• last year
Kilalanin natin si Kamille Rodriguez, ang Filipina nurse na nag-introduce ng Pinoy sorbetes o dirty ice cream sa bansang Belgium!


00:00We thought that we have a life path, we're sure of it.
00:03But there will be times that we will lead our lives in a different direction.
00:08And you'll never know, that's what's meant to be,
00:11to make you happy and for you.
00:14Yes, and that's part of the story of a Kenai nurse who's in Belgium now,
00:19who turned into a...
00:22How did the Belgians respond to our love for Kenai dessert?
00:28Let's find out more from our Mars of the World, all the way from Belgium.
00:33She is Camille Rodriguez.
00:35Camille, welcome!
00:37Hi Mars Camille!
00:38Hi Mars Camille!
00:39Mars Camille with a K!
00:40With a K!
00:42Mars Camille, how long have you been a nurse in Belgium?
00:47Actually, I came here around 2013, so roughly around 9 years.
00:539 years already!
00:54Okay, and when did you start being a Sorbetera?
00:58It's actually around the pandemic, around July 2020.
01:04So I started it with my husband.
01:07Actually, when you became a Sorbetera,
01:09what was this, like a permanent stand that you made?
01:11I saw it on Facebook.
01:13You don't push your cart, right?
01:15You made a permanent stand, but you serve Pinoy ice cream.
01:19We offer Pinoy flavored ice cream.
01:22Actually, my husband is the one who sells it,
01:25Oh wow!
01:27He's the one who sells it.
01:31So Mars, how did you come up with the idea
01:33of selling ice cream?
01:35With so many flavors available, why ice cream?
01:38Because we know that ice cream is universally loved.
01:43And here in Belgium,
01:45the flavors available are very limited for our countrymen.
01:50So we thought that the market is good to sell ice cream
01:54because there's not much competition.
01:56How did you say Pinoy ice cream compared to Belgian ice cream?
01:59What ingredients do you use to say Pinoy?
02:03The flavors, like Ube.
02:05We offer Ube.
02:08And then our mango, we use Filipino mango.
02:11We try to incorporate all our ingredients with the Philippines.
02:17Like if we need to make rum raisins,
02:20we try to incorporate everything in the Philippines
02:23to promote our culture and culinary.
02:27And you can see here,
02:29Pars is the best at making sorbetes, Mars.
02:33Actually, she's the one who makes it.
02:35Because she's a pastry chef.
02:38So she's the one who makes it.
02:40Actually, the idea came from you.
02:42Of course, you're the one who gave her
02:44the flavors of Pinoy.
02:46And now she's going to recreate it, Mars.
02:48For our ice cream,
02:50we make it a gelato style ice cream.
02:53But it's more of a Filipino flavor.
02:55But what's the name of your product?
02:57When you sell it?
03:03Ah, just sorbetes.
03:05Sorbetes with a B.
03:07So you market it to your fellow Filipinos?
03:09Like OFWs?
03:11We really market it to our fellow Filipinos.
03:13But eventually,
03:15we also offer it to the locals.
03:17What is their say
03:19about the taste of Ube?
03:21The taste of Ube.
03:23The taste of ice cream that they're not used to.
03:25Actually, at first, they're hesitant.
03:27But when they try it,
03:29that's when they say,
03:31Ube is delicious.
03:33But it starts with them being curious.
03:35Then they'll taste it,
03:37and they'll like it.
03:39Then it'll spread to other Belgians.
03:41So, word of mouth.
03:43Do they know that our ice cream is called
03:45Dirty Ice Cream?
03:47Can you explain to the Belgians
03:49why it's called that?
03:51My husband, when he's out walking,
03:53when he's asking
03:55his clients,
03:57he always mentions
03:59that it's the typical nickname
04:01of our ice cream.
04:03Do you also make
04:05the filling for the bread?
04:07Because I know that's really something odd
04:09for Belgians.
04:13Do you make that
04:15or you haven't introduced it yet?
04:17Eventually, we were thinking
04:19that within a year or two,
04:21we'll have a cafe
04:23so that we can offer it to our clients.
04:25Because our ice cream is limited
04:27to just bread.
04:29How does it feel that during this pandemic,
04:31you've found a spouse
04:33who's really far from your profession?
04:35How does it feel, Morse?
04:37Because this is really such a lovely surprise
04:39for you and your husband.
04:41For me, I'm happy
04:43because, first of all,
04:45our countrymen
04:47appreciated it.
04:49Because we didn't think
04:51that our business would be successful.
04:53It was an accident.
04:55Mars Camille, you're so inspiring
04:57to our countrymen in Belgium
04:59and to our viewers here.
05:01Thank you so much for inspiring us.
05:03You're the best!
05:05Mars, do you want to greet your family here?
05:07Your friends, your Mars?
05:11My family,
05:13my siblings,
05:15and my friends.
05:17I hope we can go home.
05:19Maybe not this year,
05:21but hopefully next year,
05:23we'll see each other again.
05:25Maybe you'll have other ideas
05:27that you'd like to bring to Belgium.
05:29Thank you so much!
05:31Thank you, Mars Camille!
