• 2 months ago
Mehfil e Naat o Manqabat Dur Shan e Khuwaja Ghareeb Nawaz RAi

#MehfileNaatoManqabat #DurShaneKhuwajaGhareebNawazRA #ARYQtv

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00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:03Respected viewers, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:06I am your host, Muhammad Raees Ahmed.
00:08You know that in the Islamic world,
00:11there is a lot of talk about Islam and Islam is the religion of the Prophets and Messengers.
00:16But, in the Islamic world, there is a lot of talk about Islam and Islam is the religion of the Prophets and Messengers.
00:20So, I am here to talk to you about Islam and Islam is the religion of the Prophets and Messengers.
00:26I am your host, Muhammad Raees Ahmed.
00:28You know that as soon as the month of Rajab begins,
00:33the gatherings and gatherings of Sultan-ul-Hind, Khwaja-e-Khwajgaan,
00:35Mu'in-e-Bekasaan, Hazrat Khwaja Mu'in-ud-Din Chishti,
00:38Ajmeri-Al-Maroof, Ghareeb Nawaz, may Allah have mercy on him,
00:42the 6th Sharif begin.
00:45And, Alhamdulillah, ARYQ TV is the only channel in all the electronic media
00:51that presents such continuous programs on the achievements of the people of Allah.
00:56And, in a full way, it presents the love and faith of such personalities.
01:00So, today, God willing, we are here once again.
01:02We have scholars with us, Mashallah.
01:04We have Sanakha Hazrat as well.
01:05History is a witness to the fact that different Sultans, different rulers,
01:10and different kings of the time spent their time in their own era.
01:15And, they left.
01:16Today, many people do not even know their names.
01:19Neither do they know the names of their parents.
01:22Nor do they know where their tombs are.
01:29But, one personality ruled over the hearts of all those who lived on this land.
01:36And, the personality who ruled over the hearts is Hazrat Khwaja Mu'in-ud-Din Chishti,
01:40Ajmeri, may Allah have mercy on him,
01:42whose tomb is in Ajmer Sharif.
01:46And, if there is any identity of Ajmer Sharif in India, Pakistan, and all over the world,
01:52it is due to Hazrat Khwaja Mu'in-ud-Din Chishti,
01:53Ajmeri, may Allah have mercy on him, whose tomb is in Anwar.
01:57The centre of light and radiance,
02:00which people love, and with the love of Khwaja Sahib,
02:03Ajmer is known as Ajmer Sharif.
02:06So, I will now go to our panel,
02:08where there are prominent personalities present.
02:10Allama Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi Sahib has arrived.
02:13May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
02:17With him is Allama Mufti Irshad Hussain Saeedi Sahib.
02:20May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
02:24And, with him is Allama Mufti Syed Zaigam Ali Gurdid Shah Sahib.
02:27May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
02:30And, to my right, Mashallah, Master Sumair Abdul Qadir Malik Sahib
02:33and Muhammad Zubair Ishaq have arrived.
02:36May peace and blessings of Allah be upon all three of you.
02:39As you know, Hamd-e-Rabb-e-Jaleel begins with a gathering.
02:42And, whenever a gathering begins,
02:45with the praise and glory of Allah, the praise and glorification of Allah,
02:48I request Master Sumair,
02:51may Allah grant us the honour of presenting Hamd in the glory of the Lord.
02:55I am present in Your court
03:14I am present in Your court
03:30Allah is the Greatest
04:20Allah is the Greatest
05:30Allah is the Greatest
05:49And, to those who have come to You,
06:05write my name among them.
06:17And, to those who have come to You,
06:30write my name among them.
06:40Because, my name remains in the city of the Lord.
06:50My name remains in the city of the Lord.
07:00Allah is the Greatest
07:23Every year, He asks me,
07:39Every year, He shows me that lion.
07:49Every year, He shows me that lion.
07:59Every year, I go around the Haram.
08:18Allah is the Greatest
08:28Allah is the Greatest
08:37I am present in Your court
08:50Allah is the Greatest
09:04Master Sumair, Syed Sabihuddin Sabir Rahmani,
09:07was presenting Hamd in the glory of the Lord.
09:11When we read the incidents of the Prophets,
09:13the Prophet of the End of Times, Hazrat Ahmad al-Mujtaba,
09:16Muhammad al-Mustafa, peace be upon him,
09:18the companions of the Holy Prophet, the people of Bait-e-Athaar and others,
09:21we see the people of Allah,
09:24they praised and glorified Allah.
