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God, Spirituality, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Faith, Christian, Religion, Love, Word, Mercy,
00:00:00 This is Bishop Del Brodder. Thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today.
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00:00:29 Our scriptural text today is coming from just a single verse of Scripture Proverbs chapter 26 and verse 2.
00:00:36 Notice there these words, "As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come."
00:00:49 And I'm speaking simply from the subject, where did that come from? Where did that come from?
00:00:59 It is interesting here that the Bible says in the Good News translation of that same verse that curses cannot hurt you unless you deserve them.
00:01:13 They are like birds that fly by and never light. That same verse says it in the Passion translation,
00:01:25 it says, "An undeserved curse will be powerless to harm you. It may flutter over you like a bird, but it will find no place to land."
00:01:37 This is really letting us know that there is a cause for every curse that happens, but an undeserved curse has no power to harm you.
00:01:50 When the Bible says here that the curse shall not causeless come, it means that if you haven't done anything wrong,
00:01:58 nobody, no matter how evil they are and how powerful they are, they have no power to curse you.
00:02:05 You curse yourself when you walk in disobedience to God's Word, but people don't have the power to curse you when you're committed to live right.
00:02:16 If you will do what's right, the curse shall not causeless come.
00:02:20 Now what that does tell us, on the other hand, is that when you have lived in such a way,
00:02:26 cursings were always the result of walking in disobedience to the ordinances of the laws of God.
00:02:34 But if you walked in righteousness, then curses have no power in your life.
00:02:40 God has blessed us, and you cannot curse what God has blessed.
00:02:47 So it is saying to us that there is a cause for every curse.
00:02:52 If you treat people badly, you tap into a law that you shall reap what you sow.
00:03:00 That means that if you've sown bad seeds and when something bad comes back to haunt you,
00:03:06 it is not that somebody else has cursed you, it's your own actions have cursed you.
00:03:10 You are reaping what you have sown.
00:03:13 And that's why if you dig one ditch for somebody else to fall into, you better dig two.
00:03:19 Because the ditch that you meant for them might just be meant for...
00:03:23 See, you curse yourself by what you do.
00:03:27 You curse yourself by what you do.
00:03:30 And anybody else that tries to curse you, a witch, a warlock, working a hex, voodoo,
00:03:39 and all kinds of curses to come try to come on your life, they have no...they are powerless.
00:03:45 It's like the oil of the Holy Ghost is slippery, it can't catch on to anything.
00:03:53 And so when the Bible says the curse shall not causeless come,
00:03:58 you won't be able to get a curse in your life if you've not done anything to cause it,
00:04:02 no matter what a person threatens you to do.
00:04:05 But when you harm people and then they curse you,
00:04:09 their real ability to curse you is the reciprocation of the seeds of a curse
00:04:15 that we will have sown by our own rebellion against God.
00:04:21 But when you are resolved in your heart that, "God, I want to follow Jesus.
00:04:26 I want to be like Him," nobody has the ability to curse you.
00:04:32 You don't have to worry about that.
00:04:34 When you walk in the righteousness of God, you walk under His cover,
00:04:38 you walk in the favor of God, you walk in the blessings of God,
00:04:41 and you cannot curse what God has blessed.
00:04:45 Now, here's the thing that I want you to realize, that we will never have a genuine solution
00:04:53 to our problems until we understand how they began.
00:04:57 We will never, ever have a genuine solution to our problems until we understand how they began.
00:05:05 We realize that there are people today that live under what we might call a generational curse.
00:05:11 It's a generational pattern of behavior that has been modeled before people,
00:05:16 and then it comes and it goes and it keeps on replicating.
00:05:20 It's not an absolute doom, but it's a weakness to the very thing that might have plagued a parent
00:05:26 or a grandparent or some foreparent that has come before you.
00:05:30 But you'll never have a solution to a problem until you understand how it began.
00:05:39 And so that's why there is a cause for every curse.
00:05:42 I mean, have you ever asked yourself, "I mean, why is it that I keep attracting abusers in my life?"
00:05:47 Have you ever asked yourself that question?
00:05:49 "Why is it that I'm still dealing with compulsive behaviors?
00:05:52 Why is it that I'm getting sick all of the time?
00:05:55 Why am I so moody when I wake up, or my mate is so moody when they wake up or when they come home?
00:06:01 Why do I keep gaining my weight back?
00:06:06 Why am I so easily offended?
00:06:09 I mean, why is it that I fear making a commitment?
00:06:13 Why do I have trust issues with particular people in my life?
00:06:17 Why is it that I keep getting hurt in relationship?"
00:06:21 Maybe it's because you're really seeking more attention than you are the genuineness of bona fide love.
00:06:27 You don't just get somebody who wants you because you've made yourself attractive
00:06:31 by what you put on in terms of your hair and your lashes and your clothes and your pocketbook and your shoes and your nails.
00:06:38 It's not what you put on that oftentimes makes you so attractive, it's the ugliness that you pull off.
00:06:45 You know, what really grabs a person is just the genuineness in terms of who you are,
00:06:54 of a beautiful spirit of kindness, of somebody who in their mouth has the ability to be kind and to uplift and to commend and to celebrate.
00:07:03 That's what they're drawn to. You need to be drawn not is it "does he want me, does she want me, does he value me, does she respect me?
00:07:13 Do they really have a bona fide love?" Not "do they want me?" "Want me" is a very lust-based kind of instinct.
00:07:20 But what makes relationship about those base hormonal instincts, they are the values.
00:07:26 It's the respect. It is the honor. It is the culture of what they represent.
00:07:32 It's the strength of resistance and realizing "no, no, no, I got to ride or die chick."
00:07:38 My wife didn't win me with hair and clothes and pocketbooks and shoes.
00:07:43 But I saw a beauty in a spirit. I saw somebody that was genuine. I saw somebody that knew how to honor, how to respect, how to edify, how to build.
00:07:54 I wasn't — it didn't matter if she didn't have any eyelashes at all.
