• 2 days ago
Sometimes Disney villains speak uncomfortable truths! From sassy comebacks to brutal honesty about life's realities, these antagonists have delivered memorable lines that secretly had us nodding in agreement. Join us as we explore these surprisingly relatable villain quotes that hit a little too close to home.
00:00No owners means no heartbreak.
00:03Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times Disney's villains spoke for us all.
00:09You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
00:17Number 10.
00:18The real power in this world ain't magic, it's money. Buckets of it. The princess and the frog.
00:23Disney is perhaps why many of us grew up believing in magic in the first place.
00:27So to hear that even they didn't really believe in its power was quite earth-shattering.
00:31Well, until we grew up and learned what really makes the world go round.
00:35Now y'all gotta get hitched, but hitching ties you're done.
00:38You just wanna be free, hop from place to place, but freedom takes green.
00:43Now, don't get us wrong, we certainly don't condone Dr. Facilier's scheme here, but we get where he's coming from.
00:50Those with fuller bank accounts tend to have more pull in this world,
00:53while those on the lighter end can often find themselves denied basic necessities, let alone luxuries.
00:59You and I both know the real power in this world ain't magic, it's money. Buckets of it.
01:08That's true.
01:09Whoever said money doesn't buy happiness clearly had enough of it to live a comfortable life.
01:13Aren't you tired of living on the margins, while all those fat cats and their fancy cars don't give you so much as a sideways glance?
01:21Yes, I am.
01:24Number 9. I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.
01:28Sleeping Beauty. Feeling left out really sucks. We all know that.
01:32Why, it's Maleficent. What does she want here?
01:37While we might fantasize about cursing those who made us feel bad, the reality is that we're more likely to just sit in our distress.
01:43It's easy to let our anxiety spiral down a rabbit hole, imagining all the possible reasons we weren't invited.
01:50I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.
01:53You weren't wanted.
01:55Not wa- Oh dear, what an awkward situation. I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight.
02:04We wish we had Maleficent's courage to straight up tell the offenders how they'd upset us.
02:09Although given the answer she gets, perhaps it's better to remain in the dark.
02:12Does she maybe go a hairline too far, exacting her revenge? Yeah, absolutely.
02:17But also, FOMO's the worst. So, yeah, we get it.
02:21Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die.
02:31Oh no!
02:32Number 8. If I lose my temper, you lose your head. Alice in Wonderland.
02:37The Queen of Hearts is a whole mood.
02:39Painting my roads in red!
02:42Someone bleeds his head!
02:44Sure, we like to think that on a good day, we have more patience and grace than she does.
02:48But when someone really gets under our skin, we feel that inner queen rise up.
02:53Whether it's a relationship issue, unruly kids, or a boss who needs to be knocked back a peg,
02:59on the outside, we're trying to handle it with all the politeness we can muster.
03:03I warn you, child, if I lose my temper, you lose your head! Understand?!
03:10But inside, we're turning as red as the queen, holding back the urge to explode like volcanic lava.
03:15By now, we've all perfected the more politically correct way of sharing the queen's sentiments,
03:20but deep down, we're raging just as hard.
03:23What will you say, my dear?
03:26Well, she simply said that you're a fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrant!
03:31Not with her head!
03:34Number 7. The world is dark and selfish and cruel. Tangled.
03:38Not to bring the tone down, but dare we say it, Mother Gothel has a point.
03:43Mother knows best. Listen to your mother. It's a scary world out there.
03:49That's not to say there aren't glimmers of hope and goodness out there,
03:52but when was the last time you scoured the headlines without feeling downtrodden about the state of the world?
03:56Of course, it's not lost on us that Mother Gothel is one of the people
04:00destroying the smallest sparks of light for her own selfish gain.
04:03If he's lying, don't come crying!
04:09Mother knows best!
04:15We don't want to say Mother knows best, but in this case, we'd have to concede she kinda does.
04:20Still, it reminds us to fight harder for those rays of sunshine
04:24and not let villains plunge us into total darkness.
04:27The world is dark and selfish and cruel.
04:31If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine, it destroys it.
04:37Number 6. He's a guy. Hercules.
04:40Hades is one of the most relatable villains because he gets it.
04:44His wry humor, sardonic tone, and sharp words can easily cut anyone,
04:48even a demigod down to size.
04:50Now you know how it feels to be just like everybody else.
04:54Isn't it just peachy?
04:57We also wish we had Hades around when our friends go on and on
05:00about their latest romantic endeavors.
05:02It's not that we object to our friends being happy, quite the opposite.
05:06But you know, no need to get carried away to Mount Olympus.
05:09I can't believe we're getting so worked up about some guy.
05:13This one is different. He's honest and he's sweet.
05:16He would never do anything to hurt me.
05:17He's a guy.
05:18For all his villainy, we have to side with Hades on this one.
05:21Come on, girl, you haven't known him for that long. Let's keep it on planet Earth.
05:25And once more, but louder for the folks at the back.
05:27He's a guy.
05:28Number five. Don't I deserve the best? Beauty and the Beast.
05:32It's hard to find any redeeming factors in Gaston, but we'll say one thing for him.
05:37He knows his worth.
05:38Well, he might overshoot, but you get our point.
05:40You know, Belle, there's not a girl in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes.
05:44This is the day...
05:49This is the day your dreams come true.
05:52If there's one thing we can all take away from this egotistical bad boy, it's that.
05:56We live in a world where self-confidence is often seen as conceited.
05:59So many of us prefer to keep our heads down than celebrate what makes us great.
06:03No one's got us well-cleft in his gym, I'm Gaston.
