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In Kürze startet die zweite Staffel der Serienadaption des Spielehits The Last of Us. Um euer Gedächtnis aufzufrischen, hat HBO einen Trailer veröffentlicht, der euch die wichtigsten Ereignisse von Staffel 1 noch einmal zeigt. Im obigen Clip steht die Hauptfigur Ellie im Blickpunkt. Denn die hat trotz ihres jungen Alters schon allerhand erlebt und kaum etwas davon hat das Prädikat »schön« verdient.

Wir haben zum Abschluss noch etwas Feines für euch, nämlich alle Infos zu Staffel 2 von The Last of Us auf einen Blick .
00:00Zwei Wege vor dir. Der erste Weg. Du tust so aus, als würdest du dein Leben auf dem Boden bekommen.
00:08Der andere Weg. Du hast einen Führer. Und ein Tag könnte dein Weg sein.
00:14Heute Abend zeige ich dir die vier Wunder der Mall.
00:17Planst du?
00:20Das ist das schönste, was ich je gesehen habe.
00:23Runde eins. Feuert!
00:30Don't go.
00:34Is it gonna happen?
00:38My fucking mom or something?
00:40I look like your mom?
00:42Why would you let me go?
00:44Because you have a greater purpose than any of us could have ever imagined.
00:49Take her with you.
00:51Make sure that she's safe.
00:54Who is she?
00:55To you, she's Congo.
00:58What was Marlene doing with an infected kid?
01:01Some are out west. They're working on a cure.
01:04If she so much as twitches...
01:11You're not immune from being ripped apart.
01:14She's fucking real.
01:15Get her there.
01:16And you said everything right.
01:20If you don't think there's hope for the world, why bother going on?
01:24You keep going for family.
01:25I'm not family.
01:26No. You're cargo.
01:30You shouldn't have had to.
01:32You know?
01:34We were just a kid.
01:36It wasn't my first time.
01:40Endure. Survive.
01:46I'm scared.
01:48All the time.
01:50It'll work, right?
01:53The vaccine?
01:57I wanted to save him.
01:59Well, I reckon it's a lot more complicated than that.
02:04Everybody I have cared for...
02:07Has either died...
02:10Or left me.
02:12Everybody fucking except for you!
02:16You know what I see when I look at you?
02:20You're a natural leader.
02:31After all we've been through.
02:34It can't be for nothing.
02:39Swear to me that everything you said about the Fireflies is true.
02:43I swear.
02:52I love you.
