• 2 months ago
Mengawali tahun 2025, Pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian Perindustrian terus memperkuat daya saing industri nasional melalui program hilirisasi, salah satunya di sektor pertambangan tembaga. Apalagi, produk tembaga berperan penting dalam mendukung sejumlah industri di bagian hilir, seperti otomotif, elektronik, peralatan listrik, dan energi terbarukan.

Oleh sebab itu, sejalan dengan kebijakan Pemerintah dalam menjalankan mandat dan keberlanjutan program hilirisasi di sektor pertambangan tembaga, maka mulai 1 Januari 2025, Kementerian Perindustrian resmi memberlakukan larangan ekspor konsentrat tembaga. Dasar larngan mengacu kepada Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 6 tahun 2024 tentang penyelesaian pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian mineral logam di dalam negeri.

Adapun, kebijakan larangan ekspor konsentrat tembaga seharusnya mulai berlaku pada bulan Juni 2024 lalu. Namun, Pemerintah memutuskan untuk melakukan relaksasi larangan ekspor tersebut hingga 31 Desember 2024, melalui Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 10 tahun 2024, yang merupakan perubahan dari Permendag Nomor 22 tahun 2023 tentang barang yang dilarang untuk diekspor. Dasar pemberian relaksasi saat itu disebabkan belum selesainya pembangunan smelter milik PT Freeport Indonesia dan PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, pada saat itu.


00:00Indonesia's economy is on the brink of collapse
00:16Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:18Live from IDX Studio, Jakarta, I am Prasetyo Wibowo
00:22Back again in Market Review
00:24A program that deals with the issues that are the driving force of the economy in Indonesia
00:28You can watch our live stream on IDXChannel.com
00:31And let's start the complete Market Review
00:43The government announced a policy to ban the export of copper concentrates starting from January 1, 2025
00:49This step is the government's commitment to increase the competitiveness of the national industry through the hillarization program
00:59In 2025, the government continues to strengthen the competitiveness of the national industry
01:07One of them is in the copper mining sector through the hillarization program
01:11Moreover, copper products play an important role in supporting a number of industries in the hillarization sector
01:16Such as automotive, electronics, electrical equipment, and renewable energy
01:21Therefore, in line with the government's policy to implement mandates and the continuation of the hillarization program in the copper mining sector
01:28Then, starting from January 1, 2025, the Ministry of Industry officially banned the export of copper concentrates
01:35The basis of the ban refers to the Regulation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Indonesia No. 6 of 2024
01:40About the completion of the development of the facility for the purification of metal minerals in the country
01:45There is also a policy to ban the export of copper concentrates that should have started in June 2024
01:52However, the government decided to implement the ban on export until December 31, 2024
01:58Through the Regulation of the Ministry of Trade No. 10 of 2024
02:02Which is a change from the Regulation No. 22 of 2023 about goods that are prohibited to be exported
02:10The purpose of the relaxation of mining exports such as copper is to create a processing industry and or purification in the country
02:16Which can export additional mining products
02:28Meanwhile, in line with the implementation of the ban on the export of copper concentrates at the beginning of this year
02:32The country has the potential to lose income from the mining sector
02:36Even the potential loss of income from the export of copper concentrates can reach 10 trillion rupiah
02:46The acceptance of mining in 2025 is predicted to get new pressure
02:51After the implementation of the ban on the export of copper concentrates and anode mud from January 1, 2025
02:58The policy is claimed to solve the hilarization of copper products in the country
03:03Although there are consequences, the country has the potential to lose income up to more than 10 trillion rupiah
03:10Director General Beya Cukai Askolani explained
03:13The policy of banning the export of copper in 2025 is ensured to eliminate mining income from the export of copper
03:21Like a few years ago
03:23And thus, the government can still rely on mining to export oil products
03:28Askolani is also optimistic that the policy of the ban will still have a positive impact through the acceptance of other taxes
03:33As a result of the process of investing in the hilarization of the industry of processing copper in the country
03:39It means that in 2025 we will not get mining income
03:44And for mining income, we only focus on CPU
03:47Which is currently quite dominant
03:50Which can get up to 5T per year
03:53But of course, the loss of copper mining industry
03:56If we look at it, it has a positive impact from other aspects
04:03First of all, this hilarization will cause an increase in investment
04:09By building a cement factory
04:11And then of course it will promote economic growth
04:15Previously, the ban on the export of copper and other commodities
04:18Has been regulated in the Regulation of the Ministry of Trade No. 10 in 2024
04:22And through this regulation, there are 5 mining commodities that will be banned from export starting in January 2025
04:28That is, laterite iron concentrate
04:30Copper concentrate with a rate of more than or equal to 15%
04:35Timbal concentrate with a rate of more than or equal to 56%
04:39Seng concentrate with a rate of more than or equal to 51%
04:43And Lumpur Anoda
04:53Yes, Pemirsa, to discuss our topic this time
04:55The ban on the export of copper concentrate starting January 1, 2025
05:00We have been in touch with Mr. Ahmad Reddy
05:03Lawyer for Energy and Mining
05:05Hello, Mr. Ahmad, how are you?
