinah?
25:27The answer is
25:29that it is right
25:31to do both.
25:32It is right
25:34to go to Makkah
25:38and then to Madinah
25:40then to Madinah
25:42then to Madinah
25:44and then to Madinah
25:46and then to Madinah
25:48and then to Madinah
25:50and then to Madinah
25:52and then to Madinah
25:54and then to Madinah
25:56and then to Madinah
25:58and then to Madinah
26:00and then to Madinah
26:02and then to Madinah
26:04and then to Madinah
26:06and then to Madinah
26:08and then to Madinah
26:10and then to Madinah
26:12and then to Madinah
26:14and then to Madinah
26:16and then to Madinah
26:18and then to Madinah
26:20and then to Madinah
26:22and then to Madinah
26:24and then to Madinah
26:26and then to Madinah
26:28So, this is
26:30so that the government
26:32can follow this path.
26:34For those who go repeatedly,
26:36it is better
26:38to go to Madinah first
26:40and then to Makkah
26:42and then to Madinah
26:44so that the government
26:46can follow both the paths.
26:48It is better for them.
26:50For those who go once,
26:52they are allowed to go
26:54in whichever way they want.
26:56It depends on the sincerity of the person.
26:58The more sincere the person is,
27:00the more happiness and pleasure he has,
27:02according to that,
27:04it is better for him.
27:06So, the one who has more happiness
27:08and pleasure,
27:10the one who feels more pleasure
27:12and is doing the work
27:14purely for the sake of Allah,
27:16it is better for him.
27:18Anyway, it is right in both ways.
27:20You can go to Madinah first
27:22and then go to Makkah.
27:24You can go to Madinah first
27:26and then go to Makkah.
27:28There is a great scholar
27:32Allama Syed Ahmed Sahib,
27:34Ishaq Azmi Rahimullah,
27:36someone asked him
27:38how to go to Madinah.
27:40He gave a simple answer
27:42that if a sinner like me
27:44goes to Madinah first,
27:46he should go to Makkah
27:48so that he can atone
27:50for his sins and
27:52ask for the intercession of Prophet Muhammad.
27:54It is better for him
27:56to do so.
28:00it is a matter of personal taste.
28:02So, the one who has more pleasure
28:04and pleasure,
28:06the one who has more
28:08pleasure in his heart,
28:10the one who has more connection
28:12with Allah,
28:14the one who feels stronger
28:16should adopt that method
28:18and see his convenience.
28:20Now, we come to the questions
28:22of the callers.
28:24One sister asked
28:26that it is forbidden for men
28:28to go to the mosque
28:30after eating onions.
28:32Can a woman pray
28:34after eating onions
28:36or what should she do?
28:38One is cooked onions
28:40and the other is raw onions.
28:42Raw onions smell bad
28:44and when cooked,
28:46it smells bad.
28:48So, it is better
28:50for a man
28:52to go to the mosque
28:54and a woman
28:56to pray.
28:58But raw onions
29:00smell bad
29:02and when a man
29:06Allah is present
29:08in the court of Allah.
29:10It is against the etiquette
29:12of the court of Allah
29:14and it is a cause
29:16for a man
29:18to go to the mosque
29:20and pray.
29:22So, if a woman
29:24is praying at home
29:26and if she has eaten
29:28raw onions,
29:30she should wash
29:32her face
29:34and then pray.
29:36When a man
29:38is praying,
29:40he should take care
29:42of his prayers.
29:44When we pray,
29:46we are in the presence
29:48of Allah.
29:50So, a man
29:52should take care
29:54of his prayers
29:56in the presence
29:58of Allah.
30:00It is not good
30:02to smell bad
30:04and then pray.
30:06A brother asked
30:08if a man
30:10can pray
30:12in the presence
30:14of Allah
30:16or not.
30:18If you go
30:20to the shrine,
30:22the etiquette
30:24of going to the shrine
30:26is that
30:28when you go
30:30to the shrine,
30:32you turn
30:34towards the shrine
30:36and then
30:38you turn
30:40towards the shrine.
