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00:00:00 (Bishop Del Brodder speaking)
00:00:29 Coming from Ephesians chapter 4
00:00:31 Beginning with verse 30 through 32 in the New Living Translation
00:00:37 Notice there these words
00:00:39 And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live
00:00:46 Remember He has identified you as His own
00:00:50 Guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption
00:00:54 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander
00:01:01 As well as all types of evil behavior
00:01:04 Instead be kind to each other
00:01:07 Tender hearted, forgiving one another
00:01:10 Just as God through Christ has forgiven you
00:01:15 I'm speaking to you today from the subject "The New Oil"
00:01:19 The New Oil
00:01:22 Oil is a sign of our wealth
00:01:24 But and what makes something of extreme value to us is its scarcity
00:01:30 And today the world has become a mean spirited world
00:01:37 A dog eat dog world
00:01:40 A do unto others before they do unto you kind of world
00:01:44 And it does not represent the way of Jesus Christ
00:01:50 And here the Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus
00:01:53 Reminding them that this is the way that Christians ought to behave
00:01:59 He as a spiritual father to this church is bringing correction
00:02:04 To the character that Christians are to have
00:02:08 It's a problem when you become so indistinguishable in the culture
00:02:14 That you can't tell who's a Christ follower and who is not
00:02:19 When the behavior is the same and there is mean spiritedness
00:02:23 And harshness coming from the church
00:02:27 As it is from the world
00:02:29 We know they don't know any better but we know Christ
00:02:33 And this is why he's saying don't grieve the Holy Spirit
00:02:37 Don't bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit
00:02:41 He said live with some values
00:02:43 So it's just we're talking about the New Oil
00:02:47 Which is kindness
00:02:49 Just being able to be kind to other individuals
00:02:54 Remember you will not be remembered for how much you saved
00:03:01 But how much you gave
00:03:03 You're not going to be remembered for the dollars you made
00:03:07 But for the difference you made
00:03:09 So we are here in the earth to be able to be a representation
00:03:14 Of Jesus the Christ
00:03:17 And one of the good things is that
00:03:20 It is true that you reap what you sow
00:03:24 And this is why Matthew chapter 5 and verse 7 says
00:03:28 "Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy"
00:03:34 Another word for mercy is kindness
00:03:37 Because kindness is mercy and mercy is kindness
00:03:41 So you can actually substitute it and say
00:03:44 "Blessed are the kind for they shall be shown kindness"
00:03:49 And if you ever need kindness shown to you
00:03:52 Be kind to someone else
00:03:54 And sometimes the kindness that is extended to you
00:03:58 Actually may not come directly back to you
00:04:01 But it will come to your children
00:04:03 It will come to your grandchildren
00:04:05 Sometimes you get blessed because somebody before you was kind to someone else
00:04:09 And the blessing will continue
00:04:11 But kindness is mercy
00:04:14 Whenever you see the word mercy in scripture
00:04:17 You can actually substitute the word
00:04:19 Because it is often translated as well as loving kindness
00:04:24 It's hard to be kind to people that you don't love
00:04:27 That's why we have a command
00:04:30 Because love is a decision not an emotion
00:04:33 We are commanded to love your neighbor as you love yourself
00:04:38 We are commanded to love other people
00:04:40 So it is the new kindness because the world is so mean
00:04:43 They are so critical
00:04:45 They will criticize you
00:04:46 They will shame you
00:04:48 They will try to cancel you
00:04:50 They will spread gossip and slander about you
00:04:54 And go home and go to sleep and never think anything else about it
00:04:58 They will say all manner of evil against you
00:05:00 They will work against you
00:05:02 They will cheat on you and cheat with what belongs to you
00:05:06 And think nothing about it
00:05:08 Because the world has become that kind of place
00:05:11 But we are called to be different
00:05:13 We are called to be difference makers
00:05:16 And you ought to live here in this world
00:05:21 With this kind of mindset that
00:05:24 I want to make my presence
00:05:27 Allow my presence to make an impact
00:05:30 So that my absence can be felt
00:05:33 I mean if your presence doesn't make a difference
00:05:38 Neither will your absence
00:05:40 So you need to
00:05:42 I mean when you
00:05:44 If you're going to be here
00:05:46 You may as well leave some signs
00:05:48 Some good signs that you were here
00:05:50 So I like to think of it in this way
00:05:53 Because when I was a little boy growing up
00:05:55 And the name Brawner means dweller by the water
00:06:00 I've been by the water a long time
00:06:03 I grew up and we had a house on Savannah Beach
00:06:06 And so I spent a good amount of time there
00:06:09 And the beaches of Florida as well
00:06:12 And so I get refreshed
00:06:14 My soul gets restored
00:06:16 He leads me beside the still waters and restores my soul
00:06:19 And every time that I was there
00:06:21 I would always find rocks
00:06:23 And love doing that sort of horizontal kind of skipping
00:06:27 Of whether the rock would hit the wall
00:06:29 That was before you know we had electronic toys
00:06:33 We had to entertain ourselves out in nature
00:06:37 And if you had a rock in some water
00:06:39 You know you had a game
00:06:41 And you could see how many times your rock could hit
00:06:44 And skip on the water
00:06:46 And finally it would plunge in
00:06:47 And wherever the rock would actually go in
00:06:50 And disappear
00:06:52 It would then create ripples
00:06:54 Somebody say ripples
00:06:56 Your life ought to make ripples
00:06:59 So that when you die
00:07:02 And your rock goes under the water
00:07:04 And nobody sees you anymore
00:07:06 That the impact of your life still is rippling out
00:07:10 In the people that you made a difference to
00:07:12 It ought to ripple to neighbors
00:07:14 It ought to ripple to children and grandchildren
00:07:16 And nieces and nephew
00:07:18 And I'm telling you if your presence does not make an impact
00:07:21 Your absence won't make a difference
00:07:24 So you need to allow yourself to make ripples
00:07:28 That they ought to remember your smile
00:07:30 They ought to remember that you always had an encouraging word
00:07:33 You ought to have a ripple
00:07:34 You ought to be missed when you leave
00:07:37 If you make a difference in the life of anybody
00:07:42 It's a ripple effect
00:07:44 That though the rock goes under the water
00:07:46 And you don't see the rock anymore
00:07:49 You see the effects of the rock
00:07:52 With the rippling of the waters
00:07:54 And so the waters have always represented multitudes of people
00:07:58 The waters they represent multitudes of people
00:08:01 And so when your life has impacted people
00:08:04 I meant the librarian, people in the library
00:08:06 People at the grocery store
00:08:08 People at the post office
00:08:09 People at the bank
00:08:10 People at Walmart
00:08:11 People at the grocery store
00:08:12 In the parking lot
00:08:13 At the gas station
00:08:14 They ought to be able to say
00:08:16 Remember that lady
00:08:17 Every time she came in she was always smiling
00:08:19 She was always saying something kind
00:08:20 She was always singing, humming
00:08:22 Doing whatever
00:08:23 This guy was always whistling
00:08:25 And this person was always saying
00:08:26 Hey man, you need anything?
00:08:27 You need anything?
00:08:28 You want a piece of chewing gum?
