• 2 months ago
Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bahlil Lahadalia memastikan, program Harga Gas Bumi Tertentu (HGBT) industri yang diperuntukkan bagi 7 sektor industri dengan harga USD6 per MMBTU akan tetap dilanjutkan di 2025. Adapun ke tujuh industri tersebut yaitu industri pupuk, petrokimia, oleochemical, baja, keramik, kaca dan sarung tangan karet.

Meski demikian Bahlil menambahkan, pihaknya masih mengkaji terkait rencana perluasan program HGBT di luar 7 industri tersebut. Sebab, usulan tambahan pengguna HGBT ini masih dihitung skala keekonomiannya, guna memastikan keseimbangan antara pengeluaran dan pemasukan negara. Terlebih selama 2021 hingga 2024, potensi pendapatan negara yang terkonversi menjadi HGBT mencapai Rp67 triliun. Oleh sebab itu, Pemerintah harus berhati-hati dalam memberikan subsidi harga gas.

Sementara itu, dasar penerapan kebijakan HGBT agar proses nilai tambah produk yang dihasilkan oleh industri penerima program HGBT berada di dalam negeri, dimana gas dijadikan sebagai bahan baku substitusi impor. Sehingga ke tujuh industri tersebut bisa meningkatkan daya saing, sekaligus memastikan pendapatan negara tetap optimal.


00:00Yes, hello viewers, how are you today straight from the IDX studio in Jakarta, I am Prasetyo
00:26Welcome back to the market review program, which will address the issues that are the driving force of the economy in Indonesia
00:32You can watch our live stream on IDXNL.com
00:36And let's start the market review
00:39Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has confirmed the implementation of a certain ground gas price program or HGBT for 7 industrial sectors will be continued in 2025
00:59Nevertheless, the government is still studying the scale of the economy related to the expansion plan of HGBT for other industries
01:10Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has confirmed the implementation of a certain ground gas price program or HGBT for 7 industrial sectors will be continued in 2025
01:26There are 7 industries, namely the fertilizer industry, petrochemistry, oleochemistry, beads, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves
01:36Nevertheless, the government is still studying the scale of the economy related to the expansion plan of HGBT for other industries
01:43Because the additional revenue of HGBT users is still calculated by the scale of the economy to ensure the balance between export and domestic entry
01:52Moreover, for 2021 to 2024, the potential income of the country converted to HGBT will reach 67 trillion rupiah
02:01Therefore, the government must be careful in providing gas subsidy
02:06The philosophy of HGBT is how the additional revenue process is in the country
02:13Gas is used as a sub-use, sub-core material
02:18So that the industry can be competitive, HGBT is given
02:25Now, if from 7, it feels like it can almost be ensured to be continued
02:34But now there is an additional revenue, and that additional revenue is calculated by the scale of the economy
02:41Meanwhile, the basis of the implementation of the policy of HGBT is to process the added value of the product produced by the industry that receives the HGBT program in the country
02:50Where gas is used as a sub-use, sub-core material
02:53So that the 7 industries can increase competitiveness while ensuring the country's income is still optimal
03:01Jakarta Adefirman Syah, IDX Channel
03:10Yes, the next interview is the 7 industries that received the HGBT program
03:15And the details can be seen on your TV screen
03:17Here it is, there is fertilizer, then petrochemistry, oleosemical, beads, ceramics, glass, gloves, rubber
03:25That's it, some industries that received the HGBT program
03:29Although the scale was still studied by the government outside of the 7 industries that received the HGBT program before
03:37Okay, to discuss the topic about the government, make sure the gas program continues
03:43We have been connected via Zoom with Professor Tumiran, he is an energy observer from the University of Gajah Mada and also a member of the National Energy Council in 2014-2019
03:53Hello, Prof. Tumiran
03:54Hello, how are you, Mr. Pras? I hope you are always healthy
03:58Okay, thank you for your time, Prof.
04:01And we also have Mr. Hari, the Executive Director of Indonesia Iron and Steel Industry Association
04:08Hello, how are you, Mr. Hari?
