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00:00:00 This is Bishop Del Brodder. Thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today.
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00:00:29 Our text today comes from the book of Daniel chapter 1 and verse 1 through 6 in the New Living Translation of the Scriptures.
00:00:40 Notice there these words.
00:00:42 During the third year of the King Jehoram of his reign in Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.
00:00:53 And the Lord gave him victory over King Jehoram of Judah and permitted him to take some of the sacred objects from the temple of God.
00:01:03 So Nebuchadnezzar took them back to the land of Babylonia and placed them in the treasure house of his God.
00:01:11 And then God ordered Asphenaz, his chief of staff, to bring to the palace some of the young men of Judah's royal family and other noble families
00:01:23 who had been brought to Babylon as captives.
00:01:27 "Select only strong, healthy, and good-looking young men," he said.
00:01:35 I know a lot of other ladies that's looking for the same thing.
00:01:39 "And make sure that they are well-versed in every branch of learning, are gifted with knowledge and good judgment,
00:01:48 and are suited to serve in the royal palace.
00:01:53 Train these young men in the language and the literature of Babylon."
00:01:57 The king assigned them a daily ration of food and wine from his own kitchens.
00:02:02 And they were to be trained for three years and then they would enter the royal service.
00:02:07 Daniel and Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah were four of the young men chosen all from the tribe of Judah.
00:02:16 And the chief of staff renamed them these Babylonian names.
00:02:21 Daniel was called Belteshazzar, Hananiah was called Shadrach, Mishael was called Meshach, and Azariah called Abednego.
00:02:30 I want to talk today about the Daniel difference, the Daniel difference.
00:02:37 These four Hebrew boys, as you see, were given Babylonian names to help them to be able to assimilate into a Babylonian culture.
00:02:49 We're living in Babylon now.
00:02:54 Now what we need now are sons and daughters who will be just like Daniel and the other Hebrew companions
00:03:08 that are from a royal family, a chosen generation, a holy nation.
00:03:18 Wherefore we are to show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of the darkness into His marvelous light.
00:03:25 We are at that time in history again where this is a time now for those that are from the royal family
00:03:35 and who have been schooled. This is not for novices.
00:03:40 This is not for ignorant folks.
00:03:43 This is not for ghetto ratchet folks.
00:03:48 This is for people that have been trained, who are refined, who know how to conduct themselves when they are in places of dignity.
00:03:57 Who know how to walk with honor.
00:04:00 Who know how to speak with honor.
00:04:03 And this is who God wants to use now to be able to help transform Babylon.
00:04:11 It's not just anybody. It's not just whosoever will.
00:04:15 No, no, no. This is a particular skill.
00:04:18 You can't just take a survey to say, "Hey, I need some volunteers to come up and run IT for us."
00:04:25 Certain things require a skill.
00:04:28 I mean, if you have to have surgery, it's like, "Is anybody off this Wednesday around 2 o'clock?"
00:04:33 No, no, no. You want somebody who's been to school, who has been trained, who has practiced on others.
00:04:44 You want experience. I don't know about you, but there is no such a thing as minor surgery when it's on you.
00:04:54 You want somebody who knows what they're doing and who has been trained and is skilled
00:05:01 and has an emotional equilibrium that is balanced.
00:05:07 Where they're not taking out frustrations on you from something that happened at home earlier that day.
00:05:13 But I want you to realize this as a part of the Daniel difference.
00:05:18 It is what you do differently that makes you different.
00:05:23 It's what you do differently.
00:05:26 You can't just be different just because you say you're different.
00:05:29 It is what you do differently that actually makes you different.
00:05:35 So I want us to see, because God is trying to raise some of this up,
00:05:39 and maybe if we are not this, maybe we can birth some of this or help to shape some of this in the earth
00:05:45 so that we can help to transform Babylon.
00:05:48 But we are called to be answers in a dark world.
00:05:53 Light has its greatest significance in an atmosphere of darkness.
00:05:59 And he sends us out as children of light into a world of darkness.
00:06:04 He sends us out as sheep among wolves.
00:06:09 And I meant sends us out in a place filled with vipers.
00:06:16 And that's why he said when you go into these territories, don't be afraid of them,
00:06:20 but go with wisdom and be wise as the snake and yet harmless as the dove.
00:06:29 But he said I want you to have some sensibility about what you're doing
00:06:32 because you're going into dangerous territory of a dog-eat-dog world of people that don't appreciate you at all.
00:06:38 And it's like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
00:06:41 It's very politicized, but he says, "Listen, my kingdom operates on a different set of values."
00:06:47 And so he says, "I need people like that."
00:06:50 And so this is the Daniel difference.
00:06:53 If we're going to make a difference in our culture, in media, in government, in the world of commerce,
00:06:58 it really bothers me when kingdom people go into a culture and so assimilate
00:07:07 that you can't tell who's kingdom and who's Babylon.