00:07:59 Because in her mouth was the law of kindness.
00:08:04 I saw a kind young girl that was there. Now she was fine and pretty built on to that and her eyes captured me with no makeup on them whatsoever.
00:08:15 You know, that wasn't an attraction to me at all, but the beauty of her spirit shone through.
00:08:21 There was something about this little girl that captured my heart, but something effervesced out of her.
00:08:29 It wasn't what she adorned herself with on the outside. It really was not. It really was not.
00:08:36 It was that she had put on the likeness of Jesus.
00:08:40 It's that her heart was drawn with humility. It's that I would do little things for her and she showed gratitude over the little things.
00:08:51 And that was the thing that began to capture my heart.
00:08:54 It's not the external accoutrements that you put on, because if they like you for all of the stuff that you do, what happens if you lose your job?
00:09:08 Then who are you? But you need somebody that if you get laid off, that will say, "Baby, as gifted as you are, as talented as you are."
00:09:20 I mean, I needed somebody that knew how to build me, because if they know how to build me, they know how to build the children.
00:09:26 They know how to speak life to the children.
00:09:29 It was Pablo Picasso's mother that said to him, she said, "If you get into the monastic order," she said, "you'll wind up the pope."
00:09:39 She said, "If you get into the army," she said, "you'll wind up a general."
00:09:43 But he chose to become a painter and he was Pablo Picasso.
00:09:47 But his mama built a confidence in him that had nothing to do with Louis Vuitton.
00:09:52 That had nothing to do with Gucci.
00:09:54 That had nothing to do with Cartier.
00:09:57 That had nothing to do with Roland.
00:09:58 That had nothing to do with this other stuff, but it was the beauty.
00:10:02 And this is why I'm telling you, you better be drawn to somebody.
00:10:05 You better make sure that they can see into you who you really are and call that thing out.
00:10:12 I'm telling you, there is a king and there's a fool inside of every man.
00:10:16 And whichever one you address is the one that will respond to you.
00:10:22 There's a king, there's a queen and a fool in every woman.
00:10:26 And whichever one you address is the one that will rise to the surface and respond to you.
00:10:33 But it takes somebody you need when you know that you're a beast.
00:10:38 You need to find somebody who's got a three-legged stool and a whip and knows how to tame the beast.
00:10:48 You don't want to be a beast and come home irritated and pick a fight with somebody.
00:10:54 You want somebody that when the lion comes home that knows how to stroke his mane and say,
00:11:00 "Baby, I'm glad that you're here. I'm so glad that you are here. You look amazing.
00:11:07 I admire your strength and your courage."
00:11:10 And you make him where he's ready to go back out into the wilderness and bring something home to you that blesses you like nobody's business.
00:11:19 I mean, you have to be able to know how to tame the beast.
00:11:23 But you don't do that by fighting fire with fire.
00:11:27 It's something that gives them the antithesis of who they are.
00:11:32 That in their loudness, it's a soft answer that turns away wrath.
00:11:37 It's somebody that knows how in their calmness to be able to speak in sweetness.
00:11:44 It is the softness that balances the hardness of the strength.
00:11:51 And that's what you're looking for. It's not the external accoutrements of what you put on.
00:11:58 It is the glory and the beauty of what you let out.
00:12:02 That's what makes a difference in who you are.
00:12:05 But one of the reasons that you have to ask when you begin to see certain proclivities manifesting in your life,
00:12:13 "Why do I keep doing this?"
00:12:15 If you don't ask those source questions like, "Where did this come from?"
00:12:20 If you're not asking those questions as to where this came from,
00:12:25 you'll never be able to have a long-term solution for anything that you're dealing with.
00:12:30 And why is it that we ought to invest some time in asking those questions and seeking those answers
00:12:35 about the source of the issues that we face in our daily life?
00:12:39 It is because if you cannot find the source of the leak, you cannot fix it.
00:12:47 If you got a leak that's happening in your ceiling, if there's a leak that's happening under the sink,
00:12:53 and if you cannot locate the source of the leak, you cannot fix it,
00:12:57 and it will be a matter of time before it floods again.
00:13:00 If you can't find the leak, you can't fix it.
00:13:04 That's why if you don't know the source of why you're doing this,
00:13:08 have you ever been in a relationship and then you said, "All I said was..."
00:13:14 And you said something, and the reaction that you got didn't match the action that you did.
00:13:21 And whenever the reaction is bigger than the action,
00:13:25 it means that the reaction is about something that happened before you got there.
00:13:30 So you got to go back to the source and say, "Hey, hey, hey, hey. Where did this come from?
00:13:36 Where did this come from?"
00:13:38 I mean, in every relationship, when you will see things happening in the children,
00:13:44 that you never taught the children, but you see attitudes, behaviors, stubbornness
00:13:51 that happens in a child's life, and it's like, "I didn't teach you this."
00:13:55 And I've asked myself, "Where did that come from?"
00:13:58 Whenever I can't figure it out, I said, "It must have been my wife's side of the family."
00:14:06 I mean, that's the logical thing to do if you can't understand where it came...
00:14:10 Blame your spouse's side of the family.
00:14:15 There must be a source, though. There must be a source.
00:14:18 You have to identify the source if you're going to fix the leak.
00:14:23 And if you got the same thing that has been bleeding out into relationships,
00:14:27 if you come from a tradition where everybody has divorce, what's caused this?
00:14:31 Start asking the leaking questions.
00:14:34 You started off in love, but where did it all leak out?
00:14:37 And if you can't find the source of the leak, you cannot fix it.
00:14:43 Find it and fix it. Find it and fix it.
00:14:47 That's why you have to go back to the source.
00:14:50 What has caused the source?
00:14:53 What's the source of this affliction?
00:14:55 What is the source of this attitude?
00:14:58 Where did that come from?
00:15:00 What happened back there that's causing the manifestation of that here?
00:15:04 And if I can't find the leak, I can't fix it, and it's going to flood.
