• 2 weeks ago
Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, melaporkan APBN di sepanjang 2024 defisit 2,29% dari PDB Indonesia atau setara dengan Rp507,8 triliun. Sri Mulyani menyebutkan realisasi defisit itu lebih rendah dari target defisit APBN 2024 atau lebih rendah sekitar Rp15 triliun.


00:00Thank you for joining us again, and in this segment we will review the 2024 APBN deficit.
00:11Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati reported that the APBN during the year 2024 had a deficit of 2.29% of Indonesia's GDP, or equivalent to 507.8 trillion rupiah.
00:24Sri Mulyani said the realization of the deficit was lower than the 2024 APBN deficit target, or lower by around 15 trillion rupiah.
00:36Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati reported that the APBN during the year 2024 had a deficit of 2.29% of Indonesia's GDP, or equivalent to 507.8 trillion rupiah.
00:47Sri Mulyani ensured that the realization of the deficit was still under control, although in the middle of last year the Ministry of Finance predicted a potential deficit of 2.7%.
00:58In a press conference, the Minister of Finance stated that the 2024 deficit occurred because the country's spending increased by 7.3% year-on-year, exceeding Rp 3,350 trillion.
01:09The realization of the country's spending exceeded the 2024 APBN target of Rp 3,325 trillion.
01:16Meanwhile, the country's revenue for the past year was only Rp 2,842 trillion.
01:23Therefore, the 2024 APBN target is far better than what we predicted in the middle of last year.
01:35We see a deficit of 507.8 trillion rupiah, which is very impressive.
01:42It is not only lower than LAPSEM, which we predicted to be 609.7 trillion rupiah, which is more than Rp 100 trillion, which is lower than the outlook deficit, but also lower than the initial APBN, which is Rp 522.8 trillion.
02:06And the primary balance of the deficit is only Rp 19.4 trillion.
02:15The Minister of Finance, Indra Wati, said that the achievement of the 2024 APBN deficit is still better than the semester report, which predicted a deficit of Rp 609.7 trillion.
02:26Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani said that the figure is also lower than the 2024 APBN deficit target of Rp 522.8 trillion.
02:34Coverage Team, Aidek Channel
02:40Today, we will review the APBN record throughout 2024, where after the Ministry of Finance closed the book, one of the interesting things is from the side of state reception,
02:50where the Ministry of Finance reported that the realization of tax reception until December 2024 experienced a shortfall or lower than the target in APBN 2024.
03:00The Minister of Finance, Anggito Abimanyu, said that the realization of tax reception until December 2024 only reached Rp 1,932 trillion or 97.2% of the target in APBN 2024, which reached Rp 1,988 trillion.
03:20Nevertheless, the realization of tax reception is 3.5% higher than in 2023, so it did not reach the 2024 target, but it is still better than in 2023.
03:33The Minister of Finance stated that the tax reception did not reach the target due to the condition of reception in quarters 1 and 2 of 2024, which decreased compared to the same period last year.
03:45However, in quarters 3 and 4 of 2024, the tax reception began to reverse positive, reaching Rp 461 trillion or an increase of about 10.4% year-on-year, which is caused by a good growth in transaction tax.
04:02Next, in quarters 4, the tax reception also reached Rp 577.6 trillion or 20.3% year-on-year.
04:10This tax reception was pushed by PPNDN, which is sourced from the growth of the trading sector and the management industry.
04:17Meanwhile, regarding tax reception, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Mulyani, said that tax reception is under pressure, so it does not reach the target of Rp 1,988 trillion.
04:29Nevertheless, the Minister of Finance also stated that a tax reception of Rp 1,932 trillion remains an achievement in itself, because the Minister of Finance claims that he can recover state revenue sources compared to the previous outlook.
04:44And then, after the state reception, we move to the state spending post, which one of them spent quite a large portion of PPNDN last year, namely the distribution of subsidies to the public.
04:56How large was the subsidy distribution in 2024? Here is the information.
05:05Minister of Finance, Suhasil Nazara, reported the implementation of subsidy distribution through the budget for state income and spending in 2024, starting from fuel to electricity, reaching Rp 434.3 trillion.
05:17From fuel, fuel that should be priced at Rp 11,950 per liter was sold to the public for Rp 6,800 per liter.
05:27This means that about 43% of the original price is borne by PPNDN. The total budget for this subsidy is Rp 89.7 trillion for more than 4 million vehicles.
05:38Then for the type of fuel, with a price of Rp 11,700 per liter, sold for Rp 10,000 per liter or subsidized for Rp 1,700 per liter.
05:50The total budget spent reached Rp 56.1 trillion and enjoyed by 157.4 million vehicles.
05:58In addition, the benefits of PPNDN directly enjoyed by the public, including the price in the context of enjoying the price of fuel, LPG, electricity, fertilizer, which is cheaper because PPNDN provides subsidies.
06:17And if we look here, for solar, this is an example of how to read this table, for solar, the first line, the price should be throughout the year 2024 is Rp 11,950 per liter of solar.
06:37However, what is paid by the public because there is a subsidy is Rp 6,800 per liter.
06:47Next for the LPG 3 kg subsidy, the public only paid Rp 12,750 per tank from the original price of Rp 42,750 per tank.
06:58The realization of the LPG 3 kg subsidy reached Rp 80.2 trillion and enjoyed by 40.3 million customers.
