• last year
00:00I was just going through our text thread. Yeah, yeah, which is always active the day after a game. Yep
00:05We're activated all of us. It's an activation sensation
00:08It's a buck and normally Randy is live on overtime
00:11But he was doing such a good job with Warriors live and Warriors post that I was kind of thank you
00:16They're stuck with and I love them both Sterling and Kyle Madsen
00:20But I missed the quiet hand the steadying influence of the Grandy man
00:25Back tonight for the football hour and okay, beautiful. I'll be stuck with Kyle again with that is okay
00:30Why wait for then you're here now
00:33Explain this text which was received today
00:391043 a.m.. This is for mark with a seat mark with a seat
00:43Cuz I like you're capturing the same
00:47Thing that I'm feeling and we would love everyone to speak to this today
00:52Because I wrote on Twitter
00:54I think that this is the most frustrating team
00:58That I can remember watching in a long time, and I don't mean 49ers. I mean sports
01:05Sports man sports
01:07Like this team is way more frustrating than the Giants
01:14Because the Giants well the Giants are the Giants, but they don't have anybody right and that's their fault
01:21But I'm not going to that game being like ah
01:25Showtime go Dodgers. I'm sick
01:28Giants are like me and fade the dibber. You're probably gonna go 500 like or under
01:34I'm only a game under I was I was about to be hot, but she'll work
01:38I should have been and you're not well, and that's all you should be more
01:43Problem, but then a me problem. We knew this about them. Yeah, we did you got to bake that into your cake
01:49Doctor Baker Mayfield that into my cake
01:53Seriously, that should it yesterday should have been 38 to 20 sit of every niner game
01:58We walk away with that game should have and then fill in the blank right and that's my point
02:04So back to Grandi
02:07Quote I'm not sure when the last time
02:12Watching the 49ers was as frustrating as it was yesterday
02:20That's the last two defensive drives
02:24Made me want to rip my hair out
02:26Like in ways that I've never felt that frustrated before watching a sporting event and people don't know this, but you've got great hair
02:32It's early. He's 28. Yeah, yeah, and quite the forehead is creeping into five
02:40That's what happens pretty soon, it's gonna be Chris Berman don't for that forehead don't come
02:46Come at him with your own wounding over there
02:49I'm good fine, and he's got a life ahead of him, and we'll see how it goes all I pointed out was pretty soon
02:55It's gonna be Chris Berman, and it is going to go back back back back back
02:59You don't know that and there are ways to battle that I sure anyway go ahead Grandi
03:04Yeah, Bucky Irving shout out Oregon running all over the Niners defense Nick Bosa being unable to
03:11Get him down from behind he had him in the backfield absolutely confounding me there
03:16The penalty after penalty after penalty on that drive or they ultimately as you pointed out dibs
03:22They stood up and forced the field goal, which was a huge moment, but it shouldn't have even got to that point the Nick Bosa
03:29Baker Mayfield stiff arm is maybe the most
03:32Individual play the most frustrating individual play that I can remember as a Niner fan in quite a long time and so much of this is
03:39Expectations based you guys talking about the Giants okay?
03:42What real expectations do we have for them over the last handful of years this Niner team?
03:47We know what they've accomplished recently, and you feel like all right you get Juwan back you get McCaffrey back
03:52You're coming off of a bye
03:53They're coming off of a short week where they went to overtime on the road against the defending two-time Super Bowl champions
04:00They're without their two top receivers
04:02They lose their star left tackle in the first quarter
04:05And you have to barely eke out a win like you are
04:09Ten times better than that
04:11Buccaneers team is or at least you should be and you probably should have lost that football game
04:17Not because they went out there and won it
04:19But because you try to hand it over to them time and time and time again you made enough mistakes to lose it
04:24Yes, like and this is one of the things I try to get out because we we lay all of those
04:29I call them table setters. You're like. Oh, they don't have their receivers
04:33Oh, they've only got six days rest. We've got 14 to oh that not just six days rest, but they went to overtime
04:39Those are all table setters
04:41Those are why the 49ers are favored going into a game
04:45But I'm talking more about then what happens when the game does start
04:50Okay, because we can be wrong about those things
04:53And I don't really know what effect those at all the Bucs are on six days and the Niners are on 14 great
05:00The Bucs are still allowed to go play better
05:02But that's my point. They don't
05:05They don't the game opens up and it feels like the Niners go up 10-0 no matter who the hell the opponent is
05:12Almost all the time not always one way or another though
05:14They do get that double-digit lead lest they're playing the Chiefs
05:18Get your double-digit lead you can set your watch to it
05:21Here come the mistakes that prevents you from putting a team away. It has bit you twice this year
05:27It has bit you twice it has turned into losses twice, but even the wins even the wins are
05:34just maddening because they continue to conduct themselves in a way and commit actions that
05:43Forcibly stop them from pulling away in football games and and and winning
05:49That's what I see
05:50So if it doesn't go the way we think it's gonna go going in I can wrap my head around that
05:56But I'm talking about simply what happens while the clock is running
05:59Yeah, and it's a systemic failure and it to me has little to do with the defense
06:05It has more to do with the red zone offense, which again they are 29th in football and you can look at okay
06:11They're not gonna score every time fine. You're not gonna score every time you're at 47%
06:16Which is 29th last year. You were 68% and I all I've heard is okay McCaffrey comes back
06:22That should fix it and so far one game in it hasn't fixed it Baltimore is at 76.7% and
06:30Baltimore is a really good team. So three of every four trips in the red zone
06:33They get a touchdown the Niners don't and now you compound it with the fact that your field goal kicker is in a funk
06:41Maybe or he just had a bad game. I don't know. He's got a bad foot
06:45Whatever he has that first half should have never been
06:4910 to 3 you should have been up 17 to 3 or
06:5220 to 3 and I look at beyond just Jake Moody and I look at the clock management from Kyle Shanahan at the end of
06:58The half which I think was botched again
07:00He's too conservative the opening drive or Brock Purdy had two guys open and he didn't hit either guy in a drive where?