00:15:11 It's going to flood. The house is going to flood again.
00:15:13 That's why you got to find the leak.
00:15:16 That's why you have to find it so you can fix it.
00:15:19 And I'm just here to tell you today that it's easier for us to recognize the devil
00:15:26 when he's working in somebody else than to recognize the devil's in our own life.
00:15:31 I mean, it's easy. I mean, you can tell when other people are demonic.
00:15:36 But if something demonic is working through you, we can't recognize it that well.
00:15:40 I mean, the maniac of Gadara in Mark, Chapter five, he's in he's he's living in the cemetery.
00:15:48 You know, you've got to be crazy to be living in a cemetery naked.
00:15:52 You couldn't even keep his clothes on and they would bind him and stuff and he'd break out of them.
00:15:56 He's a lunatic. He's living in the cemetery.
00:16:01 The Bible says among the tombs, the tombs is literally a place of memories.
00:16:07 He had had trauma in his life and he remembered the trauma and the trauma broke him and put him out of his mind.
00:16:13 And now here he's in this place and all of a sudden he encounters Jesus.
00:16:18 And Jesus said, what is your name? And he has so identified with the demonic that was inhabiting him that he responds and calls himself by their name Legion.
00:16:31 The name Legion means a crowd. It means a mob because he had two thousand devils on the inside of him.
00:16:38 So he his identity was established based on who was taking up residency in him.
00:16:45 It's amazing, but Jesus called it out. He went to the source.
00:16:50 He's like, this is not you. This is something that has inhabited you somewhere down the line.
00:16:56 An injury happened. A trauma occurred, an abuse happened, and it changed your personality.
00:17:05 It caused the neuroplasticity in your brain to begin to rewire some things and cause you to behave in a way that's really not you.
00:17:14 Where did this come from? Every time that you get hooked up with another human being and particularly in a sexual way, you open yourself up to spirits.
00:17:29 Spirits that can then become soul ties.
00:17:35 And you can't even break loose and you don't even understand that even though the relationship is crazy and abusive, why do I keep gravitating to it?
00:17:44 Why do I want to go back to that dysfunction? What on the inside of me makes me go back?
00:17:50 I've been in dysfunction so much that I don't feel normal unless I'm in the dysfunction all over again.
00:17:56 Why do I keep going back? And if I get out of this dysfunction relationship, why is it that I've seen that everybody that I hook up with, it's crazy?
00:18:07 That's a source question because it's leaking all over your soul.
00:18:12 And you're standing there in a puddle and don't understand that it didn't come from the sky.
00:18:20 But you're standing in a puddle because you're hooked up in a soul tie of something that's been leaking all over you.
00:18:29 And you want the sunshine, but you with somebody who keeps on causing it to rain on your parade.
00:18:38 How did I get here? Where did this come from? What on the inside of me?
00:18:43 And this is why I say that if you are not careful and submitted to the Holy Spirit, your attractions will become your addictions.
00:18:52 Your diversions will become your distraction. Your enjoyments will become your enemies.
00:18:58 Your fun will cause your frustration. Your habits will become your habitation and your infatuations will become your infestations.
00:19:08 You'll be infatuated with somebody that's got demons and all of a sudden now you are infested, infested with the demonic.
00:19:15 Your attractions can become your addiction. You don't know why you've been drawn to this.
00:19:18 You can keep gazing, you over there tapping into his social media all the time, seeing what he's doing, who's he talking to now?
00:19:25 Your attraction has become your addiction.
00:19:29 You're not careful and submitted to the Holy Spirit.
00:19:33 But we're called to be a blessed people.
00:19:36 It was Balak, the leader of his land and people, and he realized that the people of God were nothing to sneeze at.
00:19:45 And so he hires a prophet by the name of Balaam to come and curse the children of Israel.
00:19:52 And not only did he did he hire him to do that, he said, man, I'm going to pay you so much money you'll never have to work another day in your life.
00:19:58 I mean, this man sweetened the deal. He says, if you will curse these people for me, he said, I'm going to give you more than you'll ever be able to spend in a lifetime.
00:20:05 He promised him blessings to curse God's people.
00:20:10 And I want you to see how this prophet Balaam responded to him in Numbers, chapter 23, verse eight, and then verse 19 to 21.
00:20:17 He said, how shall I curse whom God has not cursed? How shall I defy whom God has not defied?
00:20:24 He says, God is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent.
00:20:28 Hath he said it and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good?
00:20:35 He says, behold, I have received commandment to bless and he hath blessed and I cannot reverse it.
00:20:43 He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither has he seen perverseness in Israel.
00:20:49 The Lord, his God is with him and the shout of a king is among them.
00:20:54 He says, listen, I know you're paying me to bless them, to curse them, but I can't, I can't curse them because God has blessed them.
00:21:01 And what God has blessed, I have no power to curse. The curse shall not causeless come.
00:21:06 They haven't done anything to cause the curse. That's why the devil will trip you up in sin to get you to curse yourself.
00:21:16 He said it in Numbers chapter 23 and verse 23, he says, no curse can touch Jacob.
00:21:22 No magic has any power against Israel for now.
00:21:25 It will be said of Jacob, the wonders of God has done for Israel.
00:21:31 Says you can't, you cannot curse what God has blessed.
00:21:36 You cannot curse what God has blessed.
00:21:39 But you see, it is interesting that the devil does not have to create new tactics because all of his old tactics still work.
00:21:49 I mean, he gets the same generation, you know, the same thing that caused you to fall in sexual sin.
00:21:54 It'll hit your children. You don't have to come up with a new scheme.
00:21:58 It's the same. It's running on the same track. It's running on the same track.
00:22:03 And so though he couldn't get Balaam to curse them, he says, I got an idea.
00:22:11 I know what I can do. I can't curse them, but I can lead them into a situation that'll make it hard for them not to curse themselves.
00:22:19 So in Numbers chapter 25, you'll discover that the children of Israel.