04:10Okay, thank you, Mr. Pras. Greetings, Prof. Tumiran. Greetings
04:15Greetings, Mr. Hari. Greetings to you again
04:18Okay, thank you for your time and before we discuss further, we will go to Mr. Hari
04:23Just like the government in this matter, the Ministry and the SDM have ensured that the HGBT program worth US$6 per MM BTU
04:33for the industry is ensured to continue in 2025. Is the decision already correct and again, it is a fresh wind for the industry?
04:44Okay, Mr. Pras. Of course, the government's decision, which was delivered by the Minister of the SDM, Mr. Bahdil,
04:51we welcome it very well from the industry actors
04:57because we in this industry are very important to have a stable production cost
05:07and then it means that in making a plan, all the calculation of the production cost is very important
05:17because in the end, it is the price. The price in the end is the competitiveness
05:22So what was delivered by Mr. Bahdil, we welcome it very well and we hope it can be established by the government
05:30not only within a year, but also more than a year
05:35Second, this also provides support for economic growth
05:41it means that if our production costs can be predicted, especially if it is very affordable,
05:47of course, in the end we can have competitiveness in terms of price
05:52and then the third, with the development of renewable energy, this also gets added value
05:59where the world is now heading towards a green economy
06:05green economy, green building, green manufacture, and so on
06:10even entering more advanced countries such as America, then Canada, it has already happened
06:17even done this year
06:19if it turns out that the industry or the steel factory, for example, does not use clean energy
06:29there will be additional income costs
06:32of course, this is challenging for the industry
06:34so we really hope that this program can be ensured by the government
06:44we just want the government to pay attention to the supply that can be more affordable
06:53because not all of our members can feel the supply of this gas
07:00because it involves supply and then supply chain
07:04so we also hope that in the future the government will also build a fairly affordable supply chain
07:12to all areas in Indonesia so that it can be affordable
07:15so that our members can all feel the policies that are very well implemented by the government
07:24that's it
07:26if we look at it, there is a positive appreciation from industry players, especially in the steel and steel industry
07:32Prof. Tumire, how do you see it in 2025 after we know it will end in 2024
07:38then it will be decided to continue in 2025
07:42can this increase the competitiveness of the national industry
07:47and how to increase the added value expected by the government
07:51thank you, Mr. Pras
07:54I have heard directly from Mr. Director, Mr. Hari
07:58about the impact of the prediction of the establishment of HGBT gas
08:04if I look at it like this, Mr. Pras
08:07so when we established DECEN, we hoped that the energy resource must become a development capital
08:15it means not just to be exported, but to be empowered in the country to provide added value
08:22now, of course, if the government also mentioned that there is a deficit of 67 trillion, if I'm not mistaken
08:30with the existence of HGBT, the government's income
08:34but maybe friends who are in the Bajaj Association, in the Ceramics Association, in the Petrochemical Association
08:42with the price of HGBT, there is a creation of a few jobs that are generated with the support of the price set by the government
08:51then it can save us a few deficit from the goods that should not be imported
08:58then there is a tax contribution that is generated from this industry to the country's income
09:05if the tax is quite high, it is said that maybe up to around this contribution can be 500T
09:13minus 67 earlier as a stimulus from the government
09:18provide gas prices, but provide support to private investors
09:23who run petrochemicals, fertilizers, ceramics
09:28it makes an investment, so actually the impact is positive
09:33but if it is still given a cheap price, our industry cannot compete
09:39as I see in the Bajaj sector, there are a lot of imports compared to Bajaj domestic products
09:46of course, something happens
09:48what is wrong? Is it really because of the price of gas?
09:52is there another sector that makes it inefficient?
09:55this must be seen, so I see
09:58then if you look at it, there must be a contribution, how much is the cost structure of gas in the industries that were given
10:06let's say subsidies, how much is the contribution? that can be evaluated
10:11if the contribution is small, this is extraordinary, it means that the government stimulus is nothing
10:16but if it's big, then it's still high, it means there are other factors in this industry sector that need to be evaluated together
10:24what is the cause compared to the cost structure
10:27then now, Mr. Prasya, with the development of digital technology, artificial intelligence
10:36all of this must push our manufacturing sector or our industry
10:42to be efficient, to be competitive
10:45of course, if the price of gas is set according to 2024, it will really be a stimulus
10:54and cause efficiency, increase in productivity
10:57fortunately, it can block imports, especially until we can explore
11:02and the hope now is no choice
11:06that we are now pushing for economic growth
11:10therefore, the current government's task is to accelerate the creation of jobs
11:15not until there is a lockdown, people will lose their jobs
11:23so that the jobs are created, it means that our economic growth will also be productive
11:29that's our view
11:31that's right, what is expected is that there is an increase in value as well
11:36like the products from several industries that got the HGBT program
11:40and the main thing is the creation of jobs
11:43but it's interesting what you said, Prof.