09:27And, of course, they took all these things from the Holy Qur'an.
09:30When a believer seeks Allah's blessings,
09:33what impact does it have?
09:36I would like Mufti Sahib to say something on this.
09:39In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
09:42First of all, it is important to understand
09:45that Allah, who created all of us, is the Greatest.
09:49And He has so many blessings upon us that we cannot even count them.
09:55You cannot count Allah's blessings.
09:58If you do not want Allah's blessings,
10:00you cannot count them.
10:04And this is the rule of the Shariah,
10:06that it is obligatory to be thankful to the One who bestows His blessings.
10:13Now, Allah has so many blessings upon us
10:16that even if we spend our entire life being thankful to Him,
10:20we cannot fulfil His rights.
10:24However, we are commanded to be thankful to Him.
10:28So, we should be thankful to Him as much as we can,
10:32according to our ability,
10:34and we should not make any mistakes.
10:38And we should be thankful to Allah and glorify Him.
10:42We should praise and sanctify Him.
10:45This is the requirement of the Shariah.
10:47We have been asked to do this in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
10:50And why should we not do it?
10:51The Holy Qur'an states in Furqan-e-Hameed and Burhan-e-Rasheed,
10:54There is nothing but that which glorifies Allah with praise.
11:05But you do not understand their glorification.
11:12Everything in the universe glorifies Allah.
11:15Now, there are two types of glorification.
11:17One is the current glorification,
11:19and the other is the oral glorification.
11:21The oral glorification is to glorify Allah by speaking.
11:24And the current glorification is not by speaking,
11:27but by indicating the present state of the universe.
11:29This is called the present state of the universe.
11:31So, everything in the universe glorifies Allah with the present state of the universe.
11:37It also mentions Unity and Unity of God,
11:40as the Arab poet said,
11:42Everything in the universe glorifies Allah with the present state of the universe.
11:46And everything in the universe has a sign,
11:49which indicates that its creator is the same.
11:55So, what is the meaning of glorification in this verse?
11:58There are two groups of commentators.
12:00Some say that the meaning of glorification is the current glorification.
12:03While some say that the current glorification is there,
12:07but the oral glorification is also there.
12:09And they say that if you look at the next part of the verse,
12:11but you do not understand their glorification.
12:16So, what is the glorification that we cannot understand?
12:19That is the oral glorification.
12:21The current glorification can be understood by everyone.
12:24So, they say that everything in the universe glorifies Allah with the present state of the universe.
12:27And it also does the oral glorification.
12:29So, I say that when these things are also doing the oral glorification with the present state of the universe,
12:34then how busy a person should be in the oral glorification,
12:40how busy he should be in it,
12:42and how strong his relationship with Allah should be.
12:45And whoever loves the one whom he loves the most,
12:50he should love him abundantly.
12:52So, you see, you should love Allah the Almighty the most.
12:55In the Quran, those who have faith love Allah the Almighty the most.
13:02When we love Allah the Almighty the most,
13:03then the most important thing should be the zikr of Allah.
13:06And all the Sufis, especially Khwaja Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Chishti Ajmeri Rahimullah,
13:11you see, their lives, they have done the zikr of Allah abundantly all their lives.
13:16The result of that is that Allah has started the discussions of their names on the tongue of the creation of God.
13:22They have called out Allah, Allah, Allah, Haqq, Haqq, Haqq.
13:26So, Allah has started the slogans of Khwaja, Khwaja, Khwaja, Khwaja, Gharib Nawaz, Gharib Nawaz, Gharib Nawaz on the tongues of the people.
13:32What to say, what to say.
13:33These are the personalities that we can say are the authentic personalities of Allah.
13:41That they spent their whole life doing Allah, Allah, from this world.
13:46And even after their death, today, 800 years,
13:49it is not less, even if it is 800 days, people forget their names.
13:53People forget where that person used to live.
13:55Today, even after 800 years,
13:58Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Rahimullah is going to Ursa Pak.
14:03He is being presented the Khiraj-e-Aqeedah.
14:05There is a Waqfah, we will return after the Waqfah.
14:07I hope that you will be with us.
14:09Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the gathering of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Rahimullah on the occasion of Ursa Pak.
14:19You are watching this gathering daily on this channel.
