• last year


00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Dolphin Cove.
00:21My name is Stuart Granger, president of the Dolphin Cove Surf Club, and it is my honour
00:28to welcome you all to Dolphin Cove, Main Beach, to compete for this, the Sterling Cup.
00:41I now declare this year's surf carnival open!
00:56So I've got a two o'clock in Hillside Circuit.
00:59You'll be back in time to present the cup.
01:02Angel, wouldn't miss it for the world.
01:06I love you.
01:07Why wouldn't you?
01:09And Becky, clean up the sand out there.
01:22G'day, mate.
01:28How you going?
01:34She's a beauty, right?
01:35Yeah, no, she's nice.
01:36Wait till you see inside.
01:37One, two, three, pull!
01:46Come on!
01:48One, two, three, pull!
01:52Pull! Pull! Pull!
01:54Pull! Pull! Pull!
01:57Pull! Pull! Pull!
02:00Pull! Pull!
02:06Body in the water!
02:09Body in the water!
02:10Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
02:40It's a beautiful day in sunny Dauphin Cove and this is your DCFM public service announcement to get your togs on folks...
03:01First time in Dauphin Cove?
03:05I feel like I've seen you somewhere before.
03:08Yeah, well, it's a beautiful time to visit.
03:11Although it's always beautiful here.
03:13Paradise, if you ask me.
03:15I'm on the phone here.
03:18Hello, it's D.I. Clark.
03:20I need you to put me through to...
03:23Mackenzie Clark?
03:26I knew it was you!
03:27Uh, what are you doing?
03:34What are you doing?
03:38Get out.
03:42Can you just hang on a tick?
03:45I am a paying customer.
03:46I can't believe you came back after what you did.
03:50Get out.
03:51I tried to warn them about you.
03:53I told everybody on the day, but they wouldn't listen to me.
03:55Oh yes, you're very perceptive, Trevor.
03:58Smarter than everyone.
04:02You can't just leave me here.
04:03It's 3K into town.
04:05Not my problem.
04:07What about professional standards?
04:11What about driver's ethics?
04:17What about manners?
04:22You still there?
05:48Cheers, Mum.
06:15Because of...
06:18The knife in his back?
06:21First one?
06:23Done loads.
06:25At the academy.
06:26Case histories.
06:27But it's no different to investigating a robbery, is it?
06:31Oh, except somebody's dead.
06:33That's the difference.
06:34Hard to disagree, Felix.
06:36Hard to disagree.
06:39Oh, boy.
06:42Did you have a chat with Susan Sterling?
06:46She said Stuart had a 2pm appointment at 3 Hillside Circuit with a buyer...
06:52Grant Edgar.
06:54I'm meeting with him there.
06:55Oh, OK.
06:57I'm going to get on to HQ.
06:58Tell them to send down a detective.
07:02We don't need another detective.
07:04Oh, Colin.
07:06When Dolphin Cove Royalty washes up on the shore break, I think we need a senior detective.
07:11I'm sorry.
07:13And you know it.
07:19I want to talk to him about renting it out as soon as humanly possible.
07:24He can't come to this point.
07:26I'm so sorry.
07:30He had an appointment today.
07:33Oh, look, honestly, can you just pull yourself together and tell me where was his last appointment?
07:37So, Stuart Granger was showing you through the property?
07:39Yeah, yeah.
07:40Just looking for something a bit bigger for when I have the kids.
07:43Stuart thought it'd be a good fit, so...
07:45It was your first time here?
07:48What time did you leave?
07:49I think about three, maybe just before.
07:55Did Stuart leave with you?
07:56No, I left him here.
07:58He said he'd lock up.
08:00Did you know him well?
08:01Oh, you know, I'd seen him around.
08:03I help out at the surf club.
08:05He's the president.
08:06So, you and Stuart were friends?
08:08I wouldn't say that.
08:10You know, hardly see him these days.
08:12And where is he now?
08:14Sorry, you can't be here.
08:17Who are you?
08:18Colin Cartwright.
08:19Detective Senior Constable Colin Cartwright.
08:24Where's Stuart Granger?
08:26Thank you, Grant.
08:27Er, Mr. Edgar.
08:29We'll be in touch if we need to talk to you again.
08:35Um, Stuart Granger is...
08:43He's dead.
08:45That's why his receptionist was crying.
08:49And you're a detective, so it wasn't natural causes.
08:54Murdered then.
08:57Sorry, who are you?
