00:00 I think one of the most interesting things about you that makes you so unique is how
00:09 good you are at the game of chess.
00:12 And I think there's some really classic parallels between golf and chess and just kind of doing
00:18 my basic research on you, finding out that you're a 2000 rating chess player is, I mean,
00:25 that's kind of insane, right?
00:26 Like how would you compare that handicap wise if you were maybe Magnus Carlsen is like the
00:32 best player from what I understand based on me watching TikToks.
00:37 What would you compare like a Magnus Carlsen like in golf terms of like where he would
00:41 stack in our golf handicap system?
00:45 Man, that's tough.
00:47 I think the run that Magnus went on, I know Scottie's on just an absurd run right now,
00:53 but the run that Magnus went on was for like nine, 10, 11 years and he's still kind of
00:58 the undisputed GO right now.
01:00 He's so good that he got bored of playing the World Chess Championship, which he's won
01:05 I think six or seven times now and he's won every time control.
01:09 So anyway, he's the GO and I think he's going to go down as the greatest chess player of
01:15 all time.
01:16 So it'd be tough to hate it.
01:18 It'd be like comparing him to Tiger.
01:19 I mean, that's a whole other conversation, but I mean, Scottie's the man.
01:24 I love Scottie, but yeah, Magnus has him there in terms of chess handicap.
01:28 I'd say Magnus is like a plus 10.
01:32 I know Scottie in tournaments is probably close to that.
01:34 I think it's like a plus eight or nine.
01:37 I mean, maybe he should, maybe he's a plus 10.
01:40 So where would your rating though being like a 2000 rating for people that don't understand
01:47 how that rating system works?
01:49 Yeah, yeah.
01:50 So I think the best way I can explain it is I'm basically like a one time club championship,
01:58 but I won the club championship like nine years ago and that was when I boasted a plus
02:02 two, but I'm probably back to like a point six handicap is what I'd say a 2000 rating
02:07 is because I hit 2000 rating.
02:09 I got to like 2060 and I'm down to, I'm back in the 1900s right now.
02:13 So I'm someone who probably would proclaim as a scratch golfer, but then I'd show up
02:20 to a money game and shoot 77 and get cleaned out.
02:23 So that's probably the best comparison I have for my chess ELO to golf handicap.
02:28 [inaudible].
02:31 (bell ringing)