• last year
मुंबई: इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट के जज जस्टिस शेखर कुमार यादव का वीएचपी के एक कार्यक्रम में हिंदुओं को लेकर दिया बयान खासा सुर्खियों में रहा, उनके ऊपर महाभियोग का नोटिस भी विपक्ष की ओर से दिया गया है। अब इस मामले में सीएम योगी आदित्यनाथ का बयान भी सामने आया है। सीएम योगी ने जज के बयान पर कहा कि सच बोलने पर महाभियोग फिर संविधान की दुहाई देने वाले दोहरे चरित्र के लोग हैं। ये हर उस व्यक्ति को धौंस दिखाएंगे जो सच बोलेगा, भारत की विरासत की बात करेगा। बहुसंख्यक समाज के हितों की चर्चा हुई तो विपक्ष को परेशानी क्यों हुई। संविधान की किताब साथ लेकर चलने वाले ही संविधान का गला घोंटते हैं। बहुसंख्यक समाज ही व्यवस्था आधार है।

#cmyogiadityanath #cmyogispeech #allahabadhighcourt #justiceshekharkumaryadav #impeachmentnotice #rajyasabha


00:00There are two things that are going on in the present.
00:05In India, the head of the state assembly is the Grand Viceroy.
00:14Opposition has issued a notice against the Grand Viceroy under the leadership of Congress.
00:25Whoever speaks the truth, they will try to silence the Grand Viceroy.
00:33And yet, they continue to support the Constitution.
00:38Look at their double standards.
00:47The Grand Viceroy of Allahabad said that there should be equal citizenship.
00:58And in the world, there is respect for the feelings of the majority society.
01:07If there is respect in the world, then in India, if someone discusses the interests of the majority society,
01:13if someone speaks the truth, what crime has been committed?
01:17You must have seen, these people have issued a notice against the Grand Viceroy in the state assembly.
01:26And they call themselves democratic.
01:30They call themselves democrats.
01:34They carry the Constitution with them.
01:36They have no shame at all.
01:41Shouldn't there be equal citizenship in the country?
01:47In the world, the majority society is governed by the system.
01:53And India is saying that there should be no discrimination between the majority and the minority.
01:58There should be equal law for everyone.
02:00It's the opposite.
02:02The majority society is saying that there should be no discrimination between the majority and the minority.
02:07But these people are going to strike.
02:11Because it's an old habit.
02:13By strangling the Constitution, they are trying to control the system of the country.
02:20They want to run it.
02:24The country is watching the drama.
02:27All of them need to be exposed.
02:33They blame India's heritage.
02:35They are trying to suppress the truth.
02:37With their voices.
02:39With their violence.