14:22And in a very good way,
14:24Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Rahimullah is being presented
14:27the first Naat and the first Hamd-e-Rabb-e-Jaleel before the Manaqib.
14:34In the form of a beautiful bouquet,
14:36this gathering has been decorated with Manzoor and Manzoor.
14:41I would like to talk about the introduction of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Rahimullah.
14:48Allama Mufti Syed Zia Ghamali Ghardiz Sahib, please come.
14:51What introduction will Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Rahimullah present?
14:57In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
14:58Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala Ali Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sallim.
15:01Thank you very much, Rais Bhai.
15:03Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Rahimullah,
15:06Allah the Lord of the worlds has blessed you with countless virtues and excellences.
15:11And if we look at your background,
15:13you belong to that pure generation,
15:16that your pure generation is full of light.
15:19You are the source of light, your family is full of light.
15:21Your father is Hussaini,
15:23your mother is Hassani,
15:25Najib-u-Tarafain is Syed.
15:27And the environment of the house is such that
15:28your father is also a great scholar of his time,
15:32a righteous man, and Allah the Lord of the worlds has given him immense respect.
15:36Your mother is also a saint.
15:37Meaning, Allah the Lord of the worlds has blessed this house with sainthood
15:39from both sides, and Allah the Lord of the worlds has given both Jihad.
15:44When Khwaja Sahib was born, and this is a religious environment,
15:48it is a religious environment, it is related to religion,
15:50and all these things are included in education.
15:52That is why, if we look at your childhood,
15:54on one hand, your childhood goes by in a delicate manner,
15:57and you are provided with all the luxuries and comforts of comfort and peace.
16:04But along with that, the relationship with religion,
16:07and according to religion, your education and education is given by your father.
16:11At the age of nine, you memorized the entire Holy Qur'an,
16:15and for 15 years, your father, when you turned 15 years old,
16:20your father's shadow was removed from your head,
16:22but despite that orphanage,
16:25in your upbringing, in your upbringing,
16:28and the relationship with religion that you had,
16:30and the different journeys that you undertook for the studies of religion,
16:34your mother supported you in all these matters.
16:37And for every occasion, whether you are going to Nishapur first,
16:41then there is Bukhara, Samarkand, Baghdad,
16:44and for the meeting and visitation of Pir-e-Murshid,
16:46and for the Kasm-e-Faiz, you went there.
16:49So, all these journeys, and all these stages,
16:53according to your mother's orders, you fulfilled all these matters.
16:56That is, your mother tolerates the separation,
16:58but what is the purpose?
17:00That you dedicated this child to the religion of Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
17:04And then, what is your condition?
17:06That when you, and from your father's side,
17:09you were given a garden and a plot of land,
17:13and in your own time, Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
17:17has counted you among the most fortunate people.
17:19That is, even in worldly terms,
17:20Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has given you wealth and riches.
17:23You are present in your garden,
17:26and since childhood,
17:27you had a problem with charity and charity in the path of Allah,
17:30and you were part of his upbringing.
17:32So, the famous poet of his time,
17:34Sheikh Ibrahim Kanduzi Rahmat, comes.
17:37So, you saw that, and you are still not introduced to him,
17:40that who is this personality?
17:41But Allah, the Lord of the worlds, came from his face.
17:45And his personality,
17:46you could feel it just by looking at his existence,
17:49that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, is close to you, and you are familiar with him.
17:52He presented some fruits in your garden.
17:54And when you saw that this boy is nine years old,
17:59but his obedience is so much, his service is so much,
18:02his religiousness is so much,
18:03that without asking anything, without knowing anything,
18:06without such matters,
18:08he did such a great service.
18:11So, Sheikh Ibrahim Kanduzi Rahmat,
18:13on one hand, you are being presented with fruits,
18:15and on the other hand,
18:17you are taking out a piece of dry bread from your bag,
18:20and you said, take this, this is for you.
18:23So, as soon as you took it, you said,
18:25the world of my heart has changed.
18:27Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has lifted all the hijabs.
18:29And Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
18:32has started a chain of such lights and manifestations.
18:34From here, the chain of faiz started.
18:36And then, for the sake of religious knowledge,
18:38sometimes Bukhara, sometimes Samarkand.
18:40And then, when he was presented in the garden of his Peers and Spiritual Guides,
18:44the same thing is being taught there as well,
18:45to be attached to religion.
18:46And this is the way of life of the people of Allah.
18:49This is the problem, this is the message,
18:51that no matter what,
18:52we should not let our attachment to religion weaken.
