• 2 months ago
Panayam kay Sec. Christina Garcia-Frasco ng Department of Tourism ukol sa patuloy sa paglago ng domestic tourism ng Pilipinas

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00:00Tourism is an important sector that promotes the economy of a country.
00:06That is why we will discuss the government's efforts to improve the tourism of the Philippines
00:12together with the Secretary of the Department of Tourism, Secretary Cristina Garcia-Frasco.
00:18Good afternoon, Sec. and welcome to the program.
00:21Good afternoon, Joey and Weng. Happy New Year.
00:25Happy New Year.
00:26Happy New Year to all our countrymen who are watching right now.
00:29Ma'am, let's start with updates from the agency.
00:33Last Tuesday, there was a full cabinet meeting for the first such meeting for 2025.
00:41And the President mentioned that even though some projects of many agencies lost their funds,
00:48we can bring the budget for the projects of the agencies closer to the NEP.
00:57So, what were the projects of the DOD that lost their funds?
01:03And how can we solve this?
01:06The most affected by the change from the NEP to the GAA would be the budget for branding and promotions
01:16of the Philippines to our markets all over the world.
01:20Because of the NEP, the budget is around Php 500 million.
01:26But when the GAA was released, it has been reduced to Php 100 million.
01:36The challenge of a very limited funding for branding and promotions
01:44is the difficulty of making sure that the presence of the Philippines
01:49in the consciousness of potential travelers in markets around the world is always there.
01:55When we say branding and promotions, this is the promotion of the Love the Philippines campaign.
02:01So, how do we promote tourism in our country?
02:07Because we know that within the Philippines, we can see posters, TV ads, print ads.
02:14But outside, how do we promote the Philippines?
02:18Joey, what will be affected by this is not just the Love the Philippines campaign,
02:23but our destinations itself that are ultimately the recipients of the promotions
02:29that are being done by the Department of Tourism.
02:32We anticipate that it will affect tourism arrivals
02:35considering that the lesser opportunity that we have to market the Philippines,
02:41the lesser chances that there are to reach as many markets or as many people as we wish.
02:46On the other hand, because we continue to promote the Philippines all over the world,
02:54in various jurisdictions, we have continued our global campaign for Love the Philippines.
03:00This has already reached the United States, Europe, many areas of Asia, even the Middle East, and the like.
03:09And we are executing the Love the Philippines campaign and the promotion of our islands,
03:15destinations, and tourism products by way of traditional marketing, ad placements.
03:21We also have executions with globally recognized multimedia platforms
03:29as well as social media.
03:31Our billboard executions are also included.
03:35I'm excited about this question because we can already feel the significant progress
03:39of tourism recovery in the country after the pandemic.
03:42So how big is the tourism revenue of the country in the past year, in 2024,
03:47and how big is it compared to 2023?
03:51Well, the good news is that Philippine tourism was able to garner an all-time high
03:58in visitor revenues from our international tourists at around over Php 760 billion.
04:08This represents an over 9% increase from our 2023 visitor revenues
04:16and a 126% recovery from the Php 600 billion visitor receipts in 2019.
04:25Of course, this is not due to the large number of visitors.
04:28There are fewer visitors but the revenue is higher.
04:33And that is really the most important thing that we need to pay attention to.
04:39How much is our country's tourism revenue?
04:45How much is it going to our fellow countrymen?
04:49Our small and medium enterprises, our tourism stakeholders,
04:53our employees, direct and indirect, in tourism?
04:56The answer to that is very encouraging
04:59because we can see that in comparison with our Asian neighbors,
05:05the tourism spend per capita in the Philippines by our international visitors
05:10is over Php 2,000, which ranks us very high in terms of spending.
05:18On the other hand, the Php 760 billion in international visitor receipts
05:24shows that economically, our recovery in Philippine tourism performance
05:30has already exceeded our pre-pandemic numbers.
05:33I understand, though, that we are comparing how many have arrived in the Philippines,
05:40how many have arrived in other countries, especially in ASEAN.
05:45And we understand that this comparison is made
05:48because that has always been the traditional way of measuring tourism performance.
05:54But let us consider the other numbers that directly affect the lives of the Filipino people.
06:04Revenues as well as tourism employment.
06:08As for tourism employment, there is good news from the Philippine Statistics Authority
06:14which conducted a labor force survey in the first quarter of 2024
06:19and found that tourism employs directly and indirectly over 16.4 million Filipinos.
