In der Horrorkomödie Screamboat verwandelt sich eine nächtliche Bootsfahrt bei New York City in einen Überlebenskampf, als eine Maus eine schreckliche Verwandlung durchläuft und daraufhin beginnt, auf monströse Weise Touristen auf der Fähre zu ermorden.
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00:00Welcome aboard to Staten Island Ferry.
00:06This boat is cursed. We're all going to die.
00:09You said that last week and the week before.
00:14I heard stories about a monster that lurked in the underbelly of the ferry.
00:21Steamboat Willie.
00:23That's going to make one fucked up cartoon someday.
00:25No! Help! Come quick!
00:31Everything is not cool. We have a huge rodent problem.
00:36What the fuck are you?
00:40He was like a demonic rodent with shorts and a hat. Maybe he wants some cheese.
00:45I said we've lost his ass, aren't we, boy?
00:49Our world is fucked.
00:52But Willie's world... the happiest place on earth.
01:01It is a small world after all.