08:58Because this is official police business.
09:00Mackenzie Clark.
09:01Detective Inspector, Metropolitan Police.
09:06Welcome to Dolphin Cove.
09:08You still can't be in here.
09:11No text.
09:12No text.
09:14No crime scene guys.
09:16He wasn't found here.
09:20Where then?
09:22I'm not at liberty...
09:23Oh, I'll find out anyway.
09:27On the beach.
09:32But he was last seen here with that guy, Grant Edgar.
09:37So when did he...
09:42I don't know.
10:03Have you got the footage?
10:07We're waiting on the security company to send over the rest.
10:09You can watch it.
10:10Professional courtesy.
10:14Are they the victims?
10:15Left on the bench.
10:17But he was found in the water?
10:22Still unclear.
10:32Front door, back door.
10:34Stewart with Grant Edgar.
10:36Speed it up.
10:38Grant Edgar leaving.
10:43What time was the body found?
10:47Around four.
10:50We're past four.
10:51We should have seen him come out.
10:53He didn't leave.
10:55Any other exits?
10:58All bolted from the inside.
10:59Windows, doors.
11:00Check them all.
11:01So he can't have used any of them.
11:04He didn't leave.
11:06He didn't use any of the exits.
11:10he never left the house?
11:12But if he never left the house,
11:13how did he end up on the beach,
11:14two k's away,
11:17I appreciate your input,
11:18but we're done now.
11:22We'll go through it.
11:24A place like this,
11:25it's not cheap.
11:28What's Grant, a mechanic?
11:32He didn't...
11:33Grease under his fingernails.
11:34Pay attention.
11:38a mechanic comes to see a house
11:39that he probably can't afford,
11:41walks out,
11:43and leaves Stewart behind.
11:46Then how did he get into the water?
11:48Alive, then?
11:50Then how did he get into the water?
11:52It doesn't make sense.
11:54Mackenzie Clark!
12:05I was looking for Stewart Granger.
12:10To rent Mum's house out.
12:13And when you found out
12:14this was a potential crime scene,
12:16you turned around and went home?
12:18I did try and tell her that.
12:21Obviously not.
12:22Obviously not?
12:25So what about we try doing that now?
12:28And Mackenzie?
12:31Turn your brain off for the moment.
12:33Turn your brain off for this one.
12:35We've got all the help we need.
12:49Check his lungs.
13:15I'm sorry.
13:16The person you...
13:46Why not?
13:49Oh, come on, Bryce.
13:51You promised me last night you'd find someone.
13:55I have tried everybody.
13:58There's no one else.
14:07Yeah, there are real menace around the water.
14:18Your mum gone?
14:20A few days ago.
14:22Thought I was coming back to see her,
14:23but turns out she's on an artist's pilgrimage.
14:26Unlikely to return.
14:28An artist's pilgrimage?
14:31When I called her,
14:32she said she was following the stars and her heart.
14:35Now I have to rent the place out for her.
14:37Sounds about right.
14:39So now instead of a reunion,
14:41I'm cleaning the house out.
14:44How long are you staying?
14:45Till this is done.
14:49Want to hold that out?
15:00Detective Inspector in London.
15:08I imagine you can't take too much time off.
15:10Not really, no.
15:12Oh, small talk, kill me.
15:14Look, this is the sit-rep.
15:16Mackenzie, OK?
15:17We've got Stuart Granger
15:19washing up on the beach yesterday afternoon,
15:21and the powers that be
15:22cannot spare a senior detective
15:24with homicide investigation.
15:26I'm a senior detective with homicide experience,
15:28and I need one.
15:32Would have thought that you owed me a favour.
15:40But I told you,
15:41I'm not staying.
15:42Very heavy caseload back in London.
15:46Oh, well.
15:48Just have to find someone else to figure out
15:50how Stuart Granger got in the water.
15:54Did he drown?
15:56No, not my case.
15:58In the back.
15:59Knife still in the blazer.
16:02How much blood on his clothes?
16:03Yeah, it's a real mystery.
16:09Wait, wait, wait!
16:10You need to figure out how he got out of the...
16:12You just enjoy your stay, Mackenzie.
17:42You just gonna stand there?
17:45Come on.
17:46You remember where everything is.
17:49Ah, Constable Felix Wilkinson,
17:50this is Detective Inspector Mackenzie Clark,
17:53Metropolitan Police, London.
17:56Mackenzie used to have your job.
17:58Why'd you leave?