06:30All of these people benefit from tourism
06:35and the related services that feed into tourism, as well as their families.
06:40You yourself said, ma'am, in the year-end assessment of the DOT,
06:44that it's quality, not quantity.
06:47Because just like what we read and what was recorded,
06:52it is based on tourist arrivals.
06:54But as you said, there are other important numbers like tourism employment,
07:00revenue, among other things.
07:02Joey, let me be clear that we are firm in our commitment
07:08to ensure that we continue to increase tourism arrivals in the country.
07:12But I think it is also important to highlight the challenges that the Philippines faced
07:19which then led to our numbers not reaching the targeted projections for 2024.
07:28The 7.7 million arrivals, the 5.9 million arrivals.
07:35Nobody could have anticipated that geopolitics would ultimately seep into arrivals from China
07:49considering that the electronic visas for the Chinese market were suspended.
07:57And this is in stark contrast to the policies of our ASEAN neighbors
08:02where either the Chinese visitors don't need visas from China
08:07or the visas are allowed on arrival.
08:09So this is a huge challenge.
08:11Because originally, our project was for upwards of 2 million Chinese tourists.
08:18By the end of 2024, there were only a little over 300,000.
08:23So this negative recovery has greatly impacted our ability to reach the targeted projections.
08:31On the other hand, our budget for promotions was vastly reduced.
08:37In 2023, the budget for branding and marketing was 1.2 billion.
08:44In 2024, it was reduced by 1 billion.
08:47So only 200 million.
08:49And so in the wake of these challenges and many other matters beyond our control,
08:56we pursued, we diversified our tourism products,
09:00we focused on our top source markets,
09:02and we made sure that the tourism spending was high.
09:05You mentioned the geopolitical issue, Sec, in relation to Chinese tourists.
09:11So does the closure of POGO hubs here in the country have an effect on the entry of Chinese tourists?
09:21Well, I can only speak to the raw data that has been provided to us on the basis of the arrivals themselves.
09:32And without drawing conclusions,
09:36the clear difference between the Chinese arrivals in the pandemic, which exceeded 1 million,
09:42and the Chinese arrivals as of 2024, which is a little over 300,000,
09:50would show that the barriers to entry into the Philippines,
09:54including and chiefly the suspension of the electronic visa,
09:58gravely affected the Chinese market for the Philippines.
10:02Sec, if we cannot capture or recapture the Chinese market,
10:06what other countries can we tap?
10:09Because I understand among the tourists that come in are from South Korea,
10:13obviously from the United States.
10:15Who else can we encourage to come to the Philippines?
10:21Well, South Korea continues to be our number one source market.
10:26And so we are doubling down on our efforts to ensure that our tourists from South Korea will be added.
10:35Including our tourists from the United States,
10:39especially with the new direct flights that have been mounted from the US
10:46that include San Francisco to Manila, Seattle to Manila, and the like.
10:51Japan is also included there,
10:53because the tourism statistics from Japan coming into the country are very encouraging,
11:02and we have a lot of tourism products that are attractive specifically to the Japanese market.
11:08Of course, we are very grateful that tourists from Australia are now trooping to the Philippines
11:15in appreciation of our award-winning islands and destinations.
11:20And of course, what we see as a large opportunity for the Philippines is India.
11:27And we are grateful that the President has directed that an electronic visa
11:34or electronic travel authority option may be explored for the Indian market,
11:42and we are hopeful that the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Bureau of Immigration
11:46can mount that for this year.
11:49Very interesting what Sec mentioned about Japan.
11:52Because during the holiday season, a lot of Filipinos went to Japan.
11:56And it's reciprocal, there are a lot of Japanese who want to go.
12:00Actually, we were in Cebu last week.
12:02We encountered a lot of Koreans and Japanese in our visits.
12:07Anyway, ma'am, for example, there are fewer tourists coming,
12:11but we have a lot of domestic tourists.
12:14So that's one of the things that contributes to the revenue.
12:17How is domestic tourism for us now?
12:20You know, I really feel that domestic tourism is not given as much credit as it should.
12:27The reality is that the contribution of our domestic tourists to the tourism of the Philippines is huge.
12:36As a matter of fact, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council,
12:43the Philippines is number one in terms of the domestic tourism market in the ASEAN.
12:50They value domestic tourism for the Philippines at over US$66 billion.
12:57And with that, we are very optimistic for the further growth of the domestic tourism market,
13:03especially now that the focus of the Department of Tourism
13:06is to provide equal opportunities to our islands in the Philippines
13:11and our various destinations across all of our regions for tourism development and promotions.
