MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 SOIR 20:00 - 12/12/2024
00:00We are still together on MEDIEN TV, thank you for staying loyal to us, here are the
00:19titles of your newspaper.
00:21The Secretary-General of the Council of Cooperation of the Arab States of the Gulf on a work visit
00:26in the Kingdom of Al-Budawiyah was welcomed by the head of Moroccan diplomacy, Nasser
00:35Back to the headlines during their interview in Zonest.
00:39Let's go for the 13th edition of the Atlantic Dialogues.
00:45The Atlantic vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI is at the heart of this international conference
00:51organized by the Policy Center for the New South.
00:57The African vision of the sovereign is being realized on the ground in Niger.
01:01The power plant Mohammed VI offered by Morocco was inaugurated today, a beautiful example
01:08of South-South cooperation sponsored by the Kingdom.
01:15But before developing these titles, know that Morocco and France continue to strengthen
01:21their cooperation on a work visit in the Kingdom.
01:24Yael Bouronne-Pivet, President of the French National Assembly, was welcomed today in Rabat
01:30by the head of the government, Aziz Khanoush.
01:33An occasion seized by the two leaders to highlight the excellence of relations between
01:39the two countries in partnership of exception, reinforced by the declaration signed in this
01:44sense by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and French President Emmanuel Macron.
01:48Aziz Khanoush salutes in this regard the support of France to the Moroccanity of Sarah, of
01:54her side, Yael Bouronne-Pivet qualified to structure these interviews.
01:59Together, we will listen.
02:02We continue our visit to the Kingdom of Morocco by an interview with Mr. Prime Minister.
02:10This interview was extremely fruitful.
02:13We were able to discuss this partnership of exception that the King of Morocco and the
02:19President of the Republic have announced six weeks ago.
02:23And this partnership of exception, well, it must be made to live at all levels.
02:27We were able to exchange on the programs that Morocco carries out around education,
02:33around agriculture, renewable energies, access to water, of course, all social actions.
02:41We see that Morocco is a developing country and that it does it in a harmonious way and
02:49that it tries not to leave anyone on the side of the road.
02:52We see to what extent there is a dynamic today and in which France can find its place
02:58with all our companies, with our expertise.
03:02And so we are really happy with this new golden age of cooperation between our two countries.
03:09Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, has constantly displayed
03:14its commitment to maintaining peace and security in the region.
03:18These are the words of Abdelhatif Lodi, the Moroccan Minister of Defence on Royal High Instruction.
03:23He took part today in Madrid at the 20th meeting of the 5 plus 5 Defence initiative
03:29at the Multilateral Cooperation Forum between the two banks of the Western Mediterranean.
03:35Abdelhatif Lodi also saluted the efforts of Spain, which presided over this year the 5 plus 5 Defence initiative,
03:43which will be presided over next year by Tunisia.
03:52The Secretary-General of the Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council is on an official visit to the Kingdom.
04:00Mohammed al-Boudaouiya was received today by the head of Moroccan diplomacy, Nasser Bouhita.
04:08At the heart of their exchanges, the strategic partnership between Morocco and the CCG,
04:14which reiterated its support for the Moroccanity of the Sahara.
04:22The Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bouhita,
04:25had an interview on Thursday with the Secretary-General of the Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council
04:31on an official visit to the Kingdom.
04:33He reiterated the support of the Gulf countries for the Moroccanity of the Sahara
04:38and the proposal of autonomy advanced by Morocco.
04:50The Gulf countries reiterate their support for the Moroccanity of the Sahara
04:53and the proposal of autonomy advanced by the Kingdom of Morocco.
04:57The Gulf countries also welcome the recent resolution of the United Nations Security Council
05:03on the question of the Moroccan Sahara.
05:12In another area, know that the ministers of foreign affairs of the countries of the CCG
05:18have invited their Moroccan counterpart to participate in a strategic dialogue meeting,
05:23Morocco-Gulf, which will be held soon in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.
05:28This meeting will not be a simple ministerial event,
05:31but a real strategic dialogue, encompassing various sectors of common interest.
05:43The Secretary-General of the CCG also congratulated the Kingdom of Morocco
05:48for the joint organization of the 2030 World Cup with Portugal and Spain.
05:53He assured that the Gulf countries will be fully prepared to offer various forms of cooperation
05:59to support Rabat in this prestigious event.
06:02For his part, Nasser Bourita recalled the solidity of relations between Rabat and the Gulf countries.
06:08The Kingdom of Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI,
06:13reiterates its full solidarity with the member countries of the Council
06:18for the preservation of their sovereignty and territorial integrity
06:23and for the taking of all appropriate measures in favor of the defense of their security and stability.
06:29Relations between Rabat and the Gulf countries remain solid.