00:08:30 People ought to remember you for doing something kind
00:08:34 That's why you're there
00:08:35 Why you're there
00:08:36 Why you're there
00:08:37 There are certain kind of people
00:08:39 One of my brothers
00:08:41 Who's in heaven now
00:08:43 But he
00:08:44 He used to always
00:08:45 He had a hook up for everything
00:08:48 You need people in your life
00:08:50 That's got a hook up
00:08:52 You need something fixed
00:08:53 You call him
00:08:54 He got a hook up
00:08:55 I mean
00:08:56 A house, he got a hook up
00:08:58 I mean he had a hook up for everything
00:09:01 Whatever you need
00:09:02 You got somebody
00:09:03 He had somebody
00:09:04 In his memory bank
00:09:06 Somebody in his rolodex
00:09:08 Some of you don't even know what a rolodex is
00:09:10 But he had
00:09:12 He had somebody that was a hook up
00:09:14 And you just
00:09:15 You remember
00:09:16 You remember
00:09:17 You want people
00:09:18 When they remember you
00:09:19 You want them to smile and not frown
00:09:22 So you make a good impression
00:09:24 So that you
00:09:25 You make ripples
00:09:26 So that even after your rock has gone under the water
00:09:31 That the ripple effect is still moving on
00:09:35 Is still moving on
00:09:36 And the vibrations of who you have been in the earth
00:09:39 Are still moving
00:09:41 Still impacting
00:09:43 Still making a difference
00:09:44 Let me give you just some simple ways to be kind to others
00:09:47 We have to spell this out nowadays
00:09:49 But use your words to encourage and not to tear down
00:09:52 Just use your words to encourage and not to tear down
00:09:56 In fact
00:09:58 In Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 29
00:10:00 Let me tell you what it reads
00:10:02 It says let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth
00:10:06 But only such a word as is good for edification
00:10:09 According to the need of the moment
00:10:11 So that it will give grace to those who hear
00:10:14 He was reminding that this is the way that Christians ought to be
00:10:17 Christ follow us
00:10:19 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth
00:10:24 Now think about that for a moment
00:10:26 No unwholesome word come from your mouth
00:10:30 Can you imagine how different your life would be
00:10:33 If you never spoke a negative word
00:10:35 Jesus said you shall have what you say
00:10:39 And if you don't like what you're seeing
00:10:42 Change what you're saying
00:10:44 Cause you reap what you sow
00:10:47 And words are seeds
00:10:50 And every time that a father who's angry
00:10:53 Shouts at his child
00:10:55 And every time that a mother who is frustrated
00:10:58 Screams at her child
00:10:59 Your screaming voice becomes your child's inner voice
00:11:03 And that's how you have to watch how you speak
00:11:09 You're a stupid child and you can't do anything right
00:11:11 And your frustrations of what you say in the moment
00:11:15 Becomes their inner voice of insecurity
00:11:18 That marks them now trying to always do enough
00:11:22 Seeking your approval
00:11:24 Without even realizing
00:11:26 I am accepted and beloved
00:11:28 With God we are not loved because of what we do
00:11:31 We are loved because of who we are in relationship to Him
00:11:34 It's not based on words
00:11:36 It's not because you've done all of the right things
00:11:39 So just use your words to encourage and not to tear down
00:11:43 Secondly, be quick to listen
00:11:45 Quick to listen, quick to listen
00:11:47 Not quick to fire off at the tongue
00:11:50 Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger
00:11:54 That's the Bible
00:11:56 James chapter 1 verse 19 and 20
00:11:59 Third thing, acknowledge the image of God
00:12:02 The imago dei in every person
00:12:04 Every human being on the planet
00:12:06 No matter how wicked and evil they appear to you
00:12:08 They are made in the image of God
00:12:11 They have an imago dei on the inside
00:12:14 There's a God image on the inside of them
00:12:16 Every poor person
00:12:17 Every person of another race
00:12:19 That's the imago dei
00:12:20 They may not look like you
00:12:21 Their culture may be different
00:12:22 But there's an imago dei
00:12:23 There's an image of God
00:12:24 There's a divinity that is in them
00:12:26 Even other folks when they say namaste
00:12:28 That says the divine in me greets the divine in you
00:12:30 We are made in the image of God
00:12:33 We are made in the image of God
00:12:35 Every person, every person is made in the image of God
00:12:39 Whether you agree with their politics or not
00:12:41 You have to acknowledge the image of God in that person
00:12:44 And if you do that, it becomes very difficult for you to abuse that person
00:12:48 And to subjugate them in injustices and slavery
00:12:52 Because you recognize the imago dei
00:12:54 The God image on the inside of them
00:12:57 That's a God bearer
00:12:59 They're an image bearer of the kingdom of God
00:13:02 That's who they are
00:13:03 And it changes how you treat people
00:13:05 So that you don't treat people like trash
00:13:08 Because of what you've heard in stereotypes
00:13:10 You recognize that's a God person
00:13:12 Even if they don't live with my values
00:13:14 They're created in the image of God
00:13:16 They have his creative ability
00:13:18 That person is an image bearer of God
00:13:21 So acknowledge the image of God in every person
00:13:24 Here's a simple thing
00:13:25 Smile
00:13:26 It doesn't cost you anything
00:13:27 And it raises your face value
00:13:29 Just smiling at people
00:13:31 You'd be surprised
00:13:32 You don't know what people have gone through
00:13:34 And sometimes a smile can just relax people
00:13:37 It just says it's okay
00:13:38 It also says I see you
00:13:40 I acknowledge you
00:13:41 Every person has a need to be recognized
00:13:43 To be seen
00:13:44 Just smile at people
00:13:45 Here's another thing
00:13:46 Give a person a genuine compliment
00:13:48 Give a person a genuine compliment
00:13:51 I mean if their hair is laid
00:13:52 You know, I mean
00:13:53 Acknowledge it
00:13:55 I mean acknowledge it
00:13:57 I mean, you know
00:13:58 Women go through a lot of trouble, you know
00:13:59 I mean with makeup and eyelashes and nails
00:14:02 And shoes and pocketbooks
00:14:04 And listen, that didn't just
00:14:06 They didn't just wake up like that
00:14:08 That is, that's some work
00:14:12 I meant from the front to the back
00:14:14 You know, just acknowledge it
00:14:16 Say, girl, you're well put together today
00:14:18 I like how you
00:14:19 Yes, yes
00:14:21 Just acknowledge it
00:14:23 Just give them a compliment
00:14:25 It doesn't take anything from you
00:14:27 And there's something about it
00:14:28 That it lifts them
00:14:30 It lifts them
00:14:31 It can shift a mood
00:14:33 When you come in with a compliment
00:14:35 A genuine compliment
00:14:36 I don't mean hyping somebody up
00:14:37 Because you want something from them
00:14:39 I mean just genuinely
00:14:41 Looking and said, you know what
00:14:42 That's really good, you know
00:14:44 If somebody's braids are fresh and tight
00:14:46 And their beard is on point, you know
00:14:48 Just
00:14:49 If their outfit is well put together
00:14:51 You dripping, you dripping
00:14:52 You know, I see you
00:14:54 Just give them a compliment
00:14:56 For God's sake
00:14:58 Here's another way to be kind