13:18And we are working with our fellow government agencies to improve infrastructure, connectivity,
13:23as well as the convenience of going around the Philippines, not to mention tourist safety.
13:29Sec, we cannot deny that the Love the Philippines campaign contributed much in drawing in foreign tourists.
13:38So what are the contents of this campaign compared to the previous tourism campaigns in the past?
13:46What are the key or salient features of this campaign that attracted tourists to our country?
13:56The Love the Philippines campaign is a call to action.
13:59First, for our fellow Filipinos to love their country as we all should.
14:05And second, for tourists from around the world to discover the many reasons to love the Philippines.
14:12There are four brand pillars of Love the Philippines,
14:16and the intention being that we provide tourists the opportunity to get to know the Philippines
14:23not only from the lens of fun and adventure, from which we have traditionally proceeded
14:29in terms of marketing the Philippines, but also, and importantly, from the lens of our Filipino identity.
14:37We have not yet told the whole world who we Filipinos are, what our culture is,
14:45how delicious our food is, how happy we are to travel to the Philippines.
14:51When you are received with a distinct love and warmth that is so Filipino.
14:57So the components of the Love the Philippines campaign include promoting our award-winning island destinations
15:05as well as our emerging destinations, highlighting our immense biodiversity,
15:13because the Philippines is one of only 18 megabiodiverse countries in the world.
15:19We are also heavily promoting our festivals, our culture, our heritage, our indigenous communities,
15:27our traditions that continue to this day and would provide purposeful and experiential travel to our visitors.
15:35And importantly, we are also promoting our gastronomy, especially that from one region to another,
15:44the Filipino cuisine is so delicious and so diverse.
15:48There is a saying in Chinese,
15:54you cannot be considered as part of the Han ethnicity or Chinese if you haven't been to the Great Wall.
16:04So it means that you are not Filipino if you don't know the tourist destinations.
16:10Yes, there are a lot.
16:12So the infrastructure development efforts of the DOT are not needed.
16:17So can you share with us the sustainable infrastructures that have been given priority?
16:22Yesterday, our guest was Secretary Jimmy Bautista of the DOT.
16:26He said that many airports here in the Philippines will open for international travels.
16:31So what is your priority?
16:34First of all, thank you very much for bringing up the matter of infrastructure.
16:39Because that is the foundation upon which the Philippines can arise as a tourism powerhouse.
16:47We really need to pay attention to the improvement of tourism infrastructure in the Philippines if we are to be globally competitive.
16:56And that includes, of course, improvement of our gateways from our airports to our seaports and to land transportation.
17:04It also includes accessibility to our destinations, our tourism roads across our provinces, cities, and municipalities.
17:13And of course, measures of connectivity by way of flights coming in and out and the like.
17:20And so we are thanking our President because the privatization of the IAEA airport,
17:30and which we anticipate will increase the volume of arrivals and also improve the experience of coming into the country.
17:39We're also grateful for all of the forthcoming PPPs in our island destinations.
17:44That includes Bohol, Dumaguete, Lagindingan in Mindanao, of course, all the way to Bicol as well, and to include several other gateways.
17:57We also see that our seaport infrastructure is very important.
18:02Especially now that the Philippines has been awarded as Asia's leading cruise destination and best port of call.
18:11And which is why we are very eagerly anticipating the construction of cruise ports across our destinations by the Philippine Ports Authority.
18:22As for the tourism road infrastructure, the Department of Tourism has consistently advocated that it is very important that we have good routes
18:34to our waterfalls, beaches, and other mountain resorts and the like.
18:41We also became mayors before becoming secretaries.
18:44And from there, I realized and I saw for myself how important it is to provide accessibility.
18:50Which opens up economic opportunities.
18:53And for the tourism road infrastructure program, we have worked with the DPWH,
18:57where under the President's administration, over 500 kilometers of tourism roads have been constructed.
19:05We are quite concerned, however, considering the reduction in the budget for tourism roads for 2025.
19:14So for 2024, over Php 15 billion was devoted to the construction and rehabilitation of tourism roads.
19:22However, for 2025, this stands at only Php 6 billion.
19:27So the activities and projects of different departments should be synergistic.
19:32Like as Sec mentioned, DOTR, DPWH, DOT.
19:36We also asked for an update, Sec, regarding the rehabilitation efforts and projects of DOT, like the one in Siargao.
19:45How is that?
