• 2 months ago
00:00And secondly, our heritage, our historical place, the character of this city.
00:08Look, it's not just Dehradun that is growing.
00:13All the cities in the world are struggling with the same problems.
00:17It's not rocket science that we can't handle it, but others can.
00:23Look at cities like Amsterdam, New York.
00:29They are removing hundreds of square kilometers of parking lots and roads for cars from their cities.
00:39And they are telling the entire population to cycle and walk.
00:45The whole world is working on a 10-minute city model.
00:49You should be able to get the things you need from your home or office within 10 minutes.
00:57And for that, you can cycle or walk. You don't have to take a car.
01:03So, we will have to come up with some models like that.
01:06Because the expressway that is being built right now,
01:09I feel that Dehradun has changed since the ONGC came.
01:15Or Dehradun has changed since Uttarakhand was built.
01:18Similarly, there is going to be another big change.
01:21So, for that change, we will have to be fully prepared.
01:26Which I don't see right now.
01:28Thank you, sir, for joining us.
01:31This was Lokesh Ohri.
01:33He gave us some interesting information about the historical form of Dehradun, the largest city in Uttarakhand.
01:43He gave us information about the real character of the city.
01:47He also gave us information about the work of the Municipality and how to communicate with the public.
01:54He also gave us information about how the city is working in the country and the world.
02:02Lokesh Ohri gave us a suggestion to learn from him.
02:06With his assistant, Praveen Sonkar, I am Dheeraj Sanjuan, ATB Bharat, Dehradun.
02:17For more information, visit www.osho.com
02:47OSHO is a registered Trademark of OSHO International Foundation
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04:47OSHO is a registered Trademark of OSHO International Foundation