00:07:12 And when we go and operate by the same principles that they operate by,
00:07:17 when our principles come from a different kingdom,
00:07:21 and the whole purpose of it is to take the kingdom principles,
00:07:26 the culture of the kingdom of God, and to bring them into this kingdom.
00:07:30 If we come in and do business as usual, nobody will notice us.
00:07:35 That's not who Daniel was and that's not what Daniel did and it's not what the other three Hebrew boys did
00:07:41 and so God's trying to raise up something different in this generation.
00:07:44 This is not a shouting message, this is an equipping message.
00:07:48 This is sending out a clarion call to say, "Listen, I'm trying to raise up some folks that's going to be Navy SEALs."
00:07:57 This is not for everybody.
00:07:59 You've got to have some natural physical endowment for this.
00:08:03 You've got to have some determination of will.
00:08:06 You've got to have some skills, some training, some coaching.
00:08:10 You've got to have a tenacity, an unrelenting will in your nature.
00:08:15 You've got to have certain elements.
00:08:17 You've got to have a certain kind of diet.
00:08:19 You have to have a certain kind of discipline of your mind.
00:08:22 You can't be wild and out and function here.
00:08:27 He's like, "I'm looking for some Olympians."
00:08:32 You've got to start training for the Olympics not when you're 25.
00:08:39 No, no, no, you're too old.
00:08:43 You have to be shaped for that.
00:08:47 Tiger Woods had a golf club in his hand about the time he was two.
00:08:52 You have to be shaped for this.
00:08:56 And while that boy was sitting up in his high chair,
00:09:00 his mother couldn't even get him to eat because the dad had a green bed
00:09:05 and he was watching his dad swing and his mama had to strategically put a spoonful of food
00:09:10 in Tiger Woods' mouth after his daddy had taken his swing
00:09:14 because that boy's eyes were riveted on his father.
00:09:18 And he was more hungry for the skill that was in his daddy's swing
00:09:22 than for the food that was in the mother's spoon.
00:09:26 And the mama knew that something was different about this boy.
00:09:31 He was more interested in that than this.
00:09:34 These folks that's going to change Babylon are going to have to have a greater appetite
00:09:41 for this swing than for a spoon.
00:09:45 They're not hungry for this carnal food.
00:09:47 They are hungry for something that's going to get you noticed on a different level.
00:09:51 Are you listening to me today?
00:09:53 This is not for a nursery school message today.
00:09:57 This is for people that have something in their belly or that can raise something in their belly.
00:10:02 And if you can't be it, help to shape it.
00:10:07 And I get so blessed by parents who didn't have the education themselves
00:10:13 but they sacrificed so that their children could have it
00:10:18 to give it to them what they may not have had themselves.
00:10:25 But the first thing in the Daniel difference is that Daniel had a different name.
00:10:30 My question to you is what do you call yourself?
00:10:35 What do you call yourself?
00:10:38 And then what do others call you?
00:10:41 What do you call yourself and what do others call you?
00:10:46 Because your name alone can reveal quite a bit about you.
00:10:51 As you know, in biblical times, a name was not just a little cute name
00:10:56 that was hard to spell and pronounce.
00:11:00 It was a prophetic statement generally about what God was going to do or could do
00:11:06 in that person's life if they yielded themselves to Him.
00:11:09 So it was a prophetic statement to them.
00:11:12 I mean, your name, just by reading a name on a piece of paper,
00:11:18 you'll know something about the person's place of origin.
00:11:23 I mean, I see foreign names and I'm like, "You know what? This is Chinese.
00:11:26 This is Polish. This is German. This is Italian."
00:11:31 I mean, they didn't even have to tell me anything.
00:11:33 I just look at their name and it's like, "This is French."
00:11:38 And so just by the name alone without even seeing a picture,
00:11:42 the name can give you hints of the nation of origin
00:11:48 or the language that they speak or of their ethnicity.
00:11:55 You know, Shiquita is not Chinese.
00:12:02 Shenei, I mean, we understand.
00:12:08 In other instances, your name would give you, particularly in times past,
00:12:15 back around the 1500s, your name indicated your profession.
00:12:20 The bakers actually baked.
00:12:24 The fishers actually fished.
00:12:27 The smiths actually had a skill,
00:12:30 whether you were a blacksmith or a silversmith or a coppersmith.
00:12:34 It was a trade that indicated a skill,
00:12:37 an artisan skill that had been developed in your family oftentimes for generations.
00:12:42 And you had a natural endowment.
00:12:45 Just your name was a reminder of some of the capacities of what you could do.
00:12:49 Daniel had a different name.
00:12:53 And when you think about it, your name, if you wrote the word "name" out, N-A-M-E,
00:13:00 now notice if you spell it really slowly, N-A-M-E,
00:13:06 your name will show what's in a "me,"
00:13:10 what's in a "me," N-A-M-E.
00:13:15 It also, if you listen carefully, will show you who your greatest enemy is,
00:13:22 your greatest enemy.