19:48We continue to cooperate with our local government units through our infrastructure arm,
19:55the Tourism Infrastructure Enterprise Zone Authority or TIESA.
20:00And there are ongoing projects that cover our critical island destinations,
20:06especially in ensuring the safety of our tourists and the quality of the tourism experience.
20:15I think what you mean with Siargao pertains to the power situation.
20:21Since the outage in the island, I have been closely working with Sec. Lotilia of the Department of Energy,
20:30as well as with the local stakeholders of Siargao through our regional office,
20:37where we articulated the necessity of managing the power situation so that the power outage does not decrease.
20:46And we are now also in talks with the DOE on exploring renewable energy options that TIESA can extend to the island
20:55in order to ensure that their electricity is more sustained there.
21:01On the other hand, our assistance continues to our LGUs in terms of the construction of tourist rest areas.
21:09We already have 32 constructed or ongoing.
21:14And for 2025, we are targeting around 60 more tourist rest areas for the Philippines
21:22that provide restrooms for our tourists,
21:26Pasulubong Center for our small and medium enterprises to sell local goods,
21:31and a convenient lounge for our tourists,
21:35including our tourist first aid facilities.
21:39Because it is very important that if there is an incident involving a tourist,
21:45there is medical assistance that can be accessed right away.
21:49So we're working with the Department of Health to provide immediate and quality emergency assistance to our tourists.
21:58This includes island destinations such as Bohol.
22:02We also have La Union, that's forthcoming.
22:06And of course, we are also including Boracay and several other islands.
22:12Diving is one of the most popular tourism products of the country,
22:18with the Philippines having recently defended its title for the sixth year in a row as the world's leading dive destination.
22:27With that, we are giving priority to the expansion of our dive tourism destinations.
22:34We already have 120 dive sites in the country.
22:37And the construction of additional hyperbaric chambers for these destinations to address any issues related to diving.
22:47With that, this year, we will have five new hyperbaric chambers in our dive sites
22:56that include Malapascua, under the jurisdiction of Daan Bantayan, where you can dive with the whale sharks.
23:06There in Cebu.
23:08We also have hyperbaric chamber forthcoming for Boracay, as well as for Kamiguin.
23:17And as you can see, we also have forthcoming for Negros Oriental,
23:22specifically in Dawin, which is a very popular dive destination.
23:27And we are targeting Oriental Mindoro as well.
23:30Actually, I went to a dive shop before, and there were foreigners who told us that the Philippines is beautiful.
23:36And if you're a Filipino and you're not diving, you're missing a lot in your life.
23:40That's what they said.
23:41It's true that our dive sites are beautiful.
23:43Anyway, the government's priority is digitalization, right?
23:48So what are the initiatives for 2024 that you want to bring or improve for 2025?
23:57We thank the administration that digitization is a priority,
24:02because it's very important to be globally competitive as a tourism nation.
24:09With that, the Department of Tourism launched the first-ever Tourist Assistance Call Center.
24:16This call center is capable of receiving calls from tourists for any query or request for assistance that they may have,
24:26whether it's questions pertaining to our destinations or questions pertaining to medical or other related issues
24:35that we can then endorse to either the LGU or the government agency involved.
24:41With the launch of the Tourist Assistance Call Center, the 151 Tour,
24:46we've already received thousands of calls from 70 countries, 70 nationalities.
24:56So this goes to show how important it is to give attention to the convenience of our tourists
25:05so that they feel safe and they feel that they can have someone to turn to while they're in the country.
25:10In addition to that, together with the Tourism Promotions Board, we have launched the Enhance Travel Philippines mobile application.
25:19The Travel Philippines app provides an opportunity for those that are not in the country
25:27or are excited to explore the Philippines by providing information about all of our regions,
25:35whether it pertains to the physical destination or the tourism products, the experiences, and the like.
25:42Upcoming events, festivals, and such are already there for the year,
25:48and that also includes information that will allow them to contact our tourism stakeholders directly.
25:55Information on our accredited tour guides, travel agencies, tour operators, and the like.
26:02And this travel app has already garnered over 70,000 downloads, if I'm not mistaken, to date.
26:09That's important because what tourists are planning is not only where they will go in the Philippines,
26:17but also to maximize their cultural experience while they're here in the Philippines.
26:24For our fellow Filipinos, what are the initiatives of the DOT to make it known as meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions, or tourism destinations of our country?
26:38Like last year, DENR had the APNC DRR, and then we're hosting ASEAN in 2026.
