• last year
00:00So we have the Brad Holmes way where it's you know we're building up through the draft we're
00:05developing our own guys the Tigers are kind of doing that way right now but we have two examples
00:10of with Mr. Illich and with Joe Dumars where when we got close they they sold whatever we had to go
00:19for it and do you feel like we're in that spot right now to where I know everybody's happy with
00:25the aft end picks and they want Garrett but this could be Sheila's time to go out and make a move
00:31like go get Garrett go get Crosby and put us over that edge because nobody thought we were getting
00:37Prince Fielder we went out and we got Rasheed Wallace and we became championship level teams
00:43and that's what I feel we need to do in this window of football that we've never seen before
00:48in our lives. Try it sure I mean Schefter thinks it's a fantasy he doesn't think those teams will
00:55part with those players and and so you it doesn't mean you don't try but I kind of I feel like that's
01:02all I want to hear I want to hear they tried I want to hear they went out there and did it and
01:07they got told no because I will feel very disappointed as if the Lions didn't make a move
01:13and then all of a sudden I hear breaking news the Chicago Bears have Miles Garrett for some dumb
01:18reason because that's what happens in with this division is these other teams make moves for big
01:24defensive players and we don't get them and I feel like this is the time where we need a big
01:31defensive move and it puts us over the edge or at least go out there and get told no well you may
01:36not hear it because they don't want to say whatever they end up with was plan b they never want to say
01:43that I don't hear it if you don't if you don't hear it don't don't 100 assume it didn't happen
01:50but yeah I mean look you call you try if we hear that Garrett or Crosby goes to somebody else for a
02:00low price tag then I can understand the angst well I was gonna say if we hear they get traded at all
02:08to anybody other than Lions I think Lions fans will be pissed because well somebody gives up
02:14three first round picks and and something else but I think Lions fans are right now of the thought
02:20f them picks they might be they might be I mean I trust Brad Holmes whatever he wants I do I do
02:26but you know I think the other thing of training for you guys and we both agree it doesn't seem
02:30like they can afford these guys beyond a year but if they can then that's really what we're set up
02:36for right it's not just salvaging this year without Hutchinson it's looking forward to say oh my god
02:42can you imagine next year if they have Hutch and one of these guys they trade for Carson Anderson
02:4797-1 the ticket
