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00:00Playground of the rich and famous, and the site of another mystifying mystery I single-handedly solved.
00:07In this casino, the rich and famous are about to get a brand new toy, a solid platinum roulette wheel.
00:13Mesdames et messieurs, at last, the unveiling of the one of a kind...
00:18None of a kind! The wheel has been stolen! We must call the world's greatest detective!
00:24Hey lady!
00:28Sir, help us!
00:29I am much too busy to find your silly wheel, you know. Don't you carry a spare?
00:34Au revoir! Out! And spools before me!
00:38Sacre bleu! The world's greatest detective is busy!
00:46Granny's never too busy to solve a crime, but I came here to drive the ground free.
00:59It's a crime or trouble that no one can solve at all, it seems.
01:03That's when they come in on the double, Sylvester and Tweedy, mysteries.
01:08It might be day or night, whenever conditions are right for them to flee.
01:13Somehow it all still fits together, Sylvester and Tweedy, mysteries.
01:18If there's a Google, an old house with rotten stairs,
01:22Joshua W.
01:25Jennifer Law will be fed.
01:28Some day I'll eat that darn canary, and then I'll be happy, yes siree.
01:33But Hector thinks you should be wary.
01:35Sylvester and Tweedy, mysteries.
01:38The chase goes on with each new mission, with backdrops plenty globally.
01:42And through it all, they're in contention, Sylvester and Tweedy, mysteries.
01:55Pardonne, madame. Deliveries go in the rear.
01:59Oh, such a dry wit. I'm Granny, here for the Grand Prix.
02:03But first I must investigate something in the casino.
02:06So thuster the super sleuth was on the case.
02:11I don't care if your princess die. We have address code, n'est-ce pas?
02:15Oh, liberty give it.
02:22Très chic.
02:23Très chic.
02:24But what about les animaux?
02:41Le gaspe.
02:47Welcome, your highness.
02:48Yes, sir. Something just didn't smell right.
02:54Who was that?
02:55That was chic to chic.
03:00Hurry, I've got to find that wheel.
03:26Oh, Sylvester, come out of there.
03:30Oh, land's sakes. No more Jack Mackerel for you.
03:33If madame would be so kind as to keep her paws off my good luck mascot, Petit Le Pew.
03:39And who are you, Lawrence of Arabia?
03:42I am the high rolling, fabulously wealthy chic to chic.
03:46I planned to add the wheel to my collection, but now it is missing.
03:50I didn't know the wheel was for sale.
03:52It's not.
03:57Oh, I'd better help Dwayne find that roulette wheel before the Dwayne's pre-start.
04:17Ha, ha!
04:30Oh, you hit the putty tat pot in Birdseed.
04:37Ha, de la place.
04:47You've got to know when to bluff and when you've played enough.
04:51I'm too upset to play. I wanted that wheel.
04:55It would be a perfect match for the platinum kino card I picked up in Laughlin.
05:10Dogs find me compelling, no?
05:14As you can see, my associates were clueless.
05:17The birds are all mine.
05:19I have three payments left on these birds. They're coming with me.
05:22Uh-oh, it looks like I stumbled into a divorce court.
05:25You can't leave? Where will you go? What will you do?
05:28I'm going back to my old job as a rocket scientist.
05:31Can't we discuss this during intermission? I owe it to my public.
05:38Sorry, I made up my mind.
05:44The odds were against me.
05:51At this moment, I did what any self-respecting sleuth would do.
06:01I ran like the dickens.
06:14Where will I ever find someone to fill her sequins?
06:18I like ones by disguise.
06:20Yes, the show will go on.
06:23Ooh, Silk looks flattering on Puddy.
06:26Don't go, Puddy. It's magic time.
06:44Oups, Puddy's into Pud-o-matic.
06:46I was boxed in, but I still had a case to solve.
06:55Things were bad.
07:00I pulled myself together and got back to sleuthing.
07:30Ce soir je dois trouver quelque chose de village for you.
07:34Pourquoi toujours les choses comme celle-ci ?
07:37Et pourquoi les français mettent tellement d'oignons dans leur nourriture?
07:40Qui est là?
07:42C'est moi! Le maître!
07:44Un autre suspect sur scène!
07:46Viens tourner ton lit!
07:57Et ainsi, le case a pris un autre tour intéressant!
08:00Et un autre, et un autre, et un autre!
08:03Et un autre, et un autre, et un autre!
08:05Oh! Oh! Ce case a juste ma tête tournée!
08:09Arrête le lit! Je veux qu'il s'en aille!
08:12Oh! Comment les français s'endormiront-ils?
08:14Pas du tout qu'ils écrivent des livres si déprimants!
08:17Ouvrez la porte! C'est la police!
08:22Désolé, madame, mais un informant anonyme nous a informé que vous avez le rouleau de roulette en platinum!
08:26Oh! C'est ridicule!
08:30Alors qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
08:35Je dois sortir d'ici et clarifier mon nom!
08:41Pour la deuxième partie de mon défilé,
08:44le volcanique Patrick!
08:48Hum! Hum!
08:50Un canard fumé de mousquette!
08:56Hum! Le pouf est un dud!
09:00Viens à papa, toi, mousquette!
09:06Hum! Un fusillade combustible!
09:13Oh! C'est chaud ce soir!
09:20Oh! Le gasp d'une godesse rêve!
09:23Qu'est-ce que je peux dire?
09:25Pepe Le Pew est mon premier cousin!