11:45that there is one thing that needs to be considered
11:47if the price of natural gas is given but it still doesn't make an industry competitive
11:53we will discuss it in the next segment
11:55what is the trigger?
11:57and viewers, make sure you are still with us
12:43US$6 Parametric Million British Thermal Unit or MMDTU
12:48will be continued in 2025
12:52Agus got that gas as an energy source is the main component for the industry
12:56in the production process and as a solid material
12:59Agus also asked that the price of cheap gas will be guaranteed and not fluctuated
13:05that's the guarantee from the gas team sent by PT Gas Negara
13:11I think we have to do it as soon as possible
13:13because the factory has to run
13:16so the gas that is needed has to be produced
13:21meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy, Spatial Development and Mining has previously given a positive signal
13:25that the HGBT program for 7 industries will continue in 2025
13:29but the certainty of the expansion plan of the number of industries that will receive the HGBT
13:33still needs further research, especially from the economic scale
13:40HGBT-7 Industry Volumes in Q3 2024
13:45here is the data about the HGBT-7 Industry Volumes in Q3 2024
13:52you can see the complete data on your TV
13:55the allocation is 105.5 million MMDTU
13:59while the realization until Q3 2024
14:0387.2 million MMDTU
14:06or around 80% realization per Q3 2024
14:11next, we will discuss about PMI Indonesia Manufacturing
14:14this is interesting if we consider that in the last few months
14:18we have increased the expansion level to the level of construction
14:22in the last 5 months
14:24then in December 2024, it has reversed again
14:27to the level of expansion of 51.2 points
14:31let's continue our discussion with Professor Tumiran
14:34Energy Secretary from Gajah Mada University
14:37and a member of the National Energy Council 2014-2019
14:41then there is Mr. Hari Warga Negara
14:42Executive Director of Indonesia Iron and Steel Industry Association
14:46Mr. Hari, if we look at some of the information that has been conveyed by Prof. Tumiran
14:52this is interesting if some things related to the HGBT policy
14:56actually, what are the components of gas itself?
15:00how urgent and how big is its contribution
15:04related to the productivity in the industry sector, especially in the steel industry?
15:09okay, so if we talk about gas
15:14gas is various types
15:17in our industry, in the steel industry
15:19it is a source of growth for our industry
15:29but if it is used for coal, petro, steel, etc.
15:35it will be useless
15:36so what Prof. Tumiran said earlier
15:39if we want to talk about the benefits for the industry
15:42it is quite complex in terms of the price of gas
15:45but it can be said that we are very positive
15:48because this is one of the main components that is very important
15:51in terms of steel
15:52especially this is green steel
15:55like now, if we look at
15:58Mr. President, Mr. Prabowo has stated that for the target of economic growth
16:02we will reach 8%
16:04this is of course one is the rise of the industry
16:08if you want to see, the short answer is export
16:11we ourselves, our members have exported
16:15around 2.5 million tons
16:17in terms of budget availability
16:20even to LA, to Canada
16:24to build bridges, build buildings, it goes there
16:28we can penetrate there
16:30so if the price of our steel or energy is also cheap
16:34this will also help to increase sales
16:38especially export
16:41and this is very identical to the 8% economic growth
16:45that was achieved by Mr. President and all of us are very positive
16:49but in the steel industry, it can also be said that we are half broken
16:54how do we also manage the factory
16:59with thousands of employees
17:01then have to compete with the goods that have been imported from a very cheap Chinese country
17:10so this also needs to be considered
17:12because you can imagine if we producers have to compete with general importers, for example
17:18in terms of the office itself is different
17:21maybe they only need one office, I'm sorry, they are also our members
17:24only enough, sufficient, efficient with one factory, two factories
17:28but we manage the factory
17:30so we also want to wait that not only the policy of the SPN minister has fallen
17:36we also want to ask the Minister of Industry to help us
17:42because if there is no side, it will be difficult for us to develop
17:48especially towards the 8% economic growth
17:52just imagine, China has a production budget of 1 billion tons per year
17:59and now with the growth of construction that they have
18:03they must be looking for a market outside of China
18:06so we also have to compare ourselves with the policies of the SPN