07:06Then in the electricity sector, the total subsidy spent reached Rp 156.4 trillion.
07:11While for fertilizer, the realization of the subsidy reached Rp 47.4 trillion for 7.3 million tons of fertilizer for farmers.
07:27The realization of state spending occurred in 2024 due to a larger subsidy than the receipt.
07:32The Ministry of Finance reported that the realization of state spending throughout last year reached Rp 3,350 trillion or reached 100.8% of the 2024 PPN target.
07:43The Minister of Finance, Suha Hasil Nasarang, stated that the realization of state spending grew 7.3% year-on-year or compared to the previous year.
07:51The realization of state spending occurred from the Ministry of Finance spending which reached Rp 1,315 trillion or 109.7% of the target.
08:00Then the non-Ministry of Finance spending reached Rp 1,171 trillion or 85.1% of the target.
08:08And finally, the realization of transfer to the region reached Rp 863.5 trillion or 100.7%.
08:15More specifically, a number of state spending was aimed at, among other things, BBM subsidies to electricity, food assistance in mitigating the impact of El Niño and also food price stabilization.
08:27Then it was also given for fertilizer subsidies, social funds for communities such as PKH, then the PIP card, PBI-JKN, as well as to boost the purchasing power of the poor and also the poor.
08:39In addition, it was distributed for the program KUR in order to increase access and empowerment of MSMEs.
08:45State spending was also distributed for the election campaign and also for the regional leaders who reduce the number of extreme poverty and also for the farmers,
08:54support for the quality of health education and food preservation and also for the support of PSN and IKN.
09:00Next, it's not just about spending and also the acceptance of the state, but the macro-based assumption is also an important part of the 2024 APBN.
09:09In its realization, it can be said that all the macro-based assumptions of 2024 deviated from the target set.
09:16What are the indicators of the macro-based assumption that deviated? Here is the information.
09:21The increasing global uncertainty makes all the assumptions of the macro-based economy of 2024 deviated from the target set by the government.
09:28The expected economic growth can reach 5.2% in the 2024 Budget and State Spending Act.
09:35It is now only possible to grow by 5%.
09:38Finance Minister Srimulian Indrawati said that the weakness of the economy is caused by a more dynamic global situation,
09:44among other things, increasing geopolitical tensions in various regions.
09:48The financial market boom and its decline are the price of the Indonesian stock market.
09:53We all know that the APBN is designed and designed with the assumption that growth in 2024 is 5.2%.
10:04We expect the outlook to be 5%.
10:08Earlier in quarter 1, it was 5.11%, in quarter 2, it was 5.05%, in quarter 3, it was 4.95%, and in quarter 4, it still hasn't come out.
10:19We estimate it is still around 5%.
10:23In addition to economic growth, other indicators are that inflation is at level 1.57% year-on-year.
10:29It is much lower than the assumption in the APBN, which is at level 2.8%.
10:33Then the exchange rate, which on average in 2024 was as high as 15,847 US dollars,
10:39higher than the assumption in the APBN of 15,000 US dollars.
10:44Another indicator that also slipped is the yield, the letter of the value of the country that is in the assumption of the APBN,
10:50which is at the level 2.8%.
10:52The Minister of Finance mentioned that the outlook for economic growth in 2024 reaches 5% year-on-year,
10:58lower than the assumption of the APBN in 2024, which is at the level 2.8%.
11:03In addition to this, there are other indicators, such as GDP growth, which is at the level 2.8%.
11:09In addition to this, there are other indicators, such as GDP growth, which is at the level 2.8%.
11:14The Minister of Finance mentioned that the outlook for economic growth in 2024 reaches 5% year-on-year,
11:20lower than the assumption of the APBN in 2024, which is at 5.2%.
11:24The outlook is based on economic growth in Q1 2024 at 5.11%,
11:30then Q2 2024 at 5.05%, and Q3 2024 at 4.95%,
11:36and Q4 2024, which is estimated at around 5%.
11:40The basic assumption that also deviates, which was also mentioned before,
11:44is the value of the Rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar.
11:47The Minister of Finance mentioned that the value of the Rupiah exchange rate rises from the assumption of the APBN in 2024 at the level 15,000,
11:53where the realization is that the value of the Rupiah exchange rate penetrates up to 16,000 per US dollar.
11:58According to Sri Mulyani, the depreciation of the value of the Rupiah exchange rate, which is quite significant for 2024,
12:04also affects the country's post-trade.
12:06There is also a pressure on the Rupiah exchange rate.
12:09Sri Mulyani stated that this is caused by global factors,
12:12such as the preservation of the de facto flow rate and the strengthening of the US dollar,
12:17which causes foreign capital to flow out of the Indonesian financial market.
12:21Next, the other macro assumption that also deviates from my presentation is oil lifting,
12:26which was originally targeted at 635,000 barrels per day in the APBN in 2024,
12:30but the realization until November 2024 is still at 571,700 barrels per day.
12:38Likewise, the targeted lifting gas also reaches 1.03 million barrels per day,
12:44but the realization is only at the level of 973,000 barrels per day per November 2024.
12:52This concludes the budget deficit in 2024, and why the macro assumptions are not achieved.
13:01Hopefully, for 2025, it will be better again, so that it affects economic growth according to estimates.
13:08We will be back with other updated information after the break.
13:11Stay tuned on IDX First Session Closing.
