• last year
(Adnkronos) - L’Associazione Italiana Scatolifici ha presentato alla Camera dei Deputati il suo nuovo manuale tecnico per gli imballaggi in cartone ondulato. Alla presenza del Presidente dell’Associazione, Andrea Mecarozzi e con un messaggio dell’On. Vice Presidente Commissione Ambiente Camera Francesco Battistoni, che ha voluto sottolineare l’importanza della filiera della carta e del cartone, come eccellenza nell’ambito del riciclo in Italia, l’evento ha posto l’attenzione proprio sulle sfide inerenti la progettazione di imballaggi più facilmente riciclabili e che evitino sprechi nella catena produttiva, passando dalla colla derivante dalle patate: il cartone ondulato può essere la risposta alle esigenze dell’Unione Europea.


00:00The press conference of the Italian Association for the Packaging of Wavy Cardboard was held in the House of Representatives.
00:14The wavy cardboard is an effective response to the growing European Union narrowings in terms of packaging sustainability.
00:22Its characteristics in terms of recyclability and circularity already make it one of the packaging materials with the least environmental impact.
00:30The sector is facing new challenges related to the design of packaging that is more easily recyclable, accessible and reducing waste along the production chain.
00:41This manual is a work that comes from a research that our association has carried out in the sector
00:48and aims to encourage the culture of the sector and to explain to all the interlocutors of our sector the peculiarities of our production.
00:57In fact, our association represents the wavy cardboard transformation companies, the typical Italian SMEs that operate throughout the national sector and today have more than 350 companies and 5,000 members.
01:11The association, which represents a sector with an overall turnover of more than 1.2 billion euros and which offers jobs to thousands of people throughout the national territory,
01:21continues to actively promote the concept of circular economy and the reduction of environmental impact.
01:27In Italy, more than 80% of the raw materials used for cardboard production come from recycled paper.
01:34Comieco's 29th annual report highlights a recycling rate of cell packaging in 2023 equal to 92.3%, a level that far exceeds the targets set by the UE for 2030.
01:48In addition, more than 90% of the virgin fibre used by the European cardboard industry comes from European forests in expansion, of which more than 70% is FSC certified.
01:59This shows the importance of a responsible and sustainable supply chain in continuous growth.