00:22:26 They start having sexual relationships with Moabite women who were pagan women that worship false gods.
00:22:34 And while they were in the bed, these women start doing pillow talk with him.
00:22:38 Hey, baby, I need you to come over to my church because, you know, you know, I want you to see how we do it.
00:22:46 And so after they finish their relationships and connecting the soul ties, now these men go to church with them.
00:22:55 And they participate in pagan worshiping in an offering of sacrifices to idol gods.
00:23:04 And the anger of the Lord was kindled among them, and it caused a plague to come.
00:23:09 And God struck down 24,000 of them.
00:23:15 While a prophet could not curse them, their own unrestrained appetites cursed them
00:23:23 because they were in defiance and rebellion against their God, and they cursed themselves.
00:23:30 And so a curse, a plague came on them that killed 24,000 of them.
00:23:34 But the plague, remember, the curse shall not causeless come.
00:23:40 They knew why they died. They knew why they died.
00:23:45 There was a cause to it. And when one man, he went in and he says, I've got to do something to appease God,
00:23:52 to let him know that we are sorry for what we have done.
00:23:54 And he went in and caught a man in the act with a woman, and he put an awl and nailed both of them.
00:24:01 And it shows you the danger. The woman died because she was attached to a man who was out of order.
00:24:08 And when you attach your life to somebody who is out of order, you can get killed in the process.
00:24:17 It is amazing. If you just go back and read the story, that's your reading assignment for the week.
00:24:23 Numbers chapter 25, verses 1 through 8. Numbers 25, verses 1 through 8.
00:24:29 You'll see how they got cursed and what God did with them and where that led them with the plague
00:24:35 and how they got the plague stopped because one of them took it upon himself to kill some accused,
00:24:42 the people that were a portal for this demonic to continue to flow.
00:24:47 But sometimes God will just give you the things that you ask for and then make you start hating it.
00:24:55 It's crazy. The very thing that you ask God for will now be a thorn in your side.
00:25:00 You ask him for the business and that business is stressing you out.
00:25:04 You ask him for the man, you ask him for the woman, and now you're fighting with him.
00:25:08 You ask for the house and that house is leaking and got electrical problems.
00:25:13 You know, whatever you get, it'll make you happy for a minute and then all of a sudden,
00:25:18 the very thing that makes you happy, something is built into you that it'll make you sad.
00:25:23 It's just it's just built in. It's just the way it is. It was like this before I got here.
00:25:29 I'm just telling you about it. But notice Psalm 106, verse 9 through 15.
00:25:35 God is rehearsing what he had done for them. He said he commanded the Red Sea to dry up
00:25:39 and he led Israel across the sea as if it were a desert.
00:25:42 So he rescued them from their enemies and he redeemed them from their foes.
00:25:46 And then the water returned and covered the enemies. Not one of them survived.
00:25:50 Then his people believed his promises and and then they sang his praise.
00:25:55 And but then notice this. God did the greatest miracle in delivering them.
00:25:58 But notice verse 13, yet how quickly they forgot what he had done. Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done.
00:26:07 You bless people, you do things. I'm telling you, people will forget all of the good.
00:26:11 They will try to cancel you in a heartbeat over anything. Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done.
00:26:20 And they wouldn't wait for his counsel. In the wilderness, their desires ran wild.
00:26:25 Sound familiar? Testing God's patient in that dry wasteland.
00:26:29 And so he gave them what they asked for, but he sent a plague along with it.
00:26:34 He gave them what they asked for, but he sent a plague along with it.
00:26:38 He gave them what they asked for. You want him? You want her?
00:26:44 You don't know what's coming along with that. You better you better be careful what you ask for.
00:26:49 The King James Version says that he gave them their requests, but he sent leanness into their soul.
00:26:56 He gave them their requests, but he sent leanness into their soul.
00:27:02 God gave them what they wanted, but they lost what they needed.
00:27:07 They lost it. He gave it, but they lost it.
00:27:10 And here now they were physically full, but spiritually and emotionally starving and empty.
00:27:17 It's amazing. It's absolutely amazing.
00:27:22 God may give us what we ask for when we continually insist on having our way,
00:27:29 even if it's not good for us spiritually. And I really have wondered, like,
00:27:34 God, why would you give us stuff that you know is going to be detrimental for us?
00:27:38 You know, they just keep incessantly just knocking on the door, asking, asking,
00:27:44 and then God says, "Go ahead, have your way. You want her?
00:27:48 You don't know what's all behind the curtain. You go in there and then now you say, 'OK, now.'"
00:27:54 I think that he allows us to do that because he knows in that mistake is a lesson
00:28:01 that will teach us and then drive us back to the center of God's will.
00:28:05 See, that's what he'll do. He'll let you go and do all of this crazy stuff
00:28:10 only to find out that he was right all along. But now it's like, "Lord, you were right."
00:28:19 But the lesson that you learn drives you back to his will.
00:28:23 See, he knows he's not going to lose us. You know, you're growing and everything,
00:28:27 go on out there. And now you've got to work and leave the lights on and have to pay your own light bill.
00:28:35 And, you know, and waste your gas in your car. And now when you get out there,
00:28:40 now you'll understand and have a different appreciation for what you had.
00:28:45 You'll come back with a different level of humility. You say, "Lord, OK, I mean, I get it now.
00:28:53 I get it." When the prodigal finally comes home, oh, he understands.
00:28:56 When he was broke, busted, and disgusting, now he understands. Now he understands.
00:29:02 But just because God permits something does not mean that he ordains it.
00:29:07 He'll permit us to do something because he's given us free will.
00:29:11 So he'll allow us to do some things, even that's not in his will,
00:29:15 but he knows it will teach us a lesson that will bring us back to his will.
00:29:18 But here's my resolve, that if God is not in it, we should not be with it.
00:29:24 If God is not in it, we should not be with it.
00:29:28 If God is not in it, we should not be with it. If God is not in the marriage, we shouldn't be with it.
00:29:34 If God is not in the job opportunity, we should not be with it.