00:15:01 It's just to be patient with people
00:15:03 Just be patient with people
00:15:05 First Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 4 says
00:15:08 Love is patient and kind
00:15:10 Patient and kind
00:15:13 Not one or the other
00:15:14 They're, they're, they're
00:15:15 They're connected together
00:15:16 Being patient with people
00:15:18 When you're impatient with people
00:15:19 With children or with elderly people
00:15:21 With your spouse
00:15:23 I mean when you're impatient
00:15:24 It, it, it translates as unkindness
00:15:27 And when you're patient with people
00:15:30 It translates as kindness
00:15:32 When somebody is patient with you
00:15:34 I mean, you know
00:15:35 If you're teaching them something
00:15:37 And if they're having a hard time getting it
00:15:38 To be patient with them says I love you
00:15:40 But when you get frustrated
00:15:42 And start cussing them out
00:15:43 And calling them dumb and stupid
00:15:44 And all of that
00:15:45 It does not translate as, as kind
00:15:48 I tell you that
00:15:50 And they may not say it to your face
00:15:51 But they're thinking some dirty thoughts
00:15:52 Concerning you, you know
00:15:54 Be patient with people
00:15:56 And then express gratitude
00:15:58 Express gratitude for any kindness
00:16:01 That is given to you
00:16:02 When people are kind to you
00:16:03 When they have served you well
00:16:04 Express kindness to them
00:16:06 I mean, I don't care if it's, if it's
00:16:08 On an airplane, a train, a bus
00:16:10 If it's in a restaurant
00:16:11 If it's a cashier in a store
00:16:12 Just express kindness
00:16:14 If it's a barber, a beautician
00:16:16 Express gratitude for any kindness
00:16:19 That's been given to you
00:16:20 And then exercise the principle of charity
00:16:24 Charity is where you give people
00:16:26 The benefit of the doubt
00:16:27 And you seek to understand them
00:16:29 Because, uh, it might be that
00:16:33 They weren't trying to be nasty to you
00:16:35 Maybe they just absolutely forgot
00:16:37 To mention your name
00:16:38 Maybe your invitation to the party
00:16:41 Was actually lost in the mail
00:16:43 And you thought that they had a problem with you
00:16:45 Maybe, maybe they, maybe they had
00:16:48 A wrong telephone number
00:16:49 And maybe they were trying to reach
00:16:51 Give them the benefit of the doubt
00:16:52 That's the principle of charity
00:16:54 Instead of thinking the worst
00:16:56 Thinking the worst
00:16:58 I mean, don't, don't assume that
00:17:00 Because somebody is looking at
00:17:01 Whoever you're with
00:17:02 That they're trying to hook up with
00:17:03 Whoever, maybe you look like somebody
00:17:05 That is a relative of theirs
00:17:06 Or somebody, you know, it's like
00:17:07 You put me in the mind of somebody
00:17:09 Be charitable to people
00:17:11 Don't, don't assume the worst
00:17:13 And then respond emotionally
00:17:16 To that, to that assumption
00:17:18 Take a look at this little picture here
00:17:19 On, on kindness
00:17:21 You see, this is why you should be kind to people
00:17:24 Notice the big blue circle
00:17:25 That's someone's life
00:17:26 And then notice the little dot
00:17:28 That's what you know about it
00:17:30 I mean, a person is a big entity
00:17:35 And what you know about it
00:17:37 Is like that little tiny dot
00:17:38 You don't know the struggles
00:17:40 That they've dealt with
00:17:41 They might have had an alcoholic parent
00:17:42 A parent that was on drugs
00:17:43 Somebody that was incarcerated
00:17:45 Somebody that abused them
00:17:46 Abandoned them
00:17:47 They might have been raped
00:17:48 They might have a certain level of, of mental illness
00:17:51 They could be reacting to medication
00:17:53 You don't know that's just
00:17:54 It's a big life
00:17:55 And you see one element
00:17:57 And you make a, a quick rash judgment
00:18:00 Based on that little dot of information
00:18:02 A stupid post that they made
00:18:04 And now you've made that the totality of their life
00:18:06 Be charitable, be kind
00:18:08 Because somebody is dealing with a hard struggle
00:18:11 And you never know when your kindness
00:18:13 Is just the thing that they need
00:18:15 In order to, to keep their sanity
00:18:17 The last thing that they need
00:18:19 Is when their, their world is, is, is being wrecked
00:18:22 And, and you're, you're, you're there at a stoplight
00:18:25 And, and the light changes
00:18:26 And, and you're laying on the horn
00:18:28 And, and, and cussing them out
00:18:29 And got your middle finger up
00:18:31 And little do you know that this person
00:18:36 Has been overwhelmed with so much
00:18:39 And they've got a loved one
00:18:40 Who's in the hospital
00:18:41 Who's in the hospital in intensive care
00:18:43 And their mind is over on the other side of town
00:18:46 And they're trying to deal with pressures at work
00:18:48 And trying to keep their mortgage
00:18:50 And their rent, and, and, and the car note
00:18:53 And, and, and the telephone on
00:18:55 And all of these things
00:18:56 And, and you don't know what they're dealing with
00:18:58 And, and a little kindness goes a long way
00:19:01 And the school has called them about their child
00:19:04 And now they're dealing with a health issue
00:19:06 In their own body
00:19:07 And they've got so much that they're stretched
00:19:09 Trying to take care of children here
00:19:11 And aging parents on this side
00:19:13 And they feel pulled from both sides
00:19:15 Who am I talking to?
00:19:16 And you're going through stuff
00:19:18 And people when they look at you
00:19:20 With a smile on your face
00:19:21 Everybody who smiles and looks nice
00:19:24 They are dealing with a struggle in their own life
00:19:28 And did you know that the way that life is
00:19:31 Even if you're good looking
00:19:33 You know good looking people still have problems?
00:19:37 You can be cute as a button
00:19:39 I found out that drop dead gorgeous people
00:19:42 They get diarrhea too
00:19:44 You don't know what a person has gone through
00:19:51 And what they're dealing with
00:19:53 They might not have slept well last night at all
00:19:56 And it took everything on the inside of them
00:19:59 To muster enough energy to put their clothes on
00:20:02 And to wash their face
00:20:03 And to press beyond depression
00:20:05 And suicidal thoughts
00:20:07 And to face another day
00:20:09 Coming out in the cold, in the rain
00:20:11 And trying to live their life
00:20:13 And keep it going
00:20:15 And you're seeing a little dot
00:20:18 Of just one little thing
00:20:20 That somebody walked in a room and didn't speak to you
00:20:22 Maybe they didn't see you
00:20:24 Use the principle of charity
00:20:28 And just be kind
00:20:30 Because every strong person
00:20:33 I've never met a strong person
00:20:35 With an easy past
00:20:37 You see strong people and assume
00:20:41 That they're just strong all the time
00:20:43 Because they got to be strength for everybody else
00:20:45 But the strong person
00:20:47 Needs somebody to lean on every now and then
00:20:51 Even the strong person
00:20:53 Needs somebody
00:20:55 To say I see you
00:20:58 I know you're helping everybody else
00:21:01 Are you doing okay?
00:21:03 Are you alright?
00:21:05 You're there for everybody else
00:21:07 How you doing?
00:21:09 Ask somebody right now how you doing?
00:21:11 How you doing?