26:47So, meetings destination at the same time, obviously, tourist destination.
26:52So, what are our initiatives?
26:54Well, the Philippines is emerging as a preferred MICE destination in Asia,
27:02and this is quite evident with the major international events that we hosted last year.
27:09This includes the United Nations Tourism, the very first regional gastronomy tourism forum for Asia and the Pacific,
27:18as well as the joint conference meetings of the UN Tourism Commission for Southeast Asia, as well as other regions.
27:31This convention and UN tourism event brought about, through our collaboration with them,
27:41brought in delegates from over 40 countries,
27:47and it also resulted in the issuance of the Cebu Call to Action on Gastronomy Tourism,
27:54where the Philippines provided its policy frameworks together with our neighboring countries for the sustainable development of gastronomy tourism.
28:06In addition to that, we were also very happy to host the World Travel Awards Gala Ceremony for Asia and Oceania,
28:17which also brought together nations that received awards,
28:21and with the Philippines having garnered no less than eight very prestigious awards at that gala.
28:28We also hosted the International Health and Wellness Tourism Congress,
28:34where we invited our stakeholders and buyers from many jurisdictions around the world
28:42to discover the health and wellness tourism offerings of the country.
28:46With this, we have also hosted, for the very first time in 30 years since the SeaTrade Cruise Group started mounting these conferences,
28:58we hosted the SeaTrade Cruise Global Conference in the Philippines.
29:03This brought together cruise executives, owners, and stakeholders from all over the world.
29:09Our President attended during the opening ceremony,
29:13and all of these cruise tourism stakeholders of whom were unanimous in their expression of optimism for cruise tourism in the country,
29:22because our policies are driven towards easing entry for cruise tourists in the country.
29:32With this, we launched, together with the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Immigration,
29:37the Cruise Visa Waiver Program,
29:40wherein, since you are just staying for a few days in the country,
29:45you may avail of a group visa waiver through the Bureau of Immigration online.
29:51We anticipate that this will further increase the number of cruise tourists to the country and benefit our island destinations.
29:59That's great news, Sec.
30:01So, in our return, we will talk about what to look out for,
30:06and the D.O.T.'s program for 2025,
30:09together with Secretary Cristina Garcia-Frasco.
30:13Stay tuned, Bagong Pilipinas will be back, now.
30:23Welcome to Bagong Cine!
30:30For our next food crawl, let's head to the southern part of the Philippines.
30:35Eat's Fun goes to Cotabato City,
30:38together with certified foodie Leslie Ordinario,
30:42to taste the crown jewel of the Bangsamoro region.
30:46This is how you eat pastin. Let's go.
30:49Eat's Fun, this Sunday, at 10 a.m.
30:54It's so good.
30:55Only here on BTV.
31:00There are those who say that the Philippines is a rich country pretending to be poor.
31:06Maybe that's not true.
31:07We are actually a rich country which does not realize that we are rich.
31:12My friends, join me in our food crawl.
31:15Let's go.
31:34Bagong Pilipinas will be back, now.
31:37This year, Secretary,
31:38how will the DOT look at the full recovery and targeted growth of international arrivals in the country?
31:47The Department of Tourism is committed to continue its relentless efforts
31:53to give opportunities to our destinations in the Philippines
31:58to be visited by our tourists, to be promoted and developed
32:03with all the fundamentals necessary.
32:06And it's the priority of the Marcos administration.
32:09For 2025, our focus in tourism will not only be limited to tourism promotions.
32:17It will continue with tourism development and will include tourism investments.
32:24We are working with the private sector to ensure that our room keys in the Philippines
32:31with the construction of new accommodations, resorts, and hotels.
32:36And we are very grateful that the Philippine Hotel Owners Association has committed to work with us
32:42in implementing the Philippine Hotel Infrastructure Strategic Action Plan
32:47that we launched to address the growth in room keys.
32:50We will also continue to pay attention to our programs
32:56that will highlight the culture of the Filipino.
33:00And that is through the continuation of our Philippine Experience Programs.
33:05These are heritage, culture, and arts caravans that we brought to 11 regions so far
33:11where we pay attention to the various components of the destination
33:18including their beaches and mountain destinations, their dive destinations,
33:24their heritage and pilgrimage destinations, and of course their festivals, traditions,
33:31songs, dances, indigenous rituals and traditions, and their gastronomy.
33:37So we fully intend to bring the Philippine Experience Program to all regions of the country.