18:11even though it already exists, but there really needs to be a habit towards the industry in the country
18:19not only the steel industry, but also other industries
18:22especially the steel industry is called the mother of industry
18:26so mother of other industries
18:28because we start from making plates for ships, for long poles for buildings, for vehicles,
18:37even for pots and pans, then everything is our members
18:41this is what was said earlier by the Minister of Industry
18:45it needs to be comprehensive, so there are many factors that can support the revival of our industry
18:52but we strongly support the policy that was conveyed by Mr. Bakhlil, the SPN
18:58towards the policy of the price that will be set
19:03and we hope that Mr. Bakhlil will not just consider it again
19:11but please make it concrete, set it
19:14even if it can be supported by the development of the gas infrastructure that is currently spread
19:21Okay, Mr. Hari
19:23Prof, with the information that has been conveyed,
19:25if we look at the conditions or challenges that are still faced by the gas industry in Indonesia
19:30one of them is from steel and steel
19:32then how do you see so far, the review from the Prof himself
19:36related to the availability of gas units for the industry sector
19:40especially for the 7 industries that have received the HGBT program so far
19:45so that the competitiveness will remain in 2025
19:50Okay, thank you. So, to be honest, if I observe
19:55the policy of one sector is often not in sync with the other
19:58that was conveyed by Mr. Hari earlier
20:01so if there is a policy to strengthen the industry, increase competitiveness
20:07the domestic market, if possible, I prefer to be protected
20:10so it means that our industry can really fulfill the domestic market, the competitiveness increases
20:16then we import the shortcomings
20:18while in our industry that is being supported to grow
20:21it creates competitiveness
20:24where other countries that are our competitors are already in the product
20:28and the production is already efficient
20:30so maybe they don't take advantage, just throw it in our country
20:34the price is already very competitive and our industry immediately collapses
20:38because it loses its value
20:40so I think there must be a good strategy
20:42so because every industry, for example, the steel industry, the chemical industry, etc
20:47the supply chain of the team involves maybe hundreds of thousands of related industries
20:53so if one of the industries becomes the core industry
20:57as an off-taker of various products, as a component, it collapses
21:01then the collapse chain will also be a lot
21:03so I think it needs to be taken into account
21:06with the policy in the gas price sector
21:09it's like a mainframe, it's like a trading minister, it must work hard
21:14so it's true, the industries that we encourage to grow
21:18the domestic market share is optimized
21:21so after that, it will be opened
21:23so I'm sure if the volume of production reaches a certain number
21:28reach the efficiency of the product
21:30the value can be competitive
21:32but if the production scale is not achieved
21:35the price will not be competitive and it will continue to be degraded
21:40so this is especially, for example, the textile industry that we saw
21:43others who don't get gas subsidies
21:46especially the steel industry
21:47especially our petrochemical industries
21:50even though we have gas domestically
21:52I think there must be a good strategy
21:54our market is quite large, with 270 million
21:57we are ahead of the ASEAN market
21:59so our market in supporting this industry must also be looked at properly
22:05so there must be something related
22:08to the Ministry of Finance
22:09it's okay, the Ministry of Finance feels that the income from taxes is reduced
22:14from the income from gas
22:15but they see, for example, the economic impact growth that occurs
22:20the created job opportunities
22:22the reduction of deficit, for example, if our industry can be filled domestically
22:26this is a very good economic figure
22:29if we can reduce the deficit
22:31so maybe inflation can also be suppressed
22:34the value of rupiah can also be expected to be stable
22:37there are many details that must be considered in this decision
22:41that's my opinion, Mr. Pras
22:43yes, that's right
22:44because it has also been stated that the HGBT program has reversed the country's income
22:48around Rp67 trillion during its implementation
22:52so the government is also careful to provide gas subsidies
22:55especially if there is a expansion plan
22:57we will discuss further in the next segment
23:00and Mr. Ari, we will be a break for a while
23:01Mr. Mirsa, we will be right back after the next Pariwara
23:37Mr. Bali, what do you think?
