हिसार, हरियाणा: पूर्व विश्व चैम्पियनशिप स्वर्ण पदक विजेता मुक्केबाज स्वीटी बूरा ने अपने पति दीपक हुड्डा पर लंबे समय से उत्पीड़न का आरोप लगाते हुए कहा, 11 मार्च को मैंने हिसार एसपी को सूचित किया कि मैं अब उनके साथ नहीं रहना चाहती। मुझे उनसे एक पैसा भी नहीं चाहिए बस तलाक और मेरा सामान चाहिए। मैंने अपने सामान की आधी सूची दी लेकिन एक महीने से कोई कार्रवाई नहीं हुई। मैं पीएम मोदी और गृह मंत्री से न्याय की अपील करती हूं।
#SaweetyBoora #EndDomesticAbuse #WomenDeserveJustice, #SafetyForWomen
#SaweetyBoora #EndDomesticAbuse #WomenDeserveJustice, #SafetyForWomen
00:00So that person, on the 11th, I told our SP Hisar,
00:07I don't want to live with this person. I don't want a single penny from him.
00:12I want a divorce from him and my belongings.
00:16I just want my belongings, I don't want anything from him.
00:21I have given half of the list of belongings, I haven't given the complete list yet.
00:27I just said this, and it's been a month and a half.
00:32I haven't taken any action on this.
00:35And despite that, the police, on the 15th,
00:40didn't tell me that Deepak Hooda was going to come there.
00:45Deepak Hooda planned it.
00:47Some police officers are involved in this conspiracy.
00:53They didn't tell me that Deepak Hooda had come there.
00:59They called me there on the pretext of documents,
01:03when I had already given all my belongings.
01:06And then they called me there.
01:08I told them that when Deepak Hooda comes in front of me,
01:13he speaks to me.
01:15When I hear his voice, I get so worried.
01:19I am in so much depression that I get panic attacks.
01:23When that man came, he started speaking in such a dirty tone.
01:27He showed me a video on his phone.
01:30To watch the video, I asked him to show me the video.
01:34I asked him to take the phone from his hand.
01:37And that's all he did.
01:39The police were involved in this.
01:42You can get the CCTV camera recording of that incident.
01:45My father and my uncle were not even present there.
01:49They have even written their names.
01:52He got a fake FIR filed against him.
01:55He got a fake medical examination done.
01:57I want to say what is happening in our country.
02:01They are doing such things to a girl like me.
02:04These people together.
02:06I want to say that
02:09on behalf of this country,
02:11I want to tell our Prime Minister Narendra Modi
02:14and our CM
02:16that so many things are happening to me.
02:19I could not tell this to anyone.
02:22I even met our CM.
02:24He told me that my session is going on till the 28th.
02:28I will say that everything should be done with mutual consent.
02:33But that man could not tolerate this at all.
02:37I am forced to come in front of the media.
02:41Because he is torturing me.
02:44He is putting my family in jail for hours.
02:49Because I am a justice-loving girl.
02:54Despite my depression,
02:58I am going to the police station from the hospital.
03:02And I am being interrogated for a fake FIR.
03:06The FIR should not have been filed.
03:09They should have investigated.
03:12The FIR should have been filed.
03:14But they are torturing me.
03:16Today I am out on bail.
03:18Let me tell you.
03:20Today I am out on bail.
03:22My case has been going on for a month and a half.
03:25The accused has been investigated.
03:27Deepak Hooda.
03:29He is out on bail today.
03:32And I have been in jail for two days.
03:34In the case,
03:36no one has even questioned the people for months.
03:39In that case,
03:41I was arrested.
03:44Can you understand?
03:46Today I am out on bail.