• last year
Trevino on Offseason and Spring Training
00:00How do you describe your winter?
00:01It's been good.
00:02It's been really good.
00:03I'm preparing to play.
00:04I'm getting ready for spring training.
00:05I'm getting ready to get the pitches on track.
00:06I'm just going out there ready to compete.
00:07There's been some significant current events that may impact you, obviously, with Robinson
00:08coming aboard.
00:09What is your feeling on that?
00:10It's good.
00:11I'm glad he's back.
00:12Like I said, I'm just ready to get to spring training and compete.
00:13Are you concerned that you might not be where you want to be?
00:32I've got no control over that.
00:33I don't make those decisions.
00:34Like I said, I'm just ready to go to spring training and compete.
00:38What do you think, let me start at the PP thing, at the ballpark of recent.
00:50Are you been left handed?
00:52I'm actually sitting on top of my head.
00:56Just some plate discipline type stuff, swing playing stuff, rhythm stuff.
01:02Just kind of getting the base down, working with Louis this whole offseason
01:06has helped a ton.
01:08Him having his eyes on me the whole time has been great.
01:11And I feel like every day I've gotten better.
01:13I'm trying to get away from it.
01:15Were you doing any of that, like in the midst of August on?
01:19No, yeah, definitely.
01:20After your first couple weeks, you were pretty good.
01:22Yeah, no, I was, yeah, I definitely made those adjustments up there.
01:25But what it's hard to do when you're in the big leagues and
01:28you're trying to make adjustments day by day, that's pretty tough to do.
01:30But I credit the coaches for that.
01:33Crabby, Louie, Bergy, kind of diving in.
01:37And I think me having an open mind to be like, hey, you know what,
01:41it's time to make a change or it's time to get better at this.
01:44And I was totally okay with it.
01:47So you know Robinson, right?
01:50How much did he help you in the past before you went to Houston?
01:56He helped me a little bit.
01:58I think the last time, I think Luke Crow was here, right?
02:02I'm not too sure of the timeline of that.
02:04But I think he was in the, him and Luke Crow were going back and
02:08forth and starting to roll it.
02:09But yeah, he helped me quite a bit.
02:11I think he was more focused on getting ready for his season.
02:15I mean, every time I ask him questions, he's like, hey, yeah, try this, do this.
02:21He helped me.
02:22So what do you take away from your first major league season?
02:24You did pretty doggone good,
02:26especially like Jeff said, after you kind of got settled in.
02:29Yeah, I think I take it as in I had an opportunity for
02:36two months to show the world who I was, and I took it.
02:41I felt like the takeaway from it was it gave me confidence to believe in myself,
02:48to believe that I belong there, and
02:51I think it's just gonna carry me into this next season.
02:55With the overhaul of the rotation, with Kluber and Gibson and
03:00Lyles, how comfortable are you with the,
03:02especially the upgraded rotation going into this season?
03:05I think I'm gonna be pretty familiar with them.
03:07A lot of people don't know is that I've been watching film on them, so
03:11I know, contacted some of their catchers, specifically Roberto Perez,
03:15to kind of see what he has on Kluber.
03:19But watching film, kind of getting to know them, getting to know their
03:21tendencies, what they like to do in certain counts, and
03:26seeing things that they like to do, basically.
03:28So what it sounds like to me is you're going about it like you're gonna be
03:32in Arlington on opening day.
03:35I'm just gonna go about it and be ready for
03:38an opportunity once it rises, if I can answer that call.
03:42What do you think you need to show them this spring?
03:47That's a tough question.
03:48I think that I'm ready to play, and I'm ready to go.
03:53I think, and I think I will be.