06:34It is now a matter of finding ways to strengthen them further,
06:39notably through the work of joint teams,
06:44while further involving the young people, entrepreneurs and companies of the two countries.
06:52The two parties also examined a series of regional and international issues,
06:57while reaffirming their firm and constant support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people
07:04for the establishment of its independent state with capital Al-Quds East on the borders of June 4, 1967.
07:10Let's now talk about the Atlantic Dialogues.
07:13The launch of this international conference was given today in Rabat.
07:18The event organized by the Policy Center for the New South is in its 13th edition.
07:23It coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Think Tank.
07:26At the heart of the discussions, in particular,
07:29are the discussions of the Policy Center for the New South.
07:33It is in its 13th edition.
07:35It coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Think Tank.
07:38At the heart of the discussions, in particular,
07:40are the new issues of international cooperation,
07:43in the image of the Atlantic Initiative of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI,
07:47which aims to help the Sahel countries to overcome the obstacles to their development
07:53while accelerating their integration into the global economy.
07:57This year, the Atlantic Initiative of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI
08:04is at the heart of the Atlantic Dialogues.
08:07What explains the choice of this theme?
08:09What are the other topics that will be addressed?
08:12Answer with Abdelhak Basou, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South,
08:17organizer of the 13th edition of this conference.
08:21So, the first day already contains two panels in full,
08:27which are dedicated to Atlantic Africa
08:30and within Atlantic Africa, to this initiative
08:33of disengagement of the Sahel country.
08:38So, this disengagement of the Sahel country,
08:41there will be an exchange of ideas by the experts,
08:46by Africans, by some Europeans too,
08:50because this initiative of His Majesty the King
08:54is an international initiative.
08:58International means that it is Moroccan, it is African,
09:02but it is also international, that is, everyone is interested.
09:05And with the quality of the experts that we have today for these Atlantic Dialogues,
09:11I believe that the idea will only enrich itself.
09:15Moreover, when I speak of the idea, in fact, it is two ideas in one.
09:20The first concerns Atlantic Africa, all of Atlantic Africa,
09:24with the 23 countries that Morocco is trying, if you will,
09:30to put in an institutionalized structure.
09:35Why an institutionalized structure?
09:39It would allow the African countries of the Atlantic to address the world
09:45by being united, because we have the Mediterranean experience
09:51where the phase, if you will, the African side speaks to the European side,
09:57we see dispersed, because there is no, if you will,
10:01integration structure of North Africa or the Maghreb.
10:05So this time, the Atlantic, if the 23 countries get together,
10:12it will allow them to speak in one voice and therefore to have,
10:17if you will, their place, to have the place they deserve,
10:21not only in the Atlantic basin, but also in the world.
10:25The second idea that is inserted in this Atlantic Africa is that
10:29of unclogging the country of the Sahel, or if you will,
10:34to allow the country of the Sahel to multiply the ways of unclogging,
10:41because these countries today import, export by other West African ports.
10:49So we should perhaps emphasize the fact that the Moroccan initiative
10:53does not compete with the ports that already unclog the Sahel,
10:58but it will allow the Sahel to multiply its ways,
11:02therefore to make them more important and to give them more consistency.
11:07The African vision of sovereignty is realized on the ground.
11:11In Niger, the Mohamed VI electric power plant with a capacity of 22.5 MW
11:17offered by Morocco has been inaugurated today.
11:21A good example is the South-South Cooperation initiated by the Kingdom.
11:25Jean-Dybris Louisiane.
11:27It is accompanied by Ambassador Halal El Hachab and a delegation of Moroccan officials
11:32that the Nigerian Prime Minister proceeded this Thursday
11:35to inaugurate the Mohamed VI electric power plant,
11:39a thermal unit offered by the Kingdom of Morocco
11:42that allows Niger to benefit from 22.5 MW more for its supply of electricity.
11:48The Kingdom of Morocco has provided and provided
11:52to the Republic of Niger the equipment of an electric power plant
11:56that includes 9 groups of Caterpillar-branded electrogens
12:00with a total power of 22.5 MW,
12:049 transformers, elevators,
12:07a pre-fabricated control room equipped with devices of the latest technology,
12:14low and high voltage connection cables
12:18and many other accessories for the construction and operation of the power plant.
12:24In addition, experts and technicians from the National Office of Water and Electricity of Morocco
12:29rushed to Niamé in July to lend a helping hand in the construction of the power plant,
12:34a gesture of solidarity that translates into action
12:37the vision of a South-South cooperation promoted by the King of Morocco.
12:41The concrete implementation of this project
12:43once again embodies the generous philosophy of His Majesty the King Mohamed VI
12:48for a South-South cooperation that is solid and active
12:51and constitutes a concrete illustration of the vision of His Majesty the King
12:56enunciated in his speech in Abidjan in February 2014,
12:59Africa must trust Africa.
