Art et designTranscription
00:00🎵Strawbabababerry shortcake🎵
00:02🎵I know a girl🎵
00:05🎵And there is no one sweeter🎵
00:07🎵She's got that special touch🎵
00:09🎵Best friend in the world🎵
00:12🎵And when you get to meet her🎵
00:15🎵You'll love her very much🎵
00:17🎵She's doing fine, growing better all the time🎵
00:18🎵She's cool, she's fun🎵
00:21🎵She'll lead the way🎵
00:22🎵Strawbabababerry shortcake🎵
00:25🎵That girl's so sweet🎵
00:28🎵Just like her name🎵
00:31🎵Strawberry shortcake🎵
00:35🎵She's strawbabababerry🎵
00:39🎵She's strawbabababerry shortcake🎵
00:43🎵That girl's so sweet🎵
00:45🎵Just like her name🎵
00:48🎵Strawberry shortcake🎵
00:52On one very special day
00:58🎵Strawberry shortcake🎵
01:00🎵This work is making me thirsty🎵
01:03🎵I bet her little garden friends are thirsty too🎵
01:05🎵Let me give them a drink🎵
01:07🎵And then I'll take care of you🎵
01:15🎵Oh, Cupcake, no!🎵
01:25🎵I wanted a drink🎵
01:27🎵Not a shower🎵
01:29🎵Let me get you a towel🎵
01:31🎵You'll be dry in a jiff🎵
01:35🎵Strawberry shortcake!🎵
01:37🎵It's Honey Pie Pony!🎵
01:39🎵Oh, no!🎵
01:41🎵I don't want anybody seeing me like this🎵
01:45🎵Now, Custard, you look fine!🎵
01:49🎵I've the most exciting news!🎵
01:51🎵Guess what's about to happen!🎵
01:53🎵Go ahead, guess! Give up?🎵
01:55🎵You'll never guess in a half a million years!🎵
01:57🎵It's the annual Festival of the Fillies!🎵
01:59🎵On Ice Cream Island!🎵
02:01🎵And it's tomorrow!🎵
02:03🎵Did someone mention ice cream?🎵
02:05🎵You will come, won't you?🎵
02:07🎵We'd love to!🎵
02:09🎵I'm so pleased! I could stand on my head!🎵
02:13🎵Bravo! Honey Pie!🎵
02:15🎵Yee Aaaa!🎵
02:28Let's go to Rock Island!
02:31🎵La Rerrrrrr Riiiied!🎵
02:35🎵La raaa!!🎵
02:37🎵I knew I saw no horse do that before.🎵
02:39🎵If you add a horse like that, you'll be rich.🎵
02:43Si j'avais un cheval comme celui-là, je serais riche!
02:51C'est merveilleux d'être de retour!
02:53C'est une très belle île, pleine de choses très incroyables!
02:57J'espère qu'elles sont tous amicales!
03:08Oh, bonjour!
03:14S'il vous plaît, permettez-moi de traduire.
03:17Je vous présente Orange Twist.
03:19Orange Twist, c'est Orange Blossom.
03:22C'est très agréable de vous rencontrer.
03:27Le plaisir, elle dit, est à elle.
03:30Je pense que Orange Blossom est trop surpris d'être timide.
03:35Quelqu'un d'autre n'est pas aussi timide.
03:37Ginger Snap, c'est Cookie Dough.
03:44Maintenant, Cookie Dough, vous n'avez pas été demandé.
03:47Demander quoi?
03:48Si elle aimerait une pâtisserie.
03:49C'est sa chose préférée dans le monde entier.
03:52Moi aussi, et la seule chose meilleure que d'avoir une pâtisserie,
03:55c'est de partager une pâtisserie avec un ami.
04:00J'ai presque oublié encore une chose.
04:02Permettez-moi de vous présenter Milkshake.
04:07Pardonnez-moi un instant.
04:09Ça ne sera pas que pour un coup.
04:11Et maintenant, c'est mon plaisir de vous présenter Milkshake.
04:19C'est très agréable de vous rencontrer.
04:24Un peu timide, mais rapide.
04:26Milkshake, reviens-y, ne va pas?
04:32Je ne pense pas qu'elle m'aime.
04:34Oh, mais Angel Cake, souviens-tu comment timide Orange Blossom était au début?
04:38Elle ne m'a jamais écoutée.
04:42La pâtisserie a quelque chose à dire, et elle le dit.
04:45Et Orange Blossom aussi.
04:47Orange Blossom, je t'ai entendu bien?
04:51Toi aussi, Milkshake?
04:52Eh bien, si tu es certain, tu es certain.
