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Prime Minister Keir Starmer holds a bilat with his Barbados counterpart Mia Mottley in New York. Report by Brooksl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00How are you? Very good to see you again.
00:02Good to see you. I'm good.
00:04Very good.
00:05How are you?
00:06I'm good, David. I was sleeping.
00:07Good to see you, man.
00:12You good?
00:16It's been a busy week for you?
00:17It's been really good.
00:18I mean, it's very, I mean, it's really important for us to get this right actually.
00:22Because there's a lot of things.
00:24A lot.
00:25That we need to discuss, we want to discuss.