00:13:25 Just a name, just a name, your greatest enemy.
00:13:30 The African proverb says if you conquer the enemy within,
00:13:35 then the enemy without or on the outside can do you no harm.
00:13:40 [applause]
00:13:44 What's in a name? Daniel had a different name.
00:13:49 Daniel had a different name.
00:13:51 The name Daniel means "God is my judge."
00:13:55 And it was changed to Belteshazzar, "Lady, protect the king."
00:14:01 And I've known guys that had a girl name,
00:14:06 and they don't like it because people tease you about it.
00:14:09 When you're a boy and your name is Ashley.
00:14:12 I know some Ashleys that are male.
00:14:15 And so, here his name means "God is judge."
00:14:22 And now they insult him by giving him a girl name.
00:14:28 Isn't it interesting? I think that that's one of the reasons that Daniel didn't really receive that too well.
00:14:34 "Lady, protect the king."
00:14:37 I mean, seriously?
00:14:40 I mean, he was not in question of his gender,
00:14:45 and yet they, to insult him, gave him a girl name.
00:14:50 "Lady, protect the king, Belteshazzar."
00:14:53 "Lady, protect the king."
00:14:55 Isn't it interesting that the other three Hebrew boys,
00:14:58 as the Scripture refers to them, it refers to them according to that Babylonian name,
00:15:03 but not Daniel.
00:15:05 It keeps calling Daniel, because Daniel is like, "Don't call me no girl name."
00:15:09 [laughter]
00:15:12 "Don't call me a girl name."
00:15:14 Because Daniel wanted to stay connected to his God identity,
00:15:20 that God is judge, God will judge this situation.
00:15:23 And he knew God is judge, that's about a justice.
00:15:28 That God has put me in a system to be able to be the voice of God,
00:15:32 to be able to have a wisdom, to be able to judge,
00:15:36 that I'm called in this day and time to be a son of Issachar,
00:15:40 where I can discern the signs of the time,
00:15:44 so that I will know what we ought to do.
00:15:46 And this is who Daniel was.
00:15:48 Daniel was a discerner that was able to judge with a wisdom,
00:15:52 that other folks didn't have.
00:15:54 And so, it's very interesting because you see the name Hananiah,
00:15:59 actually means "God is gracious."
00:16:03 They changed Hananiah's name to Shadrach,
00:16:06 which means "command of Aku."
00:16:09 Aku was the god of the moon.
00:16:11 The moon god.
00:16:12 They're bringing him, stripping away their history and their heritage in God,
00:16:17 and now bringing him into paganism.
00:16:20 And Mishael means "who is what God is."
00:16:26 Mishael, who is what God is.
00:16:28 And they changed his name to Meshach, who is what Aku is.
00:16:33 You see how they're shifting their identity,
00:16:37 because the power to define is the power to determine destiny,
00:16:41 and if you start stripping away a person's history,
00:16:44 that gives them an identity in God.
00:16:47 And now you bring their identity in paganism.
00:16:54 They will lose the sense of who they are.
00:16:56 And then Azariah means "God has helped."
00:17:00 And they changed his name to Abednego,
00:17:03 slave of the god Nebu.
00:17:06 But they tied them to paganism,
00:17:10 stripped away their godly heritage in Judaism,
00:17:14 and now ties them into pagan religion.
00:17:17 So Daniel had a different name.
00:17:21 You know, so we--most people, most Christians today
00:17:24 don't even know Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's Christian name,
00:17:29 or I should say their Hebrew name.
00:17:31 They don't know their Hebrew name.
00:17:32 They know Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
00:17:36 But I bet you know Daniel's name.
00:17:39 'Cause Daniel was not going to have anybody calling him some lady anything.
00:17:45 And so Daniel always said, "You know, I am not Belteshet Daniel."
00:17:49 Excuse me, Daniel.
00:17:51 Daniel.
00:17:53 He knew.
00:17:55 And it reminds me of Dr. Martin Luther King's words
00:17:58 that it doesn't matter what people call you,
00:18:00 it matters what you answer to.
00:18:05 Let people call you out of your name.
00:18:08 What difference does that make to you
00:18:10 if they're not talking to you if that's not your name?
00:18:13 Why would you respond?
00:18:15 Why would you react?
00:18:19 It matters what you respond to the moment that you respond to that.
00:18:24 Now you're saying, "Yeah, that's who I am."
00:18:27 Doesn't matter what people call you.
00:18:29 It matters what you answer to.
00:18:30 So number one, Daniel had a different name.
00:18:32 Number two, Daniel had a different diet.
00:18:35 He had a different diet.
00:18:37 Notice Daniel 1, verse 8.
00:18:39 "But Daniel was determined not to defile himself
00:18:43 by eating the food and wine given to them by the king,
00:18:46 and he asked the chief of staff for permission
00:18:48 not to eat these unacceptable foods."