18:01Uh, that's not pertinent, Constable.
18:10OK, statement's done.
18:12Forensics underway.
18:13Let's crack on, team.
18:14And hello.
18:15Colin, you remember Detective Inspector Clark.
18:18She'll be assisting us temporarily.
18:25Can we have a quick chat?
18:31Where's the button?
18:34His blazer, it's missing a button.
18:36What happened to it?
18:38Well, I've made a start.
18:40I'll just.
18:43Don't mind.
18:44I just, it's.
18:46Yeah, that's fine.
18:51To recap, at about 4 PM yesterday,
18:54Stuart Granger, iconic Dolphin Cove real estate agent,
18:58washed ashore on Main Beach.
19:03Where did he go into the water?
19:07Could have been anywhere.
19:11Dozens of tracks through the scrub, four or five car parks,
19:14about 50 Ks of coastline.
19:20I know you're in there.
19:21I can see your car.
19:33I don't know why you don't give me a pass.
19:36There's an entrance right there.
19:37I'm not coming in the front with the rubes.
19:40Come on.
19:41Look at me.
19:43If it isn't Mackenzie Clark.
19:45Yes, Rocco.
19:45I mean, hello.
19:47So good to have you back.
19:53Oh, I'm retired now, honey.
19:55Yeah, I gave the teaching away and bringing
19:58my wisdom to the streets.
20:00But you're not a police officer.
20:04Unofficially, I guess I am.
20:07Officially, she is not.
20:09She's a volunteer in policing.
20:12These guys are obsessed with titles.
20:14It's the same thing in the end.
20:16It's not the same thing at all.
20:17Well, I'm not an instrument for institutional oppression
20:21like some.
20:21Yesterday, you wanted a gun.
20:24Anyway, the victim's last known location
20:27was Three Hillside Circuit.
20:29I've got his messages from his mobile provider.
20:31He sent this the other day.
20:33She knows about us, and she's fuming.
20:35We need to meet.
20:37That wasn't in his phone.
20:38He deleted it after he sent it to Becky Hayden.
20:42Well, who's Becky Hayden?
20:43She's a waitress at the surf club.
20:46She always takes a drink before you're done.
20:50He would have killed for less.
20:52Felix, Reggie, knock on doors in Hillside Circuit.
20:55See if anyone saw or heard anything.
20:57I'll talk to Susan Sterling again.
21:00DI Clark, you come with me, I guess.
21:08Can you tell me where you were between 3 and 4 PM?
21:11Between 3 and 4?
21:12I was on a run.
21:15In the bush at Serene Pass.
21:20Didn't they close up?
21:21Council don't tell me where I can and can't go.
21:25So you didn't stay to watch the carnival?
21:27I was only gone a short while.
21:30Did you go anywhere near the Hillside Circuit house?
21:34That was Stuart's listing.
21:37Both your pictures are on the board.
21:38Both our pictures are on every board.
21:42Still, I never went there.
21:46Lots of Sterlings.
21:47My ancestors, Mackenzie.
21:50Survivors of the shipwreck who swam ashore
21:52and were the first to make their lives in what
21:54we now know as Dolphin Cove.
21:57Except for the people who were here thousands
21:58of years before them.
22:01You never worried about anyone liking you, did you,
22:03Mackenzie Clark?
22:04Did you know that Stuart was having
22:06an affair with Becky Hayden?
22:10Yes, I did.
22:11Stuart told Becky you were fuming.
22:14I'm sure that's what he told Becky.
22:17We had a conversation about it, and he ended it with her.
22:20Just like that?
22:21He agreed that the Sterling name, our legacy,
22:24was too important for him to jeopardize our marriage.
22:37Thank you, Mrs. Sterling.
22:43How could no one on the whole street have seen anything?
22:46And that bloke, what a whinger.
22:48So someone knocked over your letterbox, mate.
22:50How is that a police problem?
22:51Well, it was intact yesterday morning when he got the paper.
22:55Someone knocked it over between then and now,
22:57around the same time he heard a motorbike.
22:59A yellow one, by the look of the paint on the letterbox.
23:02See, that's the thing about Dolphin Cove these days.
23:05There was a time if your letterbox got knocked over,
23:07Shane from next door would come round with a bit of timber,
23:10and you might have some concrete in your shed.
23:12And an hour yakker, job done.
23:14You'd have a few drinks, and we'd all end up in the hot tub.
23:18These places now, they're all weekenders.