23:38how urgent should this policy be expanded or not?
23:44Prof. Tumiran
23:47Mr. Mirsa, please repeat
23:48Prof., this is related to the policy that the government has stated
23:51will be very careful for the next implementation
23:53especially with the expansion plan of the HGBT program to other sectors
23:57as well as outside the seven that already exist at the moment
24:00what do you think, how big is the urgency when it must be implemented?
24:03I think the government must discuss across sectors
24:07the macro impact on the economy must be properly considered and calculated
24:12if the impact is positive
24:13in the framework of accelerating the creation of jobs
24:16then we can reduce import acceleration
24:19in my opinion, it is positive
24:21so this must be properly considered
24:23now, for example, in the electricity sector, the government subsidies are already large
24:28the compensation to the industry sector is also large
24:30especially customers in the third sector
24:32so almost all customers in the third sector will not increase the tariff
24:35so whether it is reading or chemicals that are sold in the third sector
24:39this is indeed a lot of government support to our industry
24:43so I think it needs to be calculated properly
24:46what does it mean?
24:47the use of resources in the industry
24:50the use of technology in the industry
24:52it must be described for increasing efficiency
24:55then the financing of other sectors
24:58which may have been said by the experts
25:00there is a bribe financing
25:02it must be lost in the financing
25:05so that it can suppress the cost structure
25:08so we have to work hard on all lines for that
25:11we just agree that other sectors get
25:14because the gas is indeed ours
25:17if given to the industry
25:20the hope is that it can provide added value
25:22later the country will get tax
25:25income from social stability
25:27because the job market is formed
25:29then other economic links will also grow
25:33if that happens, private sector investment
25:37will automatically grow and develop
25:40so the government with gas stimulus
25:42but the private sector grows
25:43it also drives a fairly large investment financing
25:48okay, Prof
25:49Mr. Ari, lastly
25:50how do you see the optimism related to the implementation of the HGBT program
25:53which has been assured will continue in 2025
25:56while you also mentioned some other challenges
26:01okay, if from our side
26:05the implementation of the HGBT
26:07especially if it can be implemented correctly
26:12and also have consistency
26:14it becomes a very fresh support for us to do
26:21so as we said earlier
26:24in planning for future work
26:29price gain and others
26:31where to open the market
26:33it will also be very good for us
26:38but we also need regulations from the government
26:41because the challenges ahead are also quite heavy
26:46with the deterioration of countries that have agreed to this
26:52economic, carbon, manufacturing, wind, steel, etc.
26:59this is a challenge
27:01I want to take an example
27:02try when China itself
27:05before the 2024 Beijing Olympics
27:09it has banned national-based public-private partnerships
27:16it means it has a very bad effect on the economy
27:22while in our country until now
27:26but this can be said plus or minus
27:30but of course it all depends on the direction of the government
27:33because when we talk about the international market
27:38of course we adjust
27:40so it means that
27:43the implementation of this HGBT
27:45is a good wind
27:46we are very grateful for the support of Mr. Median
27:51and we ask Mr. Agus Kuniwang
27:54as a Minister of Finance
27:56a lot of
27:57like the point of evaluation
28:00is protection against industrialization
28:04if we want to grow by 8%
28:06of course the increase in revenue
28:07of course the end is export
28:10this is what we really need
28:12the support from our fathers
28:15against industrialization
28:17we need it
28:40maybe there is also something happening in other sectors
28:42has a negative impact
28:45to suppress a number of sectors or other industries
28:48and hopefully it won't happen again in 2025
28:51Mr. Hari, Prof. Tumiran, thank you very much for the time
28:54sharing the update given to the audience today
28:57thank you
28:58continue your activities
28:59good health
29:00thank you Prof. Tumiran
29:02thank you
29:03thank you
29:04audience, don't leave your seat
29:06because in a moment we will come back
29:07with other interesting topics
29:08such as the effectiveness of banning import
29:10strategic food commodities
29:12market review will be back soon