00:18:51 And do you know the man that was the chief of the staff, he said,
00:18:54 "Listen, I don't want to do that because if I do that,
00:18:56 that man might kill me because you all will be weaker
00:18:59 than all of the other folks, and he's made a serious investment
00:19:02 in you guys for the next three years."
00:19:04 He says, "I can't do that."
00:19:05 And he says, "Okay, to minimize your risk,
00:19:09 do this for three days--I mean, for 10 days,
00:19:12 let us eat just vegetables and drink water,
00:19:15 and then let them eat all of the king's delicacies
00:19:18 and see which one of us is better.
00:19:21 Just test us. Let's try this out for 10 days.
00:19:24 I'm not trying to get you into trouble," he said,
00:19:26 "but just try it out for 10 days."
00:19:27 This is a strategy of negotiation.
00:19:30 If you can't prove to a person if they're afraid,
00:19:32 it's like, "Let's just try this.
00:19:34 Ten is the number of trial.
00:19:36 Let's try this for 10 days, and if it doesn't work,
00:19:39 if I'm not better by next week,
00:19:42 then we'll do it your way."
00:19:44 But you know what happened.
00:19:46 Daniel chapter 1, verse 15, "At the end of the 10 days,
00:19:49 Daniel and his three friends looked healthier
00:19:52 and better nourished than the young man
00:19:54 who had been eating the food assigned by the king."
00:19:59 So Daniel had a different diet.
00:20:02 They only ate vegetables and drank water.
00:20:05 Here's the key here.
00:20:07 They didn't partake of the carne, meat, carnality.
00:20:13 They weren't carnal. They were spiritual.
00:20:16 They weren't carnal.
00:20:18 Now, listen, listen. I'm not a vegan.
00:20:22 [laughs]
00:20:24 I was ordained a Baptist preacher.
00:20:29 We believe in the gospel word. You do know that.
00:20:33 [laughs]
00:20:36 I know some of us have had some fried chicken
00:20:39 and fried fish and all of that, you know,
00:20:42 so I'm not vegan.
00:20:44 So this is not an endorsement for veganism,
00:20:48 nor is it a message against it.
00:20:50 It's a healthy diet, but I need my protein.
00:20:54 [laughter]
00:20:56 But here's what I want you to realize.
00:20:59 Daniel had a different diet,
00:21:01 but diet is more than what you eat.
00:21:05 Diet is what you think about.
00:21:08 Diet is what you listen to.
00:21:12 Diet is what you watch.
00:21:15 Diet is what you read,
00:21:17 because what informs you forms you.
00:21:22 Let me say that again.
00:21:24 What informs you forms you.
00:21:27 What informs you forms you.
00:21:29 Diet is more than what you eat.
00:21:31 Diet is what you think. Diet is what you listen to.
00:21:33 Diet is what you watch. Diet is what you read.
00:21:36 And diet is who you hang around.
00:21:39 Diet is who you hang around.
00:21:42 Diet is who you hang around.
00:21:46 Association brings about assimilation.
00:21:49 It is the greatest way to be able to change the culture
00:21:52 of everything that you have raised in your children
00:21:54 is for them to get around somebody else that does not share their values.
00:22:00 A value is whatever you deem to be important.
00:22:04 And if it is important, why would you allow somebody to strip away from you
00:22:08 something that is important to you?
00:22:11 Why? Why?
00:22:14 Your diet is who you hang around.
00:22:17 I didn't write the Bible. 1 Corinthians chapter 15, verse 33.
00:22:20 I know you might think that a mom and daddy wrote this.
00:22:22 Don't be misled. Bad company corrupts good character.
00:22:26 Bad company corrupts good character.
00:22:29 Bad company corrupts good character.
00:22:32 What a great scripture for your children to memorize.
00:22:35 Certain things need to go over and over into their psyche.
00:22:38 Down into their spirit, their way without thinking about it.
00:22:41 Because I'm telling you, when people — if you ever get your life derailed
00:22:45 off of a track of righteousness, you can always trace it back
00:22:49 to another two-legged human being.
00:22:53 Somebody led you astray. Somebody influenced you.
00:22:56 Come on, man, come on, just hit it one time. Come on.
00:22:59 I mean, come on, just try.
00:23:02 Do not be misled. Bad company corrupts good character.
00:23:10 They had a different diet.
00:23:13 Your diet is so much more than what you eat.
00:23:16 We are consuming stuff all the time through our crazy connection
00:23:21 to the digital world now.
00:23:25 It's what you think, it's what you listen to, it's what you watch,
00:23:28 it's what you read, it's who you hang around.
00:23:31 Thirdly, Daniel had a different discipline, different habits.
00:23:38 And I want you to see the habits.
00:23:40 Daniel chapter 3 of Daniel, verse 16 through 18.
00:23:44 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego — see, notice that, calling them
00:23:47 by their Babylonian names — replied, "O Nebuchadnezzar,
00:23:52 we do not need to defend ourselves before you.