23:21They don't even know their neighbors to say hello to,
23:23let alone have a thing with their wife.
23:27Sorry, whose wife?
23:31You just mind your business, sticky beak.
23:35So, Becky, did you leave the surf club at all?
23:38Just to go to the shops.
23:42How long were you and Stuart Granger having an affair?
23:47It wasn't an affair.
23:50I'm not with anyone any more, so...
23:53And Stuart being married to Susan,
23:56you're not going to let him get away with it, are you?
23:59No, I'm not going to let him get away with it.
24:02And Stuart being married to Susan doesn't count?
24:05Hardly. I mean, we...
24:09..we were in love.
24:11So you must have been heartbroken when he dumped you.
24:14Angry, even.
24:15He didn't dump me.
24:17He couldn't wait to get away from Susan and move in with me.
24:22So why didn't he?
24:24She made him sign some sort of prenup that if they get a divorce,
24:29he doesn't get any of the sterling money.
24:31If that's really the case, then why would he risk it all for you?
24:37Because she's pregnant.
24:39It's a hair tie on the button. It's cheaper than maternity pants.
24:44So one of them is a woman scorned.
24:46If it's Becky, she's pregnant and abandoned.
24:49If it's Susan, she's a loyal wife left for a younger woman.
24:53Both are potential motives.
24:55Yeah, but according to the CCTV,
24:56neither of them went anywhere near the house,
24:58if he was even killed in the house.
25:00By the way, how was he found dead in the water two k's away?
25:03It doesn't make sense.
25:04It will.
25:06Well, it doesn't feel like it.
25:10It has to.
25:12It happened.
25:18What's this for?
25:36Don't hang up.
25:38I'm actually at work.
25:40Yes, obviously.
25:42What's the situation? Is there going to be an inquiry?
25:46No, I'm pretty happy with my mobile plan at the moment.
25:52More data than I could ever need. Thank you.
25:55Can't talk. Got it.
25:58I need to know...
25:59I don't think I'll be making a decision in the near future.
26:03When then?
26:05I'd say it'll be a matter of months.
26:08How many?
26:09No need to call me back.
26:11Tell you what, I'll ring you when my contract is up.
26:13Should have a better idea by then.
26:15Got it.
26:17Do you have any idea which way it's going to go?
26:19It's hard to say. Listen, I'm pretty busy here...
26:22No, no, no, don't hang up.
26:23Please, don't call me again.
26:25Take me off your call list.
26:26No, don't go!
26:32Kelly Marketers.
26:38It's open!
26:43So we've finally got the rest of the footage.
26:47Oh my, Gideon.
26:48I know. Got to get it all to the op shop.
26:52This is your house?
26:55It's my mum's.
26:56You can see it from a surf.
26:58Did you know there's a lady who bathes out the back naked sometimes?
27:04Also my mum.
27:08So you grew up here and you chose to move to London?
27:12In a manner of speaking.
27:14I don't understand that.
27:15From the moment I stepped foot here, I never wanted to leave.
27:19Everyone knows everyone in Dolphin Cove.
27:21Do you know what I mean?
27:22Mmm, yes.
27:24Have we heard from the forensic accounting team about the victim's finances?
27:28That's me. I'm the forensic accounting team.
27:31I'll get on to that tomorrow.
27:33Autopsy report then?
27:35Er, tomorrow, probably.
27:37Oh yeah, no rush.
27:40We don't have everything at our fingertips, like in London.
27:44We're a small coastal police station.
27:46And we do the best we can for our community.
27:49A community that I've loved from the minute I moved here.
27:52Anyway, we did get the previous week's hillside circuit footage.
27:57So we're not completely useless.
28:05I'll look at it now.
28:08It's like 200 hours of footage.
28:13Hours in the week.
28:16I'm only going to skim it.
28:18Leave you to it.
28:19Leave you to it.
28:20Good night then.
28:21I'll chase up those financial statements first thing in the morning.
28:45Other door!
28:57Beautiful out there.
28:58Never made it for a surf.
29:00Regretting it already.
29:01Water looks magic.
29:06Anyway, tech guys went over the hillside circuit house.
29:10No blood, no hair, no evidence of anything.
29:14Killer could have cleaned up.
29:15No sign of that either.
29:17Looks like Stuart wasn't killed in the house at this stage.
29:21Long black?
29:23I guessed.
29:28I don't drink it.
29:29How do you function this early without it?
29:35Wait, have you...
