• 2 months ago
Salut à tous ! Sammy était un peu contrarié aujourd'hui parce que personne n'achetait ses pâtisseries. Pauvre chou. Les gourmandises étaient vraiment délicieuses, seulement elles avaient peut-être l'air un peu trop simples. Hé, j'ai une idée ! Pourquoi ne les rendrions-nous pas vraiment éclatantes ? Comme un arc-en-ciel 🌈

Amis, vous allez vous régaler ! Nous allons préparer des desserts extrêmement colorés à partir de la fidèle pâte à modeler Play-Doh. Nous commencerons par de superbes spirales d’argile ! Violet, vert, jaune - vous le nommez, nous l'avons tout ! Alors, nous ferons un beignet arc-en-ciel, une glace colorée, un sandwich multicolore sucré, et encore plus. 🍭🍩 Et nous ferons tout cela avec plaisir et rires. En outre, il y a un retournement entre rivalité et amitié dans cette histoire. Êtes-vous intrigué ? Alors appuyez sur lecture et rejoignez la cuisson en argile !

Aimez cette vidéo et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne pour plus de créations incroyable et d'idées de bricolage. Vous êtes également invité à consulter nos vidéos précédentes pour vous inspirer :

Transformer des Petits Poneys avec de Superbes Tenues en Papier DIY ! 🦄💖 Mode Amusement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLjuAzeGzEQ&t
Vitesse Supersonique en 3D ⏩💙 Comment Réaliser un Magnifique Diorama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXoDzJasGfY&t
Créez l'Escapade Parfaite Enneigée d'Elsa 🏰❄️ Tutoriel de Bricolage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhAkeO0SEKA Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:30They are so special!
00:32Tasty and delicious!
00:34These cakes are perfect!
00:36And my treats are horrible!
00:38What? Impossible!
00:40Let me taste them!
00:42The taste is perfect, Sam!
00:4410 out of 10!
00:46But why not make them more colorful,
00:48like a rainbow?
00:50Oh, you would really do that for me?
00:52Thank you, Sue! Let's go!
00:54So, for our first rainbow dessert,
00:56we will need a syringe.
00:58Wait a second!
01:00So you're saying that my treats are so bad
01:02that only a surgery can save them?
01:04No, Sammy!
01:06This syringe is a pastry tool,
01:08so no need for surgery!
01:10Now, could you find purple pudding for me?
01:12I'll take care of it!
01:14Chef Sam's hunting season is open!
01:18And here's the prey!
01:20Grapes! Aha! I got you!
01:22Here's your pudding, Sue!
01:24Thank you! Now let's start cooking!
01:28First of all, fill a syringe
01:30with modeling clay.
01:32Like this! And squeeze it well!
01:40Push yourself, Sue!
01:42Chef Sam will give you a master's course!
01:44Yay! I'm pushing!
01:46Great! Now we need blue clay.
01:48Can you find some, Chef?
01:54Your wishes are orders!
01:58Ah! A bit of ice in a dessert would be nice!
02:10Now it's the turn of green modeling clay!
02:12If I were green modeling clay,
02:14where would I hide?
02:18A new drink with pepper mint
02:20will be a success on my café's menu!
02:22Ah! Here's the glass!
02:24Ok! Chef Sam, do your magic!
02:26Thank you!
02:28No problem!
02:30Mmm! What a smell!
02:32Sweet and spicy,
02:34the pepper mint is perfect
02:36for our dessert!
02:38Oh no! I'll go get Sam's snacks!
02:40I can't let that happen!
02:42And another delicious spiral
02:44is ready to go!
02:46Now it's the turn of yellow modeling clay!
02:48Sammy, can you get some?
02:50I'm getting some!
02:52I hear you're looking for yellow modeling clay!
02:54Wow! Thank you, nice stranger!
02:56Ha ha ha!
02:58This lemon egg will get rid of all the flavor!
03:00Yes! I found it! Here!
03:02Wait a second! It's much better!
03:04Now, where was my special tool?
03:14Mmm! It smells so good!
03:18Lemonade! It must be so delicious!
03:20Hey! You can't eat it yet!
03:22It's better to find orange and red modeling clay instead!
03:28That lemon wasn't sour enough!
03:32You said we needed
03:34orange and...
03:38These will be our last
03:40fruit spirals!
03:42Now we need whipped cream
03:44to put on top!
03:46Do you think you can get some, Sammy?
03:50Of course! Every good pastry chef
03:52should have some talent as a farmer!
03:54A few final touches...
03:56And there you go!
03:58Great job! The first dessert is ready!
04:04Ha ha ha! Let's see what it's going to cook now!
04:06Ha ha ha!
04:12Oof! Why is it so hot in here?
04:14Oh, you're right!
04:16Hey! Why not make an iced dessert?
04:18Oh, great!
04:20I'll bring the cream!
04:24You know how hard it was to find
04:26multicolored cream?
04:28It's worth it! Trust me!
04:30Why do you need a rolling pin?
04:32We're making ice cream!
04:34I know, but it's not just ice cream!
04:36We're making an iced sandwich!
04:40Oh no!
04:42Oh, my little Bidaba!
04:44What? And you're still going?
04:46It's going to be the most rainbow-colored
04:48ice cream you've ever seen!
