• last year
“I was never conscious of my weight.” Sudha Murty advised women to prioritise their health above all.

📹: SheThePeople
00:00When I used to feed the baby, I used to eat first.
00:04I don't remember I have made any poori in my lifetime.
00:06Most women are always worried about husband's health, children's health, grandchildren's
00:11Eat at the end of the day.
00:13Keep your health in a good condition so that you can help others in your family.
00:18If you fall sick, the whole house will collapse.
00:28Please keep an eye on your health.
00:31Most women are always worried about husband's health, children's health, grandchildren's
00:35Eat at the end of the day or let husband eat, let children eat, then I will eat.
00:41By the time the food is very good, they all would have finished, you may end up with roti
00:44and little bit of sabji or rice and sabji.
00:47So it is always your priority will be the last.
00:51You make that way.
00:52Nobody has said but you make that way and eat very little.
00:55When you cook, maybe you cook little bit more.
00:58Keep your food aside first and then serve everybody because if you fall sick, the whole
01:04house will collapse.
01:05You did that?
01:06Well, I don't cook much but when I used to feed the baby, I used to eat first.
01:13I said three times a day I will eat and then feed the baby because I said I should be strong,
01:18After feeding the baby, I may be tired, so let me eat first, okay?
01:22If the woman's health is good, then the family will be stable.
01:27Eat properly.
01:28Second thing, eat correct things, not gulab jamun.
01:34Once in a while you eat one but don't cook sweets which I did, you know, every day.
01:40Make it four times in a year.
01:41I used to make four times in a year sweets.
01:44One is Yugadi which is the Karuna New Year, one is Deepavali, one is Dasara and one is
01:49Ganesh Chaturthi.
01:51Four, sometimes five if it is Adhik Maas or if it is your birthday or something.
01:58Don't cook sweet every day, then you never look forward for that.
02:02Cook healthy food, a lot of vegetables, yogurt, okay?
02:07And if possible, unpolished rice, a lot more dal, okay?
02:13Make healthy, nutritious food, eat that and eat at the right time, not at four o'clock
02:19in the afternoon and all.
02:20Eat at the right time and do some exercise, whichever you like, whichever is permissible
02:25for you, okay?
02:27Keep your health in a good condition so that you can help others in your family.
02:32When we think of women's health in India, the spectrum is weight loss, pregnancy, you
02:39know, good news, oh my God, how do I lose weight?
02:41There are just no other things people think of.
02:44Were you ever conscious of your weight?
02:46No, I was not conscious.
02:48So I'm on a little healthier side, no, but I'm conscious of food, okay?
02:55Oh, I'm fat, I should become thin, no.
02:58I said as long as I'm active, as long as I don't eat fatty foods, oily foods, as long
03:06as I can manage everything myself, I was not worried because by nature I put on weight.
03:12I said when I laugh, I put on weight, I said, or when I drink water, it becomes ghee in
03:17my body, okay?
03:19So I laugh over that, but I don't fry anything at home.
03:25I don't remember I've made any puri in my lifetime, no puris, wow.
03:30And I do eat puri once in a while when you go for a wedding, somebody's wedding, but
03:33not at home.
03:35So what is the food that, you know, cheat foods that Swadhamurthy likes?
03:39I like to eat something, you know, millet from the beginning because we used to grow
03:46millet in Hubli.
03:49In our area, we are millet growers.
03:51So millet is not a new fashionable superfood for us, it is a natural food for us.