00:21:13 You'd be surprised
00:21:15 I know you can't always be honest with that
00:21:18 Because you can't, everybody can't handle
00:21:21 All of that other part of your life
00:21:23 They just see the little dot that you allow them to have
00:21:26 A little bird's eye view into
00:21:29 But it's, you're a whole complex entity
00:21:32 And they may not be able to deal
00:21:35 With all of your history
00:21:37 And they certainly don't understand your destiny
00:21:41 And that's why you have to be able
00:21:44 To deal with people who know you
00:21:46 And understand your struggles
00:21:49 And they look at you and they make assumptions about you
00:21:51 That just because you're a big bone
00:21:53 That you're lazy
00:21:55 You may be putting out more energy
00:21:57 And working harder than the skinny person
00:22:00 Again, they're looking at a dot but you're a big circle
00:22:04 There's a whole lot more that's going on
00:22:07 Do you anybody understand what I'm saying today?
00:22:09 But we have to grow in our understanding
00:22:13 To be able to connect with people
00:22:15 And to be merciful and kind to them
00:22:18 We have to grow
00:22:20 Jesus had to grow
00:22:21 He wasn't just born, fully matured as God
00:22:23 I want you to notice Luke chapter 2 and verse 52
00:22:26 Notice this
00:22:27 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature
00:22:31 And in favor with God and men
00:22:34 Notice that he increased in wisdom
00:22:38 That is something for his mind
00:22:40 And in stature, that's his body
00:22:42 Jesus developed both his mind and his body
00:22:45 Not one or the other, both and
00:22:47 He developed his mind in wisdom
00:22:50 He developed his body in stature
00:22:52 He grew in both ways
00:22:54 And he also grew in favor with God and with human beings
00:22:59 And this is a balanced Jesus
00:23:03 Who was kind to people
00:23:05 And when you're kind to people
00:23:07 It doesn't mean that you don't ever get angry
00:23:09 You do get angry
00:23:10 The Bible says be angry but sin not
00:23:12 So you will get angry
00:23:15 And that's why Jesus should be our goal
00:23:19 Is to be able to grow in mind and in body
00:23:24 We should seek to become more
00:23:27 You know why?
00:23:28 So that we can do more
00:23:30 The only reason that you need to have more
00:23:34 Is so that you can do more
00:23:36 Because to whom much is given, much is also required
00:23:41 So the more you have, the more you can do
00:23:44 If you're asking God for more just for the sake of having more
00:23:48 That's not a prayer that God is interested in answering
00:23:50 But if you're asking God increase me
00:23:52 Grow me God so that I can do more
00:23:55 So that I can help more people
00:23:57 So that I can share and that my reach will go farther than what it is
00:24:00 Help me God, I want to grow in wisdom and in stature
00:24:04 So that I can do more
00:24:05 If I strengthen my back you can trust me with more weight
00:24:08 God help me to become more
00:24:10 Grow me up God so that I can handle this
00:24:13 Because when I'm a child I got to deal with one thing at a time
00:24:16 But as I grow up, now I can handle several things at a time
00:24:21 When I first started out in ministry
00:24:23 I mean if I had to speak, you know
00:24:25 I mean it's going to take me a whole time and I can't do anything else
00:24:28 And now I have to work on several things
00:24:32 I've got several things cooking in me now
00:24:34 About upcoming events that I'm already working on
00:24:36 I was working not yesterday on today
00:24:39 I was working yesterday on some things that's coming in the weeks
00:24:43 I have to have a whole lot of things on the back burner that's already getting ready
00:24:48 Some of them are just simmering there that I'm leaving there
00:24:50 But I've grown to be able to have different things on the oven
00:24:54 On the stove now at the same time
00:24:57 I ask God to grow me
00:25:00 Not just so that I can be bigger and bigger but so that I can help more
00:25:04 So that I can understand the hurts and the pains of other people
00:25:07 So I'll know how to speak to it and be able to shift their perspective into a kingdom perspective
00:25:12 But I will say this to you that not all kindness looks and feels like kindness at the time
00:25:22 Not all kindness looks and feels like kindness at the time
00:25:28 And I would say this to you that one of the kindest things that God will do for you
00:25:33 Is to allow you to fail when you're on the wrong path for your life
00:25:40 That's one of the kindest things that God can do
00:25:44 Is to allow you to fail when you're on the wrong path for your life
00:25:50 Let me say it to you this way
00:25:52 God will sometimes destroy what is set out to destroy you
00:25:57 God will ruin what was trying to ruin you
00:26:01 And that's a gift and it is God's kindness
00:26:04 You know how you were in school in the earlier years
00:26:07 And you were all in love with somebody you thought he was so cute and she was so pretty or whatever
00:26:11 And then you see them some years down the road
00:26:15 Broke busted and disgusted and teeth missing
00:26:18 And then they got all big and just let themselves go and they used to be so cute
00:26:23 And now it's just like Lord thank you, thank you
00:26:26 You better be glad that God let some things fall apart
00:26:31 I'm just telling you it didn't look like kindness then
00:26:34 You know people that you know you didn't have the nerve to go to speak to them
00:26:38 To ask them to tell them that you want to go together
00:26:40 I mean when I was in school you know we had a little piece of paper that we would
00:26:43 You know will you go with me you know you know
00:26:46 And they checked the little box and stuff you know
00:26:48 But those of us who were just terribly shy we wouldn't even say anything
00:26:55 And then finally we'd see them with somebody and be like doggone it
00:26:58 But then down the road you're thankful that God allowed a plan to fail
00:27:08 That you were hoping was going to happen because God knew some things about it
00:27:13 That you didn't know and that you didn't understand at the time
00:27:17 Let me say this to you
00:27:19 God designed success so that it does not satisfy you
00:27:27 I'm going to give you that divine say-la
00:27:31 Before you just pause and just meditate on that for a moment
00:27:35 God did not design success to satisfy
00:27:41 And why not?
00:27:45 Because God did not want your success to become your source
00:27:52 God is your source
00:27:55 God is your source
00:27:58 If everything is by your own success
00:28:01 By my own hands and my own wisdom and my own understanding
00:28:04 And my own finagling and my own working relationships
00:28:07 I have caused these things to fall into place
00:28:10 Now you think that everything has been provided by you
00:28:14 And God is our provider
00:28:16 He never designed success to satisfy
00:28:20 There are people that have the house and the clothes and the jewelry
00:28:23 And the real estate and the investment portfolio
00:28:27 They've got all of that
00:28:29 And they're unfulfilled
00:28:32 They're depressed
00:28:35 They're dealing with anxiety, they don't sleep well at night
00:28:39 They have all of this stuff
00:28:42 All of the external accoutrements that say this is a successful person
00:28:47 But on the inside
00:28:49 They're still not satisfied
00:28:51 They've got everything, it looks like they've got everything
00:28:55 And they're still not happy
00:28:58 Because God never designed success to satisfy
00:29:03 So that you will never use your success as your source
00:29:08 God is our source
00:29:11 God alone is our source
00:29:14 So that when there's a need there
00:29:16 That we depend on God himself to help us
00:29:19 To deliver us, to strengthen us, to guide us
00:29:22 To speak to us and give us the way
00:29:25 And it is not by might nor by power
00:29:27 But it is by my spirit, says the Lord
00:29:30 So God has a reason for everything that he does
00:29:34 The way that he does it
00:29:36 I mean because what good would it do for you to gain the whole world
00:29:40 And then to lose your own soul
00:29:42 Mark chapter 8 verse 36, why?