05:07Greetings, how are you?
05:08Thank you for your time
05:10And this is Mr. Hendra Sinadia
05:13Director Executive Indonesian Mining Association
05:15Hello, Mr. Hendra, how are you?
05:17Alhamdulillah, how are you?
05:19Thank you for your time
05:20Thank you for your time
05:21And before discussing further
05:22This is Mr. Hendra, we will review first
05:24Related to the production and sales performance
05:28Both in the domestic and international markets
05:30Related to mining results throughout 2024
05:33What is the performance like?
05:36Yes, okay
05:37In general, if we look at 2024
05:40The performance of the mining sector
05:42Which is more affected by the volatility of commodity prices
05:48In general, it's pretty good
05:50If we look at some of our main mineral commodities
05:54Like copper, tin, nickel
05:57Bauxite is experiencing an increase in production
06:01For the price, if we look at it
06:03We break down some of the commodities
06:05If copper, the average price is still almost the same as before
06:10Nickel is slightly down due to oversupply
06:14Then tin, we see an increase in price in 2024
06:19So does bauxite
06:21If you look at copper, the production of copper per 3 quarters
06:25Especially in pre-port and mineral security
06:27Compared to year-on-year, there is also an increase
06:30More or less, on average, in PTFE, 17%
06:34Then also the production of copper
06:37Both companies are also quite good
06:40Increased in the third quarter
06:42And they are also
06:44Aman Mineral and PTFE Pre-Port also produce gold
06:47Which if we look at the third quarter data, it also increased
06:51Then if we look at the nickel commodity
06:54There is quite a lot of production
06:56If in RKB, it's 247 million tons
06:59Which is set by SDM
07:01The price is indeed a bit down compared to 2023
07:05Because of the condition of oversupply
07:06Indonesia dominates about 60% of the world's production
07:11Then the copper community
07:13Last week, the production exceeded the target of more than 800 million tons
07:18Overall, if you look at the contribution to the country's supply
07:21The PNPP sector in Minerva has exceeded 100%
07:25So it exceeds the target set by the government
07:28So overall, the condition of the first sector of mineral and copper is quite positive
07:32Seen from the price of commodities and production
07:35It is believed to be positive, it succeeded in winning throughout 2024
07:39How do you see it?