29:37Have you been watching that all night?
29:41Sometimes I get started on a case and then my brain, it just...
29:45Look at this.
29:48It's from a week ago.
29:51He's coming out of the house?
29:53Three or four times.
29:55What's he doing?
29:57No idea.
29:59He does it out the back as well.
30:00All the time, he's glued to his phone.
30:02Well, for something more concrete,
30:04Glenn's got early pathology for us.
30:08Glenn Strong?
30:09As in the boss's son.
30:14I'm sure you can manage.
30:16I've got to get a load of mum's stuff to the op shop.
30:23I thought you'd want to be across everything.
30:43Hello, Frankie.
30:45Where's Glenn?
30:46Where's Glenn?
30:53Sorry, mate.
30:54Got in a bit of a roll.
30:57Didn't see you out there this morning.
31:00Not really good enough for the bigger waves.
31:02It's not about being good, it's about being in the water.
31:04I know.
31:05I know.
31:06Then you are good.
31:07You've come a long way in a short time.
31:09You should be proud.
31:11Righto, shall we get stuck in?
31:13Yeah, Frankie, come on.
31:19He was stabbed.
31:21No surprises there.
31:22Knife looks like it went into the right lung.
31:24I'll know more when I get him opened up.
31:26Just waiting for him to get back from the CT scanner,
31:28then I'll start the autopsy.
31:30Any estimate of time?
31:31Water makes it tricky.
31:33Our window is between 3 and 4pm.
31:36Nothing he suggests otherwise.
31:39Dead end.
31:40Generic kitchen knife.
31:41I wouldn't find it anywhere.
31:42No print.
31:45Missing a button.
31:46I know.
31:47I've got a DI from London supposedly helping me
31:49and she's mentioned that button.
31:52Mackenzie Clark.
31:54You know her?
31:59So you know what she's like then?
32:00Not winning many friends.
32:02Not really trying.
32:04Sounds about right.
32:06If it helps, she's brilliant.
32:09And a good person deep down.
32:11How deep?
32:13Most people don't get there.
32:15Know anyone who has?
32:19I do, actually.
32:25There's something about him in the depths of my memory.
32:29Maybe you taught him?
32:31I remember everyone I've taught.
32:33Over 40 years, sure.
32:37The worst day of my life.
32:40By Felix Wilkinson.
32:42When I was 11 years old,
32:44I lost my generation one Optimus Prime.
32:48Okay, okay, okay.
32:49I believe you.
32:50Remember everyone.
32:53The neighbourhood a motorbike.
32:54Scrape of yellow paint on the letterbox.
32:56Some chicken.
32:57Bridges for yellow motorbikes in Dalton Co.
33:00Nothing so far.
33:02You got anything?
33:06Nothing on the knife.
33:07Time of death, most probably still between 3 and 4.
33:11Tracks with what Grant told us.
33:14Where's Mackenzie?
33:19Hey, um...
33:22Is there anything going on between D.A. Clark and Glenn Strong?
33:26Because they both got weird about each other this morning.
33:29Oh, I mean, unless you count her leaving him at the altar six years ago,
33:33flying to London and never speaking to him again.
33:36Got it.
33:37Yellow motorbike.
33:39Hang on.
33:41She was engaged to Glenn?
33:45With him?
33:49The boss was going to be her mother-in-law?
33:51I can hear you.
33:55I'm not finished with this.
33:57Yellow motorbike.
33:59Registered to a Zane Wyatt.
34:01What do we know about him?
34:03He has an impressive record of violent assaults.
34:05And he has the same address as Becky Hayden.
34:26Are you open?
34:27Not yet.
34:29It's 11.30.
34:32Mackenzie Clark.
34:36The bike's the same yellow as the paint on the letterbox.
34:46Zane Wyatt?
34:52Whoever shot?
34:55Library card.
34:57Fuck, Zane!
35:01Go, lads!
35:02Get him!
35:07Zane, stop!
35:20Got some stuff to drop off to donate.
35:22I'm afraid we can't accept it.
35:25Why not?
35:26Because of its provenance.
35:28Its provenance?
35:30George and I are very close to Glenn and to all the Strongs, so I'm sorry.
35:34It wouldn't be right.
35:35It's for charity.
35:37And I should point out I spent a small fortune on a hat for the wedding.
35:55You can't just leave them here!
36:30Oh, my God.
36:43What were you doing at Hillside Circuit on the day of Stuart Granger's murder?
36:46No comment.