09:27Il vit dans la famille!
09:36Pepe veut un bon?
09:42Tout ce qu'il faut faire, c'est donner à le bon de bonne chance!
09:45Il gagne, tu as un bon! Compris?
09:52En même temps, je suis revenu à la boîte pour plus de clous!
09:57Oh! C'était proche!
10:13Oh! Jouer fort ensemble! J'aime ça dans une femme!
10:16Tu t'en souviens?
10:20Comment as-tu pu perforer mon couloir de l'amour?
10:23En garde!
10:27En garde!
10:35Il n'est jamais trop tard pour pursuivre une carrière
10:37dans le champ de l'asbesto qui se développe rapidement!
10:40Je sais un petit endroit où on peut être seul!
10:47Oh! Je suis un capteur de l'amour, non?
10:52Je me suis suivi!
10:54Granny s'est effrayée!
11:04Suffer and succotash!
11:06They don't build them like they used to!
11:12Well, here's the problem!
11:16Goodness! For something unique,
11:18these platinum roulette wheels are everywhere!
11:28I knew we should have went to the Yugo!
11:35Lucky for you, no CPR, yes?
11:47Oh! At least I've met my deductible!
11:52Can you put this baby back together in time for the race?
11:55There's a shiny quarter in it for you.
11:57You got yourself a deal?
12:00Aha! The race! The platinum wheel!
12:03Perhaps there is a connection!
12:07Madame Granny, we meet again!
12:09First you run away,
12:11then you steal the wheel back from the police!
12:13It's a frame-up!
12:15Sure, that's what everyone says
12:17who steals a platinum roulette wheel!
12:21One has to get up pretty early
12:23to get away from the palace guards!
12:37Obviously, it was all up to me!
12:39Oh! Dwayne and me are jailbirds on the lam!
12:46Granny was in big trouble!
12:48But then again, so was I!
12:54Oh! It's bad luck to see one's bride before the ceremony!
13:00My lips cannot wait one second more!
13:02Mine can!
13:05Wait! We're in the Tower of Swede!
13:24Return to me, my goddess!
13:27Like I have a choice!
13:40Come on, Tweety, the race is starting!
13:44Excuse me, could you solve a crime for me?
13:47I'm really overbooked this episode!
13:50I told you there was a connection!
13:54I return, foot!
14:10But I'm supposed to go first!
14:12Police business!
14:24I always wanted to say that!
14:27Oh, don't feel l'amour, ma petunia!
14:31I love hanging around with you!
14:38Do you find this love business has its ups and downs?
14:46Spread out, Tweety! I'm Dwayne's co-pilot!
15:23Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec la roue?
15:25Regardez, Puti-tat!
15:28Attention, Puti! Ne l'abandonne pas, Dwayne!
15:36Ah! Qui l'aime?
15:44Tu as été libérée, mon inner tube de l'amour!
15:48Est-ce que j'en suis le seul qui pense pire que les autres?
16:05C'est la guerre!
16:12Tu as perdu tout pour moi!
16:14Tu n'as pas l'air, tu fais des loupins sous mon siège!
16:37Je serais en train d'accrocher sur le couperon!
16:41Qu'est-ce qui me fait mal!
16:46Cette femme n'est pas une victime, c'est un siège!
16:48Mais je suis innocente!
16:50Alors expliquez-moi ça!
16:52La roue qui a été volée, que vous avez volée plusieurs fois pour moi!
16:55Et je suis vraiment fatigué!
16:57Juste comme si j'étais en train d'y mettre tout ensemble,
16:59cet imbécile m'a écrasé!
17:01Vous voyez, j'ai pensé...
17:03Je ne peux simplement pas...
17:05Attendez! Oui, je peux!
17:07C'est tout ici dans ce petit ballon!
17:10Qui est magnifique!
17:12Et puisque c'est de la platine,
17:14il ne peut qu'être le rouleau de roulette rouge
17:16qui va avec la fameuse roulette de platine!
17:18C'est ça!
17:19Je suis surpris que tout le monde ait compris ça!
17:21Je l'avais juste volé!
17:23Et maintenant, des close-ups dramatiques des suspects!
17:26Je savais qui c'était,
17:28mais je n'arrivais pas à trouver le mot!
17:33Il y a une seule personne capable de causer tout ce boulot!
17:36C'est nous!
17:38Silas McCarver!
17:41Mais pourquoi?
17:43C'est le mec qui a coupé Houdini!
17:45Vous ne m'avez jamais pardonné
17:47d'exposer votre fraude à ce thème de l'esprit, n'avez-vous pas?
17:50J'ai dû le faire!
17:52Vous avez détruit ma carrière!
17:54J'aurais pu être un idole,
17:55peut-être même sur une boîte à déjeuner
17:57comme les Ducs de Hazard!
17:58Mais à cause de vous,
17:59j'ai été réduit à jouer à des trucs comme ça!
18:02OK, McKaber!
18:04J'ai passé un très dur moment à Montecarlo Brick!
18:07Seulement une sauce pour le déjeuner!
18:09Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe avec la roue?
18:11Un peu de polish, des points et des clous,
18:14et elle sera aussi bonne que vous!
18:18Une victoire de Grand Prix!
18:20Oh, mon Dieu, quelle titulation!
18:23Où est Sylvester?
18:24Oh, il est loin d'ici!
18:35Mon amour!
18:36We'll never be apart again!
18:38Oh, non!
18:44Ah, Poudyworth!
19:04Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada