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Naranasan n’yo na bang mag-dumpster diving? Alamin natin ang tungkol sa ‘di pangkaraniwan na hobby na ito kay Julie Belleza!


00:00For some, the most difficult thing in life comes once or twice in their lifetime.
00:05But for Mars, who we'll meet this morning,
00:08she's ready to face the challenges in life.
00:12But like others, a strong person won't let Mars Julie force her way through life.
00:18And she's still fighting.
00:19That's why we'll get to know the Thai-Finnish Mars who has a Filipino heart.
00:24This is live from Finland.
00:26Mars Julie, good morning to you.
00:29From the Philippines.
00:30Hi Mars Julie!
00:32Hi Mars Camille, hello Pars Kim.
00:35Kumusta, kumusta from Finland.
00:37Good morning, good morning to all of you.
00:39How do you say good morning in Finnish?
00:41Huwameta, huwameta.
00:43There you go.
00:45Look, Mars Julie, the story of your life is so colorful.
00:49And so many things are happening.
00:50That's why you can only share a few with us this morning.
00:54Now that you're in Finland, Mars,
00:56one of the parts of your lifestyle there is dumpster diving.
01:00Dumpster diving.
01:01Mars, can you explain to us and to our audience
01:05what this concept is?
01:07Yes, Mars Camille Pars Kim.
01:09Yes, dumpster diving is one of my priorities here in Finland.
01:14And that's basically,
01:16because many of our countrymen think that
01:20this is literally a garbage dump as we see here in the Philippines.
01:25But here in Finland or some Western countries or in the U.S.,
01:29the way garbage is dumped here is different.
01:32Because I basically go to the back of the gates of the supermarkets here in Finland
01:38and that's where I dump my garbage.
01:41It basically comes straight from the supermarket
01:45where the items of the supermarket are already expired.
01:49Which is still super sealed
01:52and the garbage here in Finland is very clean.
01:56Actually, you've been trending for a few weeks, a few months on the internet.
01:59Yes, of course.
02:00Technically, this is a very good thing to do.
02:03Because imagine, just because you worked hard to find
02:07and you really did it well,
02:09you can really get it.
02:11Look at the produce that you were able to get, Mars.
02:14This is fresh.
02:15And you saved a lot
02:18Just by doing something that you really put a lot of time and effort into,
02:23these are the benefits.
02:25You can save, but still, you can eat properly.
02:28That's very true, Mars Camille.
02:30My family and I saved a lot
02:33when I was doing dumpster diving
02:35because I don't do groceries for our food here in the kitchen
02:39except for rice or basic needs
02:42that we don't really get from dumpster diving.
02:45Is there a lot of people who do dumpster diving in Finland?
02:48In Finland, I would honestly say
02:50that I was the first Filipino to discover this here.
02:54It was because of my boss who introduced me.
02:57But the first person who really did dumpster diving
03:00was a Finnish friend or colleague of mine.
03:03He was the first person I met who did this here in Finland.
03:08I just copied him.
03:10I was the first Filipino to do it
03:12and I documented it on my YouTube channel.
03:15And Mars, because it's trending now,
03:18I'm sure a lot of people will be interested
03:20in the videos you showed
03:22and what you got out of it, Mars.
03:25Yes, Mars.
03:26Actually, I also have other friends
03:29who do the same here
03:31because, practically speaking,
03:33it really helped us a lot
03:35and saved a lot, especially for us
03:38who are just minimum wage earners here in Finland.
03:41You mentioned saving.
03:42How much do you save per month?
03:47I save around 1,000 to 1,500 euros a month.
03:52That's a lot.
03:53That's a lot.
03:54That's really a lot.
03:56Your biological mom's income was publicized.
03:59You're half Thai, right?
04:00You're from Thailand.
04:01Tell us about that.
04:02Basically, I was born in Thailand.
04:04I have a Thai mother and my father is Finnish.
04:07So what happened was,
04:09when I was about three years old,
04:11my father met a Filipino
04:14and they brought me to Thailand
04:16without the consent of my biological mother.
04:20So they escaped me to Thailand
04:22and brought me to the Philippines.
04:24How did you feel when you saw your mother
04:26for the first time?
04:27This is my interview
04:29where my mother and I actually met.
04:32We both didn't know
04:33that we would meet on this show.
04:35So that's where I hosted
04:38all the years that were lost to us.
04:42And then,
04:43my longing for a mother
04:45that I've been looking for
04:47for 25 years,
04:48we were separated.
04:50So I gave up all the pain
04:52that I went through in life.
04:56Oh, it's okay, Mars.
04:58Of course, we understand
04:59because it's not easy,
05:02especially with all the things
05:03you've been through in life, Mars.
05:05So you said that you didn't expect
05:07to see your mother again.
05:08Did you dream of that?
05:09Did you really want to see her
05:11in the middle of all that you've been through?
05:13Was it something that you really wanted to do?
05:15Yes, because I grew up
05:17that I never felt the love of a mother
05:20in my step family.
05:22So I was really longing for my mother.
05:24I'm really sorry.
05:26I'm embarrassed.
05:29I really longed for her.
05:31Since I was 8 years old,
05:33I've been looking for my mother
05:35because I always dream of her.
05:37I always see her in my dreams
05:39but I don't see her face.
05:41So from then,
05:43I started to look for her
05:45but what I did was
05:47I wrote a letter to her.
05:49And being a child in the province
05:51that I don't know anything about,
05:53when they say that a letter will fall,
05:55what I do is
05:57I thought that
05:59when a letter falls,
06:01you'll just ride a jeep
06:03and you'll just fall.
06:05So I really wrote it.
06:07Because I was thinking that
06:09if I fall, my mother will accept it.
06:13But look at you now.
06:15You're making your brother cry.
06:17It's a very touching story, Marge.
06:19I'm really so happy for you
06:21that you reconciled with your mother.
06:23What is your advice
06:25to people who are still struggling?
06:27Struggling in life.
06:29Not just in dumpster diving,
06:31but in life.
06:33But now, it looks like you're living a happy
06:35and happy life, Marge.
06:37For women, especially
06:39for women like me,
06:41who have a lot of struggles
06:43in life,
06:45a lot of struggles, experiences in life,
06:47don't lose hope.
06:49Be an inspiration.
06:51All the negative things that happened
06:53in your life,
06:55turn it into a positive way
06:57to fight.
06:59God will bless you more.
07:01And don't put it in your heart.
07:03And don't put it in your mind.
07:07let's be positive.
07:11Let's be an inspiration
07:13to fight harder.
07:15Let's show
07:17to all the people, both older
07:19and younger,
07:21that we can get up,
07:23no matter what they do to us.
07:25Marge, thank you so much.
07:27You inspired so many, Marge,
07:29and for their families this morning.
07:31Yes, and you are an example, Marge,
07:33that a person who keeps on fighting
07:35and doesn't give up,
07:37there will come a time when
07:39all the grace will go to them
07:41and they will experience the joy of life,
07:43just like how you are experiencing life today.
07:45We are happy for you, Marge.
07:47That's very true. Thank you so much.
07:49That's really true.
07:51Just be patient. Just fight.
07:53Thank you so much, Marge.
07:55I would like to greet
07:57your Mars and your family.
07:59Yes, I would like to greet
08:01all of my beshies
08:03on my YouTube channel,
08:05Tay Finish Pero Pusong Pinay.
08:07Thank you so much for your support.
08:09And of course, to you, Marge, Camille,
08:11Parce, Kim, thank you so much
08:13for this opportunity to share
08:15a little bit of my life story.
08:17And then, to God be the glory,
08:19thank you so much to all of you.
08:21Let's fight.
08:23Thank you, Marge, Julie.
08:25Take care always.
08:27And we wish you a stress-free
08:29and happy life from here on out.