00:29:45 What good does it do to say I've got all of this
00:29:48 And then you wind up and commit suicide
00:29:51 You've got all of this and then your relationships are broken
00:29:55 You've destroyed all of your relationships
00:29:58 Trying to climb a ladder to success and now you have nobody to enjoy it with
00:30:02 I mean where are the people that really truly love you
00:30:05 You've got all of this stuff now and now you don't know who loves you for you
00:30:10 Do they love you or do they love what you can do for them?
00:30:16 God never designed success to satisfy
00:30:19 I just want you to understand that principle
00:30:21 God never designed it to satisfy
00:30:24 Should you go for success? Absolutely
00:30:27 But keep God in his proper place
00:30:30 Keep God in his proper place, seek first the kingdom of God
00:30:33 And all of these other things will be added unto you
00:30:37 You see here's one of the things that has messed us up in our world
00:30:41 We live so much down by the things of the world
00:30:44 We don't gaze toward heaven sufficiently
00:30:48 The Bible says that we are to pray
00:30:50 Jesus gave us a model prayer
00:30:53 Jesus taught us to pray "Thy kingdom come
00:30:56 Thy will be done on the earth as it is in heaven"
00:31:03 So that means that we're supposed to seek to do it down here
00:31:07 The way that his kingdom operates up there
00:31:12 And see the way that things operate in the world
00:31:16 Is I scratch your back and you scratch mine
00:31:22 I do for you and you do for me
00:31:25 That's a general understanding
00:31:27 And we have brought that same kind of mindset
00:31:30 Into the church world with God
00:31:32 And God doesn't operate that way
00:31:34 God's like "I'm God, I'm not in a negotiating table with you"
00:31:38 I am God, I'm the Lord of the universe
00:31:41 I'm the creator of all of these things
00:31:43 I was here before you, I gave you everything that you got
00:31:46 You can't negotiate with me
00:31:48 What do you have that I need?
00:31:52 God is like "I don't need my back scratched"
00:31:56 But we live with God with a mindset
00:32:03 That if I scratch your back, you'll scratch mine
00:32:08 And so we get upset with God
00:32:11 And I know people and have met people who are offended with God
00:32:14 Because they're like "God, I was going to church, I was trying to live right, I was paying my tithes
00:32:18 I was reading my Bible, I was trying to pray, I was doing everything that I knew to do
00:32:22 And God, you still let my marriage fall apart
00:32:27 God, you still let me lose my job, I still didn't get the promotion"
00:32:31 And you're going through all of these particular things of what you didn't get
00:32:35 Because you assumed that if I do this, God will give me that
00:32:38 This is not a bargaining game, this is God
00:32:41 God said "It all belongs to me anyway, how are you going to cut a deal with me and I own all of it?"
00:32:47 It's not a "I scratch your back and you scratch mine"
00:32:52 That's a worldly mindset, that's carnal thinking
00:32:55 That's the devices of the world, that's not how the kingdom of God operates
00:33:00 And it's because God has a bigger panoramic view of the whole situation
00:33:06 God sees the big picture
00:33:08 God sees the big picture
00:33:10 God sees the big picture
00:33:12 So even when it looks like something negative happens
00:33:15 Or something evil happens
00:33:17 God says "I will take that and work that thing for your good"
00:33:22 Romans 8, 28
00:33:24 "And we know, not we think, not we hope, and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love God and who are called according to his purpose"
00:33:36 All things, the good things and the bad things
00:33:39 The positives and the negatives
00:33:41 The ups and the downs
00:33:43 In sickness and in health
00:33:45 In riches and in poverty
00:33:47 All things, I'll take it all and work it together for your good
00:33:53 I will work all of it for your good
00:33:56 I'll take the baby mama drama, the baby daddy drama
00:33:59 I'll work it for your good
00:34:01 I'll work the unfairness that happened on your last job
00:34:04 I will work that
00:34:06 Listen, God, just watch me in the big picture of it all
00:34:10 Watch me, watch me in the picture of it all
00:34:13 God says "I'm working on something"
00:34:15 I know you think that "Lord, I've been faithful to you, why don't you let my mama die?"
00:34:19 God says "I'm working all things for your good"
00:34:24 I'm working all things
00:34:26 The Bible says that Job was a righteous man who walked upright and eschewed evil
00:34:32 And he was perfect, he called him a perfect man
00:34:35 And yet, he lost everything that he had
00:34:38 And that wasn't the end of the story
00:34:40 God just said "Listen, if you walk with me, if you walk with me and work with me
00:34:45 And if you'll wait on me, and if you'll trust my heart
00:34:48 When you cannot trace my hand, if you'll walk with me
00:34:51 And wait on me, if you'll walk with me and wait on me"
00:34:55 God says "I'm working on something, I see the big picture
00:34:58 I see the big picture and I'll show you what I'm working on
00:35:02 I'll do it, Job, if you'll be patient"
00:35:04 And the Bible says that the latter end of him
00:35:07 God gave him twice as much
00:35:10 I declare, if you'll wait on him, if you'll wait on him
00:35:13 If you'll wait on him
00:35:17 You remember young Joseph?
00:35:19 Young Joseph in the Bible was faithful to God
00:35:22 He had integrity in his heart
00:35:24 And remember Potiphar's wife?
00:35:26 She said "My husband is on a business trip
00:35:29 Come here baby, you look good, I need you to scratch an itch in my bedroom
00:35:33 Come on, come on in here"
00:35:35 And he says "Excuse me lady
00:35:38 But I work for your husband, I respect your husband
00:35:41 But above that I respect God"
00:35:45 And he stood for righteousness and for truth
00:35:47 And not only did he lose his job, he was locked up in jail
00:35:51 Falsely accused, God what in the world are you doing?
00:35:54 I do right? I do right?
00:35:56 I mean it was like me, I got
00:36:00 My wife was driving the car one day
00:36:03 We get pulled over
00:36:05 The police officer comes to my side of the door
00:36:08 And asks me if I had on my seatbelt
00:36:11 I'm like "You see it on there, don't you?"
00:36:14 And he says "Sir, did you have on your seatbelt?"
00:36:18 And I said "No, I didn't have it on"
00:36:20 And I got a ticket for telling the truth
00:36:23 I mean I tell the truth and I get punished with a ticket?