00:23:55 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve
00:23:58 is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power,
00:24:02 your majesty. But even if he doesn't,
00:24:05 we want to make it clear to you, your majesty, with all due respect,
00:24:09 that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold stature
00:24:13 that you've set up." Remember they set up this stature
00:24:16 and then they knew that these Hebrew boys were still connected
00:24:21 and loyal to their Judaism and serving the true and the living God.
00:24:25 And so they were trying to trip them up, and so they realized
00:24:29 that these boys, even if it cost them their life, they said,
00:24:32 "Listen, even if you throw us into a fire or furnace,
00:24:36 we know that God is able to save us.
00:24:39 And even if he doesn't, we'd rather die,
00:24:42 because we're still not going to serve your God.
00:24:44 We're not going to bow down."
00:24:46 Daniel faithfully worshipped God.
00:24:49 He was a worshipper. He was a worshipper.
00:24:53 And I want you to know that he did what he did consistently
00:24:58 several times a day. It was consistent.
00:25:02 It was consistent. If you will notice
00:25:05 the things that made Daniel different, I want you to notice
00:25:08 two primary things here. It was about what came out of his mouth
00:25:14 and what went into his mouth.
00:25:18 What came out of his mouth and what went into his mouth.
00:25:22 It's not that that goes into the mouth, the New Testament says,
00:25:25 it's that that comes out of the mouth that defiles the person.
00:25:28 It's what comes out. So I would say this,
00:25:31 Daniel was very, very careful about everything that came out of his mouth.
00:25:35 He was a wise man. He was wise.
00:25:38 I would encourage you to do this.
00:25:41 Make a habit of using better words.
00:25:45 I mean, even when I was a teenager,
00:25:48 because my vocabulary is too extensive for me to
00:25:53 use profanity.
00:25:56 Profanity is for the verbally handicapped.
00:25:59 [laughter]
00:26:02 It's crazy. I would hear people use profanity
00:26:06 around me as I was a teenager and
00:26:09 I would just stop and I'd say, "No, no, excuse me."
00:26:12 I said, "Give me a better word."
00:26:14 I wouldn't say just, "Don't do that. I'm not your mom and I'm not your daddy."
00:26:18 But I would challenge them, "Give me a better word.
00:26:22 Give me a better word."
00:26:25 And you know what?
00:26:28 It was very, very rare that I ever had pushback from somebody
00:26:31 that didn't try to think of a better word to actually give me.
00:26:34 I knew it was in them.
00:26:37 If you know good is in people, call it out.
00:26:40 And so I would simply say to them, "Give me a better word.
00:26:44 I know you're frustrated right now, but just give me a better word."
00:26:48 That way it doesn't condemn them.
00:26:50 It forces them to dig down on something that they know
00:26:54 that somebody else sees in them and believes in them
00:26:57 for you to now pull this out, "Give me a better word."
00:27:02 Because remember, it's not that that just goes into the person that defiles you.
00:27:05 It's what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.
00:27:09 It's interesting. It's so interesting.
00:27:12 Here's what I want you to see.
00:27:14 The word "bless" comes from the Latin "bene decere,"
00:27:19 which means to invoke divine protection.
00:27:22 Every time you speak good words out of your mouth,
00:27:25 you're invoking God's divine protection over your life.
00:27:28 I just want you to understand that.
00:27:30 "Bene decere," "bene decere," "bene decere,"
00:27:34 to invoke divine protection.
00:27:36 I've been in Latin American countries, and they would come to me,
00:27:40 I would see the people that would flock to me,
00:27:42 and they would bow before me and say, "Bendiciones."
00:27:45 It was a way of their asking blessings to say, "Bless me! Bless me!"
00:27:50 They're saying, "Invoke divine protection over my life.
00:27:54 Invoke divine protection!"
00:27:56 They are good words coming out of your mouth to bless.
00:28:02 That's all that a blessing is.
00:28:04 "Bene" is good. "Decere" is to say.
00:28:07 So when you put it all together, "Bene decere,"
00:28:10 it means to say good words.
00:28:12 To say good words. To say good words.
00:28:15 If you're going to be a part of the Daniel difference,
00:28:18 you're going to have to develop the discipline,
00:28:20 the habit of saying good words.
00:28:23 Good words not only make you feel better,
00:28:25 they make people feel better around you.
00:28:28 Because when you start cursing,
00:28:30 now I know when you get frustrated and people curse people out,
00:28:33 some people do feel better after they finish cursing somebody out.
00:28:36 [laughter]
00:28:38 You know, they feel, "Whew!"
00:28:42 You know that they got it out.
00:28:44 [laughter]
00:28:48 But I do know that if you want to bless people, you see,
00:28:51 if we who are Christians, we're followers of Christ,
00:28:56 the Bible says, "Bless them that curse you."
00:29:01 You bless them. You bless them.
00:29:04 Bless them. Say good words to them.
00:29:07 Say good words to them.