07:07You could have kept things moving and you wound up having to punt you punted from their own
07:12They're 39 yard line third and seven from the 39. Yes, you could have you could have run it
07:18You could have gone for a short pass. You could have gone for a field goal
07:21That's all coulda coulda coulda coulda like you didn't know
07:24Execution in football games doesn't all like every quarterback misses open people
07:29They don't see them or someone's in their face or the angle isn't there
07:33But if we're looking at what went wrong for me, I don't look at Nick Bosa not being able to tackle. That's a guy may feel
07:39That's a gap. There's a mistake. No, they're two totally different things, but pretty made mistakes. Nick Bosa made bigger ones
07:46No, he didn't he had to is the running back wrapped up at the line of scrimmage and he let him just
07:52Flick him right off of this is a team that is the league leaders in mistake
07:56And he let any let the offensive lineman who's who's a journeyman. He's a professional though, right?
08:04He pulled off the street
08:06I think you're being overly hard on one individual and I don't think that Nick Bosa was the reason why that game was in doubt
08:13Why are you only focused on the other side of the ball?
08:15I'm focused on the special teams more than anything sure that I look at early in the game
08:20Pretty with open receivers that he didn't he didn't find
08:24he didn't complete passes and those are points that were left on the family to come out of yesterday's game and
08:29Like I will grant you someone asked me yesterday who didn't see the game. How did Brock look?
08:34It was not his best game, right? He was good. It was great on the list of problems
08:39I'm not getting to Brock until I'm in the teens like for you to come out of yesterday's game pointing at Brock Purdy
08:45No, no, no, come on
08:47I'm not pointing my soul shot at Brock Purdy
08:50But we're talking about where points were left on the field and there were points left on the field by Brock Purdy, right?
08:56execution mistakes happen on all sides of the ball including defense and that's but they're different levels of them like not
09:04Seeing a receiver to me or I'm not having the angle to deliver or whatever is completely different
09:11Then a superstar pass rusher
09:14Multiple times having two hands on a player half his size and can't get him to the ground
09:20That's to I just see that is different. Yeah, and the penalties that's different. These are self
09:26inflicted wounds
09:28The everything we talked about on special teams
09:31Self inflicted nobody's trying to stop you from doing those things
09:35Like if I'm Nick Bosa and I get blocked or I get double teamed
09:40You got blocked or double team
09:42But when you shake the double team when you fly into the backfield and you've got somebody wrapped around with your big
09:50Bear claws and then that person just shoves you off. That's that's a different level
09:55That's a gaffe and and and the 49ers do way way too much of that
10:01You know Brock to me was like, I don't know
10:03He's floated a lot. It seems like in the first half a lot of balls were coming in high
10:07Yeah, wasn't terribly accurate. But when the quarterback walks out of there with 350 plus yards, no turnovers
10:14I got no issue
10:15Well, you win when he doesn't turn the ball over and you know
10:17You want to talk about the Baker Mayfield fourth down play and I'm looking at it here
10:22Floyd had a chance to to sack him and he ran right by him
10:25So like the fact that that happened and if he
10:30Contains his pass rush. He probably gets to him long before Nick Bosa even has a chance to get stiff arms
10:36So everything defensively is not just one guy
10:39No, of course not but again Nick Bosa has earned
10:43Every bit of being in the the focal point crosshairs. That's that's how this works
10:50That's how this works. And if you watch the game yesterday
10:54They're literally talking about it in the middle of the game. Tom Brady's talking about it. Nick's Nick's getting stonewalled
10:59He got absolutely beat on about 80% of his snaps and that's not good
11:05And I wouldn't say that about anybody else on the field except for like Jake Moody
11:11Jake Moody also had about the same batting average yesterday as Nick Bosa
11:15They were objectively bad in that football game yesterday as individuals. So I'm not pointing at the defense as a whole
11:23Nick was wildly disappointing. I thought Moody wildly disappointing
11:28Darrell Luter wildly disappointing. I don't want him back there where the ball falls and anymore ever again