00:36:27 For telling the truth
00:36:30 Lord I told the truth, I'm doing what's right God
00:36:33 You're supposed to have my back
00:36:35 I did what you wanted me to do now Lord, you're supposed to handle this
00:36:41 And a ticket was put on my record
00:36:44 But you got to be able to always see the big picture
00:36:52 God saw a big picture with Joseph
00:36:55 When his employer lied on him and locked him up in jail
00:36:59 And promoted him out of the jail and put him in second in command
00:37:03 See God had some, he said "I work all things, all things according to your good"
00:37:09 It took a long time and when you thought that it should have happened by this particular time
00:37:13 And it hasn't happened within a certain time
00:37:16 All I can tell you is this in the Holy Ghost, I heard God speak this to me today
00:37:22 Swift transition
00:37:28 "Sharebansh kumbhodos"
00:37:30 I heard him say "Swift transition"
00:37:33 Swift transition, it's not what it looks like
00:37:37 You've been waiting a long time but God says "I'm going to switch it up, turn it"
00:37:41 I'm going to turn it on a dime, I'm going to turn it real fast
00:37:44 You're getting ready to have swift transition
00:37:47 Get ready, get ready, I'm just telling you
00:37:50 You've been waiting on the decision to come, you've been waiting on the breakthrough
00:37:53 God says that you're getting ready to experience swift transition
00:37:58 It's been more than weeks and months, it's been years for some of you waiting on this thing to happen
00:38:03 Swift transition, swift transition
00:38:06 Swift transition, swift transition, swift, swift transition
00:38:11 God says "I'm going to turn this thing, I'm going to turn your situation"
00:38:16 You've been locked up for some years but I'm getting ready to open the door
00:38:19 They're going to send for you
00:38:21 You've got stuff that's been out there and they're going to send for you
00:38:25 You've got the portfolio ready, you've got the stuff ready
00:38:29 You're just sitting by the phone waiting on the call
00:38:32 And God says "swift transition, swift transition, swift transition"
00:38:39 You're getting ready to go through transition
00:38:41 Transition is different than change
00:38:44 Change is an event that happens
00:38:46 But transition is the emotional, psychological, financial and relational processing of change
00:38:55 You are getting ready to experience by the Holy Ghost swift transition
00:39:02 Get your business ready, get your business ready
00:39:05 Get your production ready, get your team ready
00:39:09 Get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get ready
00:39:13 Because swift, swift, swift, swift transition
00:39:18 God's going to give it to somebody who's ready to receive it
00:39:22 Swift transition, swift transition, God knows what he's doing
00:39:26 This is not a back scratching situation
00:39:29 Because God's back is not itching and you're assuming that he needs the same thing that you need
00:39:34 All that I can tell you is that God is getting ready for some of you in some strategic swift transition
00:39:41 Swift transition is going to be when you just wake up and you say "Lord you did this so fast, I mean what happened?"
00:39:48 You're going to know surely this is the Lord's doing
00:39:51 This is the Lord's doing, you've been waiting on this thing to turn around
00:39:56 Swift, swift transition, swift transition, swift transition, swift transition
00:40:05 It's not going to be huffing and puffing and blowing
00:40:07 Swift transition, swift, swift
00:40:11 It's going to be a quick release
00:40:13 You're going to wonder what in the world happened, what in the world happened here
00:40:18 Trust God and give him time and you watch that when God stands up to move
00:40:23 The swiftness of his transition, the swiftness of his transition
00:40:28 Just remember God does not wear a watch
00:40:31 And even if you think that you're getting too old
00:40:38 He will give you length of days and long life
00:40:43 He'll turn back the hands of the clock
00:40:46 And renew your youth like the eagle
00:40:51 They that wait on the Lord
00:40:55 They that wait on the Lord
00:40:59 Shall renew, shall renew, shall renew that strength
00:41:05 You're not going to look like what you've been through
00:41:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yes, yes
00:41:12 Come on
00:41:14 Even though Job was a righteous man
00:41:21 He didn't get bent out of shape but God, he didn't say God I've always obeyed you
00:41:25 I've done everything that you told me to do to the best of my ability
00:41:28 I've always walked in obedience to you
00:41:31 He simply said, though you slay me God, yet will I trust you
00:41:35 Even when bad stuff is happening that I didn't deserve
00:41:38 Lord I trust you, I don't understand it but I trust you
00:41:41 I don't understand it Jesus but I trust you
00:41:44 I trust your heart toward me God
00:41:46 I don't understand why I've been having a hard time
00:41:49 I don't understand why I lost close relationship
00:41:52 My support team and certain things in my life fell apart
00:41:55 I don't understand it
00:41:57 But Lord I trust you
00:41:59 I trust you, I trust you Jesus, I trust you
00:42:04 And if you'll trust him, if you will trust him I'm telling you
00:42:08 God will help you, if you'll just trust him
00:42:11 If you'll trust him
00:42:13 He says though you slay me yet will I
00:42:16 Yet will I trust you, he didn't get angry with God
00:42:19 He was a wealthy man and lost everything he had
00:42:24 You know what his attitude was?
00:42:27 He says naked came I into the world
00:42:30 And I'm gonna be naked when I leave out of here
00:42:32 But he said blessed be the name of the Lord anyhow
00:42:35 But before it was over
00:42:40 God gave him ten more children
00:42:43 And he increased his wealth to be twice what he had before
00:42:47 And he was already a wealthy man before he lost it all
00:42:50 And God restored him, restored him
00:42:52 I'm telling you, you're gonna watch the hand of the Lord with swift transition
00:42:56 God's gonna take you through a process
00:42:59 And swift, swift, swift transitions
00:43:03 Getting ready to come your way, swift transition
00:43:07 Swift transition, swift transition
00:43:12 You watch and see what God will do
00:43:18 In this next season the hand of the Lord is on you
00:43:22 Swift transition
00:43:24 Some of you have been waiting for your time
00:43:27 Swift transition
00:43:30 It is though you've been dark
00:43:32 All of a sudden Moses was on the backside of the mountain for 40 years
00:43:37 40 years and God didn't speak one word to him
00:43:42 And all of a sudden a swift transition came
00:43:46 And God appeared to him in a burning bush
00:43:49 God's gonna set your bush on fire
00:43:54 And turn you aside to see a sight
00:43:57 And you're gonna realize this is the Lord's doing
00:44:00 This is the Lord's doing
00:44:04 He will visit his people
00:44:06 And he's coming in fire
00:44:08 He's coming in fire
00:44:12 He's coming in fire
00:44:14 Because a flood has put too many people's fire out
00:44:20 When the enemy shall come in like a flood
00:44:23 God's coming in like a fire
00:44:26 You watch
00:44:29 Watch heaven
00:44:31 You watch heaven
00:44:33 You watch heaven
00:44:34 God is up to something
00:44:36 And he's doing something so incredibly divine
00:44:39 Take your seat for just a moment, we're gonna go a little deeper
00:44:41 It is interesting that whenever your life
00:44:46 Is off course
00:44:48 God has a way of shifting you to get you back on course
00:44:53 It was July the 20th of 1969
00:44:57 I was a young boy
00:44:59 Watching the television
00:45:01 This day when
00:45:04 Man first walked on the moon
00:45:08 It wasn't the first time that a spacecraft had been sent to the moon
00:45:11 The Russians had done it in 1959, 10 years earlier
00:45:14 But nobody got out
00:45:17 But 10 years later, July the 20th, 1969