00:29:10 I never will forget, I was vice president of my junior achievement company,
00:29:13 and I had an issue one time with the secretary,
00:29:16 and I had to put her in a place.
00:29:18 [laughter]
00:29:20 I didn't realize that she didn't appreciate my putting her in her place.
00:29:25 And before the whole organization,
00:29:29 her head went from left to right, she had her hands on her hip,
00:29:33 and she used compound profane words.
00:29:38 [laughter]
00:29:41 She did.
00:29:43 Yes.
00:29:46 That's the first time that I ever heard God's last name.
00:29:50 [laughter]
00:29:56 And before the whole company, when this girl cursed me out,
00:30:00 she cursed me out with compound curse words.
00:30:04 [laughter]
00:30:07 And I simply, in that moment,
00:30:10 the Holy Ghost is quick.
00:30:12 Oh, God, He's quick.
00:30:15 And immediately,
00:30:18 I heard the Lord say to me that when they strike you on one cheek,
00:30:23 offer to them the other side.
00:30:25 God said, "Show her the other side."
00:30:27 He says, "This young woman has grown up in a house of cussing."
00:30:32 That's all she knows.
00:30:35 She's only seen that side.
00:30:37 That's the only way she knows how to express herself when she's frustrated.
00:30:41 Show her another alternative to that
00:30:45 so that you don't fight fire with fire
00:30:48 and start using bad words because she's using bad words.
00:30:52 So I'm called--I didn't grow up in that.
00:30:55 So I'm qualified to show her the other side.
00:31:00 And I looked at her with all of the grace of God on the inside of me
00:31:04 before the whole company and simply smiled at her,
00:31:08 and I said, "God bless you."
00:31:11 And I didn't mean that in a sarcastic way,
00:31:13 but I say, "May the blessings of Abraham
00:31:17 that causes peace to come into your soul
00:31:20 come into your life."
00:31:23 And her head dropped.
00:31:26 And every time I have seen that woman since,
00:31:29 she has treated me with nothing but the utmost of respect.
00:31:34 I'm glad that I didn't stoop to her level,
00:31:38 but I raised her to mine.
00:31:41 [cheers and applause]
00:31:47 In the same way that "benedicere" means to say good words,
00:31:51 "maladesere" means to say bad words.
00:31:55 "Malos," bad, "desir," to say.
00:31:58 So to curse is to say bad words to people,
00:32:03 but to bless is to say good words.
00:32:05 And so I want you to think about this,
00:32:07 that every time that you talk badly to yourself
00:32:11 or about yourself, you're cursing yourself.
00:32:14 And every time that you speak good words to yourself
00:32:17 or to others around them,
00:32:19 you're bringing God's divine protection over their lives.
00:32:22 You ought to bless your children.
00:32:24 And I don't mean bless them out, but just, I mean, you know.
00:32:27 I mean, there are occasions for that too.
00:32:30 You have to bless them, bless them, say good words to them.
00:32:35 And here's one thing that I will say to you,
00:32:38 that discipline is a sacrifice.
00:32:42 Discipline is delaying personal gratification,
00:32:45 and it is giving up something good
00:32:48 in order to get something better.
00:32:50 But here's one thing that I will tell you,
00:32:53 is that whenever you sacrifice for Jesus,
00:32:56 you receive something from Him that only He can give,
00:32:59 and no one can take from you.
00:33:02 When you sacrifice for Jesus,
00:33:04 you will receive something from Him that only He can give,
00:33:08 and no one can take from you.
00:33:11 And I want to show you in the Word of God
00:33:15 the blessing that God brought into Daniel's life
00:33:19 and the other three Hebrew boys' life
00:33:22 as a result of their unrelenting sacrifice
00:33:27 to obey Him and to love Him and to honor Him.
00:33:30 I want you to see what God did on their behalf.
00:33:32 Daniel chapter 1, verse 17.
00:33:34 God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude
00:33:40 for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom.
00:33:45 He gave them an aptitude to understand
00:33:49 every aspect of literature and wisdom,
00:33:52 and God gave Daniel the special ability
00:33:54 to interpret the meanings of visions and dreams,
00:33:58 and that was his moneymaker.
00:34:02 Nobody could give that to him.
00:34:05 Jesus, God gave them something that nobody else could give,
00:34:09 and He also gave them something that nobody could take away.
00:34:13 And notice, it says God gave them an unusual aptitude,
00:34:18 and your aptitude oftentimes comes
00:34:21 as a result of your appetite,
00:34:24 and you will discover that your appetites shape your destiny.
00:34:30 So cultivate a healthy, wholesome appetite.
00:34:36 Here's the fourth thing, and I'm finished.
00:34:38 Daniel had a different devotion to God.
00:34:42 He had a different devotion to God.
00:34:47 Daniel had longevity because he served King Darius,
00:34:52 but he never let the king of kings
00:34:56 take a back seat to King Darius,
00:35:01 and Daniel honored God.