13:02The power plant delivered to the authorities of Niger
13:05should thus allow the electrification of the equivalent of 4 districts of the city of Niamé,
13:10an immediate benefit for the populations
13:13that in particular highlight the human character of Moroccan solidarity.
13:17When you take cooperation between Morocco and Niger,
13:21it is an example in Africa.
13:23South-South cooperation today is very developed on several other aspects
13:29such as education, the scholarships that Morocco grants,
13:33you also have military cooperation,
13:36there is also other assistance at the medical level and others.
13:41Today, this gift confirms the friendship between the two peoples.
13:46The cooperation should nevertheless continue
13:49with a reinforcement of the capacity of the staff of the Nigerian Electricity Society
13:54now in charge of the management and maintenance of the power plant.
13:59And know that the Moroccan delegation,
14:02after the inauguration ceremony in Niamé of this power plant offered by Morocco,
14:07was received by General Abdelhamid Thiani,
14:11President of the National Council for the Preservation of the Nation of Niger.
14:17We continue this newspaper in the Gaza Strip
14:20where 12 agents in charge of securing trucks in the Palestinian territory
14:25were killed this morning by Israeli strikes.
14:2812 killed agents, 7 Arafat and 5 others in Khan Younes,
14:33two cities south of the Gaza Strip.
14:36About thirty people, for most of the children, were injured.
14:40The trucks carrying the flour were on their way to the UNRWA warehouses,
14:45the Palestinian Refugee Assistance Agency.
14:50Israel continues to target humanitarian convoys.
14:55According to our correspondent in Al-Quds, Valérie Ferron,
14:58the objective of Al-Quds is to aggravate the famine
15:01within the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.
15:04Together we listen to them.
15:06It is clear that the system put in place since the beginning of the war last month is striking.
15:13We do not need to be an expert to see what happened.
15:16From the beginning, Israel has systematically killed
15:19all members of the Palestinian Armed Forces,
15:22but also all groups of the civil society,
15:27wanting to replace the police in a certain way
15:31and, in general, maintain public order
15:34and, above all, ensure coordination with the United Nations
15:38for the progress and distribution of humanitarian aid.
15:42We are talking about civil defense
15:45and groups called the Popular Committees
15:49that have been formed simply to protect the trucks
15:53that enter the Gaza Strip
15:55so that they are properly distributed to the populations.
16:00In fact, Israel has systematically, as we have seen in the last two strikes,
16:04also killed its civilians,
16:07engaged in a certain way as volunteers for the protection of humanitarian aid.
16:11What remains?
16:13Of course, there is a risk of total social chaos
16:17and, above all, the armed gangs,
16:20who, as we have seen over the months,
16:22pillage the trucks and, this time, the Israeli army lets them do it.
16:27These groups are therefore accused of working directly with the Israeli army
16:32and Israel is accused by the UN rapporteurs
16:37and the major international NGOs
16:39of using famine as a weapon of war.
16:43It should be noted that, at the moment,
16:45we have spoken a lot about the famine
16:47which was really real and early in the northern region of the Gaza Strip.
16:52The famine is currently affecting more than 2 million children and adults
16:57in the Gaza Strip,
16:58who are, in addition, homeless, deprived of medication, hospitals
17:03and concentrated in a more and more reduced portion of their national territory.
17:09After Jordan, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken landed in Ankara
17:14where he held a regional tour today with Turkish President Erdogan
17:20dedicated to the situation in Syria
17:23where the new government promises to establish a state of law
17:26after the fall of Bashar al-Assad.
17:30Mohammad al-Bashir called on the exiled Syrians to return home
17:34to rebuild the country where several ethnic and confessional communities live.
17:38The declaration of the new strong man of Syria
17:41intervenes with the tour of Antony Blinken in the region.
17:44During his tour in Jordan and Turkey,
17:46the US Secretary of State must assert with his Arab and Turkish counterparts
17:51the principles he has enunciated for a new inclusive government in Syria.
17:56There may be, and I very much hope there is, an opportunity to move Syria away
18:01from the disaster of the last decades
18:06so that we can make a unified country
18:08in order to have a political, inclusive transition that brings everyone together.
18:13We are interested in what happens
18:16because if Syria takes another direction
18:19we risk seeing more men in the country
18:22becoming centers of terrorism and extremism,
18:24which is not in the interest of anyone.
18:30Some 6 million Syrians, a quarter of the population,
18:33have fled Syria since 2011
18:35when the repression of pro-democracy demonstrations
18:38triggered a devastating war that killed more than a million people.
