• 2 months ago


00:00There is a law in the country, which is especially related to carbon emissions and is also related to farmers.
00:05The farmers who will cultivate the crop, they will be charged money for it.
00:10What is this law? Please tell us in detail.
00:13Look, there is a plan to increase the income of farmers through carbon financing.
00:18Under this, whatever farmers will plant trees, it will be registered.
00:23There is a three-party agreement in writing,
00:26in which the Teri and V&V ventures of our Bani Bhag are of Singapore.
00:33The three-party agreement will be made between the three.
00:36On this occasion, the list of farmers will be closed.
00:39A list of farmers will be filled.
00:41In that, our entire staff will also contribute.
00:43On 6th January, there was a meeting in Kanpur.
00:47All the officials of our field had come.
00:50How do we collect data from the farmers?
00:53There will be a meeting with the Geo-coordinate and their bank accounts.
00:56After that, the data will be verified and submitted to V&V Singapore.
01:03V&V Singapore will take it to the international market for sale.
01:07With that, the farmers will get the value of carbon credits.
01:10Without cutting the trees, without giving any wood,
01:13the farmers will get the money for the carbon dioxide that is being absorbed by the trees.
01:20Recently, in Punjab, a scheme was implemented in 2017.
01:24In that, about 97 lakh farmers of 3600 farmers were registered.
01:31In 2023-2024, the farmers have received a total of 45 crore rupees.
01:35Sir, when will the formalities start in the Kanpur mandir?
01:38When will the farmers join?
01:39The workshop has just started.
01:41It will start soon, in 2024.
01:44It will start in 2025.
01:46In 2024, the trees will be listed.
01:49In the future, the trees will be listed.
01:51This scheme is for 40 years.
01:53They will get their money every 5 years.
01:56They will get their money in their bank accounts.
01:58There will be no problem.
01:59Okay, sir. Thank you very much.