00:35:04 Because under a different king,
00:35:06 in Daniel chapter 6, and verse 10 and 11,
00:35:09 I want you to notice what happened.
00:35:11 But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed,
00:35:16 he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room.
00:35:20 Did you remember they made this golden image,
00:35:22 and they issued a command that when this special
00:35:26 satanic music was played, that they were supposed to bow down
00:35:28 and worship, and Daniel ignored it.
00:35:31 He went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room
00:35:36 with its windows open toward Jerusalem,
00:35:40 and he prayed three times a day, just as he had always done.
00:35:45 He had a different devotion, giving thanks to God,
00:35:48 his gratitude, grateful to God.
00:35:50 Then the officials went together to Daniel's house
00:35:53 and found him praying and asking God's,
00:35:57 asking for God's help.
00:35:59 So even when they find him,
00:36:01 they hear the man asking for God's help.
00:36:04 Three times a day, unashamed,
00:36:06 and with the window open, facing toward Jerusalem,
00:36:10 praying as was his custom.
00:36:13 That was his devotion.
00:36:16 Daniel never took it for granted that he was the man.
00:36:22 So three times a day he's praying.
00:36:25 Three times a day he's asking God help me.
00:36:29 Daniel didn't say, "I'm already wise.
00:36:31 "I'm well-schooled in literature."
00:36:33 He didn't let it pump him up,
00:36:35 make him a pompous, arrogant person.
00:36:39 He walked and carried the gifts with grace and humility.
00:36:43 He never let it change him.
00:36:45 He never took it for granted.
00:36:47 He was utterly dependent upon God, asking God,
00:36:50 "You've given me wisdom, but God,
00:36:52 "my wisdom means nothing if you don't help me,
00:36:54 "if you don't guide me, God.
00:36:56 "You've gifted me. You've gifted me, God,
00:36:58 "but if you don't put your blessing on it,
00:37:01 "if you've gifted me,
00:37:03 "though I have the gift of tongues
00:37:06 "and prophecy and all of this,
00:37:09 "and if I don't have that leha,
00:37:13 "I'm a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
00:37:16 "If my heart is not right and if I do good works,
00:37:19 "though I bestow all of my goods to feed the poor,
00:37:22 "and if I don't really have the charity of God in my life,
00:37:26 "that agape in me, it's all in vain.
00:37:29 "I've wasted myself. I've wasted my..."
00:37:32 He realized that though he is gifted,
00:37:34 God, I'm utterly dependent upon you.
00:37:37 So never allow your giftedness
00:37:40 to make you feel as though you don't need God.
00:37:43 That's the great temptation, as though you don't need him.
00:37:46 But three times a day, he's in the highest position in the land,
00:37:50 and he's on his knees three times a day saying,
00:37:53 "God, I need you."
00:37:55 Not only saying, "God, I need you,"
00:37:57 before he said, "God, I need you," he was, "Lord, I thank you.
00:38:00 "Lord, I thank you." Before you ask God for anything,
00:38:02 thank him for everything.
00:38:04 [applause]
00:38:05 Thank him, thank him, thank him.
00:38:08 And I just came to remind you today
00:38:10 that this is a season for Daniels.
00:38:14 Daniels--wise, strategic, discerning,
00:38:19 skilled people with God-dependence
00:38:24 who can help establish God's kingdom in the earth.
00:38:30 This is a season for Daniels.
00:38:36 Be one or help raise one.
00:38:41 Help shape one.
00:38:43 Help form one.
00:38:46 And you'll be surprised how though we're in Babylon,
00:38:52 that God, as long as we will maintain a different name,
00:38:58 if my people who are called by my name,
00:39:03 not something that somebody else puts on you,
00:39:08 your identity issues can be resolved
00:39:11 in your identification with God.
00:39:16 When you know your Father, you know who you are.
00:39:23 It is the Father who gives you his name.
00:39:27 And in the fatherhood of God, Lord, we are your children.
00:39:32 We need you, God, to bring the definition,
00:39:35 the meaning, who are we, God?
00:39:39 It was God that gave Adam this naming capacity
00:39:45 to define things.
00:39:49 And Babylon is in darkness.
00:39:54 And if we will call ourselves by a different name,
00:39:57 the name that he gave us, our identity with him,
00:40:01 called by his name, eat a different diet,
00:40:06 have a different discipline,
00:40:08 and develop a different devotion in our life,
00:40:11 our lives can go from an ordinary mundane thing
00:40:16 that's in the boot in the back in the corner in the dark
00:40:19 to be used as a strategic tool in the hand of God,
00:40:25 crafted, brought into the kingdom for such a time as this.
00:40:32 I want us in this day to just bow our heads
00:40:37 and ask God to show us ways that we can use
00:40:43 what he has given us to help sharpen somebody else.
00:40:48 There is blessing in your mouth,
00:40:52 benedicere, to say the good words
00:40:56 to bring the divine protection.