04:58Alors pourquoi attendons-nous?
05:01Wow, Honey Pie!
05:02Qu'est-ce que tout le monde parle?
05:04Mes amies m'ont demandé de présenter le festival des filles.
05:10Je serai leur grand-marshal.
05:12N'est-ce pas simplement grand?
05:22Quel jour merveilleux!
05:25Et un jour long aussi.
05:27J'ai très faim.
05:31J'ai trop hâte d'aller dormir.
05:33Je veux être ma meilleure pour la parade demain.
05:36Je vais pratiquer grandement le grand-marshal.
05:50Bonjour à tous!
05:54A-t-on vu Honey Pie?
05:56C'est presque l'heure de la parade.
05:58Elle est probablement en train de pratiquer.
06:00Tu sais combien c'est important pour elle, cette parade.
06:03Il vaut mieux que j'y aille.
06:04Ensuite, nous pouvons tous aller à la parade.
06:07Honey Pie?
06:09Honey Pie?
06:12Nous devons nous dépêcher, sinon on va manquer la parade.
06:17On dirait qu'elle était là.
06:19Mais maintenant, elle n'est plus là.
06:23Qu'est-ce que c'est?
06:25Quelqu'un et un oiseau étaient avec elle.
06:29Et maintenant, elle n'est plus là.
06:34Ici, il y a des imprimés de Honey Pie,
06:36des imprimés de quelqu'un,
06:38et des imprimés d'un autre oiseau.
06:40Mais qui est qui?
06:41Est-ce que vous pensez que celui qui a les imprimés a Honey Pie?
06:51Un oiseau! Qu'est-ce que c'est?
06:55Des fraises! Regardez ça!
06:57Licorice Whip et Raven?
06:59Ils veulent faire du horse-napping?
07:01Oh, mon Dieu!
07:02Oh, des fraises!
07:06Orange Twist a trouvé quelque chose
07:08et ça ressemble à un trottinette.
07:10Si Licorice Whip conduit un trottinette,
07:12on ne va jamais le trouver sur les pieds.
07:17À moins que nous reçoivons de très spéciales aides
07:19de très spéciaux amis.
07:35Je suis faim!
07:37Pouvez-vous m'arrêter pour un petit déjeuner?
07:39Calmez-vous! Je pense.
07:41Et je ne peux pas penser sur un stomache vide.
07:43Prends-moi un petit déjeuner.
07:45Oui, boss, je le ferai.
07:49Quelqu'un a-t-il mentionné du déjeuner?
07:51Qui a dit ça?
07:52J'ai dit ça.
07:53Et si quelqu'un avait dit du déjeuner,
07:55je serais fière d'un peu de verre et un siège d'oignons.
07:57Un horse au pied,
07:59qui parle à l'air,
08:01qui parle à l'air.
08:03Il ne faut pas être l'unique comme ça.
08:05J'ai touché le jackpot.
08:22Avec un poney comme ça
08:23Like that and my horsey hoedown, I'm gonna make me a fortune!
08:32Look at them, Raven! Soon those silly horses and their tricks will make me silly rich!
08:40You're a clever little honey of a pony
08:43Just one look and I became your biggest fan
08:46All those other one-trick horses are the lonely
08:49But for you I've got an extra special plan
08:52Since that trick of yours is such a thing of beauty
08:55As a connoisseur like me is apt to know
08:58I consider it my humble civic duty
09:01To exploit you in my next wild pony show
09:03My gift horse, gift, my gift horse, gift
09:06You'll be my bread and butter once your kick becomes a smash
09:09My gift horse, gift, my gift horse, gift
09:12You'll send my heart aflutter with true love of all our cash
09:17I make this one jump across a flaming hurdle
09:20This one balances twelve monkeys on his snout
09:23This one wears a licorice whip for me a girdle
09:26This one sprays milk through her nose like it's a sponge
09:29As I run these also rams through all their paces
09:32There's a vision that through you alone I see
09:35It's the happiness upon the children's faces
09:38As their parents shell out all their bucks to me
09:41You're going to increase my style of living
09:44You'll be the best from east to west, from north to south
09:47You will be my gift that keeps on giving
09:50Cause I never look a gift horse in the mouth
09:53My gift horse, gift, my gift horse, gift
09:56As lovely as a rainbow with an extra pot of gold
09:59My gift horse, gift, my gift horse, gift
10:02A number one bestseller with a million copies sold
10:05You're going to take a trip with friendly licorice whip
10:08And as quickly as a flash like a licorice whip with flash
10:11As you kick, kick, kick, kick, kick till you're well past your prime
10:14And you do the same old trick for the zillionth, trillionth time
10:17Like a perfect gift horse, gift
11:14Grand Marshal, you know
11:18Whatever do you mean, no parade for us?
