00:00We talk a lot about Kabul house, so the Afghan king came here and then the municipal
00:09The district council was the district board. In front of it, the people living in Dalanwala complained
00:16They complained that the Afghan king's horses
00:20They are making the whole parade ground dirty and we come here to roam in the evening and we have a lot of trouble
00:27So Dehradun was such a city where the people were very alert
00:32And the municipality of this place was also a municipality at that time
00:38So many such rules and regulations were made like Dalanwala Rajpur Road
00:44If you want to make a house, you can't make it in less than two and a half acres of land
00:50And you couldn't make a boundary wall and 150 fruit trees were required in each plot
00:56Only then you could make a house in this city
00:58This was a necessity
01:00Yes, it was a necessity
01:02So even in the time of the British, it was believed that this city was a city of gardens, it was a city of rivers, it was a garden city
01:16And so seeing that, the development of this city was happening at that time
01:23But then as the changes came in the time, the city has grown so much that it seems that it will never come under control
01:35Sir, if we talk a little bit about the modern era, like we talk about Ghantaghar, how it was established, you are also telling a story about the ground, so I would like to know this from you
01:50Yes, so when Ghantaghar was built, it was called Balbir Clock Tower
01:56And Lala Balbir Singh was the one who donated that place
02:01At that time, people used to donate their land
02:05That the country has been liberated, so to mark it
02:12So it was built after the liberation
02:15And Sarojini Naidu, who was the governor of the United Provinces at that time, had kept the foundation stone of this
02:25Sarojini Naidu
02:26And Lal Bahadur Shastri, who was the Prime Minister of the country, had come and inaugurated it
02:32So this monument is dedicated to freedom, it was built in support of freedom
02:42And the parade ground has always been the center of Dehradun
02:45Which is called the parade ground
02:47When the British came here in 1815, they set up their camp in the parade ground first
02:53And the parade ground was a place to meet a lot of people
02:57Like all the British from Dalanwala used to come to the parade ground in the evening to take a walk
03:03There was also wrestling, there was also football, and fairs were also held
03:09There used to be a circus, so it was a place where the whole city was gathered
03:13We can say that it was the center of the city
03:17Sir, if we talk about the demography at that time, in the initial period, what kind of people used to live?
03:25Which people came here first?
03:27Because today we have become very versatile, a lot of things have been mixed
03:32So what was the initial period like?
03:34In the initial period, when the British came here, they won this whole area with the help of the Gorkha forces
03:45So their aim was that we don't have to go to the mountains, we can't fight in the mountains, we can't take over the mountains
03:52So most of the mountains where they fought the Gorkhas, they returned the area to the kings
04:02But when the British came to Dehradun valley, they liked this valley so much that they said that we will keep it with us
04:10So this area was separated from the Tehri Raj and it was kept in British Garhwal
04:17So the British who lived here, their view was that Dehradun was a place for the retired people
04:24Or the people who got injured in the wars or got sick, they used to live here
04:34It was a healing city
04:35It was a healing city and its character was such that it was called the city of green hedges and grey hair
04:44Grey haired people, old people like me
04:47And the green hedges, there were no walls, there were no boundary walls, there were only hedges made of trees
04:58So it was the same city