• 19 hours ago
00:09Strange deaths in Mahabharata.
00:11There were some characters in the Mahabharata whose deaths were nit-nomal but very strange.
00:16Very few people know about these characters.
00:19Find out who those characters were?
00:23Mahatma Vidura's demise Mahatma Vidura moved to the jungle after the conflict.
00:28When the Pandavas visited him, Vidura's soul fused into Yudhishthira.
00:32Vidura died simultaneously.
00:36King Pandu's Curse King Pandu died while having intercourse with
00:39his wife Madri because he was cursed by Rishi Kaindama that whenever he unites with a woman,
00:45he will die at the same time.
00:48King Jurasandha's Fate Bhima slew Magad, a King Jurasandha.
00:53Jurasandha's corpse was split in two by Bhima and thrown in opposing directions.
00:57Shri Krishna revealed Jurasandha's killing technique.
01:03King Virahadakshatra's End While King Virahadakshatra of Sindh was meditating,
01:08the head Jayadratha, killed by Arjuna, fell into his lap.
01:12Seeing this, he stood up and his head burst open.
01:17King Vichitravirya's Mystery Bhishma's brother, King Vichitravirya, died
01:22of a mysterious illness, which is not described in the Mahabharata.
01:27He also had no children from his wives Ambika and Ambalika.