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The Surah Yaseen is 36th chapter of Quran. it has 83 verses. it’s an early Makkan Surah. The Prophet ﷺ called it “The Heart of the Quran”. The Surah describes Allah’s amazing creative power and invites the reader to reflect on creation: a marvel of incredible complexity and beauty. Attention is drawn to the lifeless earth and how it comes to life after rain, concluding that this is how Allah will bring the dead to life. The Trumpet will herald the day of Judgement when justice will be done. Evidence of one’s good and bad deeds will not come, just from the records but, human limbs will speak out too. Indisputable evidence. A vivid account of the delights of Paradise shows how its residents will see Allah in His Glory and Majesty.The surah emphasizes the divine source of the Quran and defends it from the charge of being poetry made by man. It warns of the fate of men who are stubborn and always mock God’s revelations. They are reminded of the punishment that befell earlier generations, and of God’s power as shown in His Creation. The end of the surah gives strong arguments for the reality of the Resurrection.

Surat Al Fath. It was revealed in the sixth year of Hijra, after the Treaty of Hudaibiya. The Prophet ﷺ had a dream that he was performing the Umrah. The next day he informed his disciples. There was a lot of excitement, and preparations began for the sacred journey. Nearly 1400 devotees participated, with their sacrificial animals marked on their flanks, and garlands around their necks. When the Makkans heard of the coming of the Muslims, they were suspicious. They faced the dilemma of whether to violate the time-honoured Arabian custom of allowing anyone to enter Makkah or to stop them. The Muslims were stopped at Hudaibiya, eight miles outside the city. This was an unprecedented move in their history.
In the meantime, the Prophet ﷺ also dispatched his envoy, Usman ibn Affan, to seek the Quraysh’s permission to perform the Umrah. Usman made it clear that the Muslims came only to perform their religious duty and were not armed nor prepared to fight. However, the Quraysh refused to listen and held him captive. During this tense period of negotiation, a rumour spread that he had been martyred. The Prophet ﷺ took a pledge of loyalty to die for the blood of Usman. A few days later, however, the rumour proved to be false, and Usman returned safely.The Quraysh realised their mistake and agreed to a peace treaty. The two parties would not engage in any kind of warfare for the next ten years and the Muslims would be allowed to do Umrah the following year. This Surah was revealed during the return journey and pronounced a great victory.


