• 2 months ago
Disney's dark side comes to light as we explore the most sinister characters in animated history. From puppy-hunting villains to power-hungry sorcerers, these antagonists redefine pure evil in the world of Disney animation.
00:00It seems we have time on our hands, but I was only trying to silence
00:05Welcome to ms. Mojo and today we're looking at the most vile and despicable characters in Disney animated history
00:12We're only considering original films. So later more sympathetic stories with the same characters don't count an
00:19Extraordinary performance and thank you for detaining my victim
00:25Number 10 Cruella De Vil
00:28101 Dalmatians when cruel takes up most of your first name and the rest spells out devil
00:34It's clear. We're talking about someone sinister if that isn't enough Rogers song sums up what makes her so devilishly
00:48If she doesn't scare you no evil thing will
00:52Cruella lives up to her name with plans to turn puppies into coats her complete lack of empathy and massive superiority
01:00Complex arguably makes ms. De Vil Disney's most entitled villain sure her over-the-top energy is
01:07Entertaining, but let's not forget how many innocent animal lives she was willing to sacrifice
01:12She's watching us dad. Keep going. Keep going
01:24The film's climax her antagonism turns to petty vengeance as Cruella
01:29Relentlessly hunts the puppies just to feed her endless vanity where we're not not selling the puppies
01:37Not not not a single single one. Do you understand?
01:40I meet her. Is he serious? I really don't know Roger
01:45Well Cruella, he seems usually he must be joking. No, no, no. No, I I mean it
01:52No, you're not getting one. No, not not one
01:55and and that's that's
01:59Number nine. Dr. Facilier the princess and the frog. I got friends on the other side
02:06This witch doctor's nefarious plans involve his friends on the other side with a scheming mind and dangerous charisma
02:14Dr. Facilier traps our protagonists into his web of deceit
02:18Is there a dark and sordid past that might make us feel sorry for him?
02:23Nope, this guy's in it just for personal gain far from feeling any remorse. He absolutely revels in the chaos
02:30He creates
02:32As soon as I dispose of
02:50Successfully dealing with voodoo spirits feeds his god complex as Facilier looks to corrupt or destroy anyone in his way
02:58Of course all this makes his eventual defeat even sweeter to watch with Facilier finally getting a bitter taste of his own medicine
03:20Number eight Ursula the Little Mermaid
03:22In my day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace
03:33Preying on emotions for her own purposes
03:35This sea witch is as conniving as they come. With her sights on King Triton's throne
03:40Ursula manipulates his daughter, plunging the seven seas into disarray
03:44Although promising fair deals, she isn't above speaking half-truths and bending the rules
03:51Can you do that?
03:53My dear sweet child, that's what I do
03:58It's what I live for, to help unfortunate merfolk like yourself
04:05Toying with Ariel might be a means to an end, but it's clear that Ursula derives great pleasure from it
04:11Inherently cruel and driven by revenge, Ursula's calculating mind makes her among Disney's most dangerous villains
04:18Her garden of transformed merpeople further reveals her sadistic streak, alluding to her insatiable hunger for control
04:36You pitiful, insignificant fool
04:44Number seven Jafar Aladdin
04:49I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome, Prince Abubu
04:55Make sure he's never found
05:02In some ways, Jafar comes across as your standard mustache-twirling villain
05:07But behind all the camp and humorous banter with Iago lies a deeply disturbing mind
05:13Willing to use any heinous tactic, including murder, to seize the Sultan's throne, there's no moral boundary he won't cross
05:20If in the event a suitable prince cannot be found, a princess must then be wed to...
05:28Hmm, interesting
05:32What? Who?
05:34The Royal Vizier
05:36That would be... me
05:39Jafar's lust for dark magic and all things sinister serves as the perfect foil for Aladdin
05:45The selfish-to-our-hero's selfless, you won't find any redeeming qualities in him
05:50All this baddie desires is absolute power, no matter the cost
05:55Little fool, you thought you could defeat the most powerful being on Earth
06:03Squeeze him, Jafar, squeeze him like a...
06:07With the genie's powers, there's no telling what Jafar would have been capable of
06:11Honestly, an eternity in an itty-bitty living space was letting him off easy
06:16Itty-bitty living space?
06:18Hell, you little genius, you
06:31When you're the leader of a massive army of invaders, being evil comes with a job description
06:36Ruthless to the core and devoid of mercy, Shan Yu has no shortage of malice
06:41Unlike many Disney villains who balance their wickedness with some humor, that's far from the case with Shan Yu
06:48You won't find any jokes or quippy one-liners here, as this antagonist embodies all things diabolical
06:54The General
06:56Shan Yu
07:01Flattening entire cities in his path of destruction, Shan Yu is a force of chaos
07:06His tactics make him eerily comparable to some of history's most infamous conquerors, adding a darker layer to his character
07:14Suffice it to say, nobody's mourning when Shan Yu and his plans go up in flames
07:18Thanks, Mulan
07:26Get off the roof, get off the roof
07:40Number 5
07:41Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty
07:43Through her live-action backstory, contemporary audiences generally sympathize with this classic villain
07:49However, she's all bad and nothing else in the original version
07:53It's not every day someone curses a baby because they weren't invited to a party, but that's Maleficent for you
08:11Why, it's Maleficent
08:13What does she want here?
08:16Appropriately named the Mistress of Evil, this dark fairy targets Aurora out of pure spite
08:22With a vast array of magical powers and monsters to do her bidding, she remains among the most intimidating villains in Disney canon
08:30Are you sure you searched everywhere?