36:48Shall we just arrest you for criminal damage, then?
36:50A letterbox.
36:52Give us a break.
36:53Oh, so you were there, then?
36:55You know I was there.
36:56For how long?
36:58I left right after Stuart took the other bloke into the house.
37:01G'day, mate.
37:08You went where?
37:10For a ride.
37:12You live with Becky?
37:14Not anymore, I don't.
37:15So, why were you at her house just now?
37:18I was picking something up.
37:21My ring.
37:24Engagement ring.
37:26That's why Becky said she wasn't with anyone anymore.
37:29So, your fiancé dumps you for a rich real estate agent.
37:35You find Stuart at the Hillside Circuit house, teach him a lesson.
37:38What, did things get a bit out of hand?
37:40I never went near him.
37:41You were waiting there for him.
37:43I wasn't waiting for Stuart.
37:46I was waiting for Becky.
37:49So, Becky had a key.
37:51She had access to the house all along.
37:53But she's not on the CCTV.
37:56And as far as we know, Stuart wasn't killed there anyway.
37:58We don't know where he was killed.
38:00We don't know how he got out of the house without being seen.
38:02And we don't know where he went to the water.
38:06In there.
38:07And we don't know whether he was dead or alive when he did.
38:11We're not going anywhere.
38:13Yes, we are.
38:15We're not going anywhere.
38:17Yes, we are.
38:18We just don't know where yet.
38:21You took the keys, you goose.
38:23I had to walk all the way back and my feet are killing me.
38:26It's like 600 metres.
38:28Yeah, well, I'm going to make time for workers' comp because that is borderline abuse.
38:34Ah, that hurts.
38:36Oh, that's better.
38:38Oh, that's a cramp. That's a cramp.
39:01Francesca Camilla Kelpington III.
39:04Francesca Camilla Kelpington III.
39:13Hello, beauty.
39:15Oh my goodness, look at you.
39:32There was water in his lungs.
39:35I knew it.
39:39It was weird when I got him open.
39:41A knife through the right lung, upper lobe.
39:42You'd expect about two litres of blood in the chest if that's what killed him.
39:45But there was only 500 ml.
39:48So he drowned?
39:49He drowned and he was stabbed.
39:51The knife wound was killing him but he drowned before he could finish the job.
39:54Froth in the Airways confirms that.
39:56How long between the knife going in and him going into the water?
39:59500 ml of blood in the chest.
40:01Couldn't be long.
40:02Five minutes to the absurd outside.
40:04Okay. Closest water to here?
40:07Straight down the hill to the clifftop here.
40:09Right. You know the plan.
40:14One of us drives, one of us runs,
40:17and we time how long it takes to get to the water.
40:19If it is more than five minutes,
40:21we know for certain that the killer couldn't have stabbed Stuart in the house
40:24and got to the water in time.
40:27Ah, so why am I running again?
40:30Because you were lucky enough to have your running gear in your car.
41:1011 minutes 20.
41:12Too long.
41:16Why is your shirt off?
41:18It's hot.
41:19It's not that hot.
41:22You know the killer might have been faster
41:24Yeah, well, you're not really the quickest bloke.
41:26Either way, it's impossible.
41:28I ran no stops and I wasn't carrying a body.
41:31All the way from the house to here.
41:33So he definitely couldn't have been stabbed in the house?
41:35No, he would have stopped breathing long before he made it to the water
41:37and there would have been way more blood in his chest.
41:40So where was he killed?
41:42Anywhere within five minutes to the water.
41:46How did he get there without leaving the house?
41:55So, back in Dolphin Cove for the first time in six years.
42:04We should get back.
42:09Thanks for the tip.
42:13No worries.
42:15Come on Frankie.
42:30So, if he definitely couldn't have been killed in the house,
42:34where was he killed?
42:36Any one of about a hundred places within five minutes of the water.
42:41Okay, maybe let's focus on the things we know.
42:44I spent most of last night unravelling the mess that is Grant Edgar's finances.
42:49And Stuart Granger was keeping Grant Edgar's garage afloat to the tune of 30 grand.
42:58I told you, I knew his face.
42:59But you didn't believe me.
43:01You doubted me.
43:02Because I'm retired, which is pure ageism, sexism and I would not discount homophobia.
43:07Just tell us.
43:08Okay, Grant Edgar.
43:10I didn't teach him.
43:11But here he is, in the tennis team.
