• 2 months ago
What do the people of London think is a fair price at a chippy?
00:00It is kind of crazy having fish and chips be so expensive, but I mean, if the reason
00:08they're so expensive is because products are becoming more expensive, like getting fresh
00:12fish or whatever, to pay the workers, people that are working in the fish and chip shop,
00:18then I can understand why the prices are going up, but also, I love a good fish and chip,
00:24like I don't want to be paying over £10.
00:27It's hard to quantify, really, because inflation's kind of hit the economy, etc. I mean, it sounds
00:32like quite a lot, £10. I mean, when I was growing up, fish and chips would be like £5-6,
00:37so yeah, I feel like it's probably quite a high price point for people to afford, so
00:41probably something we need to look at.
00:43It's not my favourite choice of takeaway, but £10 for fish and chips is quite a lot.
00:47It's supposed to be kind of a cheap and cheerful Friday evening, kind of tied you over to the
00:52weekend, so yeah, I can understand for people that like fish and chips and kind of want
00:57a cheaper option that £10 is quite a lot.