07:41Do you see from the legal side
07:44Then how with the management
07:47Then the market itself for mining production in Indonesia
07:51This is still quite okay in 2024
07:54Yes, I think in the context of law and regulation
07:59The government has tried as best as possible
08:02To ensure that there is legal certainty
08:04Regarding the laws of the Minerva sector
08:07Especially Law 3 of 2020
08:09Including, for example, the obligation to legalize minerals and copper
08:14Especially for copper
08:17In the legal context, it is clear in the Minerva Law
08:20In Article 102 and 103 there is an obligation to legalize
08:24For all minerals
08:27And I see that the government is consistent
08:29Implementing this legalization obligation for all commodities
08:33Including copper
08:35For example, how does the government try as hard as possible
08:38To build the largest copper smelter in the world
08:41Which is done by PT Freeport in Gresik
08:44This is an effort that I think is quite good
08:47Then it is very beneficial for the interests of the nation and the country
08:51Including in the context of the economy
08:54Ensuring that the entire mineral and copper community
08:58Especially minerals can provide added value
09:00Both in the context of employment
09:03And for the benefit of local entities in the region
09:09That's it, Mr. Pras
09:10Okay, that's it, the acceptance of the country
09:11And the important thing is the creation of jobs
09:13As it happened throughout 2024
09:15Well, this is Mr. Hendra
09:17After pulling the wool, we know
09:18As soon as the government announced the ban on concentrated exports
09:21Finally, it started on January 1, 2025
09:25What do you think?
09:26Is this the right policy taken by the government at the beginning of 2025?
09:32Yes, I think from the policy point of view, it is correct
09:34What Mr. Ahmad Reddy said earlier
09:37If we look at the hillarization policy in the mineral sector
09:41That's not a new thing
09:42If we look at the previous 1997 PT Freeport Indonesia
09:47In the contract that was arranged by the previous government
09:53In the new era
09:54There is already an obligation to increase the added value
09:58So that the BPT Gresik smelter has been in operation since 1997
10:02And then with the Law 4 of 2009
10:05It applies to all communities
10:07Including the mining sector, especially in the context of today's discussion
10:11So from the perspective of business owners
10:14With the establishment of two mining smelters earlier
10:19From the perspective of business
10:21Business owners have fulfilled their obligations
10:23According to the law
10:25To build a smelter
10:26And also regarding the export or relaxation policy
10:30Of course, it is the will of the government
10:34From the perspective of business owners
10:35It is already optimal to fulfill their obligations
10:38Later, the increase in added value in the hillarization
10:41Later there will be a joint PR
10:44Okay, from the perspective of Mr. Hendry
10:46From business owners to be able to do hillarization earlier
10:49Or how to manage the raw materials of the mining concentrate
10:53How is the operation of the smelter?
10:55Do you see this year 2024
10:57Will really be implemented 100%?
11:00In other words, it's on the track
11:02We have to see
11:04If we talk about smelter
11:06This is in the hillarization
11:08Of course, don't forget
11:09This is an integrated unit
11:12Between upstream and hillarization
11:14Upstream mining
11:15If we look at the mining itself
11:18Especially for the Tembaga case
11:21If we look at some
11:22There are two large companies operating
11:24The biggest added value is indeed in mining
11:28Or in the hillarization
11:29Where some studies that have been done before
11:32It is more or less 94%
11:34The creation of added value on the hillarization side
11:37Then the job creation
11:39If we look at the hillarization side
11:41In the upstream
11:42It's more or less almost 50,000 employees that were absorbed
11:46And that's also the impact of the regional calculation
11:49PDRB and in the provinces
11:51Also quite significant
11:52Including the contribution to the country
11:54Then in the hillarization
11:56By building two smelters
11:58Of course there is also a job creation
12:01But the number is indeed very limited
12:04Because this is already high skill
12:05So that the stages
12:08Have earlier upstream and hillarization
12:11Of course have the same important contribution
12:15So that the directness of the hillarization
12:18In the downstream
12:20Is not separated from how
12:22The hillarization side is maintained
12:24So this is integrated
12:26So that the policy made by the government
12:30Or the impact of the policy in the hillarization
12:31Of course will have an impact in the hillarization
12:33Which was mentioned earlier
12:34The economic impact is very significant
12:36So the government
12:37This is the discretion of the government
12:39The government's decision
12:40How to maintain the balance
12:43So that the hillarization goes
12:46The policy is still sustained
12:47Especially when we talk about
12:49Investment projects that are 20 or 30 years
12:52And even more
12:53Okay, what are the things that need to be considered
12:55When we discuss in the next segment
12:57I remember there are some things that have become pilot projects
13:00Such as hillarization in our renewable sector
13:03Which yesterday already noted the income
13:06And also the extraordinary achievements
13:08Can this also happen in 2025?