00:29:38 I mean, whatever it is, if God is not in it, we should not be with it.
00:29:45 It was the Apostle Paul that diagnosed the people's sin very, very clearly.
00:29:53 There was sin in the hearts of the people, and this is the church at Rome.
00:30:00 The Roman Empire was preeminent at this time in history.
00:30:05 And this is the church at Rome, the Roman Empire.
00:30:09 And they were politically corrupt, the same way that we have corruption in our politics.
00:30:16 I mean, it's humanity. It's humanity. It's in every government around the globe.
00:30:24 It's in every government around the globe. You find corruption because you find flawed human beings.
00:30:33 But he begins to do an autopsy on the body that sin has now killed.
00:30:43 And he tells you what caused them to be in that condition. Romans chapter 1, verse 24 and 25. Notice this.
00:30:50 This is why God lifted off his restraining hand. You really don't want the restraining hand of God lifted off of your life.
00:30:58 You don't know what all God is protecting you from. But if God ever lifts his hand off of your life, all hell is going to break loose.
00:31:04 But this is why God lifted off his restraining hand and he let them have full expression of their sinful and shameful desires.
00:31:13 They were given over to moral depravity, dishonoring their bodies by sexual perversion among themselves.
00:31:21 Notice what he began to say, "And all because they traded the truth of God for a lie." There it is.
00:31:30 He says all of this happened because they traded the truth of God. They traded the truth for a lie.
00:31:37 And they worship and serve the things that God made rather than the God who made all things.
00:31:44 Glory and praise to him forever and ever. Amen. He's saying, "Listen, they traded truth of God's word for their own truth."
00:31:54 You ever heard the expression, "I'm living my truth. I'mma do me, boo. You do you, boo."
00:32:02 And you trade his truth for your own truth. There is a way that seems right to a person in their own eyes,
00:32:10 but the end thereof is destruction and hell and death and sorrow and regret and pain and fear.
00:32:22 And he says they changed the truth of God's word, the truth of God into a lie.
00:32:29 You ever heard this expression, "Love is love"? The Bible says God is love.
00:32:35 So you take God out of it and you think that you can still have unadulterated love?
00:32:41 And you've changed the truth? I didn't write the book. I read the book.
00:32:51 I believe the book.
00:32:57 It is interesting that one of the reasons that God sent a curse among the children of Israel, I mean, you're talking about holy people.
00:33:04 These are God's chosen people. I mean, when you're a parent, just because you're a parent and because you save, it doesn't mean that your children are always good.
00:33:13 Good parents still have to discipline their children. God is a good father, but he got some crazy children.
00:33:22 Thank God for his goodness. Thank God for his mercy. Thank God for his love. Thank God. Thank God.
00:33:32 But God had done everything for them and notice, and you know what happened?
00:33:36 Serpents started coming among the people and biting them and they start dying.
00:33:45 You cannot prescribe a cure until you can first diagnose the problem.
00:33:52 If you can't find the leak, you can't fix it.
00:33:56 That was some people that had covered before we knew what COVID was and they went to the hospital and they give you stuff for the flu and some other little body aches and stuff because they didn't know how to diagnose it.
00:34:07 And if you can't diagnose it, you can't even work on a treatment or cure for it.
00:34:15 And so here they have the people were dying from snakes that were biting them and they were dying.
00:34:20 They were dying by the thousands. And they didn't know why.
00:34:26 They didn't know why. But the curse shall not cause this calm. That was the reason they were dying.
00:34:31 And let me just tell you this. Those serpents represented demonic spirits.
00:34:35 We have more infiltration of the demonic in our world today because we have opened up so many portals.
00:34:43 In fact, we carry the portals around in our pockets, in our pocketbooks, in a digital device that gives us a window into all type of craziness, demonic language, demonic behavior, demonic pornography.
00:34:57 It's available 24/7. We've got more.
00:35:01 We're going to deal with an epidemic of demon spirits that have infiltrated even not just the world, but they've also seeped into the church.
00:35:15 The church knows the same vulgar songs that the world knows. The church can finish off their vulgarity.
00:35:21 We know that their craziness. We see their vileness and their corruption.
00:35:26 And here we are and wondering what's wrong. Why, God, are these serpentine things among us today? Why?
00:35:36 Here's what the prophet of the Lord said in Numbers chapter 25.
00:35:40 They began to speak against God and Moses. They spoke against God and his leadership.
00:35:46 He says, "Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die here in the wilderness?" They complained.
00:35:51 "There's nothing to eat here and nothing to drink and we hate this horrible manner."
00:35:59 You're talking about people who were slaves, who didn't have a pot nor a window.
00:36:09 Can we talk?
00:36:12 They didn't have a pot nor a window and God says, "I'm opening up Heaven's bakery and I'm going to rain down food that you don't have to go out and buy."
00:36:23 I meant, "I'm canceling your grocery bill for the month. Figure out how much you spend at the grocery store and at Eat Now."
00:36:30 He says, "I'm canceling your grocery bill."
00:36:32 Not only that, the Bible says that when they came out of Egypt and went into the Promised Land, there were nearly two million people, three million people that came out.
00:36:40 The Bible says that there was not one feeble one. The original word in the Hebrew is "not one sick one" was among them.
00:36:47 So whatever that was in that bread, it was the healthiest bread that they had ever seen.
00:36:51 There was no sickness, there was no arthritis in the elderly folks that were there.
00:36:56 There was absolutely no high blood pressure.
00:36:59 They didn't have any, any sugar issues.
00:37:02 They didn't have any dementia.
00:37:04 I meant they didn't have any cancer.
00:37:06 They didn't have any tumors.
00:37:07 I'm just here to tell you, they were healthy and now they've got the unmitigated gall that when they were getting free food and medicine built into their food to complain against God.
00:37:19 Said, "We are sick and tired of this stuff that you're sending."
00:37:22 They didn't have sin.
00:37:23 God said, "Listen, that's it with you. I'm sending serpents. You don't want to live according to me. I got something that'll help you to die."