00:40:58 When you're living in Babylon, you need divine protection.
00:41:02 You need divine protection.
00:41:04 Every time you release your children to go to a school,
00:41:07 every time that you release them to go off to college,
00:41:10 to university, to an advanced degree,
00:41:12 to move to another city,
00:41:14 you need to release them into God's divine protection.
00:41:18 It's adios, go with God, to God, go with God.
00:41:25 Vaya con Dios, go with God.
00:41:28 It's the blessing of saying that every good thing,
00:41:31 every perfect gift that comes down from the Father of lights,
00:41:35 he has called us to be light in a dark world,
00:41:39 to bring meaning and significance.
00:41:42 Our communities have grown dark
00:41:45 and the practices of some businesses has grown dark.
00:41:49 He just needs light.
00:41:51 There is not enough darkness in the world
00:41:54 to extinguish the light of one candle.
00:41:58 Darkness does not put out light.
00:42:02 It is light that causes darkness to scatter.
00:42:06 And we are called to be the light
00:42:09 and to be your children of light.
00:42:12 And I wanted you to just ask God at this moment
00:42:16 because he's looking for people
00:42:20 that will have the Daniel difference
00:42:24 and not raise more of the same,
00:42:27 but will raise something that will have a distinction,
00:42:30 that this is the mark of God
00:42:33 that is not designed to be assimilated into the culture
00:42:37 so that you cannot tell who is who.
00:42:42 God always puts a distinction
00:42:46 so that you know the sheep from the goat
00:42:49 and the left hand from the right hand
00:42:52 and the day from the night.
00:42:55 God is a God who brings clarity
00:42:59 in the distinction so that you know which side.
00:43:03 And when there is confusion,
00:43:07 there is this invitation that those who are on the Lord's side
00:43:11 and those who are going to take the other way,
00:43:15 and when there is rebellion, the earth will swallow up
00:43:19 people that will not heed a call to get right.
00:43:22 And I just pray that God will give you discerning eyes
00:43:28 to be able to see areas of darkness in your family,
00:43:32 in your community, on your job, in your neighborhood,
00:43:35 in your school system, in your industry,
00:43:39 where you can make a difference in strategic light
00:43:43 so that the world does not remain in darkness.
00:43:46 You were born for such a time as this.
00:43:50 You are an answer.
00:43:53 You're an answer, and you were born strategically
00:43:57 with something to be able to contribute.
00:44:00 And if nothing else, to use your mouth
00:44:05 to bless and invoke God's divine protection
00:44:10 over his precious people.
00:44:14 Father, in the name of Jesus,
00:44:18 thank you, dear Lord, for sending Yeshua
00:44:23 to die
00:44:28 so that we might have a right to the tree of life.
00:44:32 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
00:44:36 That what was done by the first Adam,
00:44:42 that the last Adam, Jesus Christ, corrected.
00:44:47 And what the first Adam messed up in a garden,
00:44:51 the last Adam rectified in a garden,
00:44:55 a garden of Gethsemane, where he died to himself
00:44:59 and said, "Nevertheless, thy will be done."
00:45:04 Father, we are at that place where we come to the end of ourselves,
00:45:08 and we pray, God, not our will,
00:45:12 but thy will be done.
00:45:15 Use us as lightbearers in the earth
00:45:20 to serve your will, to serve your purpose.
00:45:24 Show us, God, areas where we can make a difference.
00:45:27 Show us. Give us wisdom.
00:45:30 Father, if we can't get it while we're awake, show it to us in a dream.
00:45:33 Speak to us by visions of the night.
00:45:36 God, talk to our minds, our consciousness.
00:45:39 Confirm it through others that don't even know anything about our situation.
00:45:42 Pray, God, that you'll let us make an impact
00:45:46 in the world, God, while we're in Babylon.
00:45:50 Empower us, Lord, to be able to stand strong,
00:45:54 to live, save, and to remain committed to you in our devotions toward you,
00:45:58 worshiping you, thanking you, and asking for your help
00:46:02 to do what you have challenged us to do.
00:46:06 Thank you, dear Lord Jesus, that you make us an answer
00:46:10 in the earth. We know that Jesus is the answer,
00:46:14 and we are his representatives, and he lives in us.
00:46:18 Now go with us, O God. Walk in us.
00:46:22 Talk in us. Bless through us.
00:46:26 Use our lives, God, to make the world a better place
00:46:30 so that when you look down upon us
00:46:34 and see us, that we will be so fashioned
00:46:38 in your image that when you look at us,
00:46:42 you can see yourself and recognize yourself
00:46:46 in us, O God. Lord, clear the distortion
00:46:50 that causes your image to be blurred,
00:46:54 and we covenant in advance that we will give you the glory,
00:46:58 the honor, and the praise. In Jesus' name,
00:47:02 amen. Hallelujah.
00:47:06 Hallelujah. Hallelujah to Jesus. Thank you, Lord.
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