• letztes Jahr
Xaviar Babudar, besser bekannt als ChiefsAholic ist ein allseits bekannter Superfan der Kansas City Chiefs. Doch abgesehen von seiner Hingabe zu dem Football-Team führt er noch ein geheimes anderes Leben als Bankräuber. Der True-Crime-Dokumentarfilm ChiefsAholic: A Wolf in Chiefs Clothing porträtiert sein Doppelleben vor und nach seiner Verhaftung.


00:00Team's Kingdom, can I hear you out there?
00:12Superfan's kind of a funny term.
00:17They just love, bleed, die, cheese.
00:20This is Team's Kingdom!
00:25It's intense.
00:26Being a superfan, it can go to your head.
00:29It's addicting.
00:30You feel the need to fulfill that status.
00:34When I first met Chiefs-a-holic.
00:37I don't want to compare him to a god.
00:38But he was a rock star.
00:40He was a big gambler.
00:41He's a staple to the Kingdom.
00:43He's facing 350 years.
00:44How the hell are you going to all these games?
00:45Get your hands up!
00:46This dude, superfan of the year.
00:47What's shocking is the story we don't know.
00:489-1-1, what's your emergency?
00:49Someone's trying to rob us.
00:50A man robbed a bank, armed with a gun.
00:5111-1-1, what's your emergency?
00:52Someone's trying to rob us.
00:53A man robbed a bank, armed with a gun.
00:5411 banks in 7 states.
01:02He stole a million dollars.
01:05Kansas City Chiefs fans are convinced the suspect is a popular Chiefs superfan.
01:10Holy sh...
01:11No way.
01:12That's the most not hard sh...
01:16This guy was a mystery.
01:19His name is Xavier Babadar.
01:21This is how they're keeping tabs on the wolf, man.
01:24I don't think it hasn't crossed my mind to just come on off and go to the Super Bowl.
01:31This man is now on the run.
01:33I will chase him to the end of time.
01:36Someone told me he placed an $80,000 bet.
01:38We knew that there was a bigger story here.
01:40It seems like it should be a movie, but it's real.
01:43We're going to hit the bank like Chiefs-a-holic, baby.
01:47This is not Chiefs-a-holic's last drive.
01:49Let's go, baby!
01:51What kind of world do we live in where people are just supporting a criminal?
01:58He's literally the big bad sh... wolf.
02:04I'm going to go put a tracker on his car.
02:15This should be all right.