00:37:31 After all that he did for them, and there they were complaining, complaining, instead of thanking God.
00:37:44 They said, "Lord, I thank you for raining this down. I don't even have to worry about it. That it's coming down. It's gonna — I don't have to worry.
00:37:50 When I get up in the morning, I know my meal is gonna be out there to be able to feed me and everybody in my household. It's coming down."
00:37:57 And let me just tell you, what he did on — right before the Sabbath, they couldn't collect it on the Sabbath, so the day before the Sabbath, it was on the sixth day.
00:38:08 The day before the Sabbath on Friday, he sent a double portion.
00:38:12 He said, "I'm sending enough today to feed you tomorrow."
00:38:15 He said, "You're not authorized to go and pick anything up tomorrow, but I'm giving you a double portion today.
00:38:21 May I tell you prophetically in the name of Jesus, we are in the sixth day of God."
00:38:28 We are. Yes, yes, yes, yes, we are. We are in the sixth day. We are in the sixth day. We are in the sixth day.
00:38:35 God is raining down a double portion. You better get your baskets ready. You better get your eyes open.
00:38:41 You better get your heart open, because blessings are getting ready to abound toward the people of God.
00:38:46 You're talking about blessing the city and blessing the field and blessing your basket in the store.
00:38:52 I'm talking about raises and increase, bonuses, commissions, rebates, dividends, gifts and inheritance, surprise checks in the mail.
00:39:01 I declare in the name of Jesus, we are in the sixth day.
00:39:06 I think that we ought to tell Him, "Thank you."
00:39:08 I think that we ought to bless the Lord.
00:39:10 I think that we ought to give Him glory and worship Him and honor Him and to declare the sovereignty of a God who takes care of His people because He loves us.
00:39:21 [applause]
00:39:35 Glory to God!
00:39:41 [music]
00:40:08 This is a day, this is a day now where two names of God ought to be remembered.
00:40:12 It is a name, Ebenezer. Ebenezer means "thus far the Lord has helped."
00:40:17 Thus far the Lord has helped. He's our Ebenezer. Thus far the Lord has helped.
00:40:23 That everything up to this point, God has been faithful. God has been faithful. He's brought you out of everything that could have pushed you down.
00:40:30 He's been merciful to you. He's been graceful. He's our Ebenezer. Thus far the Lord has helped.
00:40:37 He's fed you. He's clothed you. He's educated you. He's brought you out. He's put His grace over you. He's put His mercy over you.
00:40:47 Not only you, but your children and your children's children. He's our Ebenezer. He's our Ebenezer. He's our Ebenezer.
00:40:56 Thus far the Lord has helped. Up to this point, He's helped us. He's helped us. He has helped us.
00:41:06 That's one name, Ebenezer, but the second name is Jehovah-Jireh. The Lord will provide.
00:41:12 That where you're going, He's got provision for you. Where—in your tomorrow, He'll be there to take care of you.
00:41:20 Not only has He blessed us yesterday, tomorrow He says, "I got you." Next week, "I got you." Next month, "I got you."
00:41:30 Next year, "I got you." He will provide. I'll provide for that new business. I'll provide for that new opportunity.
00:41:39 I'll provide for that new foundation. I'll provide for that new endeavor. I will provide for the book.
00:41:47 I'll provide. I'll provide for the daycare. I'll provide for the lawn service and the cleaning service.
00:41:55 I'll provide for the movie script. I will provide. I will provide. I will provide.
00:42:12 He's my Ebenezer. He's my Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who will provide. God will provide.
00:42:19 You have a child and you don't wonder, "Lord, how am I going to make it?" He will provide.
00:42:23 When I need it, it'll be there. He will send it as He sent the manna. He will send whatever you need.
00:42:30 God is a provider. He's got a track record. He has been already Ebenezer. He's helped me up to this point.
00:42:39 He's been faithful up to this point. He brought me through up to this point.
00:42:44 But don't you think that God is finished? God is not. The best is yet to come. The best is yet to come.
00:43:11 If your life is under a curse, here's the final thing that I would say to you in Job chapter 22, in verse 21 through 23.
00:43:21 If your life is under a curse, here's what the Word of the Lord says, it's the last verse.
00:43:25 "Submit to God and you will have peace." Submit to God and you will have peace.
00:43:32 You'll have this shalom. Shalom, this peace is not just quiet.
00:43:37 It is the favor of God. It is protection. It is blessing.
00:43:42 Submit to God and you will have peace and then things will go well for you.
00:43:48 If you've been out of order, submit to God and you'll have peace and then things will go well for you.
00:43:54 This is a prophetic promise. I asked God for a verse and this is what He brought into my spirit.
00:43:59 Submit to God. I didn't search for this. Submit to God and you will have peace and then things will go well for you.
00:44:06 Listen to His instruction and store them in your heart. Store them in your heart.
00:44:14 And if you return to the Almighty, you will be restored. So clean up your life.
00:44:21 That's the Word of the Lord. That is the Word of the Lord.
00:44:24 You submit to God and you'll have peace and things will go well for you.
00:44:28 When you surrender to Him, when you submit to Him, your real power is in your submitting to God.
00:44:33 It is submitting to God to say, "Lord, not my way, but Thy will be done."
00:44:38 It's coming to that place in your Gethsemane, in your own brokenness of where you throw yourself on the rock and say,
00:44:43 "Lord, I submit to You. I submit to You." God says you'll have peace if you'll do that.
00:44:48 If you'll submit to Me, He said, you will have peace and things will go well for you.
00:44:53 No matter what demonically has been charging your life and filtrating you.
00:45:00 He said, "If you'll just submit to Me."
00:45:03 If you'll submit in your heart, if you'll submit in your thoughts, if you'll submit in your will to say,
00:45:08 "Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done."
00:45:11 If you'll give Him your business and say, "Lord, whatever you want to do through this business of mine,
00:45:17 however I can serve you, however I can make your name great, God, You do it.