06:07As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating.
06:11I wanna go get Gaston.
06:13We almost can't believe we're saying this, but we should take a leaf out of Gaston's book.
06:17Not that he could read it.
06:19And never feel shame in reminding ourselves that we deserve the best,
06:22and should never settle for anything less.
06:24The most beautiful girl in town.
06:26I know, Belle.
06:27That makes her the best.
06:29And don't I deserve the best?
06:31Well, of course, I mean, you do.
06:36Can't be bothered with that. I have no time for that sort of nonsense.
06:39We know, we know. You're already thinking, yes, this, all of this.
06:43This exchange between Shere Khan and Ka has more than one quote that makes us feel seen.
06:47It's simply terrible. I can't eat. I can't sleep.
06:52So I sing myself to sleep.
06:56Yes, we've all been in Ka's scales, but we're likely to find ourselves siding with Shere Khan more often.
07:02We can think of an endless number of scenarios that warrant the kind of pinching the bridge of your nose
07:06that would accompany such a statement.
07:08Overly dramatic co-workers.
07:10Endless group chat arguments.
07:12Family dramas.
07:13The list goes on.
07:14As much as we'd love to quote Shere Khan to some people's faces,
07:17we'll stick with eye rolls behind their backs.
07:20Who does he think he's fooling?
07:22To help this little ass.
07:24Ooh, he gives me the shivers.
07:33Once upon a time, we thought we'd grow up to be Ariel,
07:35only to realize we'd actually become Ursula.
07:38Now look at me.
07:40Wasted away to practically nothing.
07:43Banished and exiled and practically starving.
07:47She's the first to admit she's got a nasty side.
07:50Some might even call her a witch.
07:52Call her what you want, but she speaks a lot of truth.
07:55Thanks to Ursula, we'd never underestimate the importance of body language.
07:59You'll have your looks, your pretty face,
08:03and don't underestimate the importance of body language.
08:09When Ariel faces a crucial decision,
08:11give up her life under the sea or lose the guy she's infatuated with,
08:15Ursula hits her with a much-needed dose of reality.
08:18Whether it's choosing between cooking or getting takeout,
08:20or making some big life-altering decision,
08:23honestly, she is preaching to the choir.
08:25I'll never be with my father or sisters again.
08:28That's right.
08:30But you'll have your man.
08:35Life's full of tough choices, innit?
08:39Number two.
08:40Well, I suppose there's time for dessert.
08:42The Emperor's new groove.
08:44If you can't relate to this statement,
08:46then sorry, we don't think we can be friends.
08:48A few drops in his drink,
08:50then I'll propose a toast,
08:51and he will be dead before dessert.
08:53Which is a real shame, because it's gonna be delicious.
08:56If Yzma can accidentally turn the Emperor into a llama
08:59and then plot to dispose of the evidence
09:01and still find time for dessert and a cup of coffee,
09:03then you can too.
09:05We live in a world where everything is made to feel urgent,
09:08although that is very rarely the case.
09:10You see, you're no spring chicken.
09:12And I mean that in the best possible way.
09:16What? A llama?
09:18He's supposed to be dead!
09:20Yeah, weird.
09:21In fact, we encourage you to share this quote far and wide
09:24to remind everyone that there is almost always time for dessert.
09:28Just think how much better you'll feel after, too.
09:30Go ahead. You deserve that treat.
09:32The world can wait.
09:33This is kind of important.
09:35How about dessert?
09:37Well, I suppose there's time for dessert.
09:40And coffee.
09:42All right, a quick cup of coffee.
09:44Then take him out of town and finish the job!
09:47Before we unveil our top pick,
09:49here are a few honorable mentions.
09:51I might just split a seam now.
09:53The Nightmare Before Christmas,
09:54for when people aren't quite the comedians they think they are.
09:57This can't be the right guy.
09:59He's ancient. He's ugly.
10:01I don't know which is worse.
10:03I might just split a seam now if I don't die laughing first.
10:08Turns out there are lots of people, whole countries, that want respect.
10:11The Incredibles,
10:12for when someone needs a reality check about the ways of the world.
10:15That's the way it works.
10:17Turns out there are a lot of people, whole countries, who want respect.
10:20And they will pay through the nose to get it.
10:22How do you think I got rich?
10:24Miserable Darling, as usual, perfectly wretched.
10:27101 Dalmatians,
10:29for when someone asks how you are and fine, just doesn't cut it.
10:33How are you?
10:34Miserable Darling, as usual, perfectly wretched.
10:37Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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10:53Number one, I'm Surrounded by Idiots, The Lion King.
10:57First, a thank you to Scar for setting some of the most realistic life expectations.
11:01Life's not fair, is it?
11:04We're not saying his words turned us into pessimists,
11:07but keeping expectations low sure makes the golden moments shine brighter.
11:11Still, there are those moments when frustration peaks,
11:13and you can't help but mutter,
11:15I'm surrounded by idiots.
11:17Whether it's group projects where no one's pulling their weight,
11:20individuals who should really embrace the art of silence,
11:23or people who stop dead in their tracks to send a message in the middle of the street,
11:27you've probably got your own list by now.
11:29Perhaps one of the most unfair parts of life
11:31is the mental energy it takes not to say what we're really thinking.
11:35Temper, temper.
11:37I wouldn't dream of challenging you.
11:41Why not?
11:42Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share.
11:45Have you ever quoted one of these villains in real life?
11:48Tell us about it in the comments.
11:51Now I'm the bad guy.
11:53Do you agree with our picks?
11:55Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
11:58And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.