18:42For UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric,
18:45the transition to Syria must be inclusive
18:47to avoid a new civil war.
18:50It is very clear that we stand against any violation
18:55of the territorial integrity of Syria.
18:58I think it's a turn for Syria.
19:00It must not be used by its neighbors
19:03to trample on Syrian territory.
19:05It must be used to support the Syrian people
19:08so that they can choose their own path.
19:13For the UN Human Rights Commission,
19:15the new authorities must set an example
19:17because the fall of Bashar al-Assad
19:19represents a historic opportunity for Syria
19:22to turn the page of human rights violations.
19:26François Bayrou, Bernard Cazeneuve or someone else,
19:29what name to use to get France out of an unprecedented political crisis?
19:33After a visit to Poland,
19:35Emmanuel Macron had to answer this question today.
19:39But finally, according to the Elysée,
19:41it is tomorrow morning that the French president will appoint a prime minister
19:44who will have the mission of seeking an agreement
19:48to survive longer than the ephemeral Michel Barnier
19:51and to adopt a budget in a fractured political landscape.
19:59Romania and Bulgaria will definitely join
20:02the Schengen Free Transit Area from January 1.
20:06The countries of the European Union have today
20:09given their consent to the complete adhesion
20:12of these two Eastern European countries.
20:16Romania and Bulgaria will now benefit
20:19from the lifting of controls at the terrestrial borders,
20:23a decision described as historic by the two countries of the European Union.
20:27For Romanian President Klaus Launis,
20:29it is the recognition of long years of effort and accomplished progress.
20:33It was a key objective since their entry into the European Union in 2007.
20:38The adhesion to the Schengen Free Transit Area
20:41is a natural and necessary step
20:44in strengthening Romania's status
20:47as a full member of the European Union.
20:50Romania will continue to act responsibly
20:53to protect and strengthen the EU's external borders,
20:57including for efficient management of illegal migration.
21:02This full adhesion has been made possible
21:05by the lifting of the Austrian Veto Refractor since 2022.
21:09This adhesion will be beneficial in the future
21:12for the economy and for faster travels
21:15for thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians
21:18living and working in the European Union.
21:21Romania is fully prepared to enter the Schengen Area.
21:24Romania will be a solid partner for Schengen.
21:27We have worked very hard to get to this point
21:30and we will continue to work with the Commission and the Member States
21:33to consolidate our position.
21:35I firmly believe that Romanian citizens deserve this moment.
21:43Sofia and Bucharest have been fulfilling the technical criteria since 2011,
21:47but they had been asked for progress in terms of justice
21:50and anti-corruption struggles.
21:52The two countries of Eastern Europe already had a foot in Schengen.
21:55Since the end of March, in the airports and maritime ports,
21:58a number of passengers were already in a hurry to get out of control.
22:03In Korea, President Yeon Seok-yeol
22:06was still threatening to dismiss after his attempt to impose martial law.
22:10A week ago, he said he would fight until the last minute.
22:15He accuses the opposition of provoking a national crisis.
22:19The opposition, which has planned to submit a new motion to the vote on Saturday,
22:24to dismiss him from his role, was saved by his party.
22:28He escaped a few days ago to a motion of resignation by the National Assembly.
22:36Our cattle is the fortune of our country.
22:39This is the slogan of the General Review Operation of Sheptel in Morocco.
22:44It aims to provide up-to-date data on the number of sheep and goats,
22:49but also on the geographical distribution of Sheptel.
22:54In the region of Rabat Saleh, more precisely in the rural municipality of Sehoul,
22:59the General Review Operation of the National Sheptel 2024 has just been launched.
23:04Initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture,
23:07the operation aims to help public authorities
23:10to take the appropriate measures to preserve the national Sheptel.
23:14This is an important operation to ensure a precise tracking of the walking and cutting condition
23:21The General Review Operation aims to provide up-to-date data on the national Sheptel of sheep and goats,
23:28its composition and its geographical distribution.
23:33I call on all breeders to join this operation by providing all the necessary data.
23:39On the ground, teams of researchers have been mobilized to collect data on the number of head of cattle.
23:46According to breed, species and age categories,
23:50by meeting breeders and assigning the data in a formula specially designed for this purpose.
23:59The collected data will help public authorities to take the appropriate measures to preserve the national Sheptel.
24:09It will also allow to implement a global and integrated development policy to promote the sector
24:16and strengthen its resilience capacity in the context of climate change.
24:23Another particularity of the General Review Operation,
24:26it is part of the monitoring of the dynamics of the red meat industry
24:30and is part of the National Sheptel Protection Program
24:34and its restructuring adopted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
24:41This is the end of this news report. Thank you for following it.
24:43In a few moments, a new point on the news.