33:43We will also have additional tourist rest areas,
33:49clean, beautiful, and fragrant restrooms for our tourists all over the country
33:56with 10 constructed, 22 ongoing, and 60 more forthcoming for various LGUs in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
34:08We will also be constructing the tourist first aid facilities in various islands in the country
34:15to improve the tourist experience.
34:18And we are adding the hyperbaric chambers for diving across our islands.
34:23And of course, we are also making sure that our assistance to our local government units
34:31in terms of funding for tourism infrastructure continues.
34:34With that, we will begin to see tourism infrastructure arise
34:41that were the product of our Tourism Champions Challenge.
34:46This initiative is in partnership with the DOT and TIESA
34:51where our President himself gave 255 million in total funding assistance
34:58to our LGUs that proposed tourism infrastructure.
35:02This also spans across the entire country.
35:06The Philippines will also have an opportunity to be featured on the global stage
35:12at the Osaka World Expo 2025, wherein the Philippines is mounting a pavilion with a theme woven
35:22featuring the weaving traditions and weaving communities of the country
35:26and all of the regions of the Philippines and the highlights of these destinations
35:32including the sites, the products, and the like.
35:35We are also very excited that on the aspect of gastronomy tourism,
35:40the Philippines has been awarded the privilege of hosting the Terra Madre Asia Pacific 2025.
35:48And this will be held in the city of Bacolod.
35:52So this is very exciting because it will give opportunities to our local chefs, farmers, suppliers, and the like
36:02an opportunity to promote their slow food practices and the sources of these gastronomic delights.
36:12And in addition to that, we are also very excited to expand our cruise tourism portfolio.
36:19Our drive is to add to the 40 existing cruise tourism destinations in the Philippines.
36:27Together with that is the expansion of our Dive Tourism Program.
36:31In the Philippines, we have exceptional dive destinations.
36:36But the beauty of this is also that after you dive, you can still discover a lot.
36:43That's why we launched the Philippine Dive Experience,
36:46wherein we will give a sustainable tourism component,
36:50the dive activity, there will be coastal cleanup and the like,
36:54and we will give tourists the opportunity to discover what is the heritage of that place,
36:59what is the delicious food, what are the communities that are surrounding the dive area.
37:04That will also be mimicked by our Gulf Tourism Experience Program,
37:10where we will be heavily pushing for the promotion and development of our gulf tourism destinations in the country.
37:18And with that, we are further diversifying our tourism products
37:24so that our tourists will spend more, they will stay longer, and that they will keep coming back.
37:31Because currently, we can see that the tourists who go to the Philippines,
37:37they stay an average of 11 nights from the 9 nights in 2019,
37:42and 70% of them or more are repeat visitors.
37:46That's what's important, Sec, is repeat visitors and their expenses while they are here.
37:52So, thank you very much for sharing your information, Secretary Frasco.
37:58Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
38:08Meanwhile, it is clear that before and now, the Department of Tourism is making great efforts
38:13to implement various programs, like other agencies.
38:18For our 7th Night, Ma'am, Mission to Accomplish,
38:21what else do you want to achieve for the prosperous tourism of the country?
38:29For me, having been a local chief executive, infrastructure is really important.
38:36Because if we cannot improve the quality of the infrastructure of the Philippines in terms of tourism,
38:44it is very difficult to compete with our neighbors in the ASEAN, at least, and with the rest of the world.
38:52And so, our wish list is that our airport infrastructure continues to improve,
39:00the airport experience continues to be enhanced,
39:05the development of our regional airports will increase so that more domestic flights can be mounted in our island destinations.
39:17And, of course, we are also very eager for the implementation of the VAT refund mechanism.
39:26The President has already signed the VAT refund mechanism law,
39:31and we are now working with the Department of Finance to implement this
39:36to make the Philippines a very attractive shopping tourism destination.
39:42We are also eager to ensure that the electronic visa system for the Philippines is launched properly,
39:52and that it can be implemented in the same manner that our neighbors have done.
39:58And, globally, same with our neighbors globally.
40:04And so, this is a huge challenge for us.
40:08Unless and until we have removed our barriers to entry in terms of the ease of obtaining a visa,
40:16it's very difficult in terms of attracting more tourists to come to the country.
40:21I hope that SEC's wish list can be accomplished.
40:25And it looks like it can be accomplished.
40:28But for now, we are mission accomplished.
40:31Thank you very much again to the Department of Tourism Secretary, Christina Garcia-Frasco.