08:33Yep, yep, everywhere, we all did
08:40Oh, and did we forget to mention she also doubles as a fire-breathing dragon?
08:44So next time you have a Disney-themed baby shower, make sure Maleficent's invitation doesn't get lost in the mail
08:52Now shall you deal with me, your prince, and all the powers of hell
09:06Number 4
09:07Queen Grimhilda, also known as the Evil Queen, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
09:13Magic mirror on the wall, who now is the fairest one of all?
09:19Disney's first-ever feature film villain remains one of its most malicious
09:23Jealous of Snow White for being the fairest of them all, the Queen vows to hunt her down
09:28The character's superficial view of the world leads to her descent into darkness
09:32From hiring the huntsman to slay her own stepdaughter to ultimately poisoning her, the Queen forgoes any chance at redemption
09:40This is no ordinary apple, it's a magic wishing apple
09:46A wishing apple?
09:48Yes, one bite and all your dreams will come true
09:55The fact that Snow White means her no harm heightens the Queen's moral failings
09:59As the villain only has herself to blame for her fate
10:02The character lives and dies for her pointless quest, never realizing that true beauty comes from within
10:20Number 3
10:21Governor Ratcliffe, Pocahontas
10:25Trouble on deck?
10:27Governor Ratcliffe?
10:28Arrogant, greedy and deeply prejudiced, Ratcliffe reflects the worst traits you can think of
10:34As the leader of the colonizers, he actively pollutes his men's minds against Pocahontas' people
10:40Choosing to escalate rather than compromise, the villain turns the conflict into war
10:46I hereby claim this land and all its riches in the name of his majesty King James I
10:52And do so name this settlement, Jamestown
10:56Bravo, bravo, beautifully spoken sir
11:00Fueled by a violent sense of power, he becomes obsessed with Pocahontas' tribe
11:05While his men believe they're fighting for a noble cause, Ratcliffe is fully aware it's all about domination
11:11Lies, lies, all of it! Murderous thieves, there's no room for their kind in civilized society
11:17Certain Disney characters are popular despite their evil nature
11:21Ratcliffe definitely isn't one of them
11:23It's safe to say that, as much as the fanbase loves Pocahontas, they probably hate Ratcliffe more
11:29But I've got this crick in me spine
11:32This land we behold
11:34This beauty of gold
11:35A man can be bold
11:37It all can be sold
11:39All the gold
11:41In the land of gold
11:44Is mine
11:46All the gold
11:48In the land of gold
11:50Is mine
11:53Number 2
11:54Scar, the Lion King
11:57Brother, help me
11:59Help me
12:08Long live the king
12:19Now, here's a Disney baddie many certainly love
12:22Thanks to his sarcastic wit and Jeremy Irons' magnificent voice work
12:27Scar remains a popular character
12:29But let's not forget he did kill his own brother
12:32Not convinced yet?
12:34How about when he ordered hyenas to eat his young nephew?
12:37What am I gonna do?
12:39Run away, Simba
12:41Run, run away and never return
12:53Kill him
12:55While his charisma might make us overlook many of his negative attributes
13:00There's no question that Scar is a despicable piece of work
13:03Unscrupulous and cold-hearted in equal measure
13:06He brings the Pride Lands to the brink of collapse
13:09Scar, a king only in title, not in spirit
13:12Proves that leadership can never be earned through lies and deceit
13:16Your majesty
13:24Your majesty
13:32Before we unveil our top pick
13:34Here are a few honorable mentions
13:36Mother Gothel
13:39Imprisoning a child to maintain her own youth isn't exactly nice
13:43Please speak up, Rapunzel
13:45You know how I hate the mumbling
13:47I am the lost princess
13:49Aren't I?
13:54Did I mumble, mother?
13:57Or should I even call you that?
13:59Professor Rattigan, the great mouse detective
14:02The Moriarty to Basil's Sherlock Holmes
14:08There's no escape this time, Basil
14:16The Horned King, the Black Cauldron
14:19Haunting fans' nightmares for four decades and counting
14:23Soon the Black Cauldron will be mine
14:28Its evil power will course through my veins
14:33Clayton, Tarzan
14:35Hunts and traps gorillas just for a quick buck
14:38Ah yes, the ape man
14:48I'm so sorry about the rude welcome, old boy
14:51But I couldn't have you making a scene
14:53When we put your furry friends in their cages
14:57Gaston, Beauty and the Beast
14:59The only thing bigger than his evil intentions is his ego
15:03He's no monster, Gaston
15:05You are
15:07She's as crazy as the old man
15:10The beast will make off with your children
15:12He'll come after them in the night
15:14We're not safe till his head is mounted on my wall
15:17Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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15:33Number 1
15:34Judge Claude Frollo
15:36The Hunchback of Notre Dame
15:38Like fire
15:42This fire in my skin
15:46Even through the Disney-fied lens of Victor Hugo's gothic novel
15:51This antagonist still sends a shiver down our spine
15:55Deluded with overwhelming self-righteousness
15:58Frollo truly believes he's a good man
16:00Justifying each one of his sinful actions
16:03His creepy obsession with Esmeralda is just the tip of the iceberg
16:07Alright, alright, I'm going
16:10You think you've outwitted me
16:14But I'm a patient man
16:16Killing Quasimodo's mother, mistreating him all his life
16:20And desecrating the sanctity of Notre Dame
16:23Are all part of his brutal legacy
16:25More than his actions though
16:27Evilness is within Frollo's very nature
16:30Nothing best personifies this than Hellfire
16:33Which captures the inner workings of a truly fiendish mind at play
16:37And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit
16:56Which Disney character do you give a 0% approval rating?
17:01Let us know in the comments
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