If you’re looking for motivation, maybe you shouldn’t listen to these comedians. 😂
00:00It's not easy being a motivational speaker.
00:03I go up to women all the time and I tell them,
00:06Hey, I get it. I respect the hustle.
00:09And you know what they say?
00:10Get out of the woman's washroom.
00:12Wait a minute, you want to give up because you failed once in life?
00:16That's bullshit, man.
00:18Go at it again.
00:19Keep trying.
00:20You might fail again.
00:21Hell, you might fail every single time.
00:24So every day I spend at least 30 minutes meditating.
00:28Because meditation gives me like this peace and calm and perspective over life.
00:33But what I slowly realized was that when I'm spending 30 minutes meditating,
00:38I'm not really doing anything else, you know.
00:41But that's the beauty of failure.
00:42Every time you fail, someone else succeeds because you fail.
00:46So keep being a failure for them.
00:49Kids in Africa die every day of hunger.
00:52Now imagine what would happen if they invested that same energy in eating.
00:58It's all about the perspective.
01:00I don't even waste tears because even tears have salts and minerals and stuff.
01:04So what I do is every night after I cry,
01:07I save those tears and use them in my protein shake in the next morning.
01:13People ask me,
01:14Pawar, how are you so positive all the time?
01:17Actually have a AAAA battery up my...
01:19What do you mean one side of the cell is the negative side?
01:22Give me the positive side on both sides or else...
01:23The manifestation, the walking around the clock.
01:27Stop having a negative outlook towards life.
01:32So what I do now is when I'm meditating,
01:35I use my out-of-body body and do like four sets of push-ups.
01:41In those...
01:42Like, you know, I do push-ups while I'm meditating or I even read a book at the same time.
01:48So the productivity is still on, you know.
01:50Life is not about being a negative Nancy.
01:53It's about being a positive Prashant.
01:56I know life is all about going out there, being serious and hustling.
02:00But you should always keep the child alive.