04:50Just wait until I finish all the layers!
04:58Oh, I get it!
05:00Now we're just going to roll everything together, right?
05:02Not exactly!
05:04You see all these layers?
05:06Now we're going to roll them up!
05:10It looks really good!
05:14Oh, Sammy!
05:16I'm really sorry!
05:18Could you help me and bring me a knife?
05:20Ha ha ha!
05:22Good luck with that, Chef Sam!
05:24Huh? Where is it?
05:28Well, that'll do the trick, too!
05:30Oh, come on!
05:32Are you kidding me?
05:34I guess a real chef
05:36will always find a way
05:38to get out of a difficult situation.
05:40Hmm, what should we use
05:42as bread for our sandwich?
05:44Maybe my special biscuits will do the trick!
05:46Sammy, you're a genius!
05:50They're perfect!
05:52Oh, ha ha ha!
05:54Stop that! You're making me blush!
06:02And we're ready!
06:04Thank you, Chef!
06:06Mmm, it's so good!
06:12Hey, why don't we make a rainbow ice cream cone, too?
06:16The dough is ready!
06:18Now, where the devil is the knife?
06:20You'll never find it, Slime!
06:22Ha ha ha!
06:24And your dough isn't rainbow anymore!
06:28Actually, this color looks better!
06:32I found my chef's knife, my friend!
06:34Oh, come on!
06:44Now, let's make a waffle with this!
06:48And our delicious cone is ready!
06:52And I'm going to make a banana ice cream!
06:58Oh, I can't wait to try it!
07:02Really, Sammy?
07:04I love the taste of bananas, too!
07:08Oh, scarves!
07:10Can I have one?
07:12Oh, no, Sammy, they're not scarves,
07:14but the rainbow ice cream!
07:18Ha ha ha!
07:20I've heard that chocolate sauce
07:22is very slippery.
07:26Oh, great!
07:28We could use that, then!
07:30The chocolate sauce will be perfect!
07:38But we're missing something.
07:40What do you think, Chef?
07:42I know!
07:44All we need is my favorite fruit!
07:46Where is it?
07:48Oh, hello!
07:50Do you have any strawberries?
07:52Of course! Here they are!
07:56Okie dokie! Thank you!
07:58What a waste of slime!
08:00I found the missing ingredient!
08:04A cherry, you mean?
08:06You know, it's even better!
08:08It will add a delicious acidity!
08:10Oh, this poor merchant!
08:12Someone should tell him
08:14that these are not strawberries!
08:16We can't stop them!
08:18Ok, I'm done!
08:20Oh, wow!
08:22Look at this great ice cream cone!
08:28It's delicious!
08:30But it's very cold!
08:32Why don't we make something
08:34that warms us up?
08:36For example,
08:38we could make a rainbow bath!
08:40Great idea, Sammy!
08:42I know exactly how to do it!
08:46The key is to get the right shape!
08:50Oh, yeah!
08:52What do you think of that?
08:54Here is the rainbow ice cream!
09:08Our rainbow bath is brown!
09:10It must be the pastry fairy
09:12who is helping us!
09:14The chocolate bath tastes even better!
09:16Another failure!
09:18Too bad!
09:22It's actually really good!
09:24Stop it!
09:28Sammy, what's going on back there?
09:30It's so weird, Sue!
09:32I keep seeing this same
09:34and unique stranger!
09:36Indeed, weird!
09:40our rainbow bath is ready!
09:42Do you want to taste it?
09:44Of course!
09:48I love rainbow ice cream!
09:50I could eat it all day long!
09:54Let's make one then!
09:56And there will always be
09:58a special treat in my shop
10:00just for you!
10:02Let's go!
10:04Now we need a handkerchief for the bath.
10:06Can this one do it?
10:08Hey, what are you still doing here?
10:10Why is he hanging out here?
10:12Because we're doing such a great job
10:14with your sweets, Sammy!
10:16Now bring me
10:18a rolling pin, please.
10:20Are we just going to spread it out?
10:22No, this time
10:24we're just going to roll the chocolate glaze.
10:26Oh, little star!
10:28I want my sweets to be
10:30the tastiest and most beautiful in the world, please!
10:34My goodness, Sue!
10:36Now we have a star-shaped
10:38cookie cutter!
10:42Now we're going to
10:44wrap it all in chocolate.
10:46Like this. Delicious!
10:48Here's an ice cream stick!
10:50Be careful!
10:54Try it, Sammy!
10:58Oh, it's the most delicious
11:00ice cream cookie I've ever had!
11:02We're ready for the grand inauguration!
11:06Huh? You!
11:08So it was you
11:10from the beginning, but why?
11:12Oh, I'm so sorry, Sammy,
11:14but you see,
11:16I tasted your pastries,
11:18and they were so delicious!
11:20I was afraid that if you ate them,
11:22they wouldn't be as incredible anymore!
11:24What? But what?
11:26Now I see
11:28that they are just as delicious
11:30and even better!
11:32They are now colored like a rainbow!
11:34So cool!
11:36And Chef, there are lots of toys outside
11:38waiting for your sweets!
11:40Let's all play together!
11:42Friends, did you enjoy our rainbow video today?
11:44Don't forget to subscribe to our channel!
11:46And don't forget to like this video
11:48if you also want to eat rainbow sweets!
11:50See you soon, friends! Bye!