00:45:25 Neil Armstrong
00:45:29 Two other astronauts
00:45:31 On board the spacecraft that blasted out of the Earth's orbit
00:45:37 And the scientists say that
00:45:40 85% of the travel after that
00:45:45 Was drifting toward the moon
00:45:49 Because of the fuel limitations
00:45:52 Once it blasted out of the Earth's orbit
00:45:56 It had a gravitational pull
00:45:59 And 85% of the time it was off course
00:46:02 But there were small rockets attached to the ship
00:46:07 Called thruster rockets
00:46:10 And when it would get off course
00:46:13 By so many degrees
00:46:15 A rocket would fire off and it would push it back on course
00:46:19 And there are times when your life
00:46:22 The same way it reached the moon by these little thruster rockets
00:46:27 God has to blow up some of your plans
00:46:30 To get your life back on track with him
00:46:33 Because your focus got drifted off
00:46:36 And you were drifting and didn't even realize that you were drifting
00:46:39 Just because you were moving
00:46:41 But there's a destiny that God already had in mind
00:46:45 And there are too many distractions
00:46:48 Pulling us on the left hand and on the right hand
00:46:50 That have gotten us off target
00:46:52 So God says I'm gonna blow up these plans right now
00:46:54 I'm getting ready to mess you up
00:46:56 It's a thruster rocket, it's not designed to kill you
00:46:59 And it's not designed to hurt you
00:47:01 It is designed to propel you
00:47:04 On the right trajectory to be able to reach the moon
00:47:08 That's where you're going
00:47:10 But this time as God has thruster rockets attached to your life
00:47:15 He's not trying to get you to the moon
00:47:17 He's trying to get you to the sun, the S-O-N
00:47:20 And the destiny that he has already marked out for you
00:47:24 He's got a destiny
00:47:26 That's already marked out for your life
00:47:29 That will bless you in an incredible way
00:47:32 And I declare to you that if you'll just trust him
00:47:34 God will take you into places that you never imagined
00:47:38 And I want you to realize this
00:47:40 That it is extremely kind of God
00:47:42 When he chooses not to destroy us
00:47:45 But to correct us
00:47:47 It's extremely kind of God
00:47:50 He could destroy you
00:47:52 But he chooses on the other hand to simply correct us
00:47:56 I want you to notice Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 5 and 6
00:48:00 But you have forgotten that the scriptures say to God's children
00:48:04 When the Lord punishes you
00:48:06 Don't make light of it
00:48:08 And when he corrects you
00:48:10 Don't be discouraged
00:48:12 The Lord corrects the people he loves
00:48:15 And disciplines those he calls his own
00:48:18 When your thruster rockets blast you away from people
00:48:22 And blast people away from you
00:48:24 He's trying to get you back on the trajectory
00:48:27 That will get you to your destination
00:48:29 Please realize this
00:48:31 That God's discipline in our lives
00:48:34 Prepares our character for the future of where God's plans
00:48:39 Where he, God plans to take us
00:48:42 Because your talent can take you to a place where only your character can sustain you
00:48:47 And so God disciplines us in our lives
00:48:52 In such a way that our character can sustain us in the place that he plans to take us
00:48:58 And my question to you today is what is the Lord trying to correct in you?
00:49:04 What is he trying to discipline in you?
00:49:07 And I want you to know he's not mad at you, God loves you
00:49:10 God loves you
00:49:12 In Psalm 94 verse 12 and 13 notice this
00:49:15 Blessed is the one you discipline, Lord
00:49:18 The one you teach from your law
00:49:20 You grant them relief from days of trouble
00:49:24 Till a pit is dug for the wicked
00:49:27 See the wicked has dug a pit for you
00:49:30 But one is being dug for them
00:49:32 But blessed, blessed is the one
00:49:35 That you discipline, oh Lord, not cursed
00:49:38 God loves you, you're blessed
00:49:40 If God disciplines you, you're blessed
00:49:42 If he will give you the time of day to correct you
00:49:45 It's a manifestation of God's love for you
00:49:48 And the one that you teach from your law
00:49:50 He says you grant relief, God's discipline that he's bringing
00:49:53 The correction that he's bringing to your life
00:49:55 He's gonna grant you relief from days of trouble
00:49:58 Relief from days of trouble
00:50:01 May I remind you of this, that when God is good to you
00:50:03 As you have not deserved it, as I have not deserved it
00:50:06 That goodness leads to repentance
00:50:09 Those are not my words, it's the word of the word of the Lord
00:50:13 In Romans chapter 2 and verse 4, notice this
00:50:15 Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant and patient God is with you?
00:50:21 Does this mean nothing to you?
00:50:24 I mean that he's wonderful, kind, tolerant and patient with you
00:50:28 Can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?
00:50:34 Not to make you comfortable in your sin
00:50:36 The kindness of God, the mercy of God is designed to turn you from your sin
00:50:43 And when you think of God, I want you to think of God with me for just a moment
00:50:50 What kind of expression does he have on his face?
00:50:54 Is he smiling or is there a frown?
00:50:58 When you think of God, what kind of expression is on his face?
00:51:04 A.W. Tozer said that what comes into our minds
00:51:08 When we think about God is the most important thing about us
00:51:13 What comes into our minds
00:51:15 When we think about God is the most important thing about us
00:51:20 What do you think about God?
00:51:24 What kind of expression do you think is on his face?
00:51:28 C.S. Lewis said that joy is the serious business of heaven
00:51:33 It is the serious business of heaven
00:51:36 And remember, Psalm 16, 11 says
00:51:40 In his presence there is fullness of joy
00:51:45 So God's smiling in heaven
00:51:50 He's not upset in heaven, he's not
00:51:52 It's heaven for God's sake
00:51:54 It's heaven, it's a place of joy
00:51:57 Fullness of joy in his presence
00:52:00 And remember that God's plan for you is for joy
00:52:05 I want you to see this picture of these two gentlemen
00:52:08 That's Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.
00:52:13 In their younger years
00:52:16 You're not designed to live life alone
00:52:20 God has somebody to help you to get to where you're trying to go
00:52:24 Frank Sinatra, in the late 40's
00:52:27 He was unknown and so was Sammy Davis Jr.
00:52:31 But Frank Sinatra was playing in a theater there in New York City
00:52:36 And he went over to see a show over in Harlem
00:52:41 The Will Maston Trio
00:52:44 And Sammy Davis Jr. was the lead act in that trio
00:52:48 And when Frank Sinatra went over to Harlem and saw Sammy Davis Jr. in action
00:52:53 He was blown away by his talent
00:52:55 And he invited Sammy Davis Jr. to come over to New York
00:53:00 And to see his show
00:53:02 And a week passed since there was no Sammy
00:53:07 And so here he goes back over to the Will Maston Trio
00:53:13 Back over in Harlem, Frank Sinatra did
00:53:16 Looking for Sammy Davis Jr.
00:53:19 And he waits until after the show and he says, "Sammy, what happened to you?"
00:53:23 "I was waiting on you to come to see my show"
00:53:26 He said, "I came" he said, "they wouldn't let me in"
00:53:30 Frank Sinatra was so upset that he stormed across town
00:53:34 And went back to New York City
00:53:38 To that theater in front of the owners
00:53:42 And tore the contract up in their face
00:53:45 And he was a friend of Sammy Davis Jr.
00:53:49 And Sammy Davis Jr. then went out to the Copacabana
00:53:58 They wouldn't let him come in
00:54:02 So Frank Sinatra refused to play there as well
00:54:06 And there he was in Vegas and
00:54:10 They wouldn't even give him a hotel room, they wouldn't rent a hotel room to him
00:54:14 And Frank Sinatra was with him and he said, "Give him my room!"