18:55And in fact, a person who was presented in your garden,
18:57and the purpose was to do bai'at,
18:59and he was presented in your garden for a piece of faiz.
19:02For many months, he did not see any miracle in your personality.
19:06And the purpose was that if he sees a miracle,
19:09then a chain of bai'at and intention will be established.
19:12He started going back and said, there is no miracle here.
19:15He was asked, why did you come and why do you want to go?
19:18He said, Huzoor, I did not see any miracle.
19:20I came to see a miracle,
19:21that your thread will sit in my heart,
19:22and your status and rank will be established in my heart.
19:25He said, have you ever found a Fakir to be detached from religion?
19:28For so many months, you have lived in the abode of a Fakir.
19:31And have you ever been able to remove a single action from my life
19:34from the Quran and Sunnah?
19:35He said, Huzoor, I have never seen such a thing.
19:37So, you said that this is the real miracle.
19:40That is, the miracle is greater than the miracle.
19:42So, this is Sufism, this is Tariqat, this is the message of the saints.
19:45You said a very good thing.
19:47And let's move on to the statement of Hazrat Gharib Nawaz.
19:51Your great Khalifa and special disciple,
19:55Hazrat Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Qaqi, may Allah have mercy on him,
19:59in his book, Daleel-ul-Aarifeen,
20:03Hazrat Khawaja Mohiuddin Chishti Ajmeri says,
20:07Salah is a trust that has been entrusted to the servants.
20:11So, it is obligatory on the servants
20:14that no kind of treachery is committed in this trust,
20:17and it should be performed with discipline.
20:20So, this is the statement of Hazrat Khawaja Mohiuddin Chishti Ajmeri.
20:24And in the end, we will present the Manqabah.
20:27We would like to thank Muhammad Zubair Ishaq,
20:30our three guests, Mufti Sahib, for coming to Africa,
20:34and all the three Mufti-e-Ana, I am thankful to all three of them,
20:37for coming, and thank you to all the three Sanahkhans.
20:39In the end, you will present the Manqabah.
20:41With this, I would like to take the leave of my guest, Muhammad Raees Ahmed.
20:45Allah Hafiz.
20:57Allah Hafiz.
21:27Murshid-e-Muhtaram, kar do kar do karam
21:33Murshid-e-Muhtaram, kar do kar do karam
21:39Mere khaja piya, kar do kar do karam
21:45Murshid-e-Muhtaram, tumko bheja gaya
21:51Hai karam ke liye, khaja-e-khajgaan
22:00Noor-e-shaakh-e-najaf, mere khaja piya
22:07Teri chaukhat pe waliyon ne bosa diya
22:13Teri chaukhat pe waliyon ne bosa diya
22:19Khaalik-e-do jahan se yeh rutba mila
22:26Khaalik-e-do jahan se yeh rutba mila
22:32Teri darbar faiz-o-karam ke liye
22:38Kar do kar do karam, Murshid-e-Muhtaram
22:44Kar do kar do karam, Murshid-e-Muhtaram
22:51Tumko bheja gaya hai karam ke liye
22:57Shaakh-e-ajmer, mera maseekha hai to
23:05Shaakh-e-ajmer, mera maseekha hai to
23:13Dard-manto ke dukh ka madaba hai to
23:19Dard-manto ke dukh ka madaba hai to
23:25Teri nisbat ka daaman rahe haath mein
23:31Teri nisbat ka daaman rahe haath mein
23:37Bas daba hai yehi ranj-o-gham ke liye
23:43Kar do kar do karam, Murshid-e-Muhtaram
23:49Kar do kar do karam, Murshid-e-Muhtaram
23:56Tumko bheja gaya hai karam ke liye
24:02Thaam na haath hai Sayyed-e-Mehrbaan
24:10Thaam na haath hai Sayyed-e-Mehrbaan
24:16Hai tera kaam khaaja khataa poshiyaan
24:23Hai tera kaam khaaja khataa poshiyaan
24:29Laaj rakhna fana ki moeen-e-jahaan
24:35Laaj rakhna fana ki moeen-e-jahaan
24:41Mere khaaja piyaa
24:45Laaj rakhna fana ki moeen-e-jahaan
24:51Hashirm-e-taajdaar-e-karam ke liye
24:57Kar do kar do karam, Murshid-e-Muhtaram
25:06Tumko bheja gaya hai karam ke liye