11:21But of course there's going to be a parade for us all
11:26What do you mean? He's a horse-napper
11:30I've no time for being horse-napped
11:32I'm the Grand Marshal
11:35I don't mean to rain on your parade, but you work for me now
11:40Oh my word
11:44What have we here?
11:46Honey pie, honey pie pony, where are you?
11:51Poor kids, lost their friend and they're out looking for her
11:57Ain't that sweet?
12:00Wait a minute, that's not sweet, that's trouble
12:04I've got to tell the boss
12:06Hey, there were bird prints back at the camp
12:09Maybe that fellow can help us
12:15Quick, follow that bird
12:23Milkshake, are you alright?
12:26Oh no!
12:29What happened here, huh? What's the matter?
12:31Milkshake hurt her hoof
12:34Can we help?
12:35You go on, I'll stay with Milkshake, we won't be far behind
12:39Are you sure you'll be okay?
12:41We'll just take it real slow, won't we Milkshake?
12:47You go find Honey Pie
12:49You got it Angel Cake
12:53Come on everybody
13:01Come on everybody, on the boat, now
13:05Boss, boss
13:17You bumbling bird
13:20Alright, if you're going to be that way, be that way
13:26That's gratitude for you
13:29You poor thing, that awful fellow is a great big grump, isn't he?
13:33You're telling me sister
13:35He doesn't seem to, my, but this rope is scratchy
13:38To understand that you're the smart one around here
13:41I got brains I never used
13:43And he, here, let me loosen that
13:46He doesn't appreciate me one little bit
13:49You do all the thinking and, undo that knot, would you?
13:52He does all the yelling
13:54You got that right
13:59Why are you untying my star horse?
14:02But, hey boss, the rope was scratching her
14:06Get out of here now, I never want to see you again
14:12Do you think we'll ever find Honey Pie out here in all this?
14:16We'll find her, and we won't stop looking till we do
14:20You can't scare off a lot about that old horse
14:25She's the most very special filly there is
14:28Nobody ever thought I was special
14:31Nobody ever cared about me like that
14:36If she means that much to you
14:38Maybe there's something I can do to help you get her back
14:41Would you?
14:42We gotta hurry
14:44Old Licorice Whip is loading his boat right now
14:47And heading off for the horsey hoedown
14:59That ought to hold you
15:03Oh my!
15:05I know I've missed the parade
15:08But I miss my friends so much more
15:19Strawberry! Oh hurry Strawberry, we're going!
15:25He's getting away!
15:27With Honey Pie!
15:45Let go of that rope!
15:58Oh no!
16:03I believe I've had an idea
16:27Wait! No!
16:29Where are you going? Stop!
16:31Come back here!
16:33Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
16:37Stay right where you are all of you
16:39You're not getting away that easily
16:41I'm coming back for you
16:44Like I said, I'll come back someday
16:48Just you wait, someday
16:51You haven't seen the last of me
16:56Strawberry, I'm so glad you found me
16:59We had some help from a very special friend
17:06I'd miss a hundred parades to be with you all
17:09But you didn't miss it
17:11The fillies decided they couldn't have the parade without the Grand Marshal
17:15So they're waiting for you
17:20Gotta make you look pretty
17:22Gotta look your best
17:24It would be a pity if you weren't neatly dressed
17:26Cause you'll be so happy
17:28When your friends decide
17:30We're going to the Festival of the Fillies
17:33Friendships are forever
17:35Friends will see you through
17:37If we stick together we can brave a storm or two
17:40But since the clouds have parted
17:42Settle up, let's take a ride
17:44We're going to the Festival of the Fillies
17:47A festival, a festival
17:49A won't-be-impossible
17:51We're marching proudly on parade
17:53A festival, a festival
17:55It's better than the rest of all
17:57The very, very festival
17:59The Festival of the Fillies
18:04Fresh, fresh, come, come
18:05Great, great, come, come
18:07So now we're reunited
18:09And it's time to have some fun
18:10You've been groomed and we're invited
18:12For a brawl, a game, a sight
18:14You can leave your bridal idol
18:15Put your side saddle aside
18:17We're going to the Festival of the Fillies
18:20A festival, a festival
18:22Our yearly, we're obsessible
18:24You'll put your vests on
18:25We're marching proudly on parade
18:27A festival, a festival
18:29It's better than the rest of all
18:31The pretty, witty festival
18:32The more is more, not less of all
18:34The very, very festival
18:36The Festival of the Fillies