13:10We will discuss later in the next segment
13:12We will make sure you are still with us
13:32Yes, thank you for still joining us
13:34In Market Review
13:35In the next segment, we will provide data for you
13:37Related to the ban on the concentration export
13:40This is the regulation from the 10th of October, 2024
13:43What is this?
13:44What happened on January 1, 2025
13:46There is a lead rate iron concentration
13:48With a greater or equal to 50% Fe
13:52And also greater or equal to 10%
13:56From Al203 and SiNOO2
14:00Next there is a copper concentration
14:02Then the timbal concentration
14:04Seng concentration
14:06Then there is also anode slime
14:10Next, the long-term benefits of the hillarization policy
14:14What is it?
14:16First, there is an increase in investment for the development of smelters
14:19So that it can promote economic growth
14:21Then there is an increase in PPH and PPN from companies
14:24This is a form of exchange of income sources
14:27From foreign loans to taxes
14:29And the addition of labor
14:31Let's continue again
14:33With Mr. Hendra Sinedia
14:35Director Executive Indonesian Mining Association
14:37And also Mr. Ahmad Reddy
14:39Energy and mining expert
14:41Mr. Ahmad Reddy, we will continue again
14:44If we talk about some of the data that have been delivered
14:47Mr. Hendra has already said
14:49That the importance of integration
14:52How everything is interconnected
14:54Between Hulu and Hillir
14:56Creating job opportunities
14:57Preparation from smelters and others
14:59How do you see 2025?
15:02Will it give a positive impact from the acceptance side?
15:06Or will it be held first?
15:08Because there is a processing process here
15:10Yes, we must return to our constitution
15:14In article 33 of the Basic Law
15:17That the earth, water, and natural resources
15:19Are governed by the state for the greatest happiness of the greatest number
15:22It means that the pattern of mining business activities
15:25Which has only been smelting, transporting, and selling
15:29It needs to be changed
15:31So it's not just smelting, transporting, and selling
15:34Mr. Hendra has also said
15:36That hillirization is the key word
15:39So it's not just focused on how
15:41Minerals are commodified quickly
15:43Without giving high economic benefits to the country
15:47One of the forms of increasing the value of additional mineral products
15:51Is through hillirization
15:53It means, for example,
15:55Box sheet, imported box sheet
15:57Nickel, only nickel
15:59It is processed and processed
16:01Nickel becomes ferronickel, nickel pink iron
16:03Which in the context of mining economy
16:05This gives a great impact to the country
16:09For example, coal
16:11We have already mentioned that we already have PT Smelting Gersik
16:14Which was built by PT Peripot in 1997
16:17And this is only able to accommodate
16:19About 30-40% of the coal in PT Peripot
16:23An amazing commitment by PT Peripot
16:26Because PT Peripot is already a platinum company
16:29Under the control of MinID
16:31The commitment to build a mining smelter
16:34This ensures that in the context of hillirization
16:37I think it's an amazing effort
16:39To provide benefits to the country
16:41So if you ask
16:43What about the acceptance context in 2025?
16:45Of course it will be very big
16:48Because what was exported earlier
16:50What was exported was only in the form of seeds, ore, or concentrates
16:53This has become
16:55For example, it becomes an iron cathode
17:00Then for gold and hand-wrapped plates
17:03Has already changed
17:05So I think in the context of the economy
17:07This will certainly provide benefits
17:09For example, in the context of PNBP
17:11If he only exports seeds or concentrates
17:15The PNBP is very low
17:17But when it has changed
17:19For example, 90% or 95% of the products have been purified
17:23Of course the income of the country, not the tax
17:25This is tens of times higher
17:28What happens when there is a change
17:31This commodity from raw minerals
17:35Becomes a mineral that has been processed and purified
17:37So the success at the time of hillirization
17:40Yesterday it could happen again
17:43Like the mining sector, etc.
