• 2 months ago
00:00Seems like the biggest story, at least to start 2025, Pat, is online casino gaming being proposed
00:06in a lot of different states across the country. Seems like there's a very big push to get this
00:11going, and the latest state is Virginia. Tell us more. Yeah, so there's a bill introduced in
00:16Virginia. I don't think this is too big of a surprise. You know, they have a decent casino
00:20industry there, and the thing is, and this is something we've talked about the last couple of
00:26times that come on is more of these get introduced in Maryland and Illinois as a potential and
00:31Louisiana. There's just so much pushback right now to the online gambling industry. I mean,
00:37that Minnesota trial or hearing on its own tells you that, but the U.S. Senate hearing last month,
00:45there's so much pushback that I don't know that there's going to be much of an appetite in a lot
00:49of these states. Virginia, you know, they do have that land-based casino industry.
00:55I think this is just kind of to get the discussion going, and I think what we're seeing, and you know,
01:01we know the National Council of Legislators from Gaming States is putting together and finishing
01:06up the final touches to their model iGaming legislation, which is giving these legislators
01:13from these different states a model to say, hey, this is what we want to get done, but also kind of
01:17a background of this is how we need to educate the rest of the legislators in these states who don't
01:22know much about gambling, and if they can do that, then maybe we'll see a little bit more,
01:27but for now, I think these bills are mostly just to get the education going and the conversation
01:33going versus it's actually going to pass this year. I mean, Maryland has a potential ability
01:39to, I think, because they did get it through the House last year, so maybe the Senate,
01:43maybe some education was done in the Senate and it can finish up, but if not, I don't think many
01:49states will get it done this year, but maybe next year or the year after because of these
01:54conversations that are starting now. I think that's what we've seen in a lot of the states
01:58that ended up passing sports betting as it took a couple of those educational years.