43:15Now he couldn't play tennis to save himself,
43:17but he did it because he was obsessed with the captain of the girls team.
43:20Susan Sterling, the princess of Dolphin Cove.
43:22That's a long time to hold a candle for someone.
43:25In debt to Stuart, in love with his wife, last to see him alive.
43:30Yeah, but how did he do it?
43:31Yeah, he's got a motive. They've all got motives.
43:33That's all we've got is motives.
43:36It's like this whole time we've been missing something that is right in front of us.
43:39Like we're investigating the wrong crime.
43:41Shame we can't shape the crime to fit the evidence we have.
43:43That's what they did in the 80s.
43:45Funny story about that.
43:46Actually, when I was done for the session, I had...
43:53What if we are investigating the wrong crime?
44:10What's she doing?
44:12If we could fit the crime to the evidence,
44:16what crime would that be?
44:19And who benefits from it?
44:42Ms Rocco?
44:44You're a genius.
44:45I've been saying that all along.
44:48Come on.
45:01Seriously, what are we doing?
45:04Reggie was right. It's the wrong crime.
45:06It's the wrong victim, wrong location.
45:25It doesn't make sense.
45:30How could Stuart Granger never leave the house,
45:33yet show up murdered on the beach?
45:36I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude,
45:38but I have a journalist and a photographer here.
45:40Now that we can finally present that trophy.
45:49No sense at all until you look at it from the other direction.
45:53Stuart was murdered, but he wasn't meant to be.
46:00Let's look at his behaviour on the day of his death.
46:03A publicly announced appointment...
46:05So, I've got a two o'clock at Hillside Circuit.
46:08At a house with prominent security cameras
46:10that he knew better than anyone,
46:12because he'd done his research.
46:14He knew what those cameras could see,
46:16and what they couldn't.
46:18Stuart wasn't showing a buyer around.
46:20His buyer had no interest in the house.
46:22I mean, he couldn't afford it even if he did, no.
46:25Stuart was creating an alibi.
46:29So he could kill his wife.
46:33And he had the perfect patsy.
46:37Who had a divorce to pay for,
46:38needed Stuart's money to stay afloat.
46:40All he had to do was wait in the house
46:42as Stuart escaped through the sliding doors.
46:45Thanks, mate.
46:47Out of sight from the cameras,
46:49run down to the cliff top
46:51where he planned to intercept Susan on her regular run.
46:59And push her off the cliff.
47:01A tragic fall from a notoriously uneven track.
47:04He'd then return to the house,
47:06come back in through the door,
47:07and leave with Grant
47:09in full view of the cameras.
47:12Wife dead.
47:13Alibi intact.
47:15Free to marry Becky,
47:17raise their baby,
47:20and inherit all that sterling money.
47:25Stuart never came back through that door
47:28someone got to him first.
47:37You really hated him, didn't you?
47:40Being under his thumb,
47:41doing his bidding.
47:43I didn't kill him.
47:47But you helped.
47:49You locked him out.
47:51Ruining his alibi,
47:52confusing the investigation,
47:53but most importantly,
47:54you told Susan
47:56what Stuart was planning
47:57because you've loved her since you're eleven.
48:00And you,
48:02you did what you had to do.
48:07With a generic kitchen knife.
48:15When we figured out,
48:16oh, you were the more logical victim,
48:18we looked at the track to the water
48:19and it turns out that bush track,
48:20it winds around to the cliff top,
48:22which you know well
48:23from your regular run.
48:37So I ran along the cliff.
48:39You don't have a shred of proof
48:41that Stuart was anywhere near there.
48:55Or do I?
49:04Susan, stop.
49:07The one hole in Stuart's plan.
49:10Why did he trust you?
49:13Why did he assume that you wouldn't tell Susan?
49:15Because he never understood
49:17that the world didn't revolve around him.
49:21The Stirlings built this town.
49:23We were here long before you and your family,
49:25Mackenzie Clark.
49:27And our name will endure
49:28when everyone in this room has been forgotten.
49:30On the history books,
49:31on the street signs,
49:33on that trophy.
49:36This is our legacy.
49:39Stuart put all of this at risk.
49:44How's that legacy looking now?
49:48Susan Stirling,
49:49you're under arrest for the murder of Stuart Granger.
49:51I have to inform you,
49:52you don't have to say or do anything,
49:53but anything you do or say
49:55will be used against you.
49:58I'm sorry.
50:05It doesn't have to look so boring, you know.
50:08It's a murder board.