17:46That's right, that's right, Mr. President
17:48So that's what actually becomes
17:50Not only a blessing for the country
17:53But also a threat
17:55We need to know for example
17:56The commitment of Indonesia to carry out hillirization
17:58This is also much debated by countries around the world
18:01For example, the European Union
18:03How does the European Union try to prevent our hillirization
18:07And then our hillirization
18:09It can't go the way we expect
18:12In the context of policy and law in Indonesia
18:16Mr. Hendra, you said earlier
18:18The smelter is already there
18:19The readiness to do the processing itself is also available
18:23So how will the market
18:25Then how is the processing result of this ore
18:28Can it also be absorbed by the market
18:31Both domestically and internationally
18:34This is interesting
18:35If you look at the data
18:37The smelter in East Java, in Gresik
18:41Which was also mentioned by Mr. Reddy
18:43It can only absorb 30% of the product
18:48Absorbed domestically
18:49So most of it is exported
18:51With the new smelter, Dugadi Manar
18:53About 40% of it is absorbed domestically
18:56So overall
18:58The result of the processing of the ore concentrate
19:00Becomes the ore cathode
19:03Domestically still 70% is exported
19:06So it's a shame
19:08If the added value is
19:10Enjoyed by other countries
19:13For our export
19:15This is a challenge
19:17Because domestic absorption is low
19:19Although there have been some developments
19:22There is an industry that has also started
19:24Proactive from China
19:26Building a manufacturing factory in the area
19:29Near the smelter
19:31They can absorb it from the cathode
19:35And also gold processing products
19:37The smelter that is processed
19:39It has also been sold domestically
19:43Among other things to the mining companies
19:45It was done last November
19:48And there are many developments ahead
19:50So the challenge is of course
19:53Because this requires part of Asia-Middle East
19:55From the government of President Prabowo
19:57Is how the domestic industry
19:59This can grow and develop
20:01From the mining business
20:03Of course it has fulfilled its duties
20:06As stated by the law
20:08But later on, this will be a challenge
20:11If we talk about the context of relaxation
20:13Is that in the future
20:15This is a factory
20:17Processing facility factory
20:19Of course in all industries
20:21All factories must have a maintenance schedule
20:23As long as there is no incident
20:26This is how it will be later
20:28In the future if there is a maintenance schedule
20:31Which is indeed one
20:33Must be done
20:35Of course it will result in
20:37Obstructed operations in the past
20:40Now this is how the government adapts to the future
20:42So there is a law
20:44For companies
20:46Who have fulfilled their duties
20:49If there is a technical issue
20:51Which indeed this is part
20:53Inherent from one
20:57How this process will be
20:59I think that long-term needs to be anticipated from now on
21:02That's right
21:04Now let's see what kind of flexibility is needed
21:06From the government
21:08Related to the realization of mining industry
21:10We will discuss in the next segment
21:12We will be back in a moment
21:14We will be right back
21:16Next segment
21:46So there was a maintenance process
21:48Then there will be a technical
21:50About force major and others
21:52That need to be discussed together
21:54Yes, that's right
21:56For example, for the smelter
22:01Whether you like it or not
22:03This is the largest smelter in the face of the earth
22:06If it's on the face of the earth
22:08This is the largest on the planet earth
22:10It means that there is a technical problem
22:12Of course there is
22:14When talking for example
22:16This technical problem then hinders
22:18In the context of the obligation of hillarization
22:20It means that the government must also ensure
22:22Policy to achieve
22:24Hillarization but then
22:26Follow to give justice
22:28To the corporation in this matter, the PTB reports
22:30To then solve the technical problems
22:32In my opinion this is something
22:34Quite wise, but they have been operating
22:36June 2024 has been
22:38Operated even in September
22:40Has been formalized by Mr. President
22:42President Jokowi means there is already
22:44An amazing commitment made by the PTB report
22:46And Mr. Pras, seeing the PTB report
22:48Now it's different, now the PTB report
22:50Is a black and red corporation
22:52It means there is a responsibility of the state
22:54Which is then either
22:56Regulatory or in the context of operational
22:58Because this PTB report is
23:00On the MinID board
23:02Whether you like it or not, the entire action of the PTB report corporation
23:04This is the right and responsibility
23:06From the state
23:08So when for example
23:10There is a technical problem
23:12Then this becomes a problem
23:14So that hillarization
23:16In December 2024
23:18It can't be done in January 2025
23:20Can't be solved
23:22Then I think there must be a policy approval
23:24SME must be changed, given time
23:26So that the technical problems
23:28Can be solved
23:30So that the benefits
23:32Hillarization for the nation and the country
23:34Achieved but then flexibility
23:36In order to solve
23:38Technical issues
23:40It is given space in the PTB report
23:42That's it, Mr. Pras.
