• last year
We ask Londoners whether they are put off by restaurants that have a low hygiene rating.
00:00 Oh I think it's very significant, yes. So if it's got five, is that the maximum?
00:05 Yeah, I think that's, you know you're okay, yes. I think it would put me off if I
00:10 saw one with just one or two. Yeah, I wouldn't want to go in there and eat
00:14 there exactly, yeah.
00:15 What do you think is the lowest you'd go, do you think?
00:17 Oh, well I think anything below three I think, yes, yes. Three and above might be okay, yes.
00:24 I would say not very much. If it's a four or five, if it's a zero or one or a two,
00:31 then yeah, probably quite a lot, yeah.
00:34 And what's the lowest you'd go, do you think?
00:36 Probably a three, yeah. But I would have to have been told it was good by someone, yeah.
00:44 I'd have read it, I'd read around it to see what the kind of problems were.
00:48 I know you can get a bad rating on a given day maybe, that doesn't necessarily mean
00:56 you might have got a four on another day, but you know.