00:45:23 I submit my business to You. I submit my position to You, my authority to You, my influence to You, Jesus.
00:45:33 Lord, I give You my children. Use my family for Your glory."
00:45:38 God is looking for people that will take everything that is under your leadership and under your jurisdiction and submit it to God.
00:45:48 Submit it to God.
00:45:49 When you submit it to God, you bring protection, divine protection over everything that you have.
00:45:56 People will try to sue you, it'll be like that oil that'll make your way, you can't touch it.
00:46:04 "Where the curse shall not cause less calm."
00:46:06 That nobody can curse what God has blessed.
00:46:10 "Mas ki broj ki lefas."
00:46:13 The Lord is raising up now, I heard this in the Spirit,
00:46:18 those who will reverse the curse for their families.
00:46:24 And the sins of your fathers and the sins of your mothers are things that have plagued you for generations.
00:46:29 He said, "I only need one person in every household, one in every family, that will draw a bloodline and say, 'It stops here.'"
00:46:38 "Pasikili mundus."
00:46:40 "It stops here. It stops here."
00:46:43 You better stop it for your son and your daughter. You make a sacrifice, you stop the curse.
00:46:48 You stop the curse. You stop the curse. You stop the curse.
00:46:52 You stop the curse of divorce. You stop the curse of depression.
00:46:56 You stop the curse of cancer. You stop the curse.
00:47:02 All He needs is just one lamb from every family.
00:47:10 To be that sacrificial lamb to say, "God, whatever you can do, God, use my family for your glory."
00:47:15 "Use my marriage for your glory, Lord."
00:47:19 "Use my business, use my idea, Lord, use my podcast."
00:47:24 "Use my social media for your glory, for your glory."
00:47:27 "Not for me, Jesus, but Lord, whatever influence that you allow me to garner, may it be for your glory."
00:47:36 "May it be for your glory, may it be for your glory, may it be for another generation."
00:47:41 "Live for something that's bigger than you, may it be for my city, may it be for my county."
00:47:47 I'm just telling you, we've got to do it. Our children need us.
00:47:53 They need curse breakers.
00:47:58 That'll repent and submit themselves to God.
00:48:01 Submit whatever's under your leadership.
00:48:04 Submit your ideas, submit your business plan.
00:48:08 Submit your script. Say, "Lord, I give you full editorial right."
00:48:16 "Whatever needs to be corrected, deleted, or added to it, pour it into me, God."
00:48:22 "Snatch it out of me, God. I give you full right, I give you full right."
00:48:27 "Because what God has given you is for His glory."
00:48:30 "It's not for you, it's for His glory. He's going to use you as an instrument."
00:48:34 He just needed somebody. He needed somebody.
00:48:38 And he said, "If you submit to God, it'll go well with you."
00:48:41 [Speaking in tongues]
00:48:44 "It will go well, it will go well, it will go well with you if you'll submit it to God."
00:48:52 This job, this business, this plan, this organization, this foundation, this position, this title that you carry.
00:49:02 Submit it to Him. You ask God to get the glory out of it.
00:49:08 Your children are dependent upon the decision that you can make in your own heart.
00:49:13 Your grandchildren.
00:49:17 My mother and father prayed, "God, use our family, use our whole family."
00:49:22 [Speaking in tongues]
00:49:24 He's looking for people today that will say, "God, use our family for your glory."
00:49:30 "For your glory."
00:49:32 The families, when God called Abraham, He said, "Abraham, through you, Abraham, shall all of the families of the earth be blessed."
00:49:41 The families, the families, the families, the families.
00:49:46 We have dealt with generational curses long enough.
00:49:49 Alcohol, drug addiction, in and out of prison.
00:49:55 [Speaking in tongues]
00:49:57 It's time now in the name of Jesus to draw a bloodline, a bloodline.
00:50:02 Criminal activity, gangs, in the name of Jesus.
00:50:07 In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
00:50:10 He needs warring intercessors that would submit, submit it to God, submit it to God, submit it to God.
00:50:16 And God said, "I'll give you peace, you'll be able to sleep at night."
00:50:19 "I'll give you sleep to your mind, I'll give peace, peace to your mind, I'll give peace to your mind, and it'll go well with you."
00:50:28 [Speaking in tongues]
00:50:32 What's been plaguing your life in the name of Jesus.
00:50:37 May God by His power, may God by the authority of the Holy Ghost, all that He needed was somebody to say yes.
00:50:45 He's looking, the ears of the Lord are open to a yes from the earth.
00:50:49 He's just looking for somebody to say, "Yes Lord, yes Lord, I submit to You, Your will, Your way, Your timing."
00:50:58 "Oh God, I submit to You, Your will, yes to Your will, yes to Your way, yes to Your timing."
00:51:06 You give it to Him over every area that you have leadership, in your department, in your school where you are, in that district where you are.
00:51:16 Submit it to Him, submit it to Him, submit it to Him, submit it to Him.
00:51:21 If you're in the neighborhood, you're to be a spiritual light set up on a hill.
00:51:28 And use spiritual authority to be able to bring down drug lords.
00:51:33 And selling drugs in your neighborhood and destroying the lives and causing addictions.
00:51:38 All that He needs.
00:51:41 Don't you dare ever underestimate the power of a praying person.
00:51:46 The prayers of the righteous avail much.
00:51:59 And all that I can tell you,
00:52:09 I heard the Lord said that His ears are attuned and He's looking once again in the earth for the sound of wailing women.
00:52:17 Women who will not cry over their own selfish needs, but who once again will cry over something that they have birthed, something that they direct, something that they oversee.
00:52:27 He's looking for the sound of wailing women.
00:52:31 And if they will wail and submit it back to God, then the very thing that they have been laboring over will not break your heart.
00:52:41 Wailing women, wailing women that will pray until yokes are broken.
00:52:46 Wailing women that will pray until the addictions drop off.
00:52:50 Wailing women that will pray until they will come back into their proper identity in the name of Jesus.