23:44Mr. Hendra, during the production process
23:46For example, from head to tail
23:48Actually, no one should stop
23:50If we talk about how
23:52The continuation of a production process
23:54From head to tail
23:56So that when there is a middle stream
23:58There is a technical problem
24:00It must continue
24:02Oh yes, of course
24:04This is the integrated part
24:06So the head to tail
24:08It doesn't have to be related
24:10So the obstacle in the head
24:12Which was the tail
24:14For example, there is a technical problem
24:16Which then because of the policy
24:18Which may not yet
24:20Flexible, giving ease
24:22For investors
24:24This will definitely have an impact on the head
24:26The impact can also be a multiplier effect
24:28The impact is because the employees are quite large
24:30Then the impact
24:32The area is also very large
24:34This is what needs to be considered
24:38Likewise, investment in the future
24:40Because we are talking about smelters
24:44Investments can be 20-30 years ahead
24:46This is also related to how
24:48The exploration can be pushed
24:50So the relationship between the policy
24:52Head to tail is equally important
24:54So in the tail earlier
24:56How flexible the government
24:58For export
25:00For example, if in
25:02Technical problems
25:04But also how the head is pushed
25:06For example, exploration
25:08Must be pushed
25:10Because this is very related to the sustainability of the team
25:12So the concept is the same
25:14In terms of commodity, it's not just a smelter
25:16Nickel, tin, bauxite, etc.
25:18The exploration must also be pushed
25:20Your optimism
25:22Related to this hillarization
25:24Mr. Indra, in the future for the industry sector
25:26Or the business players themselves
25:28I remember Mr. Amatrani mentioned earlier
25:30There are also countries that do not like hillarization
25:32Especially the smelter has entered
25:34In 2025
25:36Yes, I think this is a good momentum
25:38In the era of energy transition
25:40Demand for the mineral strategic community
25:42Very increased
25:44Especially the smelter
25:46This is the hottest community
25:48In the era of energy transition
25:50And even by 2040
25:52It is expected to be a shortage
25:54Because the demand is very high
25:56So this is indeed
25:58An opportunity for Indonesia
26:00To take advantage of this momentum
26:02We have in the pipeline
26:04Several projects
26:06The mining company
26:08Which is currently operating
26:10Also in East Java
26:12And also in Sumbawa
26:14This also needs the attention of the government
26:16And here
26:18Indonesia's opportunity
26:20And I think at a global level
26:22If for mining
26:24This is our opportunity
26:26To be safe and free
26:28And also later
26:30There are several companies
26:32In the pipeline
26:34We can be one of the largest countries
26:36For the production of coal cathode
26:38From mining sources
26:42China, then Chile
26:46And we can later
26:48Maximum 1.5 million tons
26:50Coal cathode
26:52That's it
26:54I look forward to the moment
26:56It happens in Indonesia
26:58While waiting for a stronger law
27:00Flexibility is also wanted
27:02When things happen
27:04Which is not really wanted
27:06For the business world
27:08Mr. Hendra, once again
27:10Thank you very much for sharing
27:12Updates and information
27:14Given to the audience today
27:16Happy to continue your activities
27:18Greetings, thank you
27:20Thank you, Mr. Pras
27:22Thank you