00:54:18 And then shortly after that
00:54:24 Sammy Davis Jr. had a terrible car accident where he lost his eye
00:54:28 And Frank Sinatra paid all of his medical bills
00:54:33 And then
00:54:37 Five decades
00:54:43 There were 40 years of knowing each other
00:54:46 Frank Sinatra was being interviewed by a reporter
00:54:50 And he asked him, he said, "Why is it that you have been so charitable to Sammy Davis Jr."
00:54:58 And Frank Sinatra responded in three simple words
00:55:04 He said, "He's my brother. He's my brother. He's my brother."
00:55:14 Brother. There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother
00:55:21 Sometimes in order for you to get to where you need
00:55:25 You need that brother, you need that sister
00:55:28 For God to bring the partner in your life because
00:55:31 It is in the duplicity of having two
00:55:36 That the right connection
00:55:38 [Speaking in tongues]
00:55:47 Just the two
00:55:49 In the strength of two is the power to multiply
00:55:54 Not that you choose, but that the spirit chooses for you
00:55:58 That has the complimentary gifts and strategic positions of influence
00:56:03 To bring you where you need to be
00:56:05 When you submit to God, God will supply to you
00:56:10 The connection that is necessary for the place where he's called you
00:56:15 In his destiny
00:56:17 May I remind you of this, that every act of kindness is a seed
00:56:23 Every act of kindness is a seed
00:56:28 And the truth of the matter is, is that God sends rain
00:56:32 Where there is seed in the ground
00:56:35 It doesn't rain in the desert because nobody plants seed in the desert
00:56:39 But God sends rain
00:56:42 He'll rain on your field when you've got seed in the ground
00:56:47 Every act of kindness, be it a word or a deed
00:56:51 In every act of kindness, there is a seed
00:56:55 There is a seed
00:56:57 There is a seed in every deed
00:57:00 There is a seed and your harvest of blessings will come
00:57:05 Out of that seed that God sends water for in your life
00:57:10 And Robert Louis Stevenson said this
00:57:13 Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap
00:57:18 But by the seeds that you plant
00:57:21 Don't judge each day by the harvest that you reap
00:57:25 There's so many people that's always looking for the harvest
00:57:28 And they're always in the wrong place
00:57:30 You be faithful to sow
00:57:32 Now listen, God's promise
00:57:36 Is not for reapers
00:57:39 God's promise is that he will give seed, ideas, time, money, children, connections
00:57:45 He will give seed to the sower
00:57:50 The success of your day is not measured by the harvest that you bring in that day
00:57:55 The success of your day is based on the seeds that you've taken the time to plant
00:58:00 Seeds of kindness, good deeds, good words, honorable acts
00:58:09 That you've asked God, Lord, make me a blessing every place that I go
00:58:13 Listen, I've never asked God to bless me
00:58:16 I've just asked God to make me a blessing to others
00:58:20 And if God makes me a blessing to others, he's got to bless me
00:58:24 So I've never had to ask God, God bless me
00:58:26 I've always prayed the prayer, God make me a blessing
00:58:30 I dare you to begin to pray that way and say, God make me a blessing
00:58:34 The Lord, I'm available to you, I'm available to you
00:58:38 And whatever it is that you want to do in me and through me, God, I am available to you
00:58:43 I'm just telling you, there is a divine connection
00:58:46 Breish katavash
00:58:48 There is a divine connection, a divine hookah
00:58:51 That will blast your life
00:58:54 It'll accelerate your trajectory
00:58:57 You're getting ready to be postured for swift transition
00:59:01 You watch what God will do in this season
00:59:03 You watch the word of the Lord
00:59:05 When his prophetic word hits and strikes your spirit
00:59:08 You realize this didn't come from a man, this came from God
00:59:11 I don't know you, but God knows you
00:59:13 God knows you, God knows where you are
00:59:16 He knows the struggle that you've been dealing with
00:59:18 He knows how time has worn you down
00:59:20 He knows the injustices, he knows how you sat on the sidelines
00:59:24 And watched others be blessed
00:59:26 While you were standing there waiting and wondering, Lord, when is my time coming?
00:59:31 Swift transitions
00:59:34 All you needed was one thing added to you
00:59:37 You got everything that you need, but you need the partner
00:59:40 You need the connection, you need the marketing agent
00:59:44 You just need a representative
00:59:48 That knows the right relationship
00:59:50 That one person added to you will unlock everything else that you do
00:59:54 That you need
00:59:56 You watch what God will do
00:59:58 It is the kindness of God
01:00:01 And some of you are called to be like a Frank Sinatra to a Sammy Davis Jr.
01:00:05 That you can open doors for somebody, that you can right an injustice that has been done
01:00:09 That you can stand like a brother, that you can stand like a sister
01:00:12 Even though you may not be blood related, but when God connects you in kingdom purpose
01:00:17 When you're connected by the Spirit
01:00:20 And you realize that God has brought this person into my life sovereignly and divinely
01:00:25 For such a time as this
01:00:28 They may not be blood related to you, but yet they are your brother
01:00:32 They are your sister
01:00:34 And God is getting ready to take your life exponential as a result of that
01:00:38 So that you can show his kindness
01:00:40 The same mercy that has been granted to you
01:00:43 Same thing that he forgave you of and blessed you in spite of you
01:00:46 God wants you now to be merciful to others
01:00:49 So that you have greater seed in the future
01:00:52 For the mercies of God to come your way
01:00:54 This is the time, and listen, when you're kind to someone
01:00:57 You can imagine
01:00:59 That when you've been a difference maker in someone's life, they'll never forget you
01:01:03 They will never ever forget you
01:01:05 When you cause ripples, they will never ever forget you
01:01:10 Just the ripples
01:01:12 You'll be surprised
01:01:15 I watched Joel Osteen's father
01:01:18 Take up an offering and gave the whole offering
01:01:23 To a Mexican man
01:01:26 Sent him to Mexico to do evangelistic work
01:01:30 Little did he know
01:01:33 That when he was sowing that seed of kindness
01:01:36 To a Mexican immigrant to go back to Mexico
01:01:39 And to do work
01:01:41 That later that that man's son
01:01:44 Would come and serve his son, Joel Osteen
01:01:48 And it was Israel Huton's father
01:01:51 Sometimes the next generation
01:01:54 Will be able to reap seeds that are sown
01:01:57 It pays to just be kind
01:02:00 To ask God to make you a blessing
01:02:03 To somebody else's life, and listen
01:02:06 To some person, you're just one person in the world
01:02:09 Serve that one person as like
01:02:12 As though you can't do it to everybody
01:02:15 Do it to the one
01:02:17 And for that one person
01:02:19 You may only be just one person
01:02:22 You may say I'm just one person
01:02:25 But also to somebody
01:02:28 You may be one person
01:02:31 But you're the whole world to them
01:02:34 Because of what you open up to them
01:02:36 You open them up to a whole other world
01:02:39 And it's that kind of time
01:02:41 God could judge us
01:02:43 He's got a rap sheet on every one of us
01:02:46 He knows every dirty thought
01:02:49 Every impure intention in your heart
01:02:52 God has enough to, evidence to condemn us
01:02:56 At any moment and shut us down
01:02:59 But his kindness
01:03:02 Is called mercy
01:03:05 It is so that it leads us to repentance
01:03:10 We hope that you enjoyed that message
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