30:42When you pray,
30:44everyone knows
30:46that being a Muslim
30:48means that
30:50you are praying
30:52in the presence
30:54of Allah.
30:56You are a Muslim
30:58and you are praying
31:00in the presence
31:02of Allah.
31:04When a Muslim
31:08he offers a means
31:10to those old people
31:12in the presence
31:14of Allah.
31:16If someone
31:18raises his hand
31:20and prays
31:22in the presence
31:24of Allah,
31:26there is no harm
31:28in it.
31:30A sister asked
31:32if a woman
31:34can sell her things
31:35in the presence
31:37of Allah.
31:39If she cannot
31:41sell her things
31:43in the presence
31:45of Allah,
31:47she can sell
31:49her things
31:51in the presence
31:53of Allah.
31:55If she cannot
31:57sell her things
31:59in the presence
32:01of Allah,
32:03she can sell
32:05her things
32:07in the presence
32:09of Allah.
32:11If she cannot
32:13sell her things
32:15in the presence
32:17of Allah,
32:19she can sell
32:21her things
32:23in the presence
32:25of Allah.
32:27If she cannot
32:29sell her things
32:31in the presence
32:33of Allah,
32:35she can sell
32:37her things
32:39in the presence
32:41of Allah.
32:43If she cannot
32:45sell her things
32:47in the presence
32:49of Allah,
32:51she can sell
32:53her things
32:55in the presence
32:57of Allah.
32:59A sister asked
33:01if her mother
33:03has 36 legs
33:05and she cannot
33:07bend down,
33:09how can she pray?
33:11If she cannot
33:13bow down,
33:15she can pray
33:17with gestures.
33:19If she cannot
33:21bow down,
33:23she can pray
33:25with gestures.
33:27If she cannot
33:29bow down,
33:31she can pray
33:33with gestures.
33:35If she cannot
33:37bow down,
33:39she can pray
33:41with gestures.
33:43A brother asked
33:45if he can give
33:47his land
33:49to another
33:53to build
33:55a mosque.
33:57A brother asked
33:59if he can give
34:01his land
34:03to another
34:07to build
34:09a mosque.
34:11A brother asked
34:13if he can give
34:15his land
34:17to another
34:21to build
34:23a mosque.
34:25A brother asked
34:27if he can give
34:29his land
34:31to another
34:35to build
34:37a mosque.
34:39A brother asked
34:41if he can give
34:43his land
34:45to another
34:49to build
34:51a mosque.
34:53A brother asked
34:55if he can give
34:57his land
34:59to another
35:03to build
35:05a mosque.
35:07A brother asked
35:09if he can give
35:11his land
35:13to another
35:17to build
35:19a mosque.
35:21A brother asked
35:23if he can give
35:25his land
35:27to another
35:31to build
35:33a mosque.
35:35A brother asked
35:37if he can give
35:39his land
35:41to another
35:45to build
35:47a mosque.
35:49A brother asked
35:51if he can give
35:53his land
35:55to another
35:59to build
36:01a mosque.
36:03A brother asked
36:05if he can give
36:07his land
36:09to another
36:13to build
36:15a mosque.
36:17A brother asked
36:19if he can give
36:21his land
36:23to another
36:27to build
36:29a mosque.
36:31A brother asked
36:33if he can give
36:35his land
36:37to another
36:41to build
36:43a mosque.
36:45A brother asked
36:47if he can give
36:49his land
36:51to another
36:55to build
36:57a mosque.
36:59A brother asked
37:01if he can give
37:03his land
37:05to another
37:09to build
37:11a mosque.
37:15A brother asked
37:17if he can give
37:19his land
37:21to another
37:25to build
37:27a mosque.
37:29A brother asked
37:31if he can give
37:33his land
37:35to another
37:39to build
37:41a mosque.
37:43Al Fatiha.