00:52:55 Wailing women, He's looking for wailing women that will be tenacious and say, "Lord, that's not the son that you promised to me.
00:53:02 That's not the daughter that you promised to me."
00:53:05 And to lay your family on the altar in the name of Jesus.
00:53:08 To come back to an old-fashioned thing, to where you lay your family on the altar in the name of Jesus and begin to plead the blood, plead the blood, plead the blood, plead the blood,
00:53:20 over everything in your household, over your brothers and your sisters, your nieces and your nephews, your sons and your daughters, your grandchildren.
00:53:30 The curse shall not causeless come.
00:53:38 But as we submit to Him, God will undo, outdo, and overdo everything that the devil has tried to do against your family.
00:53:47 There's a war against the family. There's a war against marriages. There is a war going on.
00:53:54 Submit to the Lord Jesus.
00:53:59 And you will have peace.
00:54:04 You'll have peace.
00:54:07 You'll have a peace that passes all understanding.
00:54:10 And God will let that peace come with the blessed assurance that everything is going to be alright.
00:54:16 There are things that happen in the realm of the Spirit that you can't even explain with words, but somehow you know down in your noire that God has seen your tears.
00:54:26 That He's felt the affliction that is in your heart.
00:54:30 That He sees.
00:54:32 You take the very thing that has burdened you and submit it. That's what we do to the altar.
00:54:37 We submit it to Him.
00:54:39 And say, "Lord, it's yours. I give it to you.
00:54:43 Direct it however you want to direct it.
00:54:46 Whatever you want to do with it, thy will be done.
00:54:49 Not mine, but yours.
00:54:51 Thy will be done.
00:54:53 Thy kingdom come.
00:54:55 Thy will be done. Thy kingdom come.
00:54:58 Thy will be done.
00:55:00 Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven in the name of Jesus.
00:55:05 (congregation singing)
00:55:15 If you're really serious, becambage, cameb.
00:55:19 (speaking in tongues)
00:55:27 If you are indeed serious about walking in your maturity in relationship with God,
00:55:34 you must employ a discipline.
00:55:37 Number one, there must be a practice of your faith, number two.
00:55:44 And there must be accountability, number three.
00:55:49 If you will walk in these three, safety, protection will be yours.
00:55:58 And a shift will come.
00:56:01 Light will enter.
00:56:04 And peace will cause the confusion to dissipate.
00:56:10 And glory will fill your places, says the Lord.
00:56:17 Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
00:56:21 Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
00:56:25 Hallelujah.
00:56:27 Hallelujah.
00:56:28 He's going to break sickness. He's getting ready.
00:56:30 I'm telling you, I'm seeing stuff falling off and sickness going back to its place.
00:56:37 (speaking in tongues)
00:56:44 And God will cause you to stand in the, right in the presence of enemies who were hoping that you would fall.
00:56:57 He is able to make you to stand.
00:57:01 No matter how many times you've fallen and slipped by the wayside,
00:57:05 He is faithful and able to make you to stand.
00:57:18 (speaking in tongues)
00:57:26 The Lord reminds us that faith comes through the ears and doubt comes through the eyes.
00:57:33 It's not what it looks like.
00:57:36 Pay no attention to what you see for a season, but follow what I've spoken to you by my word.
00:57:45 And strength will come unto your soul and you will see a deliverance rise in your life in brand new measures,
00:57:53 said the Holy Ghost.
00:57:56 Hallelujah to the Lamb. Hallelujah.
00:57:58 Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
00:58:00 Glory, glory, glory. Glory, glory, glory. Glory.
00:58:06 Stretch our hands out to all of these folks that are right here at the altar.
00:58:09 Today we stretch our hands in the name of Jesus in us divine surrender.
00:58:14 Lord, we surrender ourselves to you. We submit ourselves. We submit our will.
00:58:19 We submit our personal desire. We submit our dreams and our ambitions.
00:58:23 Lord, we submit it. We submit it to you in the name of Jesus.
00:58:27 And God, we give you full permission to move in us and through us and among us.
00:58:31 Take out of us, God, everything that is unlike you.
00:58:34 Lord, we submit everything that we have built, that we have created, that we have written, that we have designed.
00:58:40 We submit it to you.
00:58:42 We give you full privilege to be able to be the master, the editor in chief.
00:58:48 To edit, to add to, to correct and to subtract as you see fit in our life.
00:58:54 To be able to make it according to your will.
00:58:56 And that will be pleasing to you, dear Lord Jesus.
00:58:59 We submit the works of our hands, the ideas of our minds, the creativity of our hearts.
00:59:06 We submit it to you today, God, that everything that you have commissioned us and blessed us to be able to birth,
00:59:13 we submit it to you in the name of Jesus today.
00:59:16 Now breathe on it, God.
00:59:18 So that we can have peace, just to turn it over to you, Jesus.
00:59:22 So we can have peace and that it may be well with us, God.
00:59:25 I speak in the name of Jesus of the peace of God, the shalom of the Holy Spirit flowing in and among your people.
00:59:33 Lord, do miraculous signs and wonders in families.
00:59:38 In the name of Jesus.
00:59:40 Suck out of your people
00:59:43 cravings for things that have been addictive in their life.
00:59:48 Just break it, epaskotomos, at its core.
00:59:53 Sapa rokoskete, snap it off from the roots.
00:59:58 Everything that our Father has not planted shall be uprooted.
01:00:05 Epaskotomos, fratikilimonso, trust him, trust him, trust him.
01:00:12 And see what God will do.
01:00:15 This is a new season.
01:00:19 This is a new season.
01:00:23 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.
01:00:28 And all flesh shall see it together.
01:00:31 For the mouth of the Lord had spoken it.
01:00:35 Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
01:00:38 Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
01:00:45 Go in peace and may the blessings of God rest upon you.
01:00:48 We'll see you on Thursday night.
01:00:50 We hope that you enjoyed that message.
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01:01:04 Thank you for what you do.