50:09Yeah, but that doesn't mean it can't pop a bit.
50:13So, uh, that's it?
50:16Yep, looks like it.
50:22Fun while it lasted.
50:25Like walking on a rainbow.
50:28Look, I, uh...
50:32Good luck, honey.
51:00Yesterday you bought me a coffee
51:02and I threw it in the bin.
51:04That was rude.
51:07No big deal. It's fine.
51:08I'm not really a people person.
51:11You don't say.
51:13Good luck back in London
51:15and thanks for showing me your house.
51:17Actually, it's going to need a tenant.
51:22I could never afford it.
51:23What do you want?
51:24I don't care.
51:26Oh, thank you so, so much.
51:29I take it back about you being weird.
51:32You never said I was weird.
51:33Um, figure of speech.
51:36Oh, best of luck and thank you again
51:39forever for the house.
52:03Hi, gorgeous.
52:06Hi, gorgeous.
52:11She really didn't get that big in the end.
52:15Thought I'd drop these off at the Brotherhood in Red Bluff.
52:18Since Op Shop mad shafted you.
52:20Yeah, was she always that mean?
52:22Pretty much.
52:24Who did it?
52:26Susan Sterling.
52:28Hmm, never liked her.
52:31Yeah, no one did.
52:33So, does that mean...
52:36Back to London.
52:38They'll be missing me.
52:41Better get moving then.
52:43Good to see you.
52:53Why didn't you call me, Mac?
52:59It's been six years.
53:02You weren't even going to come and see me.
53:06I know.
53:07You just left without even giving me a thought.
53:09No, I gave you a thought.
53:11I gave you lots of thoughts.
53:13It was never about you.
53:14What was it about then?
53:17I don't know.
53:19I don't know.
53:20What was it about then?
53:23What, six years? You still haven't figured it out?
53:26I wanted more.
53:29Than me?
53:30Than Dolphin Cove.
53:33I don't fit here.
53:35We both know that.
53:38I mean, it's been six years and still no one here likes me.
53:41That is not true.
53:48Goodbye, Glenn.
54:06Oh, I thought we'd do this here, away from the station.
54:11I dropped D.I. Moonier line at New Scotland Yard.
54:16Just to say how useful you'd been.
54:19Extend my thanks.
54:21Apparently, you're under suspension.
54:23I'm not.
54:24Well, you would have been if you hadn't been.
54:27I'm not.
54:28I'm not.
54:29I'm not.
54:30I'm not.
54:31I'm not.
54:32I'm not.
54:33I'm not.
54:34Well, you would have been if you hadn't jumped on the first plane home with your warrant card.
54:38Oh, D.I. Moonier asked me to relieve you of that.
54:43I can explain.
54:45Tampering with evidence.
54:50I didn't.
54:52I was stitched up.
54:56The evidence went missing.
54:58So you ran away.
55:00I would never do that.
55:02Oh, well, you have.
55:04I would never tamper with evidence.
55:11I know.
55:12I know, still.
55:15What are you going to do?
55:18Jack's sorting it.
55:20There's going to be an inquiry, Mackenzie.
55:21It's going to take months.
55:23They won't let you work while that's happening.
55:24I mean, you'd be lucky to work there ever again.
55:28Or find a job somewhere.
55:29Oh, where?
55:31What are they going to hear when they ring up D.I. Moonier for a reference?
55:37The only station in the whole of Australia that will employ you.
55:41There's one.
55:43Even temporarily.
55:48I don't have to be a detective.
55:52Oh, you would die, Mackenzie Clark.
56:01I moved halfway around the world to get away from Dolphin Cove.
56:07Why would I ever work here again?
56:10Look at this.
56:11Why would you ever work anywhere else?
56:15See you in the morning.
56:17Oh, could you bring in some milk?
56:31Hey, Jadies!
56:32Jade is an influencer.
56:34With a wellness empire worth $40 million.
56:37Collapse test after the finish line.
56:39Looks like a heart attack.
56:40Somebody help!
56:42Or it's poison.
56:44Hundreds of runners.
56:46Hundreds of cops.
56:47It's impossible.
56:48Apparently not.
56:50I was managing fine without a partner.
56:52I mean, it's been six years and still no one here likes me.
56:55I'm not going to do it.
56:57I'm not going to do it.
56:58I mean, it's been six years and still no one here likes me.
57:01That is not true.
57:03Mackenzie, I need your help.
57:06Or